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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1922)
Wxhvmt 39 TUESDAY and FMDAlf THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 9, 1922. NO. 35. SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT BE CENT lUTTENLNGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tlio North Platto Central Labor Union -will hold a special mooting of Importanco nt 8 o'clock on Wednesday May 10. Thoro will bo a box social and a program at tho Osgood school, one mllo west o tho State Farm, Thurs day, May 11. Miss Hazel Utterback Ib tho teacher. Newspaper reports announco tho ap pointment of Itohert H. Beatty of this city as ono of tho membership com mitteo of tho Nebraska State Bar as soclation. A. G. Ellick of Omaha is chairman. ONLY STANDARD POTATO NOW IN COUNTY IS ORGANIZED QLUR Jas. It. "White is tho local leader of tho Potato club which lias been orgnnizod at O'Fallons school. It now has f lvo mcmbors. . This Is tho only club V this character which has been organized In the county and It is now at work on the projects. Ebctcnslon department has changed her schedule so sho will be in North Platto on Thursday Instead of Satur day. Sho will be in BIgncll on Friday as announced. Miss Green Is working on tho hot lunch projects for Uie Uul verslty Extension department. Joe Schatz of this city , and Miss Madgol Brooks of Monrovia, Calif, wll bo married tomorrow in Denver. Miss Brooks formerly was employed at tho Dixon Music Shop beforo she moved to California. Mr. Schatz is a watchmaker and is employed at tho Dixon Jewelry store. They will mnko their homo at 414 "West Sixth street. :.: :.: i.t y :.: it t.t i.t i.t 8- :.: . t.t :.: i.t i.t $ .t j.: i.t it i.t i.t t.i it LINE-UP. For tho first game of tho season on tho homo grounds, Wednesday, May 10: ' ' ' "North Platto Cool Boal Sandall Mlltonborgor Davis Locko Jones Green Dulanty Todenhoff Healey center field socond baso right fiold first baso shortstop third baso loft 'Hold catch pitch pitch utility Scottsbluff Carls Stratton Soarrj i Jarstcd Walker I'. !Mckett Cox Fowler Burkman F. Pickof.t MOTHERS WHO HAD SONS IN THE SERVICE TO ATTEND MEETING The debating team will leave Wed nesday for Lincoln whero It will de bato Wayne Thursday. Wayne defeat ed tlio local team last year. Those on the debating team are George Dent, Albert Shenk and Louis Breter nitz with Robert Hoagland altornate. Word was received hero yesterday of tho marriage of Miss Mable McVicker and Louis K. Warner both of Lexing- :. Mrs. AVarner is well known horo, having conducted a hat shop in North Platto. for a number of years. Mr. Warner is engaged In tho grocery business in Lexington. F. C. Olds Poultry Club morning and go to the A, will take tho Blgnell on a trip Wednesday that afternoon ho will D. Colvln farm nea.' Brady, whero he will glvo a poultry demonstration. Mr. Olds Is tho poultry specialist In the University Exten sion department. lisT Jeaslo Green' "of ITfcTUnlvers'ty U.E Thrifty sas Tlio track team will leave Thursday for Lincoln to compete for state hon ors. George Shanor, Roland Locko, Dalo Stroup, Edwin Rector and Den ver Wilson make up the team. They will bo accompanied by E.L. Stephens. Harley Bunnell will probably leave Friday night but cannot leavo earlier as he takes part in the Senior Class play. Frank Smith was arrested yesterday for being intoxicated. Ho was Induced to tell whero ho secured the liquor and as a result Mrs. Bessie Kennedy and Mrs. II. A. Surbcr were arrested for illegal possession and sale. They gave bonds for appearance before Po lice Judge Tracy at 2 p. m. today. Smith's flno was remitted becauso he turnod stato's evidence. L- ' I . oti oo should charge lo Nour own improvidence. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOOD LUCK? It may be that this very mes sage will change your whole future. Because we want to bring home to you the fact that a SAVINGS ACCOUNT will nut you on the road to ' prosperity. You can start with a small amount and your account will . grow in proportion to your am bition .to succeed. And success is tho kind of good luck worth striving for. DO YOU BELIEVE IX GOOD LUCK? UNION STATE BANK NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Walter Thompson and Miss Flora McCrackon of Grand Island wero mar rled Friday in St. Paul. Miss M.c Cracken formerly lived horo - having been employed nt tho Platte Valley Bank. Mr. Thompson is tho .son ct Mr. and Mrs. Fred , Thompson of thfs city and .is engaged In Uie drug busi ness in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left this morning for Den ver and after a short visit there they will make their home in Grand Isand. ANOTHER A 1G DiSTRIG TF OB SOUTH LOCUST STREET CITIZENS ASK FOR PAVED STREET At tho last meeting of tho city coun cil an ordinance wa3 passed making a p&.ving district of that part of Lo cust street extending south from Third street to tho irrigation ditch. This will bo known as Paving District No. 14. Tho distance is that of about ton city blocks and includes Locust street south to First street and South Lo cust stroot from thoro to tho Subur ban Irrigation right-of-way. Else whero"1 wo are publishing tho ordi nance in full and tlio notice of tho formation of tho district. ' :o: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross loft Sun day for Pasadena, Call, whero they, will'inake their futuro homo.' - Father Conneally of Los Angeles Call, spent several days at tho F. C. Conneally homo hero. Ho was enroutL to Euopo whero he will tour tho dif ferent countries. DIRECTORS DECLARE REPORTS UNTRUE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COVE'tS INVESTIGATION OF ACTS Tho North Platto chapter of the American War Mothers will colobnito Mothers' Day by attending tho ser vices at the I'rosbytorlan church In a body. Tlio sorvicos begin at 11 a. nt. and tho War Mothers are-asked to moot at Mrs. Clabaugh's homo at 30!) W. Fourth at 10:45. They also ak all mothers who had son in sorvlco nnd who do not bolong to tho organi zation, to attend tho sorvlco with tho War Mothors. jjglpue Gift for gMoiher FLOWERS i Flowers Delivered Anywhere 2,500 bonded florists guarantee our service in other cities. Sim ply leave your order with us. We will do the rest. ' ' Make Mother Happy on ' HER Day, May 14th. o. jr. pabb 103 South Pine. FLORIST Phone 274. . North Platte, Ncbr, J Ordlnnrlly tho Chamber ot Com rnorco pays no attention to tho malic ious and untruthful stories that from time to time are circulated rogarding cortaln notions roputcd to havo been taken by tho organization but tho ono oxcoptiou is mado in tills lnstanco In branding as absolutely untruthful tho report that tho Chamber of Commorco dictated what wugo should bo paid to laborers on raving work or suggested ur recommcnucu n cortaln wage, or informed tho contractor that men could bo secured for 30 conts an hour. These charges are not only falsehoods but aro absurd, and that thoy aro falso will bo verified by Mr. Abel, head of tho AboL Construction. Co., or by Mr. Franklin, tho general Buporin tenuont or construction, if tho cir culators of tlio reports havo a desiro to play fair and will interviow those gentlemen. Why should tlio Chamber of Com morco doslro n low wage for work men? Nearly one-half its membership aro morchants of ono alass or another who aro intorested in selling tho larg est volume of merchandise posslblo, and is It not roasonablo to presume that tho higher tho wngo tho laboror receives tho moro merchandise tho laborer will bo in position, to buy? Thou why should a morchant favor n low wage and Uiub curtail tho volume of his business? Tho only action tho Chamber of Commorco has takon :n tho paving work was to wait upon Mr. Franklin When ho cahio horo In advanco of con struction work and urged upon him tho jufltlco und fairness of employing North Platto rosldonts in preference to non-residonts of "floaters." Tills Mr. Franklin agreed to do, and at his suggestion, and in order that ho . or his foromen might know who wore or who woro not actual residents, appli cants for work woro requested to call at tho Chamber of Commorco office, givo thor names nnd street address and rocoivo a card upon which was writ ten their name, whether slnglo or married and that thoy'.doslred work, About ninety of theso cards woro is sued, and Mr. Leo, tlio general foro man, gave employment to nearly all tho mon who prosonted cards. Some of theso mon worked until thoy could Bocuro omploymont at higher wages, others aro still on tho Job. Tho Chamber of Commorco has ab aolutoly a clean record in its nttl tudo toward union labor nnd laboring peoplo in general. When tho National Chambor of Commorco and tho Nebr aska Chambor of Commorco early last year gavo ovidonco of loaning toward Uio "open shop" tho North Platto Chambor ot Commorco promptly -with drow from both organizations and has since been consistent in its position. It was Instrumental last winter in or ganizing tho Associated Charities which took caro of about ninety fam ilies of unemployed mon and others that noedod help; urged that paving work bo startod ns oarly as posslblo In ordor to holp out tho unemployed mon and glvo work to teamsters. It devoted much timo last fall and dur ing tho winter to finding employmont for mon out of work and was ably asslstod by Frank DlBtol nt tho Silver Front cigar store In fact, tho Chambor of Commorco courts an Investigation of any and all Its work by ovory fair minded mnn In North Platto. Anyone who is In terested In tho wolfaro of tho city Is cordially Invited to attond tho Thurs day, noon meetings ot tlio directors and learn what tho organization has done, is doing or attempting to do In a community way, and further than this, if any labor organization, or Joint meeting ot labor organizations, or any body ot laborors doslro to call beforo them tho' board of directors o' tho Chambor ot Commorco to mako In quiry as to tho board'o action on somo particular matter or on questions in gonornl in which tho board has Intor ested ltsolf, tho board will bo glad to respond. Tho Chambor of Commorco was or ganized for tho oxprcss purposo ot dovotlng Its energies toward a big ger and bottor North Platto and Uiat purposo has boon consistently main tained; and when eomcono says that tho organization Is for tho direct ben- iflt of Us mombors, tho man or wo man making such a statement is dens ely ignornnt of tho facts. Tho Chambor of Commorco is plny ing tho gamo fair, and In roturn tho offlcerc and directors ask you to bo fair with thom in rofralnlng from cir culating stories which nro without foundation and thcreforo falso, and by appearing beforo tho board or tho officors and directors ask you to be lvo to mattors of community Import toward which thoy aro directing their energies. Board of 'Directors Chambor of Commorco :o: P. H. Sullivan Is reported to bo 111 BASEBALL SEASON OPENS Ti OMORROW SCOTTSBLUFF TO VhX OrENING GAME OF THE SEASON HKIti: Tlio North Platto American Logion team is ready for tho opening gamo of tho season which will bo played nt tho Fair Grounds tomorrow afternoon. This will 'bo tho first of two games to bo plnyod horo with tho strong team from Scottsbluff. Tlio North Plalto toam only has ono paid playor while tho wholo team from Scottsbluff is salaried- Tho locals havo playeJ threo games no far this season and havo won nil of thom. First thoy play od Gothonburg a 2-0 gaino, which was followed by an 8-1 victory ovor Mny wood. Last Sunday thoy dofcatod Brady C-3. 'Wlillo tho business houses aro not going to close, it Is expected Uiat many of tho morchants and holp will bo at tljo games. Tho gamo will not' bo called until 3:30. Tho namtg. slon is GO cents. :o: ENTERPRISING GROCER IS BUITJ). ING FOR A NEW DEPART MENT J. W. McMicliaol, who owns tho grocory storo nt 408 South Dewoy is building an addition to his storo room. It will havo a front on Dowoy and will bo occupied by a shoomakor of oxporlonco. Mr. McMicliaol bollovea that tho pqoplo in tho south part of tho city would rather take tholr shoo? to a shop in that part ot the city, whon thoy nood repairing, than to tako thom up town and bo ho is going to givo tho plan a trial. at his homo on East 4th. Miss Frances Dolph Bpont tho week in Ogalalla as tho guest of Miss Mab'e Johnson who was entertaining at r houso party. Llttlo Glen Dorram entertained oightoon boys and girls Saturday ar tornoon at his home, tho occasion br ing his fifth birthday. Games woro played during tho nftornoon nnd good things to eat wero sorved. -:o:- r.Y DATE IS SET FOR CONCERT NORTH PLATTE ARTISTS Mori'dutf ikf ifr iVu-flato sot for tho concert in tho Prosbytorian church to bo given by Miss Fioronco McKav and Paul Harrington. Miss McKay silent tho best part of tho winter stu dying piano with Rudolph Router nr.d pipe organ with Carenco Eddy in Chicago and Mr. Harrington was in Denver about tho samo tlmo taking voice with Lnmpe. Thn proceeds of tho toncprt will bo dovotod to Improv ing tho pipe organ at tho church. Tickots may bo secured at Nowton3 or Smith-Johnson's of by phoning to Mrs. Ralph Garman. J ,f Dependable 'i? 4. " Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR ' ".4... I V. ROMIGH, Locust at Sixth. Early Orders Obtain Prior Delivery.