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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1922)
Jlorth Blattc Crtbtmc. If" TUESDAY and FRIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 10, 1922. -NO. 1. it': .4ft The Tribune M fhirty-seven "Years Old Today?, A-'. lit 5 ; . 4 9 ABOUT PEOPLE ANDTHINGS CUKRENT COMMENT ABOUT PEOPLE AND THE THINGS THEY AHE DOING The directors of tho Lincoln Coun ty Farm Bureau .will meet on Janu ary 27 and oloct officers for the coming year. Tho directors woro elected at a moss meeting of tho mombors tho last of December. Tho United States government is issuing a now coinago of the dollar called tho "peaco doljar". It will tako tho pfaco of tho dollar wo now uso. The first one was issued' a week ago and'was presented to President Hard ing. Whq will got tho first ono in North Platte? As an indication of tho popularity of the city library, Miss Murphy gave out 325 books on Saturday. Many of theso woro books other than fiction and tho librarian thinks that many who aro not employed at pres ent aro taking advantage of tho li brary and what It offera. Several south side farmers have been losing' hogs and chlckons lately and they aro studying means of find ing out the cause. Messers Harvey, Talbot, Woodgato and others havo lost from one to four hogs each and quite a list of farms havo lost chickens. This kind of thieving must stop ac cording to reports from that section. Scott McCrond bought ono of the pure bred HerGfords offered by Mou sol Bros., at Cambridge last week. Tho bull cost about $500 which is tiaaid,to.. to.. about . pno-;tonth avhat- It would have brought a year or two ... . . .. .1 ago. ivuty-ono nnimais were soiu, 3 U.BThrifty 5Ays T1 mm 86 "tK .OU.VSQVt sUve QUESTION: WHat slaves early and late for you in North Platto? ANSWER: 5 por cent Interest. QUESTION: Where does 5 per cent Interest prove your willing slave? ANSWER: At the Union Stato Bank. 5 Por Cont on Tlmo Deposits is the safe, attractive interest rate wo pay you on Time De posits all tho time. UNION STATE BANK 4 . r. 1 SAVING ' tho average of tho bulls being $501 and' of tho cows ?550. Thl brings? another purobrod Bird into Lincoln county. Following Is tho estimated condl of winter wheat on December 1, 1021 ns Issued by tho United States depart ment of agriculluro and tho Nebraska Dopartment of Agriculture for Lin coln county and tho surrounding ter ritory: Lincoln, 87 per cent; Keith, 85 per cent; Hayes, 90 per cont; Buf falo, C3 per cont; Garden, G9 per cent; Logan, 85 per cent? Arthur, 80 por cont; Dawson, 87 per cont. Wllll3 "Knight of Hershey died at an Omaha hospital Sunday, following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Knight Is well known in this city and was,-one of Horshcy's lending citizens, I having operated a general storo there for many years. Tho remains passed through tho city yesterday onrouto from Omnlia to Horshoy, ac companied by his father Rev. Knight of tho Presbyterian church and Mr?. WilliB Knight. Tho Brady Vindicator says that the qiiota of the $5,000 to bo raised in Lincoln county . for surveying tho south sldo Irrigation project, wh'ch lit r l mr n 4-n Ti n ill linn linrtn -t K. k than raisdd. That speaks well for tho enterprise of that city and setJ tno enterprise or tint qity anu seu an oxamplo for tho other places, North Platto IncludctL Tho survey Norm liatto lnciuucu. ino survey should bo made now, in fact it can- not be made as cheaply at any other time Considerable nroctosB is belli- time. Considerable progress is belno; made In various parts of tho valley. . More than twenty' American Legion . men turned out to the initial practice j for basket ball. Such athletes as Halligan, Kerr, Jones, Meyers, Rinck-1 or, Sandall, Redmond, Cooland oth ers ar6 counted upon for p. team that will unhold the honors it the vnrti, Tlntt nost nn-.i(nat all comers. J . - " - . Dr. McKlrahan will give them soma timo and other good men will assist io in the coaching. At tho first practice Monday night, no . officers wero elected but that will come In the near future. The Lloyd Opera house la to bo known as Legl.on hall and will boj used for tho Legion games.' A list of exhibitors for tho Na tional Western Stock show which will bo hold at Denver, January 14 to 21 ' shows no names from Lincoln coun ty. O. J. Brownfiold of Cozad will slinw twn enra of fat hoes, two fat Hampshiros. E. E. and N. T. Young of Lexlngtou ono car registered bulls' ,and ono car of registered hoifers. J. Winkler and Son, Lexington, ono ' grade Galloway. George J. German, Cozad, four cars fat hogs. John Mo jvich, Lewollen, three para fat hogs, and ti. is. Tayior, rurnam, iwo iuvra fat hogs. Altogether there will bo about 225 carloads of stock on ex hibition in addition to hundreds of in dividual animals. Mrs. P. E. Mclnteo returned Satur Invitations aro qut for a conference day jrom nxi where she visit and banquet by tho Democratic Stato ed hor parent8 Central Commltteo on January 14 at, Mr dnd Mrs; Pushman of lf1100 Molroso transacted. business in the thoSowho willMmako addresses are clty ycst0rday " ' former Governor "Keith Neville of this, M8B Devori0'y Wurt6li0 loft yester clty. Tho notfeo says: "Timo and day for 0maha where flho aUond8 events have demonstrated that tho ad- urownoU Hall ministration of tho democratic party. - n. ,ntlPB " . Yn(,nr Wvn nrrIv . ln Nebraska was sensible, efficient. and economical. Tho people must have rouoi lruiu uie luuiiiuieucy, waaio unu oxtravaganco of tho prcsont stato ad ministration. Taxes must bo reduced. Tho voter will ln sober afterthought, return tho democratic party to pow er. Relief can como in no othor way." Tho notice Is signed by Arthur F. Mullen and H. S. Daniel. In some of tho eastern counties whoro a wavo of economy in expend! tures ls holding tho center of atten tion, petitions havo been circulated asking tho county commissioners to dispenso with tho office of county highway commissioner. Tho Hebron Register-Champion appeared to bo In sympathy with this raovo in Thayer county but in tho last issuo tho editor says: "Tho Register-Champion has;for Qmaha whoro uiao uuiuriiuuuu iruui uiu ruumug 111 tho statutes that tho.offico of high way commissioner is required .by law Ho must bo appointed by tho county board, must bo a 'compotont engineer, must viso road improvement plana and bills for road work and Is enti tled to a wago of ?8.00 por day for all or part of tho oar. From this It would appear that a petition to oust tho highway commissioner was rather IRRIGATION MEETING HELD MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE SOUTH SIDE DITCH AHE COMING ALONG KINE Thirty mon Interested In tho gov- ornmont survey of tho Boutb. Bide looking toward an oxtonslvo Irriga-! opening exorcises of tho North Platto Hon project thero mot at tho court Night School and applauded whilo lo houso Saturday and organized by,cal an(1 visiting spcakors told of tho oleoting T. E. Doolittlo, president; I. '"wonderful lntorest-Bhown hero. Tho M. Aborcrombio, vice president; Kred 4I,SU School Cadet band oponod tho McClymont, secretary and Butler Bu- Program with sovoral soloctlons which chanan, trcasuror. No namo was do- woro roundly chcorod. n, D. Blrgo as elded upon fontho organization. An JnU3l master load in a numbor of oxocutlvo, committee composed of oiio spirited songs and then Suporin member from each of tho eight pre- tondent Littol lead In covoral cheers, cincts will bo named at a later meet- Tll speaker's woro Introduced by lng. .Representatives wero present uporintendont Littel with aproprlato from Pockham, Gaslln, Cottonwood, remarks. O. II. Thoolccko as chair Payno, Osgood and Miller precincts. mnn r tno business men's commltteo, Meetings havo boon hold in most of Mr- Goorgo Fratorj cliairman of tho tho school houses in those precincts woman's committee; Frod Ouimctto, and tho final meoting of tho cam- chairman of tho railroad committee; paign will bo hold in the school AIrs- J h- RoMy, chairman of tho south of Horshey tonight. To date Bonornl commltteo of thirty; E. U: 5'auu Ims ueen 10 wo PrJct for vhlch U ls estimated $5,- Messers Halli- u must uo raised, messers nam- Ban, Thoolccko, and Bare of tho , Commorco ,.., Doonttle L,uamDor or commerce nnu uoontue, noUta and Abercromble attended a meoting at Lexington Where pro- bo .reported and irriga- BrtSB wus lo "u i'orau unu iiiiya tion mattors discussed. A general meeting of all interested In tho sub- ject of Irrigation on tho south side is called for next Saturday at 1 p. m. at tho court house. Everyono ls In- vlted. . - . - -.--'io.: , ' TOCAF, AND 1r.ltSOTVTAti . A. . Li t n ' . ' . m . - ,.4.- ... . , j ..fctDl.. . . ...... ... j;T3. kelson transacted business Tn Sterling yesterday. W. J. O'Connor is transacting bus - iness in Omaha this week. Miss Hazel Becker of Hershey vis-; Itcd local friends Saturday. Mrs. J. N. Kenney of . Hershey shppped in tho city Saturday. Miss Nova Trexlor spont the week en ln Grcolc wlth relatives Elmer Taylor has accepted a po sition at tho Nowton "Book storo. J .iiiics. uiuuivy ul. uubuuuijuiti La im ported to bo very 111 at the home of he: daughter, Mrs L. C. Carroll Mr, and Mrs. S. R. Patterson of Maxwell shopped In tho city Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Chalker o Ogalalla transacted business in tho city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lawrence of Paxton transacted business in the city Saturday. Burt Moooro and Henry Smith were among tho Horshoy visitors to tho city Saturday. vostordav to Bnoml fftW ,,nvn ,n thn u business. 0 Kenneth Whelan arrived Saturday from Torrlngtbn to spend a few days with his parents. Mrs. T. O'Keofo and daughter, Mar garet, returnod Sunday from Kearney whoro she Bpont a fow days. Gordon Sent returned to his homo in Council Bluffs yesterday after spending a fow days, with his aunt, Mrs. N. E. Louden. Mrs. Frank McGovorn loft Sunday for Omaha whero oho was callod by tho serious illness of her brother, John Weinberger. Mr. andiairs. J. W. Payno loft today for Los ngolos, Calif., whori they will Bpond, tho romalndor of tho winter. , ' Mr. and Mrs. O.Hanson loft Sunday by tho death of tho former's grand mother. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Reynolds re turnod to tholr homo ln Peats, Colo., yesterday after visiting at tho How ard Curtis homo. futile." tn that county It waa found that tho actual savings effected by tho highway commlslonor woro more than doublo tho amount of his salary. NIGHT SCHOOL : STARTS WORK RATIONAL AND STATE OFFICERS ATTEND THE OPENING EX ERCISES HERE A crowa tlmt Packed tho Franklin auditorium to capacity attondod tho - - - A. J. Hill for to railroad men spoke, C. A. Fulmar, Nobraska director for vwinnni o National Board of Vocational Education c osed tho program with m nrn,, un wn,r S00 Ho .3 H thjJ local committee, Ho stated hat according to population, North iMf -rtnmnn i a"- has tho largest enrollment In lZhl school of any city In tho United pates. Following tho last address M10 classes which aro to moot on ifionday nGiit woro oirociou to go to ii,tuclr rospoctlvo rooms for conBUi- :,J.'taon with tho teaencro. Konowmg 1 -a'-' part of tho teachers approved for Mw classes which will bo organized. ' oxpoctou tiiatTnany moro toacn ors will bo needed and announcod , later: Typewriting durs. usuier itoueson. Penmanship Miss MunBingor, Mrs. Thc HIRSCHFELD Co WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW ON SALE UN E DAY ONLY Wednesday, Jan. 11th YOU MEN He'e is your opportunity. We have assembled from out high, grade stock 185 PAIRS RALSTON and other high grade SHOES Values up to $10.00 All go at one price $Q.85 Opair These shoes come in round, square and plain toes. Also the new spade and straight lasts in calf and vici leathers. Not more than one7 pair to a customer. Where the Greatest S ilc in North Platte is now in Full Swing. Coopor. Gymnasium Miss Story. Cooking- MI8B Boyloak Homo Nursing Mra. Cottoroll. ' Mocluinlcal Drawing It. II. Now I man. Advertising Frank Smith. Sowing 'Miss Bess Hoy lea. Millinery Miss Colcsto Crawford. Bookkeeping Frank Smith, R. D. Blrgo. Auto Moclmnlcs Ira LoMastor, Roy Calhoun. Mathenintlca George, Meyers, E. L. Stephens, Hershoy "Welch. Salesmanship John Edwards. Air Asa Snyder. Valvo Sotting E. T. Casoy. Car Repairing Robert J. Hill. Electrical Engineering C. R. Mor oy. Machine Working Harry McEvoy. Welding Maurlco Gullliaumo. Poultry Robort Jnndobour. People taking tho following sub jects will meet tonlnht In tho Frank lin auditorium: Car Roparing, Cook ing, Adortislng, English, Bookkeep ing, Homo Nursing, Mathomatlcs, Mo- chanlcal Drawing, Poultry, Trado MUllnory, Welding. Tho following olasses will report dlr6ctly to tholr rooms: Auto Mechanics, Room 130 Franklin building; Sowing, Room 110 Franklin building; Shorthand, Room F, Central building; Typewriting, Room F, Central building. tPoonlo I taking the following sufbjuats will report- Wodnosdny night: Eloctrloi "rat toam. At each gamo thoro will Engineering, Girls' Gymnasium, Bat-,00 a preliminary, gamo. A season tery Study. Enough pcoplo have- t,c,tot to M" ton regular doublo registered for Manual Training and Vendors will cost $3. Tho season It is posslblo a class will bo opened t,ckct salo started last night. Pur In that subject ,chaso of a season ticket entitles tho s .o: j buyer to $5 worth of games and Tho altar guild of tho Episcopal Rlv3 tho lcnln tllG support which it church will meet this evening at tho t ,8 entitled to. High school puplla i. ' o .... tt ri -nMnni. 11U1UU UL. 1UIB. il. J, UIUUI1. J ' Charles; Faubrow and Israel Mcm Dougall were orraignod ln county! TjOCAL AND lERSONAli .courC Saturday onJLhe chargooti Mrs. Jos.. Comllt -will, leayo-tomor-stealing from tholnin Combs. They plead guilty and woro ( Harry StovonB left today for Crook, bound over to district court. Thoy(Colo., to transact buBlncss. await tholr trial in tho county jail. ; John McDaniols of Paxton entered Tho Holloy Music House, locatod in tho Masonic building, has pur chased tho Victor VIctrola dealership from the Roberts Music 'Co. After Fobruary 1 tho Holloy MubIc Houso will bo headquarters, for tho world ronownod Vlctrolas and Victor rec ords. Georgo North was taken Into cus tody by tho city police yesterday for being drunk. Following tho purchase of a pint of boozo at 211 Dowey street, an argument was started and North was thrown from tho houso and picked up by the city police. Ho stated ,that ho would testify against tho houso in police court today. Mrs. Boal and Alfred Wayman woro ar rosted as Inmates of tno house and nwnlt trial ln tho county jail. The 8-year-old daughter of Mrs. Beal is ln tho chargo of Police Matron Mrs. Jack McGraw. Business BECAUSE WE SELL GOOD, CLEAN, HIGH QUALITY COAL and get it to you when you want it. We are satisfying hundreds of customers and can satisfy you. If our coal pleases you, tell your friends; if it does not, tell us. We guarantee it to please you. We have a coal lor every purpose. PHONE 40. 900 E. FRONT ST. The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. Honest Coal, Honest Weight, Honest Service BASKETBALL SEASON OPENS SEASON TICKETS ARE ' BEING SOLD THIS WEEK FOR OPENING GAME FRIDAY j Tho North Platto High school is to start tho 1D22 basket ball son with a game on tho homo floor. Lex ington High school will play hero noxt Friday ovonlng. Thoro will bo a boys and a girls' garao. Superin tendent Littol has appointed Frank Smith ns faculty manager of athlotlcs and Mr. Smith has arranged asched ulo that covers somo of tho host sohools of tho state. It will bo tho aim of tiio North Platto mnnngomont to get Into the Class A toams at tho stato tournament. Tho squad is showing up woll under Captain Locko with Healoy, Shnner and Yost of tho last yoar regulars und Bun noil, Pcnso and. Shilling of tho reg ulars. NqW mon who aro showing up woll inoludo Rector, Webor, Pitman and Hubbard. It It not unusual to havo throo full teama out at practice and plonty of older heads to holn. Thoro will bo at least ton gamos in th rogulnr nchodulo of tho boy a got a choapor rate, -:o: tho Platto Valloy Hospital yesterday for medical treatment. Miss Ruth Thompson of Kearnoy spdnt tho wcok end ln tho city as tho guest of Miss Fern Dolph enrouto to Kimball, whoro sho is teaching. Claudo Wolngand of Los Angolos, Call., arrived in tho city this morn ing to visit frionds and relatives and transact business. Tho funeral of tho late Willis Knight oforshoy will bo hold from tho Prosbytorlan church at Horshoy today and lntormont will bo mndo ln tho North Platto comotory. Tho"' (debating' clasB of tho Senior High school is using tho magazine room at tho city library as its head quarters for study and roforonco. Tho library offors its facilities to such organizations and is glad to havo i 'thorn como to It for holp. Is Good!