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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1922)
- 'V' Mr !i - - v,- v 1 -' if?' 4- 'VP, Season Ticlccfcs TEN GAMES o Ghbp ALL GAM ES IN THE F RANKLIN Single Admission USUALLY C AUDITORIUM THE SCHEDULE ATTEND THE GAMES" WATCH HIGH SPOTS ' ' ' IN BEPOET iiniEF CoauiEXTS on items in ANNUAL' ItEPOJtT OF CttAM- BEIt OF C03DIEKCB" V "During the past year, the Chamber of Commerce has not neglected giv ing publicity to North -riatte.,, The ' biggest endeavor along this line was the auto tourist freo camp ground which entertained almost five thous and cars over at least one night, Es timating four peoplo to a car, which Caretaker George Finn says is about right wo have had 20,000. people as guests of the city at an expense of $1,071.33. r In his annual report Secrotary Dare says that tho publicity of tho Chamber of Commerce took many dif ferent directions. Ho mentions tho largo welcomo sign which was erect ed Just cast of the depot nt a cost of $230. Early in tho year $135 was expended for North Platto signs for autos. One boostor trip was planned and carried out which covered a large part of tho territory of this and somo of tho surrounding coun ties. Tho base ball team received $150 toward its expenses; tho High School Cadet band was given $180 to defray expenses of tho trip to Omaha and $240 was expended for tho Fourth of July. Additional road signs wcro put up along tho Lincoln highway and others were repainted. Attention was given to tho publicity which North Platto was receiving in tho state papers and as a result more items of Intorest were printed in Btato and national papers,. than over beforo. During the past year tho Chamber of Commerce has assisted in enter taining the state convention of tho Ordor of the Eastorn Star, tho atnto convention of tho Ordor of tho Mus covites, tho Btato convention of coun ty sheriffs, the district convontion o. the Hardwaro Dealers, tho district contention -of nowspapor. editors, the district convention of lawyers, the district convention . of dentists, tho Lincoln . County Purebred Live Stock Association, tho Commercial Travel ers and two farmers' picnics at tho State Farm. For tho coining year il will give its help In entertaining tho state convention bf the' Nebraska Federation of Womons' clubs and tho tato convention of insurance agents. It will do all it enn to holp in tho entertainment of the Fourth District convention of tho Nebraska State Teachers Association when 800 visit ors will be here. The Chamber of Commerce will also assist the Vol unteer Firemen in trying to locate tholr stato convontion horo in 1923. Tho total expense of this work was $1,237,73. :o:- To tho Editor: I hear that Sammy wants to mako 1 Some laws on gasolino, To tax us plebes somo moro And reach down in our jenes.. Gasoline with us today Has rose to be essential, i "Without this over ready fluid "Who could turn a differential? ' Our taxes are plenty high Beyond what somo can pay, I Yet, somo who sit at Lincoln Think and speak a different way. , Twould only cost somo $15,000 I To call tho hoys together, To enact this drastic law And talk somo of tho weather. Just now wo have too many laws Upon tho statute books, Someone wants n fat posish (Or thats the way it looks.) Now Sammy If. you'd help tho poor And want to stop tho "bellor," Why not advocate a law Taxing J. D. Rockofoller? But Poor John tho prico would raise Then no bettor off wo'ed ho, So I guess that Samys right I Bring on tho Legislative spree. t Vr- TT.n nil muni niitnfl linn , Some must uso tho cheap machines Not all can llvo In palaces Nor rldo in costly limousines. J. W. Lo LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. ' E. F. Dawning of ' Maxwell shopped in the city Saturday. Wiljtam GInn of Omaha is visiting in tho city enrouto to Seattle Senator W. 'V. Hoa'glahd ' left last night for Omaha to transact businosp. F. H. Cocker -of Sutherland trans acted business in tho' city Saturday. F. G. Dameron of Maxwell trans acted business in the city Saturday. Mrs. John Weinborgor left Satur day for Omaha where she was callod by the sorious illness of her son. Elmer Coates left last night lor Omaha to transact business for a few days. ' ' UEPORT OF' THE CONDITION OP THE McDonald State Bank of North Platto, Chartor No. C47 In tho State of Nebraska at tho close of bus iness December 31, 1021. RESOURCES Loans and discounts J308.51S.10 Overdrafts 199.63 Bonds, securities, Judgments claims, etc., Including all government bonds 3S.COO.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures C4.794.30 Other real ostato 2,375.42 Cash Items 1,499.24 Duo 'from nat'l and' ! Stato banks . . . .$154,018.58 Checks and ItomB-- ot oxchango ... 4,507.09 Currency 15,837.00 Gold coin :. 232.50 Silver, nlckles and cents ..,...(.,.. 5,837.83 Liberty loan bonds held as cash re serve , 10,000.00 191,033.00 Total C97,'019.69 LIABILITIES Capital stook paid In $100,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000.00 Undivided profits. 6,599.06 Reserves ' 40,001.05 Individual depos ! its sublect to i check 1258,104.28 uemunu corun cates of depos its 3,447.58 Time 'certificates of deposit 249,049.86 Certified checks . 325.00 Duo to National and State banks 13,617.11 524,543.8? Depositor's guaranty fund . 5,875;75 ! Total IC97.019.69 Stato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, es. ' I, W. E. Starr, cashier of tho aboyo named bank, do Hereby swear that the above statement Is a correct and true copy of the .report made to the State Bureau of Ranking. W. E. STARR. Cashier. Attost: W. II. McDONALD, Director, J. B. MCDONALD, Director. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me thlB 9th day of January, 1922. H. D. WIESE, (SEAL) Notary Public. My commission expires May 8, 1920. .Miss Julia Goodln will rotum to Louisville, Ky., tomorrow attor spend ing two weeks nt tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. C. J. Pass. Joo Pizoi returned to Donver yes terday' after visiting at tho homo of his uncle, Julius Plzcr, and transact ing business in tho city. Miss Dorothy Harris left Saturday for Omaha Mvhero 'sho nttends Boylo's Business college. Sho ' will finish licr studies thp first lof; Feb ruary. ' '' Mrs. Frank Turpio and son, Junior, returned tho latter part of tho week from Omaha where they visited rola tlves. Word was received byS. It. Dorry borry that his fothor tho Rev. J. H. Dorryberry of Arcadia, Flu., is suf fering a dislocated shoulder and other Injuries duo to a fall. Ho Is 85 years of ago but Is reported to bo getting along nicely. :o:- Heard tho YEOMEN schomo? Heard the YEOMEN talk? You watch out and Don't miss out, MONDAY NIGHT, JAN. ICth. AT LLOYD OPERA HOUSE. Poem Uy, TVCLE 0 WHAT'S Til) USB, It ain't nd use to warn 'em, when they ain't. got, tlm$, torcud,, Ifyou tell 'cm to bo kcorful they hardly stop to, hood, till nt lap.t somo, 'awful ac cident is laid up at their door, nn' of course they're awful sorry thnt thoy didn't think before,. . . ' .',.. AVo watch our youngsters spcodln' -yes, tho llthq gals an' boys, as thoy fool with roarln' onglncs llko they used to do with toys,- drlvln monstoro of destruction with a childish heart an' hand, simply 'dickerin,' "with a domon that their Pa's dont understand. ... If you. warn '.em to bo kcor ful, In tho gentlest sort of tone, they'll Impress yoir with tho Idea, that thoy must bo let alone. , , , Wo'ro gettln' too sorvlgrouB In this devil-haunted day, when human, life's regarded nB too cheap to throw away; rate oursolvos accordln' to tho gasolino wo burn, till experience serves a lesson that a certain class may 'loam. ... I wouldn't ask a favor, or nnythlng liko that, but clip this Uttlo foolishness n' pasto it In ycr hat. 2F ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Remnant Week ft -ft ii) - ft ft ft ft ft ft This week will be remnant week. We will have out on sale all of our remnants of Silk, Wool and Cotton Piece Goods that have accumulated during the year. ,Wilcox Department Store ft ft ft ft ft ft ft