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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1921)
M o H it tribune THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, i DECEMBER 23, 1921. NO. 100. CAN FARMERS RETAIL MEAT? THUS QUESTION IS BEING DEIJAT--EI) BY MANY ItlNCOLN COUNTY PEOPLE. I "Following a visit to North Platte Tcccntly of tmo of the officials of the Stato .Department of Agriculture, ti report was circulated that farmers could not butcher their animals and sell tho meat-to meat markets and at retail. .Secretary bare of the .Chamber of Commerco was questioned and In order to get tho straight of tho matter ho sent tho following telegram to Leo Stuhr, secretary of tho depart ment of agriculture, Lincoln: "Aro tho farmers prohibited under tho pure food act from killing cattle and hogs and selling tho carcasses to retail dealers nnd from selling on the streets? Wire reply.", Tho following is the reply received: "No stato licensee required to sell meat products must bo handled in a sanitary manner." From this it is evident that anyono can butcher and sell fresh meat pro vided that the meat is handled In a sanitary manner. Tho law gives the I secretary of agrlculturo tho authority to toll what is moant by sanitary man ner and the business of tho Inspector horo to find out if tho meat sold in Nortji Platte was belling handled that way. Ho did not give out any inform atlon--for publication but suggested that prosecutions would follow proof that meat was not being handled In tho approved way. He is roportod to have Baid that open air killing was not sanitary and that meat prepared In tho opon air could not legally bo sold, Tfiis is only a report with us and nvxy not bo correct. Additional Information is on tho way and will bo supplied' our rentiers as soon as possible. j :o: Driving tho piling for tho founda tion of the now court houso was com pleted this week. About 1G0 lC-foot cedar piling were driven into the ground until the point rested on hard pan. On top of those piling tho con crete foundation will bo placed. This will prevent settling of the wnlls and make tho building more substantial. This work was done by tho commis sioners at tho expense of tho county and does not como under tho con tractor' part of tho deal.. Tho Roberts Music Co. will bo opon until 9:30 every evening until after Christmas. Buy your records early, j '4: if Tlfe Tribune extends to its; readers the wish for a Merry Christmas this year and for many years to come. CHRISTMAS EXERCISES IN THE DIFFERENT CITY CHURCHES CATHOLIC High Mass at midnight Saturday night Spcclnl music by the oholr. METHODIST Sunday school Christmas exorcises will bo held Friday evening at tho church. This program will bo givon by the children. mmLA ' II r .WWII I A4 a y iristma 35S2SE.! ti. T " We wish vou all patrons and mends ' v """-"'s! ' 'v ' ''ff'. A Merry Xmas. v'! -'V Mcdonald state bank. PRESBYTERIAN Tho Sunday school will present tho Cantata, "Tho Crowning of Christmas" jit tho church Friday evening and in vites all to attend. , CHRISTIAN. The- Sunday school exercises will bo held at the church at 7:30 Sunday 1 evening. A cordial invitation is ex tended. ' BAPTIST The Sunday school program and tree will bo hold at tho church at 3 p. m. Saturday evening. All aro Invited. LUTHERAN VAt 7, o'clock tho morning oLChrist- l1mas tho chclr will rendor a program of Christmas music. At 7 o'clock in tho ovenlng there will bo a tree and treat for tho children. EPISCOPAL A short sorvico in tho church bo ginning at 7:30 Saturday evening fol lowed by a program and tree in tho church basehicnt. Tho usual midnight Holy Communion sorvico will bo hold in the cliurch beginning at 11:30. :o: Mrs. Elizabeth Confer left yesterday for Sutherland to spend Christmas at tho homo of her sister. Miss Gladys Wild left yesterday for her homo in WHbor, Nob., to spend Christmas. J ' w.o.... ' '-j IS HERE Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Make up your mind right now! When you arise on Christinas Morning, be sure that there is plenty of Christmas Eats in your home. Prom our large line of staple and fancy Groceries you -will find it very easy to select just what you want and to your own satisfaction, by serving yourself. Below wo quote a few of our Christinas Specials: CIIRIST3LVS SPECIALS New mixed Nuts, per lb. $ .29 No. 1 English Walnuts, por lb. .'! Large Brazil Nuts, por lb. .25 Soft Shelled Almonds, per lb. Js) Jumbo Peanuts, per lb. .22 Not-a-sced Raisins, per lb. .23 Cleaned Currents, por lb. .25 FRESH FIIUIT SPECIALS Spltzonburg Apples, por box $3.23 Winter Pearmalns, por box 8.25 Black Twigs, per box 3.25 iLargo juicy Oranges, per doz. JJ3 Extra fancy thin skinned Juicy largo sized Grape Fruit Vl2$ Extra fancy Bananas, per lb. .12 Dromedary Dates, por pkg. .2.1 Now Figs, per pkg. .15 Stuffed Dates, por pkg. .15 FRESH GltEEN VEGETABLES Largo Paschal Colory , $ .13 California Head Lettuce .1.1 Snow Ball Cauliflower .20 Long Radishes .03 Hot Houso Cucumbers .23 Largo bunches Leaf Lettuce .10 ROOT VEGETABLES Carrots, per lb. .05 Turnips, per lb. .05 Cabbage, por ,1b. .05 Parsnips, por lb. .05 Bermuda Onions, por lb. '. .10 Sweet Potatoes por lb. I .08 SATURDAY SPECIAL-r Hi 1 pound box Fancy Assorted Chocolate Candy, por pound 41c SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS 31 L. & s. grocerteria i North Platte's Food Center 56 1X2 MEDALS ABE PRESENTED TO SCOUTS BY THE OFFICIALS Last Tuesday evening tho scouts met In Joint session in tho auditorium. Troops four and five did some de corating over their sections which shows thoro Is some real troop spirit there. Tho other troops will mako them go somo tho next time to beat them. Tho scout chorister, Rich BIrgo led tho scouts In somo singing nfter which Mr..Payno talked to tho scouts .about Christmas arid tho truo Christ mas spirit. Mr. Crosby then prcsontcd itwenty boys with their tendorfoot pjns making thorn real scouts. Mr. Hollman presented tho following scouts with their second class pins: Virgil Atto borry nnd Ellsworth Roborts from troop fivo nnd Bernard Drost from troop seven. Ho also presontod Ralph Wlckwlro from troop three and Ralph Lopack from troop five with their first class badges. This puts tho total number of scouts past 150 with 35 .second olns3 and ten first class. A few announcements were mado after which tho scout benediction was giben and the scouts dismissed A meeting of tho football and bas sq ball captains from the troops was held after tho Joint mooting at which time tho stylo of championship ban ners was picked out and colors rep resenting all of tho troops were also picked out. Oranso and black was tho choice and tho banners will bo mado of thoso colors. Tho captains of tho basketball trams will mcen tho first day of school after the holidays and mako a schedule for tho games bo twocn tho troops. UXVA1 AND! UllSONAL Mrs P. Callaway of Horshoy shop ped in tho city Tuesday. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Sorvico and Satisfaction. Miss Mary Ellsworth . will spend Christmas In Hershoy with her par ents. Edward Wills left Wednesday for Iowa to spend Christmas with his parents. Clinton & Son, The Eyo Glass Men, Servico and Satisfaction. C. F. Sponcor will loavo Saturday for Lincoln to spond Chrlstmns with his family. Asa Cornwoll loft Tuesday for Choyonno to attend a safety first mooting. Ray Anderson will loavo tomorrow for Lincoln to spend Christmas with his paronts. t : i Miss Helen Brandes loft Wednesday fro her homo In Falrbury to spond Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Axtoll nnd sou left yostorday for Lincoln to Bpon-1 a week with rolatlves. i Mrs. W. II. Godkln of Nolllo Is a puest nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. D. E. MoDonnld. Prayer Books and Rosarlos for Christmas gifts. C S. Clinton & Son Jowolers. Freeman Hanson arrived home Wednesday from Lincoln whoro ho attends Weslynn ollcgo. Don't let "Tho Rest of tho World Go Buy"; take a fow bargains your self at Clintons' Jewelry store. Dr. J. B. Butt of Denver will rt rivo Christmas morning to visit hlo mothor, Mrs. II. S. White. Roses oxprosa more than othor gifts for Chrlstmns. C. J. Pass, Flor ist. Mrs. Kathorlno Woodhurst will loavo tomorrow for Kcarnoy to spend Christmas with her son, Shorwood. Rosri express more than other gifts for Christmas. C. J. Pass, Flor ist. Miss Edith Gloaflon roturnod to hor homo in Chicago Tuesday after spond ing several months at tho homo of hor aunt, Mrs. II. S. Whlto. Don't fall to visit our dollar bargain counter. Cut glass, china, sllvor, leather poods and Jowolry. -$1.00-Clinton &Son. ABOUT PEOPLE ANDTHINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT t" f PEOPLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE . The services at tho dlfforcnt churches on Sunday will bo especially interesting on account of tho day, Thu usual announcements woro crow.dod out by tho special sorvlcos. Ono of the jnost Btrlklng decora tions of tho Christmas season was tho troo hi front of tho Porter Electric Shop. It is a largo cvorgreon treo filled with colored lights. On tho outer odgo of tho sidewalk it attracts nttontion for a long distance on Lo cust street. contained a picture of J. II. Edmlston of this city under which wns tho fol lowing: "J. II. Edmlston, chief strat egist, of the now Progressive party who will have chargo of tho campaign In Nebraska. Ho was elected chair man of tho state committee at tho convention hold at Grand Island. Mr. Edmlston was for years in chargo of campaigns of tho old populist party. Ho wob on the organization commlt teo of tho convention and had mu'cli to do in shaping its scheme of get ting togother. Ills home Is at North Platlo." Slnco Christmas comes on Sunday this year tho government has declared Monday, December 26 aa a legal holi day. Tho country offices will also tako Monday for their Christmas va cation and most cf tho stores will bo closed all day that day. Shoppers would do well to. lay In a supply of necessities Saturday to tldo them ovor Sunday and Monday. Postmastor Sturgls this week re ceived a Certificate- of War Sorvico from tho postmaster gonoral. This is not an ordinary printed documont but a beautiful parchamont carefully en grossed and Blgned by Will Hayes, tho postmaster genoral. It acknowledges his part in tho World war and thanks him on behalf of tho president and tho post office department for tho over seas Borvlco with tho A. E. F. Mr. Sturgls values this documont highly nnd accepts It as an honor. Darius A. Brown, former mayor of Kansas City was In North Platto last Thursday and met a number of local people. Ho was horo speaking on tho child conservation question and bas ing his Illustrations on Moosohcart, tho homo of tho Loyal Order of Mooso In Illinois. Mayor Brown spoko at tho Sun theater on Thursday cvoning nnd a- good crowd heard him spoak on tho subject, 'Tho Men and Women of Tomorrow." Thoso who woro pres ent woro highly pleasod with his pre sentation of tho problem and Its solu tion. Ho was introduced by Mayor Evans. Mayor Brown blames tho self ishness of paronts for much of tho Juvonllo delinquency and thinks that a study of tho problem Is tho duty of ovcryono who has to deal with tho men and women 6f tomorrow. Ills spcclnl Interest is with tho orphans who do not havo tho advantages of homo training. Tho Mooso lodge has done grcnt work along this lino and Us Institution nt Moosohoart Is ouo of tho cducatlonnl high spotB In thla country. '.os- Tuosday's Nebraska Stato Journal Say It with flowers Christmas. C J. Pass, Flprlst. Phono 374. Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott ro turnod Wednesday from Donvor whoro they woro rccontly married. Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, Sorvico and Satisfaction. The New Marinello Beauty Parlor Opened Thursday in the McDonald Bldg., ROOM 9 Mrs, Nellie Duder, nee Nellie Birlcenshaw, has been acquainted with hair work and beauty culture for many year3 and gives scientific rest facial mas sages, faridic and violet rays, scalp treatment, elec trqlysis, marcell wave, special shampoo, and hair bobbed. ' m- 4, Low operating cast "A . V.ROMIGIL Dodge Drdtmers, MOTOR CAHS 1 KiHiHiHiHiHiHiH