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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CLINTON Sign of The Big Ring DR. 0. II. CRESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Office over the McDonald It Stato Dank. THE BARGAIN COUNTER LIST MFJtCHANTS OFFER BARGAINS FOR THRIFTY FOLKS OF THIS COMMUNITY Road those advertisements for they aro tho offorlngs of. North Platto ro tail merchants and tiro intonded to giro tlio readers of' Tho Tribune values to be found nowhoro olso. Read and act. No Blanks You Always. Win On Groceries. Gamble with Springer. Gamblb with Springer and win ov ory, tlmo on Grocorles. Gamble with Sprlngor. Wo havo two Ford one-ton trucks which wo aro offering nt a bargain prlco. Hondy-Oglor Auto Co. Wo aro selling our ontlro lino ol Una cotton Japanoso klmonaa at $4,75 oach for n short, tlmo. Hotel Palace Bazaar. '' . LISTEN-lon't forgot tho big food at McKnln's Cafo and meat markot combined for 25 cents. 108 East 6th street. , Ford touring special 'prlcqOlO ( "model In runiilng"cori(iltlon at $00. Hbndy-Oglor Auto Co, -Jim Slightly used playqr piano t6 tho Bold at onco at ft roal bargain. Good standard make and In excellent con-, dition; guarantocd practically as a now piano. Holloy Musla -House, Cth and Dowoy. See my 1022 stock of paper from ono-thlrd to ono-half choapor than laBt year; also some bargains In pa pers loft ovor. Call 10G1J and I will bring, to books to your houso. Phil Dcata. Tho Spoclalty Shop Is showing n ntco assortment of velvets suitable for pillows at 75 conts a yard. Arvllln Whlttakor. 500 Locust Str. -:o:- TIio YEOMENV want YOU Whon? January 10tiu Wlioro? Lloyd Opera Houso. Why? Tho Yoomon say: If you've a frlond, a swoothenrt or n wlfo, (maybo sho's nil Uireo) Pack up tho old grub kit Put a bow of ribbon on It, Fotclf 'cm to tho Opory Houso! ;o: Automobiles and tourists will bo Interested In a volume callod tho Lincoln Highway which was present ed to tho city llbrnry this wook by R. F, Scoborgor. OUR Ends Saturday Night WILCOX DEPARTMENT CLINTON, TH JEWELER & SON, The Eye Satisfaction-Sure Try Us., BROUDER DISTRICT DOINGS Tho Sunday school stll Imects Sun; day at 11 n. in. nt tho school house. School opened last ueaday with ro nowed vigor and enorgy after tho holiday rest. Thoro was a watch party and social hoop at Carl Brooders hoUBeon Now Year's ovo. Everybody had a gooil tlmo without violating the prohibition lawB as was dono In so many other places on that nighty , Thoro was a young cyclono passed ovor our section of tho country Fri day, Docombor 30. -It struck a largo cattlo barn on tho Carl Broeder ranch completely demolishing It. Thoro was no other groat dnmago (tone by tho wind. Mrs. D. C. Whnloy of Long Beach, Calif., formerly of thls.vlclnlty visited with Marshal Orton'B family Wednes day and Thursday of this week. Sho will loavo for Lexington Saturday mornlnjy whoro alio , will visit with friends and rolatlvos for a few wcoks. :o: PLEASANT VIEW SCHOOL ITEMS Warm wcathor has prevented much lco skating but ninny other exciting games aro thought of. School has started again after tho vacation of ono week with Qveryono on hand. Tho pupils havo mado many Now Year's resolutions. Tho larger hoys of Pleasant View had a snowball fight Thursday noon. Nolthor sldo-won because ' the, boll rang," before. It was, "oyer. . , ' . "Tho boys of' Pleasant View nro chopping wood to burn whllo tho glrla mijdo window curtains for tho school room. ' :-.. A Chrlfitmns program and plo bo qlal was glvpn Docombor 23 by Hho Pleasant Vfow Bchool and tho pro coods wero nsod to buy certain school supplies which wo badly needed. Wp.hnd a light snow Tuesday. Even though It whs not heavy enough for nlldlng It wus accompanied by wcath or cdld onpugh to nip, our flngors and toes. Hero Is a poem by Elmer Thomas, ono of tho pupils: ' To tho grammar room wo gb Wo tako n lot of prldo When tasks aro fairly dono With classmntOB at our side Our tasks aro nover long Our studies seem like play Then after school a Jolly song Tis thus wo work and play. ROSE COMBED RED COCKERELS ' Chanco now to buy fully matured Btock from this heavy laying strain and at prlcos low enough for anyone. I havo only a few and It yoiy want thom como soon as thoy will riot Inst long. South Park Poultry Yard. J. H. Van Cloavo. -:o:- Word was received from tho man ngomont of tho Lincoln High school foot hall team for 1922 requesting a gamo with North Platto school at North Platto this coming foot bail soason. If tho gamo is acceptod tho opon dato of Octobor 20 will bo filled. f F LLL You still have a few days left to take advan tage of the lowest prices you haveseen this winter. BE SURE AND COME, Glass Men 41 Graduate tCi tick 1 i LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE YAR. IOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY t REBEKAII . i , , Konslngion will moot Friday aftd no'ort at tho I. 0. O. F. hall;' " REGULAR MEETING , $ Of Signet Chapter 55 O. E. S. swill meet Thursday, January 12 at 7:30. WESTMINISTER GUILD Of tho Presbyterian church win moot tomorrow evening at 8 o'olook In tho church parlors. AUXIILLARY , To tho American Legion will hold their regular monthly meeting nt tho evening at 8 o'clock.' All are urged to, bo present. ! ' THURSDAY ' ' ' ' Y ' W. W. G. of tho Baptist church will meet Thursday afternoon at 'tho ' homo of Miss Gladys Foster. A good ; attendance Is desired. ! METHODIST Ladles' Aid will moot Thursday afternoon. Those on tho entertaining commltteo aro Mesdames Hosier, Oman, R. Bcsack, D. W. Besack, Do Bauorohflond, and MnBonv cimisTiAN '- ' , , "'. Tho Ladles' Aid society of" the Qhrlstian church will meet Wednes day at 3 o'clock lh tho church base mont. ' All members are urged to 'TJl prqsont. A"FTERN00N TEA, f51i,o Ainorlcan War Mbtliorsqor.-. dlally Invito tho public to an after noon tea to bo hold at tho homo of Mrs;'" C. II. Brodbeck, 404 W.cst Fourth street, Friday, January 13, from 3 to 6. o'clock. i FRIDAY Bradford Division G. I. A. will hold tholr regular meeting Friday, Jauu ary 13. Election of officers will tako placo and Btato business transacted. All members nro requested to bo present ROYAL NEIGHBORS Will hold their rogulnr meeting Wednesday afternoon nt 2 p. m. at the K. P. hall. There will bo a public Installation of offlcors In tho even ing at 8 o'clock. Tho old officors will entertain at this meeting and all Woodmon, frlonds and Royal Neigh bors aro Invited. Refreshments will bo sorved. i PARENT-TEACHER Senior High Parent-Teacher asso ciation will moot tomorrow nfter noon nt 3:30.. Following Is tho pro gram: Community singing led by Mrs. John Bnkor, solo; MrB. Bortha Shawgo; commorclal subjects for second somestor, Mr. Smith; roport on night school by Suporlntondont Llttol, and a talk by Mrs.. Johnston. ARARCE YEOMAN 1 Don't miIbb that regular mdetlng Thursday, January 12, at ' 8 o'olook i p. m. In K. C hnll. New schemes to ( toll, Important buahioss and that good social 'hour.. All candidates ri- ) quostcd to appear for obligation. Basket supper January 1C, at tho i Lloyd Opera houso. :o:- STORIES Olf THE EARLY HISTORY OF LINCOIiJf COUNTY Tho figures glvon us regarding the traffic on tho Lincoln highway dur ing tho past year havo been surpris ing to most of us. One observer tolls us of fifty autos passing a given point last summer in five hours. An other counted 900 cars which passed ono station of tho Lincoln highway In ono day. Such figures are tribute to tho gonius of man in constructing hard roads along this Platto valley. But' out of the past conies a story so wonderful that, tho traffic of today Is almost boyond notice. Hero is the story ns told by W. H. McDonald tho other day: "I remember my mother telling of a count sho mado ono day in tho lata '60s. Sho and father hitched up a horso to a buggy and drove some twelve .miles east of our store which was at Cottonwood. It was an early summer day and mother amused horsolf by counting tho wag ons, drawn by oxen all going west. Sho often repeated that sho counted over nineteen hundred wagons that short distance.." There were no roads, there wero no bridges. Tho dust was tcrrlblo at times and tho mud 'as bad at others. Tho wagons followed tho trail but often cahio'on six to ten abrest, fording streams and dragging tholr load through tho deep sand. No camp awaited thom nt night. Thoy wero not furnished fuel and water with a shower bath thrown In, They choso their own camp, put out guards at night, warded off tho maraudin: Indians and rustled water ,and fuel from tho surrounding country as they went along. The figures given by Mr. McDonald aro not unreasonable a9 thero aro several printod accounts of from , four to five thousand wagons imsslnc stations In, ono day. Such was the Overland trail and wo havo nothing UJday which can equal It in romanco and wonder. SUN TODAY-- . VMadoo'nas and Men." Also Charlie Chaplin ' in "The Idle Class." ' ' WfBD. & THURS. it ''Home Stuff," starring Violo Dana. Also a two reel cpmedy. KEITH TODAY "The Princo Chap," starring Thomas Mieghan. Also a' two reoJ comedy. WED. & THURS. "Magic Cup," starring Con stance Binney. Also a two reel comedy. STORE Theater S A L E D A N C TO BE GIVEN BY THE FRATERNAL AID UNION Local Lodge 1023 K. C. Hall, North Platte FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. '22 GOOD MUSIC! GOOD TIME! EVERYBODY INVITED! ADMISSION 55c INCLUDING WAR TAX William Stack loft last night for Choyenno to spend a fow days. -:o:- Monoy Invested with 'tho Goodman Buckloy Trust Company will realize you G por cent to 7 per cont and ho free from State, County or City Taxes. Under tho now tax laws many so- MirlHrva firrt Bllhlect to" taXCS Which wero not under tho old law You had bottor Investigate this. Report of tho Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Charter No. 3496. Reserve Diet, No. 10. at North Platte, In the Stato of Nebras ka, at. tho close of business, on Do comber 31, 1921. Loans ana dls- counts Overdrafts unse $ 718,140.44 cured IT. S. Government securities owned t Deposited, (to se cure circula tion, (U. . S. f? fj bonds par val- H'ir ue) $100,000.00 All other United 108.92 dtates govern- . ment securities Total Other bonds; stocks, securi ties, etc Banking. House. Furniture and fixtures Real o state '.wned other than banking house 9,050.00 109,050.00 69,196.11 55.7S2.C4 ( EI411.C7 61,194.31 90(h00 Lawful reserve . with Federal Reserve Rank 49,225.10 Cash in vault !-' ''' and., amount due from na& t .- tldnal bankBj 164.0EG.G4i, 'AmSunt. due.fram mate uanics, . bankers, . and " "trtlst eomntin lcs In tho U. S. (othor than in- cluded ln items 8, 9 or 10) . J. . Chocks on other banks in trie isuiiie cty or t6wn tin report ing bank (oth er than Item .12) ..... Itedeinption fuiut with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. troaHu'rer 1,657.5 i4,oo: G.000.00 233,941.60 Total 'i"tl220,S31.3S ,"$ioo,ooo.oo V. 75,000.00 v' 1,605.87 . .' 100,000,00 LIABILITIES stock Capital ,prtii in Surplus ' fund . . Undivided pro fits Circulating notes outstanding' . Amount due to Stato banks bankors, and trust compan ies in tho United States and for eign countries (othor than In cluded In Items 21 or 22) 48.326.4G 206.26 Certified checks outstanding1 . Cashier's chocks on own bank outstanding .. 11,616.46 Demnnil depoMts (other tlinn' linnk deponltn) mult iset to Ilcnerve (depos sits payable within 30 days) : Individual de- -noslts subjects sr to check Certlllcntes .of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for mon ey borrowed) , Stato, county or f4E,3$J.49 1 49,965.27 otner muni- ' clpal dbposlts secured by pledge of as- sets of this bunk 25,000.00, Time deposits subject to ro- ' ' servo (payable after 30 days, , or subject to 30. days or more nntlr. nnrt postal savings: Certificates of doposit (other ., than for mon- v ey borrowed). 280.000.00, Othor tlmo do- posits 79,044,93 Pnntnl Rnvlnn ki (lODOBltS !....., '924.22 " V irnltril StntoM deponltM (other than postal savings), In cluding War. v Loan deporlt account and deposits of .' United Btatos disbursing of flcors 1,554,43 Letters of Credit and Travelers' Chocks sold for cash ana out standing 1,930.00 943,925.51 Total $1,220,531.38 State nf Nebraska, County of Lincoln as. I, F. L. Mooney, Cashier of the abovo-named bank, do solomnly swear that the above statement Is true to the host of my knowledge and belief. P. L. MOONEY, Cashier. Subflcribod and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1922. A. JI. Hayes, Notary Public. Correct Attest: 13. V. SEEDEriQEH, UAY a LANGFOH D. JOHN J. IIALLIGA N, Directors. L. C. McQraw returned last evening from Gothenburg wlioro 'ho transacted business. . h Dr. Briggs of Ogalalla transacted professional business in tho city yos' terday. Wsnt Ads y WANTED-Cood windmill and tower. " Phono 687W or 34. FOR. RENT Storage space In fire proof w.ard house. Simon Bros. FOR. SALE-rFresh eggs. Mrs.- E. WV WrlghtN JPhone 798-F-14. LOST Ladles' fountain pen. -'4dj.' 3- Phone FOR RENT 8 room houso, 400 block on West 11th. Phono 934J. FOR SALE Household furniture. Mrs. C. A. Weir. Phono 232. & POR; RENT Furnished rooms, strict Yly modern. 405 West Fourth St. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock roosters.' Mrs. C. S, Trovillo. XtOST A Bulging & Loan ibook and Ono brown' klfl ? irlnvo ' TJnfiim tn K04-E. :3rd. ?' H ' 'f'bK SALE-Three' Hamburg cock erels: one Ancona. Cn.ll ?1K Pino for informatlon.v OI SALE Purebred S. C. Jl. I. Ilea cockrols, $1.50 each If taken at once. 'Phono A." R.- Guiles,- 788-F-12. WANTED-rMature lady or entlomaji to collect and solicit business lh North Platte. Address P. O. Box G78. FOR 'SALE Poland China boars; price right. G. E. Chittenden, Phono 782-F-14. FOR SALE Thirty spring chickens, 18c per pound. 922 East 2nd St. Phono 94G. FOR RENT Fivo rooms, over the New Method Tiro Shop, 511 Lo. cust St W. H. McDonald. FOR SALE First class Rliodo is land Red roosters. C. I. Lewis, 002 E. C St. FOR RENT 3 lijjht housekeeping rooms. 215 "West Third St., Phone 11G9W. LOST White and brown 2-year-old femalo hound; collar on when last soon. Roward for Information or re turn. 30G East Tenth. Phono 941W. FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock! roosters, last year's birds, $2.00 por bird. O. F. Frqy, Hershoy, Neb. Tolephono on Horshey lino. FOR SALE If you aro looking for a, bargain in houses, havo flvo rooms, bath, gas and" garago; in fino loca tion, close to town, 314 S. Pino. WANTED Agent to sell Hog, Stock. nnd Poultry tonic. Supply dealers and also sell direct to farmers. Ad dress E-G care Tribune. WANTED Hogs for n western mar ket, whero I can get 75c under tops; day loaded. Phono 785-F-ll. Co operative Shipping Association, n .Nowston, Manager. FOR SALE Ono 5 and ono 6 room. houso with lights and water In lots: at 312 nnd 316 E. Third St.; $3,800 ca3h or $4,000 terms for both. Mrs. K. L, Turner, G12 Washington St, Boise, Idaho. FARM FOR SALE An lmr" placo for stock and farmln' miles S. E. of Wallace, Nob.: acres good corn groundand 430 pasturo and hay, pasture fenco' three dlfferont pastures. For tlculara soo or Phono nwnrr. I ved : ia 120 res into, -ur- Dillon, 410 East 2nd sf., North P ite,. Nob. Phono. 99GW. D.