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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1922)
81 lorth jew- Mi ' wtmtm TUESDAY ntth FRIDAY THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. KANUABY 0, 1922. ; NO. 104. ABOUT PEOPLE ANDJTHINGS CUItltENT COMMENT ABOUT PEOPLE AND. THE THINGS , THEY ARE DOING LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY BLOCKING IT -At tho annual meeting o the par ish of tho Episcopal church held Wednesday evening at tho church, IL H, Newman was elected senior war den for tho coming year and Ednltind Dickey, Junior warden. Tho follow ing were elected to act as vestrymen: F. L. Temple, F. W. RIncker, J. Q. Wilcox, Harry Dixon, Earl Stamp, Hershey Welsh ond'C. S. Clinton. . Directors of tho Chamber of Com merce are canvassing tho buslnesa men this week for contributions to tie budget fund. They are asking each firm to glvo as much as it,IId last year. Reports so far are that the men aro being graciously received In most cases and tho business men are doing all they can 'to make a good showing. On Tuesday thoro wero 35 men at work on tho water extensions which aro about 40 per. cent completed. At the same timo there -were 17 men ,at work on tho now court' house, 10 men on tho transmission lino and 4 extra men wore taken on by the street commissioner. Tho fine weather helps and the public improvements in pro cess of construction at this timo also "help. COMING MEETINGS IN THE VAR IOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY LUTHERAN 9:45 Stinday School . No proachlng sorvlces iMETIIODIST 11:00 "Cbnvorglng Avenues. 7:30 "Tho Socond Commandment." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 11:00 Christian Sclonco service Sorvlcos in tho Building & Loan building. Revolutionary War nrn" nllirihln tn PAim WnDTfiAOTC l,UTTn TV r . . ilLVJi'A t XXI I J if Jul membership whether their mothors aro members of tho D. A. R. or not. Mrs. M. K. Novillo Is sponsoring the , organization hero in North Platto and twill bo glad to hear of any children , who aro eligible and would like to I join. 1021 SHOW MARKED DECLINE The value of the 287 town and clt? mortgages filed during 1921 amount ed to $588,169 according to the report .sbnt to Lincoln this week by Register of Deeds Yost of Lincoln county. In 1920 there were 407 mortgages with ti value of $958,865. Last year 213 of these mortgages wero satisfied for a value of $377,063 while the year be fore 303 were paid off to the amount of $461,182. At a meeting hold last Friday ovon ing the Platto Valley Tet Stock As sociation -was organized and tho fol lowing officers wero elected: M. C. Rogers, president; William Jones, vice-president; William Woodings; -secretary and T. O. Smith, treasurer. Tho association Is organized to pro mote the sale of pet stock, to popular ize cortain kinds and breeds and to There wero 405 farm mort-jd.'ea filed in tho office of Rogistor Yost during the year , 1921 according to his summary which; has just beon for warded .to Lincoln. These -were for a total Value of $2,621,433. In 1920 there wero 665 mortgages on farm lands filed with a value of $3,719,041 This shows a decllno of 39 per cent At tho samo timo 28,0 farm mortgagee havo been paid off or otherwise satis fied with a value of $891,471. During 1920 there wero 493 farm mortgages, satisfied with n value of $1,683,261 'MT SHOOL TO OPEN MONDAY WITH LARGE : ENROLLMENT -During 1921 the North Platte Vol unteer Fire Department answered 40 0,1 Wednesday evening of this week, calls. Tho estimated fire loss'during the year was $14,000,00. The depart ment has throe trucks and 40 mem bers. Reports from Fremont for corn- interest neonle In this section of -the state in tho raising, of such animals, j Th,s showa a decrease of 47 per 'cent The next meeting will bo hold at tho,er iast caT Rogers shop on North Locust street TUo composite committee of tho night school mot Wednesday night and completed its organization. Mrs. Roddy was elected chairman of tho committee, and Mrs Gilchrist, secre tary. An oxecutivo committee of three comrjnsed of Fred Ouimotto, tOtto Thoolecko and Mrs. Goorgo Fra- tor was appointed to roemmend teachers for tho night school. Tho rocommondations will go to tho teachers committco of tho board ot education for confirmation. Tho pro gram of classes is as follows: ' Monday Typewriting, Auto Me Some of our citizens are worried about the leaks in the new water mains which aro boing constructed nhnlit Mm p.lfv. Thin la nntinrivjfinrv nn parlson show the department of that. dt governmdnt hft8 , pro. city to have 120 members, wi h four yWed fop Ju8(. aR occurance Tho iruuits uuu id iuivu uiiswujuu muio than forty calls with an estimated fire loss of $250,000.00. Pretty good showing for tho local department. contractor Is under bond to keep tho mains In repair for ono year after the job is completed and at tho end of that time a rigid inspection will bo made During the past year 13 people liavo and during that timo tho contractor received ;notary public commissions will bo notified of any leaks that de In Lincoln county. Some of these are volop. Tho contractor has dug up renewals and some are new. Each Is sovoral places so far where tho leaks eood for six years. Following is a would not fill up ot their own accord list of thoso issued during 1921 :W. TTV McDonald, H. B. Sawyer, Moore- and has made necessary repairs. Word was received here yesterday field, Chas. F. Temple, M E Crosby, I the commUtee of Ul0 John Grant, Harry Lannin, R. A.ln, nWwa' Annninttnn t,n,i n I meeting last week and at that time Scott, Sutherland, Alice EM. Tro "bridge, R. D,. Rasmussen, Delpha Young, J. W. Plelsticker, Wallace and A. M. Hayes. Mrs. Jolm McGraw was appointed aspeclal police yesterday by Mayor -Evans. Tills was done to enable her to do some of the things which need to' be done and which 'Who is especial ly;' fitted to do. She will now have police power to compel people to ac company her into court and to ans wer Buch questions as the police can compel ono to answer. This is not (ho first timo a North Platte woman "has had thcSe powers for each mem ber of tho apparently defunct wel fare board had polico poworB. She was, given the star yesterday. -:o:- qhanlcs, Air; Sowing. - " '; jLVr'v, f ;& ' .V Tu0sdtiy-GombUstloh,(rRopalrX4FJ!S, PlPoUi.11 r ing, Mathematics,. Salesmanship, work because Tof thofabaonco TJie unamber or commerce at Aberdeen. S. D.. has been maklnc? a 1 oury Rtn.iv nr Mm oat nr nvnn..n o , J Wednesday Shorthand, Machine ber of places over tho central west. work- Cooking, Girls' Gymnasium, A set of definite questions was sont , Salesmanship. out to the cities of South Dakota,! Tiiursciay-uiris' uymnasium, ho Iowa. Minnesota. Wisconsin. Missouri. ! ohanical Drawing, Valvq Sotting, Montana and Nebraska. These ques-' English. tions asked for nrevaillnc nrices of W-woiumg. AUvorusmg, oxy 1 i i-n 1 ( oortain standard commodities in oao'i ,M!0i0H,ne i"ic;, Aiuuiemauos, place. North Platto was included in . Millinery, Girls' Glee .Club. tho .questionnaire. Tho. tabulation of BAPTIST UiOtf "A Strange Reminder." 7:3ff HYo'ur Mbnumont" (IllustratoC by thtoo lnrgo Water color paintlnga - CHRISTIAN . 11:00 "Throo Great Words in the Gospel." 7:30 "A Bihlo Tragedy." EPISCOPAL 11:00 Morning prayer and sermon. 7:30 Evening prayer and sormon. to high prlco of calves nnd'-thp scar cely , of money. Tho two shorthorn calves wero owned by tho member? v.'hoso father Is a breeder of shcit horns and his boy's calf won first plttco over all fomalcs exhibited at tho county fair. The boy who won first place in tho Jlcroford club also won count championship. Ho wji kn ' by tho month on U'o farm ot Ilia uncle and paid $200 for tho cnlf with which ho expects to start his owu herd. , Wo'had two t'ew'ng clubs, otu of. wfilnli 1II1T r.nt flniph liopnimo tlio inn,ior Ttf fti,Hnf ,i, inB-, ,mnr , aclV for typewriting, nuto mechanics, but which oxpocti to finish this w'.n WAR MOTHERS Will moot this ovonlng nt tho homo of Mrs. J. J. Halllgan. A largo at tendance Is desired. TOMORROW Woman's Rollof Corp will hold In stallation ot offlcors at tho I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow. NIGHT SCHOOL Everybody roistered' in night tor. Tho othor 0 ub finished and gavo a demonstration at tho county fair and won a priro at the 3' fair. sowing and nlr Is roquosted to bo at tho Franklin school at 7:30 on Mon day ovonlng. A COUNTY OFFICIAL WINS BKIDE AND IS "WED AT .GENEVA"-; '; W. B. Salisbury, highway commls- of part ot tho numbers. tach fUTT wmi Tim-rn-v sIoncr or ncaln county was mar- r0ti to Miss Emma Cumberland of MEN FOB TItYOUTS AT BASKET BALL tho replies has been received here and Is an interesting document Here are some of the comparisons for Nebraska cities: Lumber, 2x4-12 common, at Beatrice sells at 47c, Grand Island 39c, LAST DECEMBER WAS THE WARMEST IN FIFTEEN YEARS Tho mean temperature for last Lincoln 40c, Fremont .40c, North December according to tho monthly Platto 37c and Hastings 38c; No. 2 fir siding sells at Beatrice at 55c, Granu iBland 50c, Lincoln COc, Fremont 60c, summary Just Issued by Woathormnn Shilling, was 31 degrees while tho avorago for tho laBt 48 years is 26.6. A' now organization is about to be launched on the field of endeavor in North Platte. It is called tho Children of tho American Involution and Is an auxiliary of tho Daughters ot tho A merican Rovolutlbn. All children who havo ancestors who fought in the appointed Superintendent Aileen G. Cochran of Lincoln county to a va cancy on tho board. It was decided to hold the association meeting next, fall during election week and to hold it at North Platte, This will bo tho first week in November. Tho dis trict association was appfbved as a substitute for either county or city institute in tho counties of the (lis trlct and that should bring an attend ance of at least a-thousand teachora to North Platte. The district extends ! from Duel county to tho further lim it of Hall and Adams county, making Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, Broken Bow and Ogalnlla In tho dis trict. :o: , , Thirty or more auto owners and drivers wore ordered to polico court yesterday morning for driving on tho streets without a 1922 auto license. Judgo Tracy dismissed tho entlro lot without trial Among them wore a number ot prominent business men. North Plate 45c, Hastings 50c. Port- Tho highest for ifecembor was 68 and land cement sold nt Beatrice at $3.20, Grand Island $3.20, Lincoln $3.40, Fre mont $3.12, North Platto $4.00 and Hastings $3.20. Common labor brings tho lowest 5 below. Tho total rain fall for tho month was fourteon hun dredths of an Inch, Tho normal Is forty-Bovon hundredths so thoro Is a 30o at Beatrice, 35c at Grand Island, deficiency of thirty-throe hundredths Lincoln, Fremont and Hastings and for U10 month. This leaves a doficl- 40c at North Platte. Plumbers got oncy for tho year 1921 of 7.38 Inches 87c at Hastings, 90c at Grand Is- of rainfall. During Docomber thorn land, $1 at Lincoln and $1.25 nt Bo wore ten clear days, ten cloudy days atrlce, Fremont and North Platte, and eleven partly cloudy. Round steak is 25c nt Beatrice, Grand Island, 30c at Fromont and North Platto and 35c at Lincoln. A large number of other items aro given but the opinion ot those who havo studied tho charts is that North Platte does not have tho advantage over tho othor places in either Tow or high prices, being about medium. :o: Tonight tho Amorlcan Legion bas ket ball tcaf will hold its try out practico at th6 Lloyd Opera houso, now oliglbio players aro urged to bo pres ent at 8 o'clock. Dr. J. R. McKira hnn will bo tho head coach. It is ex pocted that an assistant coach and a captain will bo selected tonight. A largo numbor of Legion mombers havo taken an interest in tho gnroo and It Is planned to organize a doublo team to tako caro of them. Any Loglonnalro who can play bas ket ball Is urged to bo present and mako a try for tho first team. North Platto post will go after tho stato championship and oxpects to got it. Conova, Nob., on December 27, ac cording to word recolved hero thld week. Tho coromony was performed at tho homo o'f tho bride's brother who lives at Gonova. Mr. and Mrs. known as Legion hall, and all mum wiioro iiioy win sponu tnoir Honey moon. Before returning th'oy will visit Mr. Salisbury's daughter, Ida. Salisbury has lived In North Platto for a numbor of years and has served as city street commissioner and county highway commissioner. Mrs, Salisbury mado many friends here while visiting last summer at tho homo of Miss Bessie Salisbury. Thoy will mako North Platt their future home, Tho Tribune extends its con gratulations. ;o: Charles Boguo left Wednesday for Omaha' to transact business. Road tho Bargain Countor list. -:o: ANNUAL REPORT ON JUNIOR CLUIJS BY THE FARM BUREAU A HAPPY NEW YEAR Start the New Year "by investing your money So you may receive a stipulated monthly income. Our plan is safe, practical and convenient, If interested write .or call on us for explanation. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. I; Cnpltal. $50,000 . NortlV i'lattc, Nolif aska ( Tlio annual report of County Agent Kollogg had tho following to say about tho Boys' and Girls' Club work iln Lincoln county for tho past year Thin Is tho first vear of club work During tho year" 1921 there were 245 . Llncolll county. Wo had twonly marriage licenses issued m wncoin p,g c,ub momheTai nll of whlch fn, couniy. our 01 meso nave noi yut ,,,,, w!tt, . ,, rnnr,i rhn lnt. wolght ot tho twenty pigs produced foeon returned which leaves 241 mar riages porformed during tho year. Of these Judgo Woodhurst porformed 94. Rev. Hess 32, Rov. Koch 17, Rov, Mooro 12, Rov. Stovons 15, Rov. Shonk 13, Rov. McDald 9, and scattering over tho county and in other counties wore 49 others with nono as largo as thoso givon above. Justices Sullivan, Meyer and Marcott performed sovon coromonlcs which numbor added to tho 94 performed by Judgo Woodhurst gives 101 by civil authorities against 140 religious. "ft; -:o:- Tho flro department was called to tho homo of F. L. Kennedy, 1401 East Twelfth street, last evening . on nc couut of tho gam's burning, Tlio barn was burned to tho ground and one horso burned to death. Tho houso on the Kennedy placo wns burned about a month ago. 1b 3,693 pounds at an average cost per pound of .0498 conts and an average daily gain of 1.21 pounds. Thoso pigs wero on growing and not on fattening rations. All had somo kind of pasture but wero fed almost entirely on feed produced on tho farms. All animals aro purebred and aro .remaining on O10 farms whero thoy aro starting herds ot purobrcd hogs. All of thoso members havo expressed tho dcslro to continue the work next year by taking up tho Sow and Litter club work. Considerable Interest has bedn Hhown by thoso who wero not mem bers Uils yoar. Tlio Pig club roprc- sontod throo breeds and tho county champion In tho Pig club was an 11 year-old girl whoso pis wolghed 239 pounds when about six months old. Tho Calf club consisted q four mombers tho small numbor bolus duo SSI When You Can't-Getto the Bank Whenever our out-of-town cus-.. tomors aro unable to call personally- at tho bank to transact tholr business, wo suggest that they tako advantage of tho fact that practically nil their banking business can bo transacted hero by mail. Endorsed chocks and monoy ordors , can bo deposited, monoy can bo with- . drawn and your financial problems can bo rotorred to us for counsel. You will rccolvo tho samo prompt, help- ful sorvlco as if you called at' tho bank Ju person. 1 The Platte Valley State Bank I 1