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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1921)
'7 A THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBEB 7, 1921. No. 7 in ii ppriti LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN T1IK VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. CHRISTIAN 11:00 Regulur Service. 7:30 Regular Service. REBEKAH LODGE Will meet this evening at 7:30 at tho I, 0. 0. P. hall. A-largo attend ahco Is desired. LUTHERAN 11:00 "A Roynl Wedding Feast," No ovoning service. PRESBYTERIAN 11:00 Preaching by Dr. 11. Os borne 7: no Preaching by Dr. II. Osborne : :o: TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB TO HAVE INDIAN PROGRAM FOR OCTOBER. EPISCOPAL 11:00 Morning Prayer and Ser mon. ' 7:30 Evening Prayer and Sermon, 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 11 :00 Christian Science Service Services In Building & Loan Building. Tho general meeting o the Twen iotli Contury Club for October will be held nt the home of Mrs. Elmor Coates .321 S. Sycamore St, at 3 o'clock on Tuesday, Ott 11. Tho topic for tho meeting is tho American Indian and 'a collection of Indian relics will be J on dlsplny. Mrs. R. D. Rasmussen la tho leader and an Interesting pro Igram has beon arranged. :o: PAST MATRONS OF WESTERN NE BRASKA "WERE GUESTS OF LOCAL MATRONS. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS conied at tho oponing servlco by an lunisually largQ congregation. CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT I'EO. PLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE, PALESTINE Commandry, Knights Templar will meet Friday evening at 6:30. Lunch will be served. Work in the Red Cross degree. Tho annual meeting of the Country Club was hold Monday evening The County Fair needs about ton thousand dollars to put it on its feet and got it ready for next year, when It will havo tho biggest display of agricultural products over brought together in Westorn Nebraska. Tho stock interests of Lincoln County noeds about ton thousand dollars to build a sales pavlllion on tho Fair grounds. If tho North Platto Cham ber- of Commerce will organize to sell shares in tho Fair Association and tho Farm Dureau would organ LET'S KNOW NORTH PLATTE r SERIES OF INFORMING ARTIC LES A ROUT NORTH PLATTE AND ITS PEOPLE. ROOSEVELT WROTE ABOUT FORMER NORTH PLATTE CITIZEN. In tho Elk Club rooms. E. N. Ogior, 1 , , . ... . r . ... , i '" Dtiurua in mo oiuuk. x'uvi' rtnnnv wnrii THE LIBRARY BOARD Wm. Otten and F. L. Moonoy wcro elected as Directors for threo years. A resolution was passed to incrcaso tho annual dues to $30 per year. A BAPTIST 11:00 Revival Service by 'Dean Stojckton. f: 30 Revival 'Sorvico by Dean-Stockton. i Tlmo has demonstrated the soundness of tho policies on which this bank was founded, and which have continued throughout its existence. Through tho many periods of financial stress, this bank has been amply able to care for its customers and to aid in stabil-iiv Izing tlie country's credit, because its daily affairs have consistently been conducted in a sane, conserva tive manner. The First National Bank of Norih Flatte. Even A Ramble in the Crisp Fall Air becomes more pleasant when one's shoes are trim and neat. In these strapped walking pumps there's both com fort and smartness, for it combines tho virtues of tho low heel and wide vamp, with the grace of tho square throat, clever perforations and a simple serviceable strap. The square throat and single ptrap distinguish this smart oxford. II an nan Shoes for Men. aird Shoeber Shoes for Ladies. lino banquet was business meeting. served before tho The Past Matrons of the Eastern Star Lodge ontertaincd the Past Mat rons of Western Nebraska yesterday nt a luncheon In tho Masonic Hall. ' The tables were beautifully deco rated in autumn flowers and leaves I ..n1 i wa miwiliitml timnlmnn wna served. Covors were laid for thirty. Tho afternoon was spent in transact ing business and refreshments woro served late In tho afternoon.' I Most of tho ladies returned to their I i . ... . I , Homes louowing uio uusihubh uiuui.-ing. Hugo Todenhoft of North Plutto aitfl Miss Winifred Oertlo of Elm Creek were united in marriage Wednesday, October 5, by Judgo Woodhurst. Hugo gavo his occupation as stole buyer but he is better known as a ball player, having pitched for North Platto dur ing several seasons His friends ex tend congratulations. Hon what a race thero would be. (North Platto would try to ralso its I ten thousand dollars for tho Fair . and Lincoln County outside of North Platto would try to ralso its ton thousand dollars for tho Stock pavi lion. The suggestion Is a good ono and the Trlbuno promises Its un divided and impartial support to pushing both propositions. Harry Dixon and N. E. Uuckley loft last night for Omaha whore they will attend tho District meeting of Rotary Clbb officers. The district covers tho states of Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa. The meeting will bo held at tho Fontonollo Hotel. At this mooting tho placo for tho six teenth district convention will bo se lected. Tho competing towns for tho convention are Sioux Falls, S. D., nnd Lincoln, Nebraska. The Board of County Commission ers met in special session at the Court House last Tuesday evening to comply with the provision of tho statutes which requires tho Board to meet nt least three times a year and specifies the dates. These aro tho second Tuesday in January, tho third Monday In June nnd tho first Tuesday in 'October. There being no business boforo tho Commissioners they ad journed. Tho management of tho City Libra ry is by statute placed In tho hands of tho Library Board, composed of flvo citizens of North Platte. Tho mem bers aro called directors. These di rectors aro elected by tho City Cottn 11 upon nomination by tho -Mayor. Each serves a term of llvo years, ono (being elected each year. Tho election is held at tho first regular meeting in Juno nnd the- new director takes his placo on July 1st. Tho directors nt prosont aro T. C. Pattorson, Miss An na C. Kromph, E. S. Davis, Mrs. Mary Roddy nnd W. T. Wilcox. They servo without pny. After tho mombor is oloctcd tho Board' proceeds to organ ize by oloctlng officers from among Its own members. Tho offlcors at present nro T. C. Patterson, presi dent; E. S. Dnvls, vice-president, Miss Anna C Kramph, secretary-treasurer. Tho Board Is a part of tho city gov ernment and Is responsible to tho City Council. Annually It decides tho amount of monoy It needs to maintain tho library and so cortlflcs to tho I City Council which makes tho levy. nil. I.. 41in Tlnnril naif nil fnf SS.IillO Albuquerque, ' n , . . iin ami uio v-uunun mum.- .u,, ,.- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sobastlan rc tu.aed a few days ago from a some what lengthy trip to tho coaBt, They went from hero to San Francisco and then down to Los Angeles by tho Southern Pacific. Hero Mr. Sobas tlan attended tho national meeting-of Life Iusurnnce Men nnd for four days really worked hard. Ho was tho del egate from tho Nebraska Insurance Association and was oxpetccd to make a report at tho next meeting. Fol lowing tho convention ho visited rela tives nnd called on many frlonds who forjnerly liven hero. Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian then went to where be and looking after business matters. A trip through tho Grand Canyon of the Rio Grande wns ono of tho pleas ant, features on tho return. Mr. Se bastian says ho is now rested up and ready to go for the coming year of business activity. Mr. Editor: In reading tho book, "Theodore Roosovolt's Letters to His Children," I find tho following paragraph in a lottor which Mr. Roosovolt wroto whllo he was President to his son Ted on February 19th, 1904. It may bo of interest to somo of your readers ns it rofors to a former townsman. Tho paragraph is as follows: "Buffalo Hill was at lunch tho other day togothor with John Willis, my old hunter. Buffalo Bill has always been a great friend of mine. I re member when I was running for Vico President I struck a Kansas town Just when tho Wild West show was thoro. Ho got on tho roar platform of my car and made a brief speech on my behalf ending with tho statomont that, 'A cyclone from tho wost had como, no wonder tho rnts hunted their collars,' " It will bo remembered that on this Bnmo speaking trip Mr. Roosovolt was In North Platto and ho addressed a mooting nt 8 o'clock In tho morning at tho Lloyd Opora Houso. Ho wns Gov ernor of Now York nt that tlmo. W. T. WILCOX. -:o:- LIN'COLN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS ATTRACT WIDE . INTEREST. S'lulph H. Krnuse, of Kearney, local nager of tho Federal Board of Vo- .catssnnl Insurance has., n An netnfn nrwl nnrnntifil t 111111 Ull Ull UOWIIU .... w . u w... 1 property within the city limits. This 1 amount will bo spent by tho Board j during tho coming year in paying the ' expenses of tho library and buying ' now books. Tho Board olocts tho li brarian and other employees and pro scribes tho rules nnd regulations for conduct of tho building. It makes an I annual report to tho City Council. ;o:- Thc first D. A. P. meoUng of tho often- visited North Platto In the interests of the voal. wn8 i10ll nt tho homo of Mrs. W World War veterans who nro recelv- o. ttnvnnlils Inst Monday evening ing vocational aid in ono form or .'in- The reference department of tli( City Library has become so important that it is attracting somo nttontion from the library force: This hns not been necessnry boforo. Every after noon from four to six special nttou-' tion will be given by tho librarian to, the reforonco workers. Tho principal 1 patrons of the reforonco department aro tho students in the high schools and tho members of the different clubs about the city. C. Reynolds The program Inst was furnished by two otlior. In a recent statement he says! mombors who have been away for Tho passage of tho Sweet Bill mnkea somo time. Miss Dulcio Frator tnlk- TIio Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Encineers will hold a smoker nt Labor Temple tonight in ihonor of those who havo been mem Tiers for twonty-flvo years or more. The committee announces that ser vice buttons will bo awarded to each of the following: Nolson A. Nowmnn. Denver; Ceorgo F. Basking, Pa.; Chas. W. Raskins, Tlios. Burnoy, Thos. A. Duke. Wm. W. Wntkins and Wood W. White. Lincoln County has won another agricultural victory. At tho Southwest Nobraska District Fair hold at May wood last week, Lincoln County won first in tho collective exhibit and Lincoln County products won first in classes. It was ' the largest exhibit tnoro by far. Officers of tho Fal complimented Lincoln County on its enterprise in collecting such a show ing and making it so attractive to thoso who visited tho fair. Paul Harrington spent most of tho summer in Donvor and the west, re turning hero a weok or so ago for tho winter. Ho says ho is buying some grain and hay for tho Harrington people but thoro is not as much ac tivity as thoro would bo if tho prices were higher. Ho is looking toward getter business this winter, especially If tho weather is bad. Tho hay busi ness Booms to bo somewhat liko tho coal business. If tho weather Is bad tho business is good; if tho weather Is good tho business 1h bad. tho consolidation of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance and Federal Board for Vocational Education, nl ready affected In this district, official The law makes it possible for n dis abled ox-service man as well as all ex-service mon interested in Govern ment insurance to clear his problems Training work was decontcralizcd more than a year ago and the Vet-' orans Bureau in Washington is now decentralizing tho functions of tlu Compensation and Insuranco divisions horotoforo handled In Washington. As a matter of fact, tho District Office in St. Louis is now handling claims for compensation. Pending clnims will bo handled In Washington until the Central Offico has had time to got tho necessary records out to tho district offices. It should be borno in min.l that tho decentralization of tho now bureau must necessarily bo a grad ual development and too much should not bo expected during tho next few weeks. As soon as tho functions of tho Compensation Division hnvo been completely turned over to tho 1! trlcts, wo expect to glvo prompt sor- ( vico to nil cluiins. A representative of tho Bureau will got in touch with tho claimant and ho will bo told in a personal way what ho Is entitled to. Every employeo of tho Bureau In this district is required to givo courteous and careful consideration to nil claimants nnd no other treat ment will bo toloratod. In dealing with thousands of claims of cx-sor-vlco mon wo may expect to meet n fow whoso claims aro not Justified It will bo tho Bureau's policy to deal with such claimants frankly. Boforo a man can bo awarded compensation or vocational training, It must bo shown that ho has a disability which was either received in sorvico or ono that can bo Bhown to bo traccablo to sorvico. It is ofton difficult to establish tho sorvico connection and this is thc usual causo for delays. d::o:: cd of her oxporlences ns an Army nurse. Mrs. Dorothy Ford sang sev oral songs. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Latter and Bon of Lincoln will return to their homo , today aftor visiting nt tho Geo. Smith I home. II. A. Smith, Supervisor of Agri culturo for tho Union Pncfic System has written to E. A. Olson, In chnrgo of tho Lincoln County agricultural oxhtbits at tho Nebraska Stato Fair, asking him -to sond somo Lincoln County products to Omaha for tho Union Pacific permanent exhibit. Mr. Sniith saw tho Lincoln County oxht bjt at tho Stato Fair and wanted to take some of tho best grain but Mr. Olson insisted on returning tho wholo oxhlbit to tho Lincoln County Fair. Ho told Mr. Smith that ho would tako tho matter up later and tho lottor received yeBtorday Is along thnt line. Mr. Olson will prepare, somo of tho host corn nnd grain that can bo so chred nnd forward it to Mr. Smith ns Boon n.s possible. He asks that Lincoln County farmers bring samples of corn and small grains to hint within tho noxt thirty days. Ho will bo at tho Union Stato Bnnk or tho products may bo loft thero If ho is out. Ear corn Bhoaf and throshed grains aro nil that can bo used. Tho namo of tho grower 1b to bo placed on each samplo exhibited. SATISFACTION Depends On The Dealer dealer alone can give . 7" ME car - in - dependable guarantee oi islaction, however shrewdly select and buy your automobile. sat- you Rev. II. E. Hess preached his first sormon on tho now term Sunday morning, to a largo congregation. Ho attended tho Annual conference of tho Methodist Church hold at Lin coln last weok and was reappointed to tho North Platto chargo for tho coming year In appreciation of tho work ho has dono hero In tho past, A largo number of mombers nnd con stituents of tho thurch congratulated him on his return and ho was wol- LOOK LISTEN Seo McKaln's now moat market go ing up n cast Ninth street. Tho prlco of meat will bo dropped ton cents n pound delivered at your door. Tho butchors don't know tho war is over. I havo choico homo-grown stuff to butcher. I want all of my old cus tomorB and I will havo plenty of meat for now onos, too. So lot's llvo and lot llvo. I will bo ready for business In two weeks or loss time. GEORGE McKAIN. In choosing your car, examine the resources and ability of the dealer to provide every necessary thing to enable the car to perform as you expect it to. The major part' of our establish ment exists to serve after the sale. Dodge Brothers MOTOR. CAR. Exclusively Haailer Shock Absorbers For All Dodge Models Now In Stock We Sell to Serve J. V. ROMIGH Dealer Sixth and Locust Street Phone 844