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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1921)
tea i, 4. thirty-seven year. tfORTH PLATTE, NEBM OCTOBER 14, 1921. No. 79 Foot Ball Today---North Platfe vs 3:30 P. M. COURT HOUSE TO BE BUILT COMMISSIONEltS ACCEPT THE BP.. TISK1) II IDS AND WOltK IS TO , BEGIN SOON. Aftar t.hi for th ,mW fv.,..t 1 House wore oponeed last Monday and. all were refused by the Board of County Commissioners, It was found that McMlchaol Bros, of this city had included somo estimates which tlm others had not included. Then some slight changes were mado in tho build ing and' when tho revised bids wore in it was discovered that McMlChaol's had como under tho estimate of money available and that they were the lowest A resolution was pasBed by tho Board accepting the bid and au thorizing the Couty officers to pre pare contracts and tho Board ad journed. The amount of Iho contract including electric wiring and the heating plant is said to bo a little over $177,000. V ork is oxpectcd to start at once upon tho signing of "the con tract. Tho building will bo located just west of tho present structure. : o : MANY DENTISTS ATTEND THE AN NUAL MEETING OF THE DIS TRICT DENTAL SOCIETY. Soventy-flvo dentists atterided the annual meeting of the Northwestern Nebrnska District Dental Society held Tuesday and-(Wednesday of this week in North Platte. A round of pleasure was planned by the local commltteo to make the visitors' stay in North Platto one. to bo remembered. Follow ing a morning of pleasure and an afternoon of business tho dentists and their ladies were entertained at an elaborate dinnor in the Episcopal church miild narlnrs. Tho dinnor was served by tho E. Y: P. A. girls and was delicious. Dr. Mescrvey of Kear noy acted as toastmaster. Address of "Welcome was given by Mayor E. H. Evan and responded to by Dr. E. E, Marr of Hastings. Paul Harrington gave a vocal selection which was en joyed by all present. Dr. A. S. Allen of Loup City gave a short address on "tho Outlook" and Dr. V. K. Lowe .of Omaha talked on Dental Educa tion. Little Anita. Johnston gave a violin solo and dance. Music was furnished for tho occasion by BcckB orchestra. Tho now officers, for the ensuing year were elected as follows: J. C. Thomsen of Danncbrog, presi dent. Georgo Leschlnskey of Grand Island, vice-president and E. A.. Hunt, secretary. . :o:- J. Connor of Omaha arrived last night to visit friends in the city. . Collect Your Interest It will soon bo time to collect your 'Intorost If you own Liberty Bonds of tho fourth issue. Interest will bo duo and payable on October fifteenth. Tho thrifty person has learned the trick of making Interest earn Interest Cash your coupons hero and deposit tho monoy in our savings department. Wo pay 5 semi-annually.. The Platte Valley State Bank LINCOLN COUNTY 1HIEI CALT WINS BLUE ltLBBON AT IOWA DAIRY CONGRESS Superintendent W. P. Snytlor of tho North Platto Experimental Substation hands us the following which Is ot Bpccial interest to cattlemen and ot general intorost to all Lincoln County citizens as Showing what la being done hero. "At tho Twelfth Annual Dairy Cat tle Congress hold at Waterloo, Iown, 1.1.. tt-t I ai. i 1U01 - wwon., iuw um rmuou m uie omhs 01 Holstcln-Prioslan bulls, two yearns and under three, was won by North Platto Segis Beauty Count, owned by J. M. Hackney, Minneapolis, Minn. This calf was bred and raised at tho Experimental Substation farm.. His dam Is Becky Bleske Gerben, the largo black cow that stands nt tho south end of tho row of cows on semi-official test. His slro Is King Ploho Pon- Utfo Sogls, formerly at the head of the Substation herd. This blue ribbon calf and several othors were traded to Mr. Hacknoy for a calf by his world famous hull, King, Segis Pontiac Count In this deal, the Substatip-i secured the Junior heard sire. Variety iPloho La Vertex. The dam of this calf La Verna Lincoln; produced in 7 days 29555 ponlids of milk, containing pounds of butter, and in 3G5 days, 295g5 pounds of milk containing 1310.03 pounds of butter. His slro's dam, Beauty Girl Pontiac Segis, at " years of age produced in 7 days 713.5 pounds of milk containing 37.1C pounds of butter. In 3G5 days sho producod 24924.7 pounds of milk con taining 1112.91 pound of butter. This idomblned .record ot dam and sire's dam is, tho nignest or any can in uio state a?ul la surpassed by very few anywhere. to: .. ,OCAL,ANp PEBONAIij Terry's Dressmaking school Is now In full blast, 310 West Gth. St. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Jessup ot Lin coln arrived yesterday by auto and are guests at the Clyde Cook homo. They' wore former residents. $1140 for a now Dodge Brothers touring car. Let us show you and . -' . . i i it 'demonstrate Its remarkablo value. J. V. Romigh, Dealer. Rov, and Mrs. Chas. Chapman of Butte Mont, visited looal friends in tl-n city Sunday onroute to eastern points. Rev. Chapman was a former pastor of tho Episcopal church. Mrs, Jule FilHon returned to her home in Denver yesterday after visit ing her mother, Mrs. Mary Thorn burg. Sho was accompanied ,home by her sister Mrs. Murl Day, Word was received hero by rela tives stating that Miss Virginia Bui lard sustained a UroKen log wnon thrown from her horse near her home in ATisRnurl. The break Is between tho hip and tho kneo. I I j ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT F0 PLK AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE. Tho big BoWor digging machlno is on south Dowoy street aijd going went on E streot Tho plpo Jayers aro hav ing a great deal of trouble with quicksand and cavo-lns. For blocks tho walls of tlio sower ditch havb had to bo boarded up before tho tile could bo put in place. Tho iron plpo has arrived and Is being distributed about tho city in preparation for tho Water Works en largements ana extensions. Somo mains will bo taken up and enlarged and somo pipe will bo laid on streets whoro thoro lias not boon any wator mains before. Laying will start in tho noar future. Leo Stuhr. Secretary nt Atrriri turo for Nebraska was In North Platto yesterday looking over prospective sites for tho Western Nebraska Fish Hatchery. Officials of tho Chamber of Commerce and prominent citizens .showed him tho available sites and he left last night promising to mako a report on tho matter. Men aro at work on west Fourth street placing lead connections from tho water mains to the service pipes, it is planned to do somo yaving next spring if the prices, aro right and these connections made long enough. -ahead-so that 'tho soil will settle hard before tho paving is laid It is said that tho connections -will oIbo bo placed on East Fourth and' on East and West Fifth. Scoutmaster Stephens has urgent use for a man or a woman who has studied something .about nstronomv. So far ho has not been able to locate anyone who over has taken any work In nstronomy and yet ho fools cortaln thoro aro such in the city. Ho asks that anyone who has been fortunate onough to havo taken a courso In this subject to communicate with him. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Richards re turned here tho first of tho week after ah extended visit to the eastern part of this country. Mr. Richards was a delegate to the meeting of the Ameri can Railway Association nnd National Safety Congress, having been selected by tho Union Pacific Company to rep resent tho Wyoming Division of that railroad. Tho sessions of the congress . S3 Wm. Waldorf's car of Quaker g :;: furnaces aro horo', and all those H who so kindly favorod mo with i their ordors, will bo dollvoreU i.t at once. ,l. !! Thoro will bo a few left In :;t this car, so hurry up If you U want a good Old Quaker Fur- nnrn flint. linn Htnori the test for it moro than 30 years. Yours to please, WM. WALDORF, 2nd door north of Postofflne. it Phono 517. ?. ..,.w.......,... it Special tor Saturday, October 15th. 1 Gallon Karo Syrup 1 590 J. Gallon Peaches 77c 0 Bars Swift White Soap-C 23c G Packages Star-Naphtha Powder 24c 2 Cans No. 2V2 Tomatoes 25c 9, PmintlR Rnlk Pnnniit. Butter 3Gc it it U fi Pound Can Calumet Baking Powder 00c g Si 4 ft t n 1 hp. JL iUU DU J.V21A.U X'UWUUl" 1 Bushel Jonathan Apples 2'o- Potatoes for Winter Use s ?hld 7 Pound Box Crackers, por Pound r YSC 1 Can Bpoth Sardines JJC 1 Package Prepared Cake Flour r 2Jc Free Delivery Wo Pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. Gamble & FOUR wero hold Soptomber 26 to 3(J (lnclu lve. On tho roturn trip Mr. gad. Mrs. Itlohurdp stopped In Washington other1 points. Thoy report a fine trip. Mr, and Mrs.' Claire Lemon aro nt Pittsburg, Kansas where Clalro has entered the government training schoolUn thp Southern Kansas State. Normal. Ho is taking an electrical engineering course which is given un der the vocational training plan too. world war votcrans. Claire- Writes that he is well ploased with the course and that both ho and Mrs. Lomo'i like it fine there. Ho says coal Is $7 a ton und that thoy can get a good meal for 25c. It is so warm thoro In tho wintor.jthnt ho says thoy will not need much or their heavy clothing. The Sutherland Courior is asking for the resubmission by tho County Commissioner, of tho questJian of issuing bonds .for ropalrlng tho bridges washed out laBt spring and for constructing whatever new works mny bo necessary. It says: me resubmission of the Bridge Uonds which was to have been known as Iutornnl Improvement Bonds, is gaining (new frlonds each day, Had the bonds carried' at the election there woul l naive been Just that much more money iri circulation In Lincoln Coun ty now. . We believe that the question should come before the peoplo again. I What- is your belief? The columns of the Courier nre . open fori discussion Remember;, the bridges aro going ls Pa,d'u debts of tho department, to bo built, .'and tho material is being1'1 addition to this tho city allows Placed on tlio .ground for their build-J a BUm for "rant rentals and sower ing. Which ' the easiest way to pa" fishing, which amount may bo tak for them? .- en rotn tno direct taxes. Tho Com v ; , imissloner has direct control over Tho ptajtie market In North Platte tho central water station, tho south is a subject, upn which a great deal 1 8idV station, tho office .in ha City has beojiUti?recently .and much Ye-1 Hall nnd all of thd wator' mains and mains yet -to be said. It Is a fact that j hydrants in tho city. All bills aro Worth Platte Is in tho potatoo area 'allowed by the Council unon tho of western Nebraska, Llucoln County nas, produced vast quantities of gooJ potatoes and can do so again. During tho year 1920 Lincoln County farmers sold many thousand bushels of pota-'aI toes on tho streets and in the mar- kets of this city. Theso potatoes wero mostly Bold nt about frost tlmo or when the ' markets were glutted. At thnt time the price is usually the lowest Not many Lincoln County growers aro In a position to storo thoir potatoes and so they pass Into tho hands of local dealers who havo arranged to take caro" of a limited part of tho crop. All potatoes sold in the North Platto markets woro used 'n North Platto. Not ono car of pota toes was shipped out of hero accord ing to tho records In tho freight of fice here. Then in addition to tho entire homo output, North Pintle Im ported sixteen cars of potatoes or approximately 10,000 bushels. That moans wo did not raise within ton thousand bushels of onough potatoes to supply tho North Platto markets last year. It is estimated that tho doflclency will bo still grcator this year because of tho poor yield in sqmc sections of tho country. As a result of those conditions tho price paid' in North Platte is a little bettor than In most places. A week ago ono of our local grocers paid $1.50 a bushel for a small lot of unsorted potatoes and three days lattor ho received a car load of graded, government Inspected potatoes which ho sold for $1.15 to $1.35 a bUBhol. i.t it it $1.00 Springer, STORES LET'S KNOW N0RTHPLATTE A SERIES OF INFORMING AIITIC- I.KS ABOUT NORTH PLATTE , AND ITS PEOPLE. III THE CITY WATER DEPARTMENT Almost ten years ago tho city of North Platto purchased tho wator plant from private ownership and put it under tho direct control of tho City Council. A Water Comhiis sloncr Is elected by tho people nt tho rogular city election. Ho has chargo of tho administration of tho department BUbject always to tho orders of the council. Tho council works partly through tho water commltteo composed of Carl Simon, chairman, R. L. Cantlln, Howard McMlchael and C. H. Lclnlngor. This commltteo has power to act bo tween mootlngB ot tho councll and lt .recommends to tho council when a now idea Is to be worked out. Tho Council makes an appropriation . which 1b calculated to be equal to tho amount of income from tho water rentals and this appropriation is called tho wator fund and from lt approval of tho Commissioner. Wator rat0s aro established by tho councll ! which directs tho .Commissioner to colIect lhelfli Bonds for the or,g. pUrchaso and for oxtonslons aro vot0(1 hy th0 peopl'0i Horfllloy Woloh WnB Wn(r nnmmi.innnr when tho department was organized and ho has continued in thnt capaci ty up to tho present. :o:- Dolegates to tho State Grand LodF.o of Odd Fellows aro Georgo AndorBon, Harry York, Honry Dlenor and R. H. Wagner from tho subordinato and W. V. Hoagland nnd C. M. York from tho Encampmont. As tho local Dodgo Brothers deal ers, wo aro very pleasod to hear tho numbor of people. who seom to havo tho utmost confidence In tho value an J service given by theso good cars. Peo. pie aro buying real value today and tho result- has- beon four now Dodgo cars sold tho past week. J, V. Ro mlgh, Dealer. .... ...... ....................... A Good i.t it t.t it it it it it it 8 it. it ' it, iff it id ai Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR i.t it it t t it l it :.t make an ideal combination for winter and all seasons use. We aro tho agents for the famous Rex All-Season Top.on which we can mako you Immediate deliv ery. Touring Car $250 installed Roadster $215. installed On now cars, a deduction will be made, if tho new open top is traded in. Wo havo several Rex Tops on Dodge cars which, have shown' from two to over five years of service, model Dodge. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. it it it i.t t.t it it it it it it it it it it if it it it it it it It it it it it it it it i Gth and Locust Hasslor shock absorbers for any old or now model Dodgo. SCHOOL EOlt SCOUT LEADERS TO HE OPENED FOR NORTH PLATTE MEN r vto The Local Council of tho Boy Scouts "has arranged through Scout Exocu- tlvo Stophens for n bIx wooka school . of instruction tor scout leaders to begin on Wednesday, October 26th. Theso moetlngs will bo hold each Wednesday evening for six weolts and nre open to ill) mon. Tho courso Is given to intorost mon In scouting and it is' expectod that a largo num ber will tyke thlB opportunity to loarn something of tho trho naturo ot scout ing. -:o:- WATCH YOUR SALE DATES. ' Oct. 15 A. S. Bollow, North Platto, Puro bred Poland China salo, Ed Klo rlg, Actloucor. Oct. 20 J. O. Quynan, North Platte, General Farm salo, Ed. Klorlg, Auc ttonoer. Oct. 18 John Broso, Nqrth Plattw, Gonoral Farm Salo, H. tl. Johansen, Auctioneer. ' Oct 217-Casper Rauch Auction of Stockors'nnd FoodorB nnd Hogs. Oct 25 C. Sodacott, North Plntte, Gonornl Farm Sale, H. M. JohnnBon, Auctioneer. :o: Tho Imperial Ordor ot Muscovites U planning a mooting at North Platto b Nov. 29. This Is tho first meeting to ho hold slnco tlio lodgo was instituted bore. Injttotlbn ot n largo class Is to bo a part op'tho coromonlcs. At The Sun FRIDAY anil SATURDAY II. B. Warner 'M ! "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE" SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUES. . Prlscilla Dean ' In "OUTSIDE THE LAW" At The Keith FRIDAY and SATURDAY , Lionel Bnrrymoro in V.I1M THE PENMAN" SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUES. Catherine McDonald in 'STANGER THAN FICTION" .........tii.uuut Winter Top a Phono 844 n it i.t :.t j.t it i.t it it it it it it it it t.t t it it it it. it it it i.t a it it it it it J.t 8 t.t it it it it it it it it it i.t it i.t it it 8 :.t j.t j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t J.t j.t j.t j.t J.t it it 1 Of .VtV....V......V.....V... ..f "