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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1922)
Aft lorlh fj la ttc mxlAuiUMi) TUESDAY aud FIUDAl THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 2, 1922. NO. 33. 9 SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLEJO THINGS ITEMS OF DTTEKEST ABOUT HE CENT IIAPrENINGS Df TniS COMMUNITY The chicken supper thai was to have been hold last Friday at the South Bluffs school -was postponed until Thursday May 4th. The teacher Is Miss Alma Splinter. fclma Crane entertained the mem bers of the Lookout campflro last i.lilUl(iuuciOCKpany.TO' A mnnnrt la nnnnunrnil fnr Mnv girls played games and then enjoyed !1B by tho Prosbytcrlans. They have ki;tiki;i fahmkh of brum: community files fok nomination Nato Bratton, retired Lincoln county farmer, filed Saturday for tho nomination for member of tho Boanr of County Commissioners. He asks that his namo bo placed on the Itepiib llcan ballot at tho primaries, to bu hold in July. Mr. Bratten lives in Brady, tho homo of Commissioner Springer. Both havo filed on the Republican ticket. was substituted at tho close of tho sixth. Sandall played back of the bat. Dick caught for Maywood. Fans say It was a good gamo and Dulanty showed up well for tho first game. tho refreshments served hostess. by tho Yesterday Sheriff Salisbury sola an. automobile at auction for ?27. It was a car which was captured whilo carrying boozo and was by law con., fiscated to tho state. Tho amount received however will not much more than pay tho expense of tho sale. R. E. ItelUy of Salt Lake, Utah, ar rived herd yesterday and took tho po sition as asvl"tnnt operator at tho Air Mail RudicS station. Mr. Rot cf has had ox tensive experience in radio work having Leen lu tho governmoiit strvico in A!ar,ka as well as In this country. A surprise party was given on Mrs C. J. Stimson at her homo on South Chestnut street last evening. About 35 wero present. Games woro play ed during tho evening and delicious refreshments wero served. Mrs, secured Miss1 Florenco McKay but recently returned from a torm ot pipe-organ study in Chicago and Paul Harriman, who spent most oi tho winter in Denver. These pop ular musicians will give tho recital concert for tho benefit of tho church chimes fund. North Platto Hom'o Builders, Inc., and tho C. F. Temple Insurance Agency moved yesterday from tlx -Brodbeck building to tho east room basement of tho Building fc Loan building, formerly occupied by J. v. Edmlnsten. This room has been re fliilshed and completely equipped for a modern Insurance office and office for Homo Builders. Tho annual election of officers of Signet Chapter No. 55, Order or Eastern Star was hold last week and I resulted as follows: Mrs. W. A. ; Skinner, worthy matron; Dr. O. H. Stimson was presented with a set 0r'Cressler' worthy patron; Mr3, J' teaspoons .Dick, associate matron; Mrs. Ray C. jEyerly, conductress; Mrs. C. H. Saun Dulanty pitched six innings against dors, associate . conductress; Mrt. Artley of Maywood and struck out Millard Hostler, secretary; Mrs. Geo 13 while allowing but one hit, .fonos ' Finn, treasurer. 1 SLkAJy YOENMN HOM MAY E BE LOCATED HERE LOCAL OFFICIALS TO CLAIMS OF CITY COMMITTEE I'JIESKNT TO HEQIITOL-MAltS TO OPEN FOItMLK STILL SHOP ON WEIL -NESDAY. After being closad for a week or more to mnko some ohangos an. I Im provement and got tho now stock ready for Us oustomors inspection, tho Boghtol-Mars storo will hold its formal oponlng on Wodnuadny. The stock is new and tho ownors Ime specialized on tho unusual and beau- mm in mo nowost creations. Mrs. Hoghtol and Miss Mars- havo a storo at Gothenburg and Uioy como bore well recommended by those who knn of their btislnoss llfo thoro. LINCOLN COUNTY' FARMER FILES FOR MEJIMER OF THE LEGISLATURE A. J. Tracy, living a Jew mllos northwest of this city filed last there Is a demand that tho homo be bnttirdny for the nomination for .contrally located. North Platto Is member of tho House of Roprosonta- fclmost exactly tho contor of tho ves n the legislature. Ho learned country. Since it is to bo for th so ha Lincoln county is now entitled who are helpless to look after t nT tu two momuors of tho houso ana solves It must bo lorn.o,i i ,.,. The Brothorhood of American Yeo mon will locate and build a homo for Aged and Orphan dopondonts of Yeo nionry. It is ostlmnted that four million dollars will bo oxponded for tho plant when completed, it Is to bo a national institution and will bo supportod by all tho mombors of th r . . iuuKu irum mo wiiolo country. So STARTS TODAY nndlng that E. S. Davis had filed from North Platto ho dcnhln.i in in from tho district outsido of North 1'iatto. Mr. Tracy is a long timo citizen of Western Nebraska and has lived in this county for tho past five rfv.D. ou win maKO tno raco on tho Republican ticket. EXTRA LARGE 'CROWD ATTENIiS i:n(uneers annual am- PARTY Tho May party hold last evening at tno noyd Opora houso was largely ful part of tho country. North Platto is located midway between tho hunu id, damp atmosphoro of tho MIssIssi ppl valioy and tho arid thin air or tho mountains. Ths percentage of mortality in tho ranks of Yoomcn-y at North Platto is said to bo tho lowest In tho state Tho cllmato is ideal here. Tho now homo must bo easily reached and closely connected with, tho outsido world. North Platto is locatod on tho greatost trunk lino in tho country tho Union Pacific railroad. It Is on tho crcat. nttendod and many ' out of town ost automobile route in tho country j church parlors Monday evening. After .the dlrtner all the members and guests ' repaired to tho church and a thr e reel movie of tho Telephone opera tions were shown. The picture began i POULTRYMAN TO ERECT HATCHERY EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTATION EX. ' -fljflheKlawanls jclub ' entertained, (hey ;;iKUT. !T0 'ENTER PRIVATISE in tn os ai a oanquei in wo 1111-iswK.n BUSINESS II. H. Jandebeur, poulrymnn at tho North Platto Experimental Sub Cities, toAvns and country-side All with flower snpplii'ri. from the time the trees in the forests Statlon du,rlns tho nast thro J'rs . I announced vnntnrilnv Mint lm it.... were cut down to the placing of tho Tho flowers that bloom in the country and in the hothouse can be mailfl tfl fpol nt. liomo In -l your own home and we'll toach you free of expense how to care for them. THE NORTH PIATTEs H PLI1KAL L( . uT H ROWERS AND PLANT5 V announced yestorday that ho Ihaa telephones and wires. Then tho Ul3- P Wf position there and will phone offices wero next shown, etc "lba1bU 111 1,10 "aicnery business here ! A stnirft .lo.nnnstmtlo.1 was triven by 'M16 fturo. Ho will leave his Miss Marie Stuart. R. F. Younjr and E. work at the 8tatln about June 1st. V. Cooper, showing tho calling in and . AIr- Jandebeur organized tho poultry out of the office. Miss Elaine Bugler of Grand Island sang several selec tions'. She was accompanied by Mrs. Elmer James. o:-- I WE ARC AS NEAR TO YOU A;vniiD Dunuei' PHONE 1023 I J, R. L. Cochran transacted business in Tryon yesterday. C. M. Empson arrived today from Ogallala to look after business matters hero. C. E. Miller left yesterday morn ing for Arkansas City, Ark., whore ho was called by tho serious Illness of Mrs. Millers' father. Thr ee Questions. 1. What does it mean to to you buy standard, known, dependable automobiles from an established firm? 2. Will you cet full service and satisfaction from your car, unless you KNOW that you can get prompt parts, service and reliable maintanance from the dealer who sold you the car? 3. Can you afford to take chances when you know what 700 Dodge carsjiave done tn the.North Platte territory, especially when the' price is lower than that on any comparable car? Dcidge Brothers MOTOR. VEHICLES exclusively. X V. ROMIGII, Dealer. Another carload of Dodges in, all sold but one roadster. Get yours today. aepnrtment at I ho farm and has carried it out to date making it a model for all western Nebraska. However, ho SC5S an opening In the commercial world for greater oppoi-. tunity for himself and as soon as no can secure a suitable location ho will start tho erection of a baby chicle hatchery. Ho plans on having a down town location for handling the products of his hatchery. Ho will hatch eggs for individuals, soil hatch ing oggs and. baby chicks and during tho off sCason ho will dispose of tho surplus eggs at retail, no will handle a flock of purebred chickens and will look after-tho local markotB first. When soon yesterday Mr. Jp.ndobour said "I boliovo in tho fu ture of North Platto and am going to stay right hero. Thoro is not n bettor location In this country than Lincoln county for opening up itrr poultry resources." Tho poultry mqn hero aro wldo awnko but none of thorn aro malclng a business qT poultry raising and so tho industry is limited." It will take somo timo to got tho plant which Mr. Jandebeur wilt erect, in shape but ho w'lll bs ready to handlo all lines with tho tho opening of tho hatching season of 1923. guest3 woro present at this anntml affair. Tho hall was beautifully dc orated in purplo and white One or tho noticablo features of tho danco was tho largo crowd of spectators. Tho music was furnished by Stamp's orchestra. -:o: ROTARIANS ENTERTAIN EMPLOY EES AT DINNER AND PROGRAM ,mwo nunurod Rotaflaris -iimtr ladles and employees woro enter tained at a dinner at tho Prosbyterian church last evening. Each Rotarlah the Lincoln highway. It has com, munlcatlon by aeroplane and radio, Doth controlled by tho United States mail service. It has relay stations for tho great tolophono and tolograpa systems and connecting lines In all directions. -North Platte will baso her claims to attention upon her un rivalled location, her healthful cll mato and her easy communication .vltli -t uu mo country. Thoso who havf tho deciding of tho location lncludo iUWnryumm'nBas'Gity Hb la general superintendent of thq, Juvo iio department of tho order: W. R. Pitkin, Sioux City, general attorney, -:o:- WOMAN'S CLUH DELEGATES OFF TO THE DISTRICT CONVENTION Mrs. Georgo Frator, Prosidont of tho Sixth District Convention of Woman's Clubs left hero yestorday morning for O'Neill whon the nnnual convention will bo hold beginning ta. night and tomorrow. Last evening Mrs. W. E. Starr and Mrs. Ralph Gf.rmau lnft for O'Noill where t hoy will act as delegates from tho Nortn Platto Club. Mrs.' Frater will pro Bido at tho convention and Mrs. Starr Is to appear on tho program. aim ompioy instructor of tho lodgo aud othors. ces as ho wlshod. R. D. Blrgo lodiw. J. Tiloy will leavo this week for in tho singing with tho holp of an Dos Moines w.hero he will conror orchestra. Attorney Wm. Suhr of with tho commltteo nmi fvi,i n uruna island gavo tho address on "Tho Spirit of Rotary." It was highly enjoyed by all. Abo Leo was introduced as tho nowost member of Rotary his classification being Wholt? salo Tires. -:o: Claudo DoLano'y 'returned Sunday from Hot Springs, Ark. where he spent two weeks. Invitation to them to visit Nortn Platto and look over tho situation. Ho will bo armed with, facts and fig ures and an invitation from tho Chambor of Commorco to glvo Nortn Platto consideration. -:o:- C. R. Grioscn, chief clerk in the yard offlco madei. a trip over tho North Platto branch Sunday. -:o:- D. J. Allen camo icsterday morn ing from Omaha to spend a fow days with O. II. Thoelecko. Men This is OXFORD TIME! Our spring line of Men's Oxfords is very bright with wonderful values. All the latest models' may be found hero in the popular shades of brown in Kid, Calf and Scotch grain. All solid leather no shoddy strictly new stock. Tho prices will surprise you. We aro showing them in roally high grade quality as low as $5.00: ' YG Spcciallzo In Fitting tho Feet. 8 :.: :.: :.: if J.t i.t i.t t.t :.: t.t tt j; i.t t.t t.t i.t t.t i.t i.t i.t SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK it AT- Amy and Navy Sore Double Woolnap Blankets, worth up to $7, while they last only . . $3. 60 U. S. Army Khaki Coats on sale here lor only ...... 55c t.t t.t it x t.t 1 i.t j.t H t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t i.t 11 t t.t t.t t.t t.t j.: 8 i.t i.t t.t t.t I j.t Army and Navy Store 104 EasHFront St Open Evenings NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 1:1