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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 6 WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTEItESTING ITEMS FROM EX. CHANGES TOUCH REACH OUR DESK. HOME AGAIN Mrs. E. J. Eamea and babo returned Saturday from a two montha visit In Columbus, Georgia with her folks and at her aunt's at Birmingham. Tho Editor met thorn in Omaha and owing to confusion of a wire, did not get back to Wallace until Sautrday, hence tho paper is quito lato tills week. Mrs. Barnes had a very plcasent trip south but nevertheless was quite glad to get back homo again. Wallaco Winner GOOD FOR BRADY A subscription list was circulated in town this week to socuro a guaran tee of $5,000 for tho survey of the Platto Valley in Lincoln county for Irrigation ditches and reservoirs. Tho business men of Brady wont over their quota with plodges of ton to twenty-flvo dollars each. Lists cir culated in tho country did not make such a good showing, but reports from all valley towns aro favorable to tho project, and it Is expected that tho amount asked will bo doubly sub scribed. Brady Vindicator. ness In tho Immediate four counties ho picks up moro ready cash in Ar thur county than other peaces. Not many tight wads in Arthur county. Arthur Enterprise. NEW EDITOR Editor Guy Harmon has sold tho Broadwater Nows to Gcorgo E. Brow or who took possession last wck. Tho Nows has grown Into a mighty good shoot undor his management, and ho handlod It always as a busi ness proposition, which mado it wor thy of tho support it recolved from his snappy llttlo city. Tho now comer Is likowiflo a good newspaper man, who by tho way haB heretofore been employed on tho Mall or Morrill, and at ono tlmo was a Courier employe for a short tlmo. Ho will no doubt keep it up to tho right standard, an! wo extend greetings in that belief. Gering Courier. NOTICE READY CASH D. A. Lane, tho famous Rawleifth Remedy regulator man, was In Arth ur tho first of tho week, his medicine Ford being In tho garage for -repairs. Mr. Lane was at ono tlmo chairman . of our county board and resigned in favor of E. B. Pierson. Mr. Lane Is at present selling a sure kill or euro family romedy, and says that throughout all his travels and bus! Strengthens Weak Arches W. T. Clark, a noted foot doctor, writes in tho Medical Record: "I nrlvfqn nnMnnta wlin lmvrt linAn wnir. ing arch supporters any great length of time to continue wearing them early in the treatment by removing them first two hours, then three hours a uay until tue supports aro grauuany illmionsrwl with. "Plno.nd In t.lm hIioo. arch stinnort3 aro worn about fourteen hours a day eaerung constant pressure, greatly reducing the blood supply and limit Iriir tha not Inn nf tlio nlnntnr milRnlns resulting In undernourishment and rllqimn ntrrmhv." rtanHlnvnr filinns hnvfi tho flexible arch which allows tho muscles to exerciso and stronghen by the more act of walking. Tho shank of the shoe Is not rigid as in all ordinary shoes, but is flexible JuBt as tho arch of your foot is flexible. The lines of the Canti lfvnr Rlinn linrmnnlze with the shano of your foot with room for tho toe3 and a. snug fitting "waist" or instep All persons who now liavo property listed with this Agency for sale, In which tho listing has expired or whoro they desiro to make a chango in their listing, or who desiro to list tholr proporty with us for salo, are urgod to call at tho offlco beforo Jan uary 20th and enter n now and cor rect listing. Our now sorvlco starts Fobruary 1st. On and aftor that dato our listings will bo published twice a month in tho Daily Telegraph, oc cupying ono full page, which will bo issued In, tho placo of our monthly bullotin. ' Remember that only properties rogularly listed with us will got this sales sorvlco. THE H. & S. AGENCY. :o: Miss Ethel Suito left Saturday for OshkoBh whoro she was callod by tho Illness of her brother. LOCAL AND 1'EKSONAL BANKS CONSOLIDATE As demanded by tho condition of tho times, tho stockholders of the Paxton Stato bank, of Paxton and tho Commercial Stato bank of Paxton, met on tho 31st day of December, 1921 and voted on a consolidation of assets and liabilities of tho two banks under tho nanlo and stylo of "Com mercial Stato Bank," thus retaining tho name. of the older, of tho two in stitutions. Thoro can bo no question but what ths is a wise move, both for tho stockholders of sold banks and for thfl public in and around Paxton, generally, as tho cpnsolidated Institution will bo much stronger and better able to ronder tho requirod periccs to tho people than tho two in stitutions could separately. Tho cap ital stock of tho Commorclal State bank is $40,000.00 and its resource ;r.43.1 58.26. Tho uumnesB of .tha con- pi'.-(tted institution will bo conducted In the build'.ng heretofore occuplol by the Paxtot State bank. Paxton Times. DIAMOND FOUND A rather sincular instance occured tho othor day at tho Bank of Lincoln County. It became necessary to raise the heavy vault doors In tho bank and put some heavy timbers under tho floor. Charles Becker and his two sons, Dan and Otto, began removing tho old flooring. In doing this Mr. Becker noticed a' shiny ob ject on tho floor when tho boards were removed, and reaching down picked it up. It proved to be tho diamond that Miss Altha Miller lost from her ring over two years ago, when' she was employed there as as slstant cashier. Thorough search had been made on the floor of tho bank many, times since tho loss oc cured. but with no result. Undoubt odly tho little sparkler had become embedded In a" crevice under the door and could not bo seen, and tho re moval of tho flooring brought it to llcht. Miss Miller, who is now Mrs. Sidney McFarlarid and living at North Platte, was notified of tho find, and needless to say she was elated. Hershey Times. J. C. Lnndholm will hold a hog sa.o on March 22nd. Albert SchaU of Omaha arrived in tho city Saturday. Read the Bargain Counter list. Win. Holdorncss is Buffering from an infoctod hand. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. W. IL LoDIoyt and grandson, J)ick O'Donnoll' left. Saturday for Grant. ' Att'y. Geo. Ni Glbba returned from Lincoln whdro ho transacted legal business. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. cott attended tho musical recital In Gothenburg Friday evening. Mrs. G. W. Smith loft tho lattor part of tho week for Kearney whoro sho was called by tho serious illness of her son Claudo who is attending tho Stnto Teacher's Collego this winter. Mrs. M. MoLonn returned tho lat ter part of tho week from Glcnvlllo whoro Bh visited rolatiyca. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pock of Akron, Ohio announce tho birth of a son at tholr homo.- Mrs. fock was formorly Miss Gonovlovo Ottonstoin. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Sorvlco and Satisfaction. i Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buohfinch re turned tho latter part of tho week from Grand Island whoro thoy visited at tho homo of Mrs. Buchflnch's mothor Mrs Gorhnm. -:o:- NOTICE Miss Vlda Bardschar of Holdrodgo has accepted a position as socrotary In tho offlco of Attorney W. E. Shu man. Mrs. O. Hansen returned to her homo In Elslo Saturday aftor visit Ing at tho homo of Mrs. Martin Wy man. I Mr. and Mrs.. H. A. Brooks attoUd ed tho recital given by tho Commun lty Club of Gothenburg at Gothonburg Friday night. Chester Cumniing loft Saturday for Chicago whoro ho attends tho Ar mour School of Technology aftor spondlng tho holidays wltlh his par-onts. Water ront is nowjUio and will bd delinquent on January 20th. All water consumers plcaso boo wntur ront is paid. HERSHEY WELSH, Wator Commissioner, Road tho Bargain Countor list. u: NOTICE .. . 1 . T ...111 t t. n 1'Tom mis unto on x. wm nuv, uu i (sponBlblo for any bills contracted by my who, mrs. subio u bowiu. Irl J. Sowlo, January 2, 1022. Maxwoll, Nob. CLOSING OUT I 1 I 1 oALL! i 1 Not a Celebration Sale, Anniversary Sale, nor a Sale to Reduce Stock, but a Sale to Close Out Our Entire Stock and Fixtures and Quit Business. OLD SETTLER Mrs. S. G. Nelson ono of tho pioneer settlers In Lincoln county whore sho resided nearly forty years, died I-ri- day Dec. 30 at tho home of her daugh ter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Johnson fifteen miles south of Brady. Christina Margaretha Jovesdotter was born March 1G, 183G, Sodra Vi- Hockon, Kalmar Lan, STTen. Sho was married to Svon Gustaf Nelson in 18C7 and emigrated with her hus band and childre- to America in 1884. They arrived at Osceola, Ncbr., tho same year but left tho following year for a homestead. The husband died in 190C. Slnco then Mrs. Nelson has mado her homo most of tho time with her ' daughter and son-in-law where sho has received loving care. Sho leaves to mourn her death ono 'daugiitor two sons, twenty-two grand children and four great grand-children. Funeral services wore held on Sun day at Svea Dal church, conducted by Rev. Holm and Rev. Albert Rose and interment was mado in tho church cemetery. Gothenburg Times Hi Hni MR BR Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi We have purchased a stock of musical merchandise near . our store at Seward, Nebr. Therefore we are compelled 4 to dispose of some of our holdings and have decided to dispose of the North Platte Store. Sale will start Wednesday Morning, Jan. 11th at 8 O'clock and Close Saturday Evening January 28th, 1922. Tho ordinary case of weak foot is supported sufficiently by tho arch conforming shank of tho Cantilever Shoo, bo you can disposo with appli ances while tho freedom of the Bhoo allows your foot to rogaln Its stronght naturally. (A "weak arch" Is nothing but a failure of the muscles and ligaments to hold tho arch bones In normal position.) Nature will do her utmost to strengthen a weak arch if given a chance. And Canilover SIiocb aro so good ln.blni nml nnmfnrnhlo that YOU fCCl happy all tho tlmo you aro wearing them. Thoy aro worn iiriuuiimuy uj. urn11.1i.nccinfl wnmBn who liaVO DO fOOt troublo at all, becauso these, women havo found It an auvaniago m mu vu keep their feet strong anu wow, com forablo and happy. .. Sold By Dr. S: E. Hupfer, Chiropodist and Foot Specialist J. J. WILSON-DfcNTIST OPPOSITE McOARE HOTEL, OVER STAMP'S BAKERY. PHONE 71. When in Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dcalinc la back of these hotels. Guests may stop at any one of them with tho as surance of receiving honest value and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL, COMPANY ROBERTS MUSIC COMPANY'S POLICY Your are given your choice of the most celebrated and famous Pianos and Players in the world. Further you are given a broad liberal conditional sale with easy terms, value, protection and exceptional saving combined. Positively no cheap, stencil or "Commercial" pianos in the entire stock. Your opportunity to Buy a High Grade .Piano for a Wholesale Price. Our stock, is comprised of the leading Pianos and Player Pianos upon th'i American Market. A SAVING OF $150 TO $300 ON EACH PIANO OPEN EVENINGS! m OPEN EVENINGS! Used Pianos and Organs accepted as part pay ment on Players. Open Evenings! Hl HiPfffl 1 A Bench and 12' Rolls of choice music with jj each Player. lull Open Evenings! PHONOGRAPHS AT WHOLESALE Positively the greatest opportunity you have ever had of making your home what it ought to be in a musical way, PLAYER JOJLiLS Popular and Classical Selections at a Discount of from 25 per cent to 75 per cent. Small musical merchandise consisting of almost everything you can think of will be sold at prices that will make you buy. SHEET MUSlC Discount 33 1-3 per cent. We have the latest numbers, and it is all in cluded in the sale. Don't wait and tell your friends how sorry you are you did not go to the sale the first day. Remember, this is a bona fide CLOSING OUT SALE and our Fixtures are included. ROBERTS MUSIC COMPANY, 110 East Front St. OPEN EVENINGS Phone 260 317 East 4th St. North Platto