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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 .1 CHATS WITH GAS MAW If gas were sold at the corner grocery llko othor things, would ltjjo cheaper? Yes, indeed. By paying cash on delivery and car , rylng your gas with you, you could got a big bag full for a penny. And for a dbllar wqll, wo leave It to your Imagination. But that isn't the most Inter esting thing. The fun would commence when you tried to uso the gas. "Now that I have It,i' you would say; "what am 1 going to do with It" And Im mediately you would discover that you had bought the wrong thing; that It was gas service you wanted and not a brig full of gas. There Is a big difference. (Has without service Is of little uso to. anyone. But pus with vprvlce Is a necessity. One Is mero vapor; tho other, fuel clean, 6fficIont, rollablorcady when you want It, where you want It. You speak of street car serv ice, tolephono service, train J sorvlco, mall Borvice. Why not (,'us service 1 That's what you buy, uso and pay for. North Platte Light & Power Co. LOOK WHAT'S COMING MONDAY Tho Kinerlcan Legion will hold a mooting? Irtij the Firemen's hall. baptist, j4V l , ;irl.-00 "Tho Giant and Uio Viper." - 8:00. "Shadow. fiaBtlngi 1 EPISCOPAL ' 11:00 Holy Communion and sermon. 8:00 Evening prayer and sermon." WHTAIUtrAGR LICENSES April 29 William Fred Most, 30, farmer, lloscoo, and Miss llolon M. Oamblo, 18, Ogalalla. Married by Acting Judge Blankenburg. April 29 Lloyd II. Swnnaon, 22, farmer, Horeford, Colo and Miss May F. Lehms, bookkeeper, Horeford, Colo. -Married by Rev. H. E. Hess. April 28 Albert E. Kilpatrick, 30, tolegraph operator, North Platto, and Mathlldo E. Nestroni, 29, Muskegon, Mich. METHODIST , 11:00 "Seeing, but Hearing Not." 8;00 "Courage." LUTHERAN , ii:uu "iicaumg tno uau or uou 8:00 Sermon. J& CHRISTIAN There will bo tho regular morning and evening services. : AUXILIARY I To the American. Legion will enter I tain at a party this evening at tho Firemen's hall. ' SOCIAL The. W. R. C. will hold a social at tho Episcopal club houso on Saturday afternoon of this week. D. A. R. Sioux Lookout chapter will moot Monday ovenlng with Mrs. F. C. Kooh. A good program will bo given and there will be election of officers. SWEDISH LUTHERAN Rov. C O. Holm from Brady will preach horo at tho Baptist church, Tuesday, May 9th at 8:00. All who understand tho Swedish language aro heartily welcome. LOCAL AND PERSONAL W. C ,Shelver left Wednesday for Chicago, 111. Ho will also go to Bos cobel, where Mrs. Shelver will join him enroute home. J. M. Nolan arrived Wednesday from Wood River, Wyo., and will spend a fow days horo visiting his brothers, Joo and Paul Nolan. - R. L. Cochran will return tomor row from Oshkosh and Chappell whero whero ho' spent four days transacting businoss. Mr. and Mrs. II A. Brooks will re turn' tomorrow from Kansas City where they attended tho national pho tographers convention. Earl Stamp leaves tomorrow for Grand Rapids Mich., whero he is a dolegato to the musicians convention. He will bo gone a week. TUESDAY .The general meeting of tho North iPlatto Woman's club will be hold at the homo of Mrs. T. C. Patterson. Mrs.' R. A. Garman is the leader. I L. Bare Will speak on civic problems. Reports o ftho district convention will be given. I. O. O. F. Will hold a meeting in tho hall Thursday, May 11. All Odd Fellows and families, Rebekahs and friends are invited. Tho meeting is Uio an niversary of tho founding of the order Twenty-five year membership badges will bo 'conferred on members en titled to them. ;o: A REAL INVESTMENT I find tho public (rightly so) now days to bo sovero crltlcs5 and not at all satisfied with cheap merchandise at cheap prices, but know quality and insist on buying dependable goods at :o:- RARE BARGAIN IN PIANO Wo hnvo a hlgh-grado piano in our posesslon nt North Platto. For quick disposal wo will groatlysncrlflce tho price. Terms if responsible. Writo nt onco if Interested to tho Denver Music Co., Denver Colo. L. & S. Groceteria. ants. m. henry gilfoyl Teacher of YoJco Culture and tho Art of Singing Res. Studio 10S W. Third Phono 114 J OTIS R. PLATT, M. I). ' Physician uiul Surgeon X-Ilny Diagnoss nnd Treamcnt Over Union Stato Bank Office Phono 29GW Houso Phono 29CR GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstetrics Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130 Residence 115 M. A. Oberg, traveling passenger m.ico tlmt fits 0le n0cketbook. With agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee and thls ln view, I have secured a fabric, When in Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of these hotels. Guests may stop at any ono of them with the as surance of receiving honest value and courteous' treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY St Paul was in North Platto Wednes day transacting business. Springs newest coats, wraps, capes suits and silk dresses at one-fiftli to one-third off at Blocks May Reduc ing sale. Tho Robokah lodge held a special meeting Wedne$day evening and sev eral new candidates were initiated into the special work put on by tho lodge. Mrs. W. A. Buchfinch and children left last evening for Grand Island whero they will spend the week end with Mrs. Buchfinch's mother, Mrs. M. Gorham. Mrs. H. L. Williams and Mrs. C A. Williams both of Gothenburg visit ed friends In North Platte Wednesday. Thoy also attended the opening of tho Beghtol-Mars store. Tho Auxiliary to the American Le gion will hold a party at the Flro en's hall tonight Tho, loosing side of tho membership drlvo will enter tain tho winning side and all the new members. tho very finest all-wool unfinished worsted, made by the largest house In tho world. I have this made up in sport, single and double breastod models, for young men and men who stay young. These suits aro retailing all over the country at $45 to $60 in sizes 34 to 42. You can see tho pat terns and models in our window. Tho tailoring Is of tho very beat and I claim this is tho best suit value of a good many years. All models and patterns at ono price, $25 $25 $25. HARRY SAMUELSON Uio Suit Man. Special bargains for Saturday, May G at Whittakor's Millinery and Spec ialty Shop. Ono lot of hats at $3.00 and one lot of trimmed hats formerly priced up to $13.50 for $5.00. These prices are for Saturday only. SaleB final and for cash. 50G Locust St. Under General Hospital.- Wondorful skirt valuos'at i4.98 and $G,98 at Block's May Stock Reducing sale. Attractive Prices ON Table Linens We 'are. making a special display this week of Table Clothes and Napkins. The patterns are un usually fine and the prices aro the lowest we havo had for several years. This will give you a chance to buy presents far June Weddings or to replennish your own Linen Chests at a moderate cost. The! Hirschfeld Co. The HOLEPROOF Store On Sale One Day Only Saturday, May 6 Holeproof Hasiczrtj III CS JK. Jlt JV. JR. 7H Jr JR. JR. JR. JR. nr JR. JR JR. JR. JR JR. JR. JSV JR. JR. JR. JR. JR. i 3K7 HR Fnrd Tnivc ST SR 4 . And Back Curtain, Complete ' - Saturday, May 6, we will sell genuine 'amcoM 32 ounce Ford Tops and Backs with bindings, etc., completo at this price. This is tho same piece of goods you have been jr paying $12 to $1G for and wo guarantee them to be first class. We only havo 25 on 9 Bn1r ntifl will lint enll nilv till S A. AT . Sntiinln.v. Wo will nnt Ihnm nn fm 61.7K nvtvn 4t w' v m a a x 1 1 m m ssuu wwa s a v a Ps.&va J I fw ll l ia.w ViiMiit W m. W V A I U J V il - charge if you wish. ,,,, THESE TOPS WILL COST YOU $13.75 IE YOU A HE A DAY LATE 4$ m iu est oixin oiruoi z I Platte Auto Trimming Co., REGISTRATION NOTICE TO VOTERS Tho law requires that all voters In cities of 7,000 or moro rosistor at the offico of tho City Clerk. At tho last city election an opportunity wns glvon to register at tiho polling places and most of tlioso voting registered. There was, however, less than half of the lo gal votors of tho city who voted at tho city election, all of whom will want to voto at tho primaries In July. In order to accomodato them tho city will bo prepared to rcgjsior voters during all of tho month of May at tho offico of tho City Clerk. It only re quires two or threo minutes and wo nsk all voters to register who did not at tho last election. Thomas F. Ilealcy and A. W. Shilling, Commissioners of Registration. O. E. Elder, City Clorlr. :o: Fred Temple, Dr. O. H. Cressler Carl Bonner and Rev. Mooro left this morning for Ogolalja, Lowellen nun Oshkosh in the Interests of tho ordor of Do Molay. W. P. Snyder transacted businoss in Paxton Wednesday. Wilcox Department Store Wc place on sale for Saturday 63 dozen Ladies' Pure Silk "Holeproof'5 Hosiery and other standard makes, $2.00 values, Shoes That Fit the Springtime When spring comes and leaves bud, and tho grass grows green, and tho air turns soft and warm and fragrant, aro'nt you going to feol a lot younger? Of course you are. Winter Is old nge. Spring Is youth. Prepare for it now. Start now to feol young. Buy flexible, comfortable shoes. Nothing in your wnrdrobo can hurt you jnoro than Uio wrong kind of shoes. For appearance, you will llko Canti lever Shoes with thoir graceful, sen sible lines, their modlBh low and med ium heels, their fino materials and fine workmanship. SO COMFORTABLE For comfort and Uio avoidance of foot troubles which so many women noodlo8sly oxporlenco, Cantilever Shoos aro In a class of thoir own, fam ous and praised tho country ovor. Thoy are inado with flexible arches not tho rigid shanks you get ln or- dlnafy shoes. This flexibility of tho Cantilovor Shoo, permitting frco cir culation and strengthening action pf tho foot muscles, enhances tno graco and youth of your walk. $1 19 PAIR 3 Pairs $2.50 Colors cordovan, lark, nude, light grey, gun metal, Russ?a tan. Not more than 3 pairs to each customer. Cantilever Shoes keop your foot from gottlng tired, holp you enjoy tho out-of-doors. Improve your health. You will enjoy wearing Cantilevers; for thoir trim appearance as won aa tnoir comfort. Wo nro tho cxcluslvo agonta for Cantilovor Shoes ln tins torritory Como in and seo thorn. DR. S. E. HUPFER Erncst Shiftman prettnu tAMEROH of the, ROYAL MOUNTED from Ralph CoiUlorS Stirring Story IVith Qaston Qlass Uivicnnc Osborne and, Irving Cummings Produced bylVinnipeg . , lyoductions.lnc " AT THE SUN, Sunday, Monday & Tues. it $.: it it i.t i.t J.t :.: it i.t it i.t it i.t it i.t i.t f.t i.t i.t Arrived B.t LESt it At last we have arrived at the conclusion that we can best serve the people of this community in one store. We have sold our threo little stores and are prepared to give you better service than ever before. Here are a few bargains that goes along with service. 1 gallon can Blackberries .08 3 No. 2 cans Hominy .21 1 pound Pig Bar Cookies .15 1 pound Ginger Snaps ' 12 1 to 8 pound box Soda Crackers, per pound : .12 1 pound package Seedless Raisins .22 2 cans Peas .2!! I large bottle Heinz Catsup .25 One y-pound can Baker's Cocoa - .25$ One -pound Hershey's Chocolate 1 .21 4 large bars Fairy Soap T, .28 1 pound Soap Chips ' .10 3 cans Shinola Shoe Polish, black or brown .25 Gamble & Springer 822 North Locust Phono 208 Free DoIIvory These Ilargulns aro for Saturday and Monday, May 0 and 8 11 i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it f it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t 1 i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t - i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t V i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t H i.t i.t i.t $ i.t i.t 8 it $ i.t i.t it ll i.t i.t i.t i.t CHIROPODIST, 317 East Fourth Street. l;t i.t A Safe Place to Trade 2 ww. ...M..MM..M..MM......M.....M'.M.....M,..........M....... ,'...'''.'' .