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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1922)
it' i i i ' TIIIj NORTH PLATTD SDMI ""II J I 3AV POP- WILL VA I IWl j THAT&AUBT TOR A MALL TlW I ? 1 HERE'S A Pff T TQ FOR TO' WINDOW j ES GIMME A DOLLAR ? ' , BOV QOT HERE IT 13 I i j J QQLLAR POP- ' II 1 CHAMBER Of COMMERCE REPRESENTATIVE SUB MITS REPORT January 6, 1922. Mr. Ira L. Bare, Socrotary Chamber of Cominorco North Platto Nabr. Dear Sir! At your request I attondod tho ' hearing before tho Nobraska Stato Hallway Commission upon tho appli cation for incrcaso of telophono rates throughout tho state This hearing was set for Doccmbor 28th at 10:00 a. m. i a great oxponso, a very flno telephone Representatives, howovor, from system hero. I many cltlos and townB affected, had J I would suggst that a local com gathorod at Lincoln, the ovoning mlttco bo appointed to take charge prior and they had affected an or- of tho local fight. Tho Stato Railway ganlzation whon I nrrlvod tho next Commission has ruled that any com morning. Mr. O. J. Toall of Grand munlty may domand a comploto state Island was mado chairman of tho or- mont of incomo, oxponso, investment, ganlzation. At tho very boglnnlng of etc of tho Telophono Company nt any . tho hearing, tho commission askod particular point nnd that it must fur-' thqso present to Htate who thoy rep- nlsh tho formation rcquosted. .The1 resented and what tholr attitude was In regard to tho application for increased rates. Tho court room wna so packed that It was necessary to brine in oxtra chairs. Many of us Insisted tliat tho Stato Hallway Commission should rostoro tho old rates without tho 10 per cent stir chargo and without oven having a hearing, Tho Commission took theso requests undor ndvluomont and aaltl thoy would make an announcement after tho noon hour. At that time tho Chairman said that it would bo nec essary to hnvo a hoaring to find "whother or not tho Tolophono Com pany could, got along with out tho sur charge. Thon tho exports of the Tolophono Company woro put on tho stand' and offered nccouutnhoots, etc. by which thoy showed a profit of a .. mi... u . . woro croas . examined and It wna olinwn fVint Minan nwill,iu Wnm r.n.1. i ded nnd that there, woro dunllcatlona ! etc, Tho-hoaring lasted two days. Tho.100,00 Tolophono Company Boomod to hnvo no difficulty in porsuadlng tho com mission that thoy should liavo any thing tho wantod. I attended a number of meetings of tho representation throughout tho stato end thoy all folt that tho Cum mission would givo tho Tolophono Company what they askod. Tho result, Is that tho sur chargo Is to bo con- tinned until thoy can mnko a com- pleto investigation. t A committee of throo was appointed to continue tho fight for all tho North Western Boll Tolophono uBors of tho entire stato. I wna soloctpd as a mem bor of this committee Tho plan Is to sccuro tho aid of all of tho dltforont organizations of tho towns and cities affected and to mako a combined fight. Tho first hearing has heon sot for Omaha for January 27th, at which ! prollmlnnry plans will bo mado fori tho contest. Tho rata of Incrcaso askod in North Platto- Is groator than. In. almost any othor city In tho state. Tho Company asks to add ono dollar por month for buslnoss tolophonos and fifty conts por month for rostdonco tolophonos. This applies to all kinds of Borvtco whothor thoro bo ono or two part lines thoro aro 2,100 phonos in North Platto and tho incrcaso In North Ladies it First Methodist Church NORTH PLATTE Gives expert "directions for making everything from soup to : candy. Systematic, easily understood.' Every lady : will want one. A good ores- . Platto nlono would bo about $12,000 per year. I think tlio Chamber of Commerce ought to join In tlio Htnto wide fight against tlio Increano In phone rates and ought to also mnko a separate fight upon the great Increase asked hero. I cross examined tho witnesses who- appeared for tho Tolphono Co and was advised that the reason such a largo incrcso was asked nt North Platto was that tho city had grown so and was now tho fifth city ) in population In tho state They also 8nid that thoy had Installed hero, at Committee appointed by tho Chamber ' of Commorco could demand this In-1 formation. Yours Very Truly, j Wm, E. Shuman. ( C0iWSSI0NiIrs ' PROCEEDINGS Tlio Doard of County Commissioners . of Lincoln County mot in tho court houso Jan. 3, 1922 with prcsont Com missioners. Springer, Cochagen and Coker nnd Co. Clerk Allon. Geo. E. Prossor court oxp. Ceo. E. Prossor salary Rlnker Drug Co. mdso Paul G. Moyor services Arthur Nolnon dragging John Snydor road dist 32 Flold-BIrgo Co. coal GS.00 150.00 10.95 42.30 75.00 150.00 24.30 48-40 5.75 10.25 10.00 C. E. Ilostottor bridge wk Rlchlo Ucal. meals for noor a & w Cokor mdso 00 Por GCO. M, Smltll HldSO. Boolor' Croay Baskinu services Frod I Brunt Co mdso 5.52 Rush Doan caro of poor 357.79 John Gaodko caro of poor 120.00 JonB Sommora mdse. Co. poor 70.25 Harvoy Tollllon road dist 14 12.00 Goo. E. Prossor office oxp. 24.50 Alllon.O. Cochran cervicoH schools 0C'80 A,lon a Cochran, services schools, Adelaide Shilling, salary, 85.00 Alloen ' Cochran, office oxp. 14.70 Art Cramer, road dist. 54 20.011 Whon you buy a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY you wivnt a CONTRACT that is clear in construction and fair in terms, RATES that are equitable, a proper adjustment between premium charged and risk car. 4 rled, SERVICE that is prompt, courteous and effi cient, ALL' backed by financial strength to meet ovory obligation. Such policies are issued by the Fidelity Reserve Company Homo Office Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Neb. COOK BOOK PUBLISHED BY THE exit. For sale at RINCKER DRUG CO. C. M. NEWTON. ,n A i BAD TEMPER MAKES EVEN A GENIUS DISLIKED; GOOD TEMPER MAKES FRIENDS FER AMONKEY. A, W. Elfoldt road' rlst. 54 25.00 A. A, Rldonower road dist. 54 15.00 Virgio Thayor, services G.00 L. II. Ford, sorvlccs 4.00 C. H. Watta, dragging 9.00 Allied Contractors, driving pile for now court houso 2,234.72 Fred Brooks, Com- 1, 50.00 E. E. Fcagan, dragging 18.00 John Bock, dragging 12.00 Adjourned to January 9. WANTED Plain sowing or, child ren's clothes to make. 902' W. 2nd. -r-:o:- Mrs, Illlmor Thompson returned to hor homo In Ogalalla Friday after visiting at tho homes of hor mother, Mrs. G. D. Goldsmith and slBter, Mra. G. W. Smith. , Read tho Bargain Counter Hot. Hugh, Vernor and Phillip Mitchell vlsltod friends in tho city, Saturday onrouto from Loxlngton, whoro thoy spent tho Christmas holidays, to Sid noy. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men Service and Satisfaction. PR. L. A. SNAVELY. PENTIST ' X-Itay Diagnosis -Oxygen nnd Annthcsla. Over Union State Bank, rhono 29C. r $5 Portrait Free In order to be doing something during these dull times, wo will make you a 14x20 oval convex $5.00 vor trait FREE. Wo want you to show It to your friends and advertl3o our work. All we ask of you send ua 95c to pay for postage and boxing and wo will send tho portrait prepaid. Tree. Mall your photos, with 95c Glvo us a trial. Wo copy anything and everything. Money back If not. pleased. . ' . PALM ART CO., HnstlngS, N'cu. A QUIET PLACE to bring your menus to dine, a place where tho greatest care is ox exoised in tho selection of the food materials. A place where the cuisine Is exquisite, where the china and cut lery is tasteful, and tho surrounding pleasant. This is such a place. Come and enjoy It HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. J.S.TWINEM M.D. Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Plntto Valley Hospital Former Name Twlncra IIospItaL NORTH PLATTE, NEBB, The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Plitto, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have eaough stock or machinery for a general farm Bale, I am located so I can hold a combination sale at North Platto or at tho Falrvlow dairy 1 miles west of town. I have always rot onough Btock or machinery listed with mo bo wo can hold a combination salo any tlmo. TRY McKADPS CAFE Fresh Lino of HEATS AND GROCERIES 10S E. 0th St. GEO. J'cKAIN, Prop. OTIS B. i?LATT, H. D Physician and SkrgeoB X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union Stato Bank. Offico Phono 29GW Houso Phono 2D8R PIANO TUNING YTork Guaranteed nOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE rhono 41; Masonic Building at Coraer of Fifth and Dowey. DR. J. R. McKTRAHAJi Practice Limited to Diseases of Women and Sargery OVER RHXALL DRUG STORE) Phonos Office 127 Reeidttiee 5 JOHN S. SIMMS M. D. Speoiol Attontlon Given to Sargtsry McDonald Bank Balldlng Offico Phone 83 Residence 83 Wanted HIDES AND FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ r. I,. .1. KIIAUSE. Dentist, .-nnj HlngnosN. Mrl'onnld Rank lliolilinu Phone 1)7. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. i-MirHi Kiirm Snli' Spertalt). ft' tti'iit Kstni'. HfiTi'in'i' mill lr Nii'iiiioil It it ti k. North Platte. Nebraska frit. REDFIT-LP PHYSICIAN'. OIISTKTRICIAN Surgeon, X-Bay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Du Phones Offtcp G42, Residence 676 MRS. M. II EX 11 Y GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture s and the Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W3rd. Phono 1147.: DR. M. li. STATES Chiropractor 7 Building k Loan Bulldlntr. 6, 6. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1241 PERRYBERRY & FORBES. Licensed Embalmers rndertnkers nnd Fnnernl Director' Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 688 Office 340 -Honse)2! DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis. North Platu W. T. PRITCHARD Gradunto Veterinarian Ei-Qovernment Veterinarian and assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hon pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Snrgcon Special Attention Given to Surgcrj and Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building pnone: Office 130. Residence 111 Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platto. Nebraaki Knights of Columbus Building DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath , OVER HIRSCHFELD'8 Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102t WM. WALDORF, Tinner. Makes or repairs anything mado of tin or sheet' metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by thd undersigned, nine miles south and ono mile east of North Platte, Cou,nty of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; on the 2nd Day of Do comber, 1921, one yellow buckskin, weight about 900 pounds, 5 years old. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1921. M. A- Anderson. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 210 To whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed to locate a public road as follows; Commencing at tho northwest cor ner of tho southwest quarter of Bee tlon 26, thence south on section lino to the northwest corner of section 35, thence west on soction lino between flections 27 and 34 to canyon, thon in a southwesterl direction about 25 rods around head of canyon, then in a northwesterly direction back to abocre described section line, thence west along said lin to established road running north and south, all this bo ing In township nine (9) range twen ty-sevon (27) in Lincoln County, Ne braska, has reported favor thereof, all claims for damages or objections thereto by reason of the establishing of said road mast be filed in tho ef fice of tho County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 4tk day ef march 19S2, or above road will be al lowed without reference there to. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska this 93 ri day ef December 1921. A. 0. AltLBN, County Cleric UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE... Wc'slbound No. 1 . 4:45 p. 3 1:45 a. ro. m. m. m. la. m m. m. m. No. No. 7 4:25 p. No. 13 S:10 a. No. No. No. No. No. 15 :12:40 a. 17' 1 6:25 p. 19 i 9:10 a. 25 -i - 7:00 p. C3 3:50 a. Enstbound Mo.' 2 . J 12:20 p'. tn. No. 4 - 11:00 p. m. No. 8 12:05 p. m. No. 10 225 p, m No. 12 11:30 p. nt No. 18 1:16 p. m. No. 20 7:20 p. ni. No. 26 5:40 a. m. No. 54 10:10 p. m. No. 16 8:55 a. m. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by tho undersigned, four teen miles north of North Platte, County of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; on the 31st day ' of December, 1921, three black mules, 700 pounds each; two black horses, 1,000 pounds each; flvo bay horses, 1,200 pounds each; ono black yearling colt and ono gray yearling colt. Dated thjs. 3rd day of January 1922. (Signed) Frank Clark, East Tryon Route. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1605, of Hans D. Jergen son, deceased In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estato take notice that tho Administratrix has filed a final account and report of hor administration and a petition for fi nal settlement anoY discharge as such, Administratrix, which have been sot for hearing before said court on Jan uary 20th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m whon you may appear and contest the same. Dated" Decdmber 20, 1921. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. (John Grant Attorney.) NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE Notice is hereby given that y vir tue of a chattel mortgage dated Oc- i.uuer xutu, ana auiy niea in tne offico of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 11th day of October, 1921 and executed by Mau rice E. Martin and Lloyd R. "Wilson, to H. M. Porter, to secure tho pay ment of six promissory notes In the sum of Twenty-flvo Dollars (125.00). each payable monthly, tho first note payable November 1st, 1921; and fif teen promissory notes in tho sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), payable month ly, tho first noto payable May 1st, 1922, and all bearing Interest at 8 per cent per annum, all of which notes are now duo and payable, default having been mado in tho paymont of the original note, and interest whon tho Bomo became duo, and no suit or othor proceeding at law having boen Instituted to recover said debt, or any part thereof, therefore, I am BoHirg tho proporty thorein described, to wit: 1 Royal Iceless, 8 foot soda foun tain. 1 Steel tank, for Caronated water. 1 Gas Regulator and equipment. 6 Beds and Bedding; 2 Dining Room Tables; 3 small Lunch Tables; 1 Coal Range, 6 holo; 1 Oil Stovo, burners. 4 Dressers; 1 Comodo; 22 Chairs with steel rounds and legs. AH shelving; 3 Linoleums. All kitchen utensils and dishes used in restaurant 2 Orange crush urns; 1 largo Cigar case; 2 largo candy cases; 2 upright candy cases. 4 Ico Cream Tables, Marbel tops, 1 wood top. 1 Herrlcks Ico chest, 3 doors; 2 Gum cases; 1 Pipe Case. 1 Counter with Citrollte top; 1 CaBh Register. 2 dish racks; 1 lunch counntor. 1 Cigar Caso, email; 1 Scale, Bub Ject to a first mortgage. 2 Ice Cream DIshers. at public auction at Block Two (2), West M lot Five (5), in tho Two Story Cement Block Building occupied as restaurant in Village of Ilcrsaoy, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Tuoa day the 17th day of January, 1962, at the hour of One 'o'clock P. M., of said date. t II. M. PORTER, Mortgagee. T