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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1921)
tribune. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 30, 1921. NO. 102. Jtora NIGHT SCHOOL IS ASSURED BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTES TO EXTEND FINANCIAL. SUPPORT TO PROJECT ACTIVITY OF THE POLICE CAUSES ARREST OE GAMRLERS A vocational night school is to ho oponcd In North Platte on Monday, January 9. Tho board ot education has authorized the uso ot tho school plant with lights, heat and apparatus itind a part of tho other expenses, the stato to pay and the national govern ment a part. Twenty courses havo boon decided upon and will bo ot tered. Tho classes will meet one night a week for probably two hours' Tenphors aro to bo selected from res idents of North Phitto and aro to be paid at tho rate of ?2.50 an hour for the work. The classes aro free to all who-enroll. No one under 1G is to enter and tho high school pupils can enroll only when they aro employed in some place of business on Satur day. Superintendent Littel stated last night that registrations are coming in in fine shape, over forty bavins been received to that tinie. Those who wish to enroll should call at tho of fice of the city superintendent dur ing tho afternnon or evening of tho next fow days and learn what classes aro to bo givon and tho scope of the work in each. Superintendent Littel Is in direct charge of tho school and will be glad to explain it to any one. Following aro some of the subjects that will bo offered: Shorthand, type writing, salesmanship, millinery, sewing, gymnasium for women, gleo club for women, mathematics, valvo petting, air, combustion, electric welding, car repairing, mechanical drawing, machine work and subjects of like order. The plan is now to open the night school on' January 9. - : :o; Ernest Itincker left yesterday for Omaha to transact business. Tuesday night Chief Splllnor and, (Patrolman Knapp and ,Esholman raided tho pool hall at 221 East Sixth atret and nrrostod five men who were playing cards in a basement room. They appeared in police court Wed nesday and gave tholr names as Har old Emerson, Fred Haywnrd, Joo Thomas, Joo Hall and John Smith. Evidonco showed that they had tho materials for gambling although they claimed they were only playing "rum my." They woro fined $5 and costs each and A. E. Bell, tho proflrlotor of the place was fined $30 and costs :o: William Elliott and Sidney McFar land night switchmen for tho Union Pacific, were hold up Wednesday whlly on duty in tho west yards. It is report ed that a bold bandit stopped up to them nnd pulled a rovolver but ho was not fast enough as tho switch men turned and ran faster than him. MVs. Eatolla Moore died it hor homo Tuesday and the remains wero shipped Wednesday to Pino Bluffs, Arkansas for burial. Mrs. Moore was tho widow of Uriah Moore and has mado her homo for tho past years with hor two sons, Vinson and Mar cus. She was G9 years of age. LOCAL Ajfi? JKKS0N L The Tribuno editor joins the staff in wishing every sub scriber, advertiser and reader a year of good health, -great happiness and .increasing prosperity. ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S HALL TO RE HELD ON FRIDAY Tho thirty-sixth annual Now Year's! Ball by tho Brotherhood of FJro mcu and Engineers will bo hold Fri day at tho Lloyd Opora House. This is one of tho social holiday events nnd is looked forward to with pleasure. Tho committeo in chnrgo will en deavor to maintain tho stnndnrd which tho brotherhood has acquired. :o: Tho Senior Class of tho Central High School will bo entortalncd this evening by graduates of Midland Col lego and thoso nttendlng Midland Col lego this year. A special tlmo has boon planned by tho committeo in chnrgo, ROY SCOUT TREASURER ISSUES FINANCIAL STATEMENT A New Tears resolve make it real, for for sooth, & You say It with flowers J you say it with truth. f Brighton up tho lives oft your family and friends' with cholco, f ragrantn $ flowers, and bring morerp real happiness into your own existence than youk nave nnown uoiore. ey iTHF.mTH PIYITFP 41UJ WJfcA.W AUliAM 1 tit n-ni r mr TJ rLUKAL LU. T V ROWERS AND PLANTS 1 rWE ARC AS NEAR TO YOU Mill' M II 111 1 mmrrrtt i PHONE 1023 V Miss Graco McConnoll shoppod In tho city yesterday. Samuel Howes came this morning from Sterling Colo. L. Jopson left yesterday for Om aha to transact business. M. C. Keller of Lomoyno was among tho out of town visitors Tues day. Dr. J. S. Simms transacted pro fessional business in Oga'killa yes terday. Dr. J. S. Twinom spent the first of the week in Omaha transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmussen o! Horshoy visited relative? in the' city this week. Attorney Max Cook of- Lexington transacted legal business In tho city Wednesday. Misses Jennie and Edith Pyle will return today from Greeley where they viisted friends. Miss Helen Solbort of Grand Is and arrived yesterday to visit friends in the city. Miss Sarah McCord of Oshkosh who has been tho guest of Miss Gertrude : Doty will return to her homo tomor row. j Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cronlin of Mln- , neapolls aro visiting at tho Jos. Rod ' dy home and Charles Martini in tho city. Arthur Hubbard of Kimball is spending tho week at tho homo of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hub bard. Edward Bogue and Sherwood Wood hurst of Grand Island aro expected to ' arrive tomorrow to spend Sunday In the city. Mre. A. P. Kelly left yesterday fur P.oston to visit he." daughter Esther who attends Dr. Curry's Sclion- of expression. Following is a copy of tho financial roport of tho local council of tho Boy Scouts as given at tho annual meet ing last week by M. E. Scott, treas urer: Tho amount on hand at the be ginning of tho year was $22.G8 and ono( Liberty bond for $50. Received from all sources during the year, $2, 1G7.32, making a total received of $2, 239.90. According to the vouchors In the hands of tho treasurer ho paid out $2,171.19, leaving a balance on Jan uary 1, 1922 of $G8.71. The report was audited and approved by a committee consisting of Harold Welsc, R. J. Ras mussen and C. F, Temple, . Tho American Legion basket ball team is ready to go. Tho suits havo 'bnnn nrilornil. now linllg nnmirnfl tliul. . .... , , ... -auovo can is issued by tno two mom PROGRESSIVE PARTY CALLS LINCOLN COUNTY CONVENTION Followiug is the call for tho Lin coin County convention of tho Pro gressivo party: There wll bo a coun ty convention hold at North Platto, Neb., December 31st, at 2:00 p. m. at tho K. P. hall, for tho purposo of con sidoring tho adoption or rejection of tho now Progressive party, and tho platform that was adopted by, tho Progressive party on December 8th. J921, at Grand Island, Nebraska. This call is to every voter, man or woman, that aro favorablo to tho now party rand each of you aro urged to bo pres ent on December 31st, and to par tlcipate in this convention, helping to elect officers and committees for tho 'transaction of any buslnoss that may como beforo tho convention. The field has been marked off in Lloyd opera- house and tho men havo been notified. Practice was to start this week but on account ot tho gen eral rush of tho holidays It Is prob able that next week will mark tho real beginning of the season. Man agor Peterson says ho has had sev eral inquiries from othor Legion teams and that he will proceed with tho schedule ns soon ns work on the team begins. BUSINESS MEN HOLD BANQUET ANNUAL MKKTING OP CHAKBER OF COMMERCE MtlNGS LEAD ERS TOGETHER About 150 of tho leading business' mon of North Platto attended tho an nual business meeting and banquet of tho North Platto Chambor of Com morco last night at tho Luthoran church basomont. A C:30 a fino din- Tho party will bo hold in Uio church nor was served by tho ladles of tha parlors of the Luthoran church. When tho mon ot tho Chambor of Commorco took a box loaded with food and toys Into ono Homo tho dny beforo Christmas, tho strong man who met them at tho door was flllod with emotion nnd r.ccoptod tha gift for tho snko of tho five or bIx child ren who surrounded him nnd hlu wife but ho roso big when ho told the mon that ho would rather thoy had brought him a job by which ho could havo earned tho things that were brought. Such mon havo ncod of nil the courago thoy can command and thoy will win out in tho end. LOCAL AND PERSONAL A very pretty wedding took place at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pot ter, six miles southeast of Hershoy af 5:30 Saturday evening when their daughter, Lola, became the 'bride of Roy Heldobrand. Tho groom is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HoldG brand living in tho same vicinity and both young peoplo aro woll known and highly esteemed. Tho ceremony was witnessed .by almost fifty friends who later partook of a bountiful wed ding dinner and spent tho evening in festivities appropriate to tho season. Mr. and Mrs. Heldobrand- will start Housekeeping in a farm homo which has been prepared by tho groom. it. i i "'"f.bersjioLtho stato committed and threo members of Lincoln county, who are friendly to the adoption of tho Pro gressivo party and its platform of principles. Please phono your neigh bors. Tho cnll is signed by Thomas Orton, stato committeeman; Mrs. Odlo Abercrombie, stato committeeman; William Ebright, county chalrmnn; A R. Lcavltt, county secretary nnd Mrs C. E. King, county committeeman. :o: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gllfoyl Bpont phrlstmas In Lincoln with relatives. Paul Mason of Croston, la. is , tho guest of relatives in tho city. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McConnoll spent Christmns at Ilorshey at tho Edw. Waro homo. A. II. Shriver of Tryon was ablo 40 return to his homo Wednesday after receiving medical treatment at tho Platto Valley Hospital. 1LERSHEY HIGH SCHOOL COJOIEKCIAL COURSE Hcginnlnb' January 1G, 1022. OwiHg to the demand for a business education tho School Board havo decided to add a commercial course to our cummlculum in high school tho last somestor. Tho subjects to bo given are, Typewriting, Shorthand, Bookkeep ing, Commercial Law, and Commercial Arithmetic. Miss Parriott, a graduate of tho business department of tho Peru Nor mal School, and who also has had a number of years actual experience In tho commercial work, is being transferred from tho Grammar room. Anyono with an eighth grade diploma may enroll in tho commercial course only who Is not at present time enrolled In Tligh School. Beginning with September 1922, ono must bo a regular enrolled stu dent in High School In order to take tho course, as olectlvcs. Enrollment should bo mado as soon as possible. For further Information inquire of superintendent. H. C. NORMAN, Supt. of Schools. Goodman-Buckley Trust Company NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL $80,000. We have a plan whereby you can receive a regular monthly income on your invested money which is safe and ' exempt from State, County and City taxes. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN. This institution is uuder the supervision of the State Bank ing Board, Goodman-Buckley Trust Co. President Edwards Bpoko at some length during his address to tho Chamber of Commerce last night on tho band. Ho told of tho services tho band had rondored to tho Chambor of Commorco nnd of the impression which ho and others havo gotten of tho city, when thoy heard tho summer concerts of tho band. He urged the now directors to support to Chambor of Commerco band in overy possiblo way an stated that ho had found out that instead of being overpaid, soveral of tho members had not yet earned enough from tho band to pay for tholr instruments although thoy. had given about four hours a week during tho concert season. , .7? any William Burgess and wlfo returned Wednesday from Sldnoy. J. C. Mooro loft Tuesday for Kin.- bal to transact business. 1 Clinton fi Son, tho Eyo GlaBs Mon. Sorvlco and Satisfaction. Louis Troxlor will return to Lin coln whoro ho attends tho Stato Uni versity. Mrs. O. Loan and daughter, Ruth, returned to tholr homo in Denver Tuesday. " Attorney R. II. Beattoy spent Wed nesday in Oshkosh transacting legal business. . W, .It. MalQiiey.retyriieilthls morn ing from Omaha whoro ho transacted buslnoss. Mrs. F. E. Krpnquest underwent an operation at tho Genornl Hospital Wednesday. Scholl Harman arrived Wednesday from Lincoln to visit at4tho F. L. Tomplo homo. t Miss Bertha Thoolocko will return to hor homo in Omaha tomorrow after visiting relatives. Mrs. W. II. McDonald nnd daughter Janet will leavo Jan. 2 for San Diego, Call to send tho romalndor of the win-tor. Lnwronco Block, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. I. Block, underwent an opor atlon at tho Gonoral Hospital Tucs day. A group of mombors of tho local Yoeman lodgo nttended a mooting nnd social at Sutherland Wednesday ovo ning. Mrs. Earl Stamp and daughtor ro turned from Council Bluffs this moru lng whero thoy spent Christmas with relatives. church and following tho dinner the buslnoss mooting was hold. Election' of flvo now directors was hold by mall and tho canvassing committeo had counted tho votes. W. E. Starr aa uounccd tho following as having boon elected for tho now term: R. D. Blrge, W. It. Mnlonoy, L. E. Mohlman, E. N. Ogior nnd F. L. Moonoy. Thoso mon will moot with tho four directors who hold ovor and oloct'tho officers for tho coming year. John B. Edwards presided and in a short addross com plimented tho board of directors on their fino support nnd co-oporation. Ho then introduced Secretary Ira L. Baro who road a detailed roport of tho activities ot tho Chambor for ttio past year. It wns astonishing to ov oryonq present that tho officers could I havo accomplished so much on a ' Binallor budget than beforo nnd yet , havo a balanco in tho- treasury. High, sports in Mr. Dare's roport will ho given later. Short talks woro mado by sovoral and thon tho chairman in-, traduced Rev. J, B. Payno who spoko at somo longth on tho question of or ganized charity and carried his audi onco along with him. At tho closo of his talk a committeo consisting of J. Q. Wilcox, clmirman; J. E. So- bastlan and M. E. Scott was appoint ed to consider tho wholo matter and co-oporatc with tho 1 dlfforont organ izations of tho city in tho wriy which soomcd best to thorn. Tho mooting adjourned at 9 o'clock. j :o: About S o'clock Inst Friday night a man wns found In a box car in the wost yards badly burned. Ho wbb taken to a local hospital whoro he Ava given care and tho next morning ho rogaincd consciousness. Ho said his nnmo wbb Eugcno Armstrong nnd that ho was bound for Fort Dodge, la. Boforo ho could toll tho cauBo ot his condition ho lapsed into uncon sciousness nnd died shortly. Rela tives woro notified but thoy sent word thoy woro unablo to do any thing so ho was buried horo at public exponsc. Tho now method ot olectlng tho di rectors of the Chambor of Commorco seems to havo met with general fa vor. Twonty-flvo names woro nomin ated by tho dlroctora and each mem ber voted for his cholco of tho twenty-five. A by-law disqualifies any mombor to bo ro-o'loctcd. SUN TODAY & TOMORROW George Walsh in, "Dynamite Allen." Fourth chapter, "Winners of the West." SUN., MON; & TUES. W. S. Hart in "Sands." r. William E. Shuman is In Lincoln this week looking after tho intorcsts of tho citizens of North Platto in a hearing beforo tho Stato Railway Commission rcgnrdlng an application ot tho Northwestern Boll Tclophono company for somo adjustments in rates. Representatives of a numbor of Nebraska cities aro thoro as aro rep resentatives of tho Nebraska Farm Bureau. In tho adjustment of rates as thoy call it, somo places get a slight! ralso in rates and somo get a slightly J lower rate. North Platto was ached-1 uled for a ralso and tho Chamber of I Commorco appointed Mr. Shuman to look nftor its interests at tho hearing, This morning's papors,say tho discus sion still continues. :p: Miss Anna Sylvia of Oshkosh had her tonsils removod at tho Gonoral Hospital Tuesday. 1 KEITH TODAY Vaudeville. SATURDAY S Eugene O'Brien Door." SUN., MON. & TUES. "The Shick." in "Last CRYSTAL TODAY & SATURDAY "World and Its Women." SUNDAY & MONDAY "Tho Truent Husband." A LOOK- AHEAD! Are you looking ahead into tho Now Year and making doflntto plans for what you hope to accomplish or are you Bitting back to lot tho year bring what it may? Progress is best achloved as a re sult -oC careful planning. A connec tion with this strong, progressive bank will insure holpful co-operation in realizing your dreams for 1922. ' The Platte Valley State Bank