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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1921)
4t . A . jBWi 7 4 THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 27, 1921. NO. 101. nmmc if I. -v ABOUT PEOPLE ANDJHINGS COItKEJJT C03OIENT ABOUT PEOPLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE The Rotary club will meet this even ing with the ladlcB and will be entot' talnod at a Christmas party. A dinner at 6:30 will start tha festivities. Tho committee Is holding the balance of the program n secret. County Agent Kellogg Is In tho east ern part of tho Btato this week visit ing relatives and taking a needed va cation. Ho will attend tho meeting of organized ngriculturo at Lincoln next week and return to North Platto about January 5. Tho Farm Bureau is to havo somo lantern slides on "Road Improve ment" and "Swino Production" for use in this county from January 9 to 13. Anyone wishing theso slides for display in their school houses should notify the county agent at North Platte at once. -tot- One of tho higher officials of the Union Pacific was in the city last week and was Interviewed regarding. the Locust street crossing. Ho nc kr.owledged the great amount of traf fic crossing the railroad at that point and gave somo orders which are ex pected to rellove the congestion. The liincoln County Farm Bureau membership will be only $7.50 for new members and $6 for renewals. Tho Stato Federation gets $5 of this far state and national work and tho $1 goc3 to aid in. securing now members. This low price should encourage farmers to continue their memberships. Mauley Rassmussen of Brady has received notice of his selection as tho winner of the Union Pacific scholar ship prize for having mado tho hlgh- .eat standing in club vrprkj during U.B. Thrifty sas f Men cjehuihe. bov-e it Advertising is a matter of let "ting people know what you have that will benefit them. Among the genuine merit? we ndvercisc is - ADVICE .'ON INVESTMENTS Our officers counsel is always available for those seeking ac curate information on matters of finance and investments. In theso unusual times reliable advice on such matters is very ecessary. UNION STATE BANK HIGH SPOTS IN THE WORLD'S LIFE DURING THE YEAR 1921 ' '-it GERMANY BEGINS - -LUH - I BtSTH TCXIll? ; 3- ? f ' ' : at, ..wkw lUT Sli td&S- fe. HARPING TAKLS vJL Mi OLD SOL BUMS ''i OOSr or LIVING COMES csiant nn-x EXPtOOES in mid Air V-l SndPL , hot all '- DOWN SOMEWHAT ' ' v ' -JJ SUMMER". ' F1T3 r ' " j ' ' t injerscv jfe i P") LsdiHSi . aI mWj ---ill .ZI ... . lMO miKW rV, . If A BIG SCRAP OCCURS V u STUDENTS AT . 0THERSCH00LS JSOIJTH PLATTI2 YOU'(! VOLKS AT TKNI) COLLEGE ALL OYER THE COUNTKY til '- MCRICA'i UNKNOWN SOLDIER IS BURiET) A1 ARL INGTON In our issue of December 13 wo gavo n Hat of tho boys nnd girls from North Platto who nro enrolled In tho University of Nobrnskn. Tills list was easy to secure and accurate. A dlroctory Is published each year with a completo Hat of studonts attending thoro and tho names can bo checked from that. A list of studonts attend ing other schools Is more difficult to socuro and llablo not to bo so accur ate. Following Is such a list which Is subjoct to correction. Wo will be glad to hear of any other North Platte pooplo who aro nttondlng higher schools, whoso names do not appear horo: Russell Longford, Loland Stanford lUnlvorslty, California. Lcstor Langford, Leland Stanford University, California. Julius Iloga, ' Colorado School of Minos, Goldon. Claudo Smith, Koarney Stato Teach ors' Collogc. Lcsllo Daro, Harvard Univorslty. Nicholas McCabo, Notro Damo University. Claronoo McCabo, Notre Danto Uni voraity. Charles Qlnn, Cincinnati University. Clioetor Cununlng, Armour School o" Technology, Chicago. Ruth- Elder, Colorado Tcachors' Collogo, Qrocloy. Charles Yost, Midland Collogo, Fro mont. Evorot Adams, Midland Collogo, Fremont. Ruth Stroltz, Univorslty of Chicago, Margarot Fredrlcksen, Midland Col logo, Fromont. Frances 'Edwards, Hastings College. Esther Kelly, Dr. Curry's School of Expression, Boston. . Harry Waltemath, University of WiscotiBln; Madison. ... Hulda Johnson, Stato Tcachors Collogo, Kearney. Helen Moore, Uoylo's Uuslnoss Col lege, Omaha. -'t , ' Austin BoDoll, ..Damo. - Freonmn Hunson, Wosloyan, Lln "ti" Florenco McKay, Music school, Chicago. :o:- tho 1921 season. The prize is a $75 scholarship in the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. This is quite a honor to come to one of tho Lincoln County boys and County Agent Kellogg Is. more than pleased at tho results of his first year's work with tho boys and girls clubs. crintendeut. Tho dates for tho next annual poultry show will bo Decem ber 12 to 1C, 1922, inclusive. Tho as sociation has completed Its Incorpora tion during tho past year nnd Is in a position to make nn impress ort tho poultry intoresta of tho valloy. Tho pupils of Senior High school enjoyed a high school mlxor Wednes day evening at the Franklin auditor ium. Tho evening was taken up by a feature program and games follow ed by thirty minutes of dancing and a Christmas lunch was served. Tho auditorium was decorated in keeping with the holiday season and n light ed Christmas tree stood in tho cen ter. This mlxor was tho first social affair of its kind this year and proved to lie a huge success. Thursday evening was tho regular annual meeting of the Platto Valley Poultry Association, Inc. Tho follow ing officors wore elected for the com ing year: Keith Novlllo, president; L. F. Simon, vico president; Robert H. Jandobeur, socrotary; L. I. Tuclc- or, treasurer; M. C. Rogers, superin tendent; T. C. Mongle, assistant sup- County Superintendent Cochran has received word that $1,999.77 has been added to tho school apportion ment of Lincoln county on account of a law passed by tho last legislature which provide that school lahds In tho county which arc not taxed, Bhall be figured upon their valuation nnd tho amount of tho tax which tho county should recolve If thoy were taxable, shall be takon from tho stato appro primont before tho division Is made. This amount for Lincoln county Is almost two thousand dollars and it will bo divided among tho districts In which tho non taxable school land aro located. Tho balanco of tho state apportionment has not yol been ro-colved. Ing aftor school tho boys ;und girls teams from each class holdXtho pre liminary games. Tho Junior and sen ior boys won over tho freshmen and sophomoro teams and tho Junior and sophomore girls defeated tho sonor and freshman girls. Tho finals wore played on Wednesday afternoon tho girls' game stood 6 to 5. In favor of tho sophomores and the boys 13 to 12 In favor of tho Juniors. Tho high school team will bo chosen from tho bost of all tho classes. Regular practlco will begin with tho oponlng of school after tho holiday vacation but considerable work has alroadv been done In getting tho boys In.,ghap3 for tho season. ' , LODAL ORGANIZATION IS TO ENTERTAIN HIGH OFFICIALS Considerable intorost was centered In tho Intcr-clasB basket ball games Just before school dfsmlsscd for tho holiday vacation. On Tuesday ovon- Goodman-Buckley Trust Company NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL $30,000. We have a plan wheroby you can receive a regular monthly income on your invested money which is safe and exempt from State, County and City taxes. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN. This institution is uuder the supervision of the State Bank ing Board. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. Tho local post office reports tho Christmas business as very satisfac tory. Receipts from sales of stamps etc., wore In oxcess of last year and while there was no count of packagos, tho Impression nt tho post offlco Is that thero was a larger Incoming bus iness than formorly. ho cancelling machlno bIiows that 35,000 postcards and greetings woro received at tho lo cal office and mailed from lioro. As sistant Postmaster Tucker seated this morning that ovory package received during tho Christmas rush waji deliv orod tho day It was rocelvod. Whoro tho pnekngo wont Into tho boxes it counted ns dollvorod when a notico was placod In tho box. Ono of tho big mall trucks used at tho Air Mall station was prossod Into sorvlco nnd that with tho regular carriers cov ered tho city. Tho work in tho mail ing room was systematized hotter than over and was carried on by itho regu lar forr-o with tho help of but ono ad ditional clork. :or- Tho Royal Neighbor Lodge will hold a big mooting tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in tho I. O. O. F. hall. Two supremo officors ono from Lincoln and ono from Omaha will bo prosont, Tho mooting will bo opened with school of instruction followed by a program. At 6 o'clock tho visitors and members will bo banquotcd In tho Guild parlors of tho Episcopal church. Tho even ing will be spont in adoption and initiation followed by a fancy drill and program. Each Neighbor may bring a frlond as tho fancy drill nnd program Is open to tho public. :o: Kenneth Wlielan loft for Denver to spend a few days with friends. Jim Norris of Chicago is spending tho holidays with his father O. E Norris. Miss Evangollno Horrod returned home Tuesday from Denver whoro Bho visited relatives. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson at tholr homo Fri day. Mothor nnd baby aro doing nicely. LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS DO NATE TO CHRISTMAS ' COMFORT Tho Twentieth Century Nclub took tho lead this year in distributing ChrlstmnB cheor to tho poor nnd un fortunato of tho city. Under Its di rection a committee of ladios solicited and filled olghty-slx CliristmaB bas kets. Those often woro packing boxes with potatoes, flour nnd other eat ables In quantities, nnd required two good men to carry thorn. Theso bas kets wore distributed by men from tho Chamber of Commorce lead by Secretary Rare. While Bomo families may havo received bnskots who woro not Btrlctly needy and some needy pcoplo may havo been ralssod, the work wns do'no as woll as possible and "undoubtedly brought ChriBtmaa cheer to sovoral hundred pooplo who .would otherwise bave been without. -:o: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Malum spont Christmas In Gothenburg with rel atives. Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, Service nnd Satisfaction. Monday Judgo Woodhurst perform ed tho marrlago coromony for Emil A. Schultz nnd Miss Jessie Mario Coy kondnll of Moorofiold. Aftor Mnrch 1st thoy will llvo oh a farm north of Moorofiold in Lincoln county. Attorney Shumnn will go to Omaha to attend tho Stato liar Association of which ho is ono of tho Vice- presi dents. Ho will bo accompnnlod by his daughter Dorothy and togothor thov will go to Donver aftor tho mooting Is ovor. Thoy will rotum to Nori'.i Platto about January G. No Change in Price of Ford Cars A1450M 67 NL OMAHA NEBR 22 HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO . NORTH lLAITE NEBR. Telegram from factory received today reads as follows; "Your attention may have heen called to recent newspaper articles and rumors to the effect that there is to he a price drop January first. As there is no foundation to such ru mors and we are not contemplating any price chunges wc have no hesitancy in making a denial of the report." FORD MOTOR CO.