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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRTRUNIS - I JfjfxrJ I o-o-OH HENUY ! I Kail I HENIW Hn't H&ntr. I --ujjJlLJ ) AND IM GOING TO lllRjtlSjMHllMfflytlBn I ( " "' 1 v-""51 ; ' T tfMONOUTll'. iflf AND I DON'T KNOW SPANK HIM AS SOON AS "lEfflfflll (SEE ! CAN I STICK T) ,,v.nn T LZ - J JB WHERE HE IS AND" Jggi) ? HE GETS HOMeML fil AROUND AND SEE L Hft FUN( " r (. ;a J5fb 111 M I L ZL jru 111 1 111 MggbJ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jim McNcal of Omaha spont Christ mas with friends In tho city. Mlns Rcna Dolph Is spending tho holiday season with her parents. Mies Docla Rnwllng is spending the holidays with her paronts In Elliott, la. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Mdn. Service and Satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Malonoy npent Christmas In Grand Island with rola tlvos. Carl Scraggs Is spending the holl day season In Sallna, Kans., with his paronts. Mr. and Mrs. HarrlB Stuart arrived Saturday from Donvor to spond Christmas. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II. Garrison of Lexington spent Christmas at tho J. II. Guiles homo. I. .i. V' i a n i n pending tho holiday season in Mln-, null wiui lumuvva. Misses Hazel and Marjory Marti aro upending tho Christmas holidays with tholr father, Frod Marti. Miss Irma McMlchaol nnd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Uolnn spent Christmas in Woolflcot with tholr paronts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kllltan and Hon are spending tho holidays In Omaha and Lincoln with tholr par onta. Miss Lorotta Murphy will lcavo to morrow for Chicago to attend a council mooting of tho Library aBso elation. Miss Betty Stovons was ablo to loavo tho Goncrnl hospital tho lattor part of tho week after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. Lostor Adams is Buffering sovornl smnshod fingers which ho sustained laHt Wodnosday when ho attempted to shut a box car door. Ho la head car iuflpoetor of tho Union Pacific In this city. MOVIE "BAD Photograph of William S. Hart, the most noted of movie actors In "Western stuff" and iiis bride, at their wedding breakfast at Los Angeles. She was Miss Winifred Wcstovcr, of San Francisco, and Dill courted lief for two years on the "dead" quiet. Poem ByI Umxje Jo "AS YOU ' Old ShaUespearo said ho know of a bank whoroon tho wild thymo grow: I wonder if a snvlngB bank) was what ho had ln vlow? Tho poet know a lot of things pocullar to his trlbo, but ho novor droamed of ploasantrloa that lilt tho modern scrlbo. Ho novor know tho landlord that hold him up for rents, nor saw a common nickel show that charged him twonty cents; ho novo." paid a dollar for a flvo cont Jltnoy rldo, nor lived bonoath a franchlso thaf "touched" him till ho dlod. It ho had paid a llconso tax on ovory trick ho turned, nnd carried flro insurance on stuff that novor burnody ln short, if thoy had taxed him fom his boothoolB to his hal, and stuck him for tho limit on ovory thing, but air, ho might havo written dramas that Immortalized Ws dust, but I'd hat to read tho oplloguo rotating how ho cussed. Mrs. C. U. Carson opont Christmas In Fullerton with rolatlvos. Dr. T. J. Korr spent Christmas in Akron, In., with rolatlvos. Mr. and Mrsy G. F. Case spent ChrlBtmns In Omaha with rolatlvos. Clinton & 3on, tho Eye Glass Me. Service and Satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. Claronco B. Meadows spont Christinas In Omaha with tho lattor'fl parents. Miss Ruth Elder arrived homo Sat urday from Bouldor, Colo., to spend Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schloutor nnd children ares ponding tho holl days In Grand Island with relatives. Dr. Harry Mitchell and family lott tho latter part of tho week for Oma ha to spend tho holidays with rela tives Clinton & Son. tho Eyo Glass Men. 1 Servico and Satisfaction. I Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Ovormnn and ifomlly aro spending tho holidays ' Ith 0vopman,B paronta ln Dole-1 maro, Okla. Miss Elizabeth. Potty, camo from Sldnoy tho latter part of tho wcok to Bpcnd Christmas with her aunt, Dr. Mario Almcs. Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Ilarkcn spent Christmas in Grand Island with rola tlvos. Thoy will visit ln Omaha bo foro returning homo. Dowoy McGrow nnd Kenneth Whol an arrived tho lattor part of tho week from orrlngton to spend Christmas with their paronts. W. A. O'Donnoll and Georgo Thay er returned to Grant yesterday aftor spondlng Chrlstmn3 at tho W. II. Lo Dloyt homo. Mrs. O'Donnoll and children will remain nnothor wook. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attontlon Given to Surgery McDonald Hunk Bulldlm? Office Phono 83 Residence 3J MAN " TAMED 3 AUrOCA3TW LIKE IT." BOUNTIFUL CORN CROP PROVIDES FOOD FOR NATION Tho corn crop Is abundant this year and tho price is low, while the potato crop is short, tho production, as esti mated by tho bureau of markets and crop estimates of tho United Stated department of ngriculturo, being 25, 000,000 bushels less than the average ylold for tho flvo years preceding. In consequence, corn products of overy sort should furnish a sourco of clrtsap and nourishing food, and may well bo eaton freely by tho average family. says tho department of ngriculturo. Thoro should bo a good supply of manufactured corn products available to city nnd town dwellers out of the Iw tutu jt ik u uiivi a uui ui ifitu , 15 per cont of tho corn which Is not nn,lm,i it, -, rnn,, petizlng and substantial dishes can be mndo from-thoso corn nroducta. in- eluding a largo brcads, puddings, varloty of quick and "made dishes." Slnco cereal grains of all kinds havo practically tho same food values when oaton In a mixed diet with nnlmnl foods, vegetables and fruits, tho housekeeper can simply compare prices por pound ln order to Judgo fairly well whether It is economical for hor to uso corn In preference to somo similar preparation of another cereal. Whllo people In general became fa miliar with tho uso of corn meal and corn flour as a substitute for wheat flour during tho World war, thoro la still a far lower consumption of these oxcollont foods in tho northern states than in tho south. During tho war housekeepers learned how to prepnro corn foods in a variety of attractive ways, and now that there Is less need of conserving somo of tho foods that combine well with them it should bo oasior to lntroduco them more froely into tho nvorago family diet. Corn meal is used in making various quick brcads vory popular in!, many parts of tho country though it can not bo used Hko wheat flour in yeaut raised breads. Many of these corn broads aro propared with milk nnl eggs which render thorn more nearly comploto f&ods than thoso made prin cipally of flour or meal. Corn monl mush, boiled hominy, and corn flakes aro much used for breakfast foods, but tho possibilities of corn meal nnd hominy baked, boiled, or fried, ns a starchy dish to servo Instead of potatoes with meat aro ofton overlooked. These foods may also bo comblrtod with moat or fish to form so called "mndo" dishes of which Philadelphia scrapplo and corn meal fish balls arc examples. Tho housekeeper will do well to sco if sho can not adapt somo of hor ro clpcs in which potatoes wero origin ally used to ndmlt corn, monl or hom iny t'rlts Instead. "Hog and hominy" is a favorite southorn combination which will boar Imitation anywhere. Whllo primarily a dish of boiled hominy grits or lyo homluy sorvod with, frosh sausage cukes and moistened by tho savory sausago fat, "hog nnd hominy" may bo taken to moan any pork, frosh or curod, In this oxcolont combination with hominy. Tho lyo hominy Just roforrcd to Is n form of coarso hominy also callod hulled corn It Is mndo by stooping tho wholo kernels In hot water which contains lyo, or Bomotlmos simply n Rtnall bag of wood ashos. When tho hulls nro loosonod or softoned the corn is soakod in plain water until tho lyo Is wnshed out, and then boll od until soft Lyo hominy has a dls tlnctlvo flnvor which many enjoy and was formerly bettor known than nt prosont. In many places it may bo bought in bulk; it is nlao sold can ncd. Whorovor tho rotall prices of corn products warmnt, housowlvos can uso thorn frcoly in many ways without 'o3soning tho food valuo or nttrnctlve- '088 of tho family monls, providing tho dlot nlso Includes tho right kinds and nmountB of other foods Infor mation rogardlng palatable ways of ulng corn products ns food may bo obtained from tho Department of Ag rlculturo, Washington, D. C Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, ale Real Kafato. References and Datei OF The following was wrltton by R. A. Klrkpatrlck and wns printed in tho December number of Our Famllly Bulletin. It Is worth reading by any one: "A lady advertised for a man to work In her garden, and two men applied for the Job. Whllo she was Interviewing them on the lawn, sho noticed that her mother on tho porcn waB making signs for her to cho'osn tho sliorter of the two men which 3ho finally did. When the ladles were alono the daughter said: "Why did you signal me to choose tho shorter man, Mother? The other ono had a ' " much bettor face." "Faco!" returned 'tho old lnriv. "When von nro nlrltlnt ollt a ma" to work In your garden you want to go by his overalls, if tnoy re patched on tho knees, you want him; but if they're patched on tho seat, you don't." The old lady very shrowdly picked tho outstanding dominating sign of a gardener's worth. I wonder if tha othor classes of workers do not also havo tholr "signs" which one may read. Most assuredly th'oy do. It may bo nothing more than personal prldo in a neatly typed page a wo'l forged piece of steel, or a strptch of track with no low Joints. And, nga.'n It may bo a sloppy, indifferent way of going at your work or a selfish habit of getting to your work thirty seconds after the 8 o'clock whistlo blows. Again, it may bo by doing your work without associating it with tho othor work going on around you. Surely, if I may clnlm to be worth unything to tho community, to tho Union Pnclfic organization, to society, I must reallzo that it is only through by doing my Bharo that tho Union Pa cific company is ablo to do Its share Because I am an Integral part ln the commercial economy of tho Union Pa ciflc and because my work Is com ponent with tho fabrication of Its great industrial structure can it sorvo every farmer stockman, Indus try, nnd civic factor in its territory. And, If bo, tho dirt and grease on my Jacket, tho callouses on my hands, tho glasses which I am wearing bo foro my time and tho streaks of gray in my hair aro the 'Indications of a loyalty, aiVunsolflshnoss and faithful noas to tho trust I may never bo ashamed of. I fecle Jeter THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF OUR BODY ARE OUR FEET YET WE WAJLK ON THEM. A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to dine. A place whoro tho groatest caro is ex excised ln tho selection of tho food materials. A place where the cuisine is oxquislto, whoro the china and cut lory 1b tasteful, and the surroundings ploasant This is such a place. Come and enjoy it .1 HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. MARKS OF LOYALTY WHICH ONE IS NOT ASHAMED Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, Servico nnd Satisfaction. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have enough 1 stock or machinery for a goneral farm salo, I am located so I can hold a combination sale at North Platto or at tho Falrvlew dairy 1 miles west of town. I havo always got enough stock or machlnory listed with me so we can hold a combination el any time. DR. REDFIELD . PHYSICIAN, O.BSTETBICIAN Surgeon, X-Rny Calli Promptly Answered Night or Day Phones Office 642, Residence 676 1'IANO TUNING Work Guaranteed HOLLEY MUSIC HOUSE Phone 415 Masonic Building at Corner of Fifth and Dowey. Wanted HIDES AND FURS Pretty Fair Prices L. LIPSHITZ OTIS IL PLATT, M. D Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Over Union Stato Bank. Office Phone 29GW Houso Phone 29GR W. T. PRITCHARI) Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex nssistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Ho pltal Phouo 633. House Phono 633. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Snrgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Office 130. Residence 111 Office phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Ostcopatltic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD FEXNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCIIFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phono 102t war. WALDORF, Tinner. Makes or repairs anything made of tin or sheet metal. 510 LocuBt Under Gonoral Hospital. DR. Br. B. STATES Chiropractor 5, C. 7 nuildlug & Lonn Building. Offico Phono 70. Res. Phone 1243 DERRYRERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Fnnernl DIrectori Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 Office 340 Houbo125. DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Ovor tho Oasis. North Platta. DR, J. K. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases of Women nnd Snrgery OVER RHXALL DRUG STORE Phones Offico 127 Residence 650 MRS. M. nENRY GELFOYL Teacher of Voice Cnltnro and tha Art of Singing Re. Btttdlo 101 W, 3rd. Phone 1147J J.S.TWINEM M.D. Homeopathic Physician tt t Surgeon $ General Prncllco nnd p Construction Surgerj Hospital Accommodation ! Plntto Valley Hospital Former Name Tvrlncm Hospital, h NOIITII PLATTE, NEBR. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by thd undersigned, nln6 miles south and ono "milo coat of North Platte, County of Lincoln, StaU of Nebraska; on tho 2nd Day of Do comber, 1921, ono yellow buckskin, weight about 900 pounds, G years old. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1921. M. A. Anderson. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1605, of Hans D. Jergen son, deceased in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stnto of Nobraska, to all per sons interested in said Estate take notice that the Administratrix has filed a final account and report of hor administration and n petition for fi nal settlement and discharge as such, Administratrix, which havo been sot for hearing beforo said court on Jan uary 20th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated December 20, 1921. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) Cou,nty Judge. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1857 of Edwnrd P Reb hauson, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that tho tlmn Hmltoil ffrf nrnunt.. ' ti. nTw1 ' , , "-- I tlon and filing of claims against said Estate is April 3rd, 1922, and for aet-5 tlemont of said Estate is November 29, 1922; that I will sit at the coanty court room in' said county, on Jan uary 3rd, 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m., and on April 3rd. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. Wm. II. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1850, of Bernhard Wink enwerdor, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Cred itors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited 'for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate is April 6, 1922, and for settle ment of said Estate is December 2, 1922; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on Janu ary G, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on-April 6, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to recelvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst, (Seal) County Judgo. (John Grant Attornoy.) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho matter of tho application of Charlos W. Trombly, Administrator of tho estate of Georgo W? Trombly, deceased, for leave to sell real es tate Notice is horoby given, that in pur suance of an ordor maao oy J. u. Towoll, Judgo of tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, mndo on tho 8th day of July 1921, for tho sale of real estate hereinafter described, I ivill Bell at tho east front door of the Court Houso In the city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on Saturday, tho 7th day of January 1922, beginning at ono o'clock in the afternoon, tho South East quarter, South Wost quarter nnd the North West quarter of Section fourteen, also tho South East quarter of Section twolve, nil in Township fifteen North Rango twenty-oight west on the 6th Principal Meridian In Lincoln County, Nebraska to tho highest bidder for cash, Bald oalo will bo called at one o'clock p. m. and will bo open for one hour thereafter. ( CHARLES W. TREMBLY, Administrator of the Estate ot Geore W. Trembly, Deceased. v