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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1921)
1 lk io lilt fllattc $cmi-x)ehta Iribunc THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH . PLATTE, NEB., OGTOHKH 11, 1921. No. 78 to. X ff4 M LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF . THE CITY. KEDEKAH Kensington Friday afternoon at .1 'clock In tho Odd Follows Hall. ODD FELLOWS Regular meeting at 7.30 Thurs day Oct. 13th. First degree. AID SOCIETY of the Methodist church will hold nort business mooting In tho pa: lore of tho chujrch at 2 o'clock Tues day afternoon. All members aro urged to come. ALTRUIST Bible Class will hold its regular Meeting Wednesday in tho church yailors. It will entertain tho mom toers of tho Homo department and the Cradlo Roll. AID SOCIETY Of tho Presbyterian church will iioet Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock In the church parlors. Mcs dnmex K. X. Ogier, Ralph Carman and J. V. Romigh are on tho entertaining committee. The date of the annual Christinas bazaar has been set for December 8. OHAPTER The Regular Meeting of Signet Chapter No. G5, O. E. S. will bo held Thursday Oct. 13 at . 7.30. There will bo initiation of officers and all aro urged to bo present. TONIGHT W. C. Lessley, Evangelist for the third district of the Chrlstlon church in Nebraska will speak at the church this evening at 8 o'clock. Everyone is invited. U BThrifty sas A fYienc) 'tUJr IS noV Hceci indeed That's tho sort of friend this Bank has been since its foundation. Is there a draft to be mailed; insurance date met; small pur chase made let us attend to it for you. It is FARMER'S SERVICE of this sort which let us prove that when you are busy on tho farm We aro your "friend indeed" hero in NORTH PLATTE Interest rate 5 per cent. Deposits in this bank are protecteil by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. UNION STATE BANK ALL Grain Checks Cashed Here. c&p If CITY AND COUNTY NElVb. Geo. Law was a Wallace visitor to tho city yesterday. Att'y Victor Halligan went to Arthur yesterday to transact business. Dick Raker ot Stapleton transacted business In tho city this week. Mrs. Rolph Halligan of Lincoln Is a guest ut tho .1. J. Halligan home Frank Eshleman of Hershey trans acted business In tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, Albort LoDIoyt of Paxton shopped In tho city Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wlckatroin of Hershey were city visitors Saturday. Miss Mary Ellsworth spent the week end In Hershey visiting her parents. Mrs. L. Eyerloy was among tho Hcrshoy visitors "to the city Satur day. Tho small child of S. W. McDor mott Is reported to be on tho sick list. John Engman of Brady spent yes terday In the city transacting busi ness. Mrs. Win. Ileyse left for Omaha Sunday to visit her son Will for a week. ! Miss Frances Edwards returned tc Hastings yesterday whore she attends college. Alvln Pool of Omaha came yester day to visit friends. Ho was a former resident. R. L. Gathers returned Saturday from Denver where he transacted business. , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller of Hershey were among tho out of town visitors Saturday. Herbert Keefo returned to his homo in Sioux City, Sunday after visiting his brother James T. Kcefe. William Hupfer, Jr., loft Saturday for Kansas City, Mo., where he will attend tho Sweeney Auto School. Mrs. F. Hasferd and daughter of Seward who have been visiting rel atives In the city left yesterday for Los Angeles, Calif. Wm. Schatz returned to hi3 homo In Omaha last evening after visiting relatives In tho city. The Manltou Campflro hiked to the south river last evening and cooked their supper. Tho Catholic Cirls Club will lie en tertained at tho homo of Mits Vaunlta Hayes Wednesday evening. Francis Norrls lame from Cheyenne Wyo. tho 'latter part of the week and will leave soon for Roone, Iowa. Mrs. C. V. Tuple returned Saturday from Denver where she and the child ren will make their future home. j Miss Mildred Fltzpatrlck returned' to Omaha yesterday after visiting her parents, Mr. ad Mrs. J. W. Fltzpatrlck. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Calhoun and t'.aughter left Saturday for California where they will make their future home. Mrs. Geo. Gibbs Is expected to re turn homo tomorrow from York where she was called by the death of her mother. Mrs. Elsie Fletcher returned to her hume in Lincoln Saturday after visit ing friends and transacting business In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McFaddon and children of Paxton spent Sunday as tlio guests of the hitter's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Herrod. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perkins, Jr., aro tho proud parents of a baby boy born Saturday, October 8th. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Voscipka ana children returned Saturday irom Storing where they visited at the homo of tho hitter's brother. Louis Troxler has been eiecteu 10 Goblin Fraternity at tho University of Nebraska. This is an honorary Freshman Fratornlty. Mr. and Mrs. X. E. Buckley returned yesterday from Omaha whore Mr. Bucklev attended a meeting of tlio district officers of tho Rotary Club Misses 'Ann and Bessio J. Snyder returned to tholr homo in. Boulder Colo, yostorday after visiting at tho homo of tholr brother W. P. Snyder Mosdamos Hnrtman, Stobblns, Mor rls and Murphy aro delegates to the W. C. T. IT. Stato Convention which Is to bo hold in Columbus. Nobr.. Oct. 11-14. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Whlto and Mr. and Mrs. Tnlmago Whlto of Her shey woro shopping in tho city yes torday and visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Slzemorc. Pat Patterson has accepted a posl lion In tho Whelan soft drink parlor during the absonro of Peg Eirdon who wont to Now York to attend the world's series. Dr. J. S. Twlnom mado a present to tho Boy Scouts last week which was vory much enjoyed. It was one hundred of tho official scout song booVs and the boys aro using them now. MEETING OF DENTAL SOCIETY NOliTinVKSTMtN ' till It ASK A IMS THKT HOLDS SKSS10NS TO- ) OA Y AM) TOMORROW. The annual gathering of the dent ists of this part of the state is tnk j Ing place hero today. The men and tholr ladles wero taken to the Coun . try Club this, morning and were en tertained with golf, horseshoe and I other games until noon when lunch will bo served there. This afternoon ( tho following program Is announced ror t ne session which wtu be held Mi the Masonic Hall. 1:30, Something Interesting In Radiography, Dr. A. O. Thomas, Hastings; 2:30, Orthodontia, Dr. Saltier, Omahn; 3:30. Orthodontia (Construction of Case) Dr. J. C. jThomsen, Dannobrog. At 4:30 the members and their ladles wll be given an auto ride to places of interest. This evening at 0:30 the annual din ner will tnko place with Dr. Meservev of Kearney introducing tho following speakers: Address of welcome, May or E. H. Evans; Response Dr. E. K. Marr, Hastings; Our Outlook, Dr. S. A. Alien, Louv City; Dental Educn tion, V. K. Lowe, Omaha. Wednesday morning beginning at 0:30 tho following Table Clinics will be given: Platework. Dr. Hartwlg, Kcnesaw; Orthodontia, Dr. Rosneau, Hastings; Jacket Crown. Dr. Crosslin North Platte; Removable Bridge, Dr. Moore. Grand Island; Porcelain Root. Dr. Brock, North Platte; Orthodontia, Dr. Yost, North Platte: Porcelain Crown, Dr. Denlngeri Omaha; Re movable Bridge, Dr. Krauso, North Platte; Public Health Service, Dr. C E. Moore, Grand Island; Extraction, Dr. Hopper, Hastings. During the af ternoon tho business session will be held and, the members-will be at llb orty tofoa'vo for their homos on tho evening trains. The officers of the Society are E. 13. Marr, president; J. C. Thomson, vice-president; Geo. Lesehinsky, secretary. -:o:- ALL COURT HOUSE BIDS WERE REJECTED AT OPENING OF BIOS YESTERDAY. Tho Board of County Commission ers with tho County Clork and tho County Treasurer opened tho bids for tho supplying of materials and the construction of the now court house yesterday and rejected all ot them as too high. Tho lowest bid was $192,000. Tills did not include tho heating plant, tho architect's fco and other charges and Incidentals. No further action was taken yester day. -:o: a linhv cirl wan born to Mr. and Mrs Clinton E. Potter at their homo yesterday. LIST1 OF JURORS SELECTED FOR THE NEXT TERM OF THE DISTRICT COURT. Following is tho list of Jurors as announced by Clerk ProBser for tho fall term of the District-Court which will open hero on October 30th. II. C. Carpenter .'-Miller Elmer Choesemnu Harrison J. G. Deets Cottonwood S. S. Dunn Somersot S. W. Edmlston Sunshine B. E. Freel Myrtlo Harry E. Gibson Wallace W. E. Hines Walker P. K. Hoffman Dickens Chas. Herrod N. P. No. 3 F. W. Jackson Lemon R. II. Jandebour Osgood Turkel Jcpson Fox Creek Harry Kustor Wcllfloet R. II. Lutholtz N. P. No. 4 John Martin Joffery J. C. Morrill Buchanan Louis McNeel Sutherland Wm. Paulman Nowoll Trot Roberts Maxwell Wm. V. Ryan - . -- Peckham Enill T. Sorenson Deer Croek John E. Schram Sellers E. F. Thompson Kem Till: KIHST TOUCHDOWN .MARK IN TWKNTY SKCONDS OF PLAY AT 3IcC00K FRIDAY. Tho football game at McCook, Fri day between the local eleven and the McCook team, was started exactly at three o'clock. McCook kicked off, the ball was received by Shaner and passed to Locke who made tho first touchdown exactly at twenty seconds passed three o'clock. McCook again kicked off and on a fake to tho left North Platto scored their second toucnj18 known unless-it was Bet by hun down. Then for forty six minutes , tors, .sovornl of. which woro seen in no'thor opponent made a score. Dur-.tho vicinity whoro tho flro started, ing this time one of tho hardest bat- according to reports on tho streets tins ever waned on a root su grid - Iron took plaec. McCook spoiled overv play North Platto attempted wun North Platto returning the complt mcntTAt thtf-end of the1 third quarter North Platto had tho ball on the end of tlio yard lino with Tour downs to go. Immediately after the opening of tlio fourth quarter North Platte, inad i a touchdown. On the last touchdown North Platte had tho ball sixty five yard forward pass to Locke and the touchdown was oui-b. The game end ed with a score of 2S to 0 in favor of tho Maroon and White. Over one hun dred North Platte people witnessed tho game. to antonh' "interested. . I have half of tho store room formerly occupied by tho McGovem R Stack grocery for rent to tho right kind of a man who will put in a slock of goods that will go with my meat nmrkot. Call at onco or phono 1250. Geo. McKaln. :o: Geo. Schoolcraft of Maxwell had Ills tonsils removed at tho Platto Valley hospital yesterday. Thursday, October 13th. On next Thursday wo will have ft mn a hero from tho Alhrecht factory with a special showing of Furs. Ho will have a line of coats and largo pieces of all tho bettor grade furs. In buying Purs it always pays to buy from a reliable house as there are so many different grades. We fool that this line is ono of tho best and most reliable in the business and wo will be pleased to have you come in and see them oven if you are not ready to buy. Prices this year aro on a lower basis find we do not think they will be lower , as at the recent unction of raw skins in New York they brought an avorago of 30 per cent over last spring's prices. Wilcox Department Store ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CL'RRKNT COMMENT ABOUT PEO. VhK AND THE THINGS THEY ARE ROIKU Htiltti. Tho Scout Executive is handling a labor bureau on a small scale und is meeting with constldern(bfo success Do has a list of tho boys who would like to do Jobs after school and on Saturday. People In North Platte who want such services call him nt G01J and he will give the call his best attention. Archie Hood Is In town this week I visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hood and with many friends and acquaintances. Ho is stationed in Mexico now and will return thero next week. Ho reports many Inter esting things about tho country and the people and says that quiet and prosperity Is fast returning to that country. Archlo likes tho work but will probably return to Nebraska next year and complete his Univer sity course. What might havo proved a dlsas terous prairio firo was started on tho north sldo of tho rlvor and it swept over sovcral sections boforo being brought under control. No buildings nor cattlo aro roported as lost but somo valuablo winter pas- turo was destroyed for C. H. Watte j . nuiu. The most slgnllicant thing about the September monthly report issued by Weathoman Shilling Is his sUitenient tiiut we have a deficiency in rainfall of over six inches so far this year. Since tlie normal lu a little over 18 Inches, the deficiency Is about one-third.. In other words, wo have only had two thirds of tho average rainfall so f.i. this year. Tho rainfall for Septem ber was ono inch.. Tho tomporature ran from 95 down to 33. The average temperature so far this year has bee l four degrees wanner than the average for tho past.. There wero 20 clear days, 5 cloudy and 5 partly cloudy. A crowded houso greeted Mr. Harvey irindormycr and tho Dann Trio at tho Luthoran Church last evening. Thero wero over eight hundred peoplo thero nnd chairs had to bo provided for a number aftpr all seats woro filled. Mr. Hlndor myor charmed everyone with his fine oico and personality and sur prised and pleased when he Bang with the Edison re-creation of his Clcl.1 Sill of 1855 owing volctf. Thfj cornet nnd violin solos with piano nccompanlmcnts, played by tho Misses Dann woro reproduced by the Edison machine With a sirll? Ing likeness. The recital was given under tho auspices of the Dixon Music Shop and was highly pleasing tt. all who attended. Tho Edison phonograph which reproduced tho songs Is tho property of Chester C. Williams of this city nnd wns'solect ed to bIiow that the machine used has nothing to do with tho beautl ful tono quality produced. Last week'B odltlon of Uie Wallace Winner was largely devoted to Puro bred Livestock. Tho front pago head line said: "The purpose of this edition is to show to tho breeders of the Btfito what Lincoln County has In tho way of thorobrcd stock and also to ad vertlso wthln tho County, our own product to tho end that Lincoln Coun ty producers of purobrod stock may And a market at homo for their pro duco and thoroby create local interest in the breeding up of good linoi." Tho odltlon contains tho accounts of many of tho leading breeders and udverttsoiuents of tholr pedigreed stock. It also contains an illustrated artlclo about tho North Platto Ex perimental Substation und constdei nblo material ot general interest to tho farmer and stock breeder. Wo conii mond tho Winner for Its enterprise In promoting tho llvo Btock Interests ot Lincoln County In this way. :o; ONE OF LINCOLN COUNTIES OLD RESIDENTS PASSED AWAY LAST NIGHT. Word has Just boon received this morning as wo go to press of the death of Mrs. Doncgan Facka which occurod last evening at hor homo south of tho city. Mrs. Facka has been dellcato for some time but tho news of her death came ns a sur prise to her many friends and rela tives. She leaves to mourn her death four children, Mrs. Win. Glonq of Shenandoahr"ln, Mrs. Chasi -Murrln of Sterling, Colo. Wm. Facka or Wolllleet and Frank Facka who re sides on the old home place, also thrco brothers, J. H. Donegan of tho city, James F. Donegan of South Dakota and John Donegan of Han over, 111. Funeral arrangements have not been made at this time. ELKS TO OPEN SEASON WITH A CARNIVAL BALL IN THEIR HOME FRIDAY Tho Elks Club will hold a Carnival Ball in tho club rooms Friday even ing. Elaborate preparations aro bolng mado by tho commlttoo to mnko tho oponlng event of tho sea son ono of tho best In tho history o the club. Real carnival sensations aro looked forward to as thero will bo hats, horns nnd confetti. Tho Imperial FIvo orchestra will furnish tho music on this occasslon.