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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY LNTKHKSTING ITEMS 1'ltOM EX CHANGES WHICH IIEACII OUlt DESK. onburg Independent. PROORESS1VE It. It. Smltli and his gang "f work men nro.busy putting in tlie cement bases for tlio electric light standards on paved streets. When this work Is finished Lexington need iwl stand aside but can take lier place In the foremost rnnkn of any of tlio cities of tho state. Loxlngton Pioneer. AN EVEN DOZEN On Saturday, October 1, 1921, there come to tlio home of Mr. nad Mrs. il. E. AVI Minnie, n little six-pound Kiel. Tills In Itself is an occasion to any home, but to tho Williams' home it makes the twelfth child In their fnrn ly, eight girls and four boys, and fam ilies f twelve children aro not such a common thing to be passed up light, ly. Tho Sentinel adds its best wishes for luck and happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Arnold Sentinel. TRANSMISSION Tho Village Board wont to North Platte last Friday and completed ar rangement, with the. Ilcnnlngsou Engineering Co. and tho North Platte Light ft Power Co. The former to build the transmission line and tho latter to furnish olecttrlclty. All that remains Is the acceptance of both contracts by the Omaha offices. Iler shoy, Sutherland and Paxton award ed contracts to the same companies laat week Brady Vindicator. SUCCESSFUL FAIR The Harden Coruty Fair of 1021 is now a matter of hiBtory. The Fair was woll nttended each day, but the second day drew tho greatest number of peoplo, it also bolng school child Ton's day.. Tho exhibits along ah lues, though small, were good, and tho schools of the county made a won derful showing with, their oxhlbits. Tlio entertainment features surpassed anything held In previous years and much enjoyed by everyone. Taken as n whole the fair was a success In ev ery way. Ourden Co. News. FISHING Philip dumb of Lincoln, represent ing the Stato Fish and Came Depart' mcnt was In tho city last Saturday. Air. dumb is making a survoy at dlf ferent points In tho state to ascertain where llsh aro needed, having boon sent by tho department on this work to relievo the people In lortirltios where lakes are supplied with fish by the department. Mr. dumb stated thai our lake will accomodate many more llsh than we have been receiving and that good supplies at unstated porio'Uj however, will be forthcoming, -doth- CLOSES FIVE TIMES - The stores In Coring aro to be clos ed this (Friday) afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock on account of the Kimball Coring football game, an agreement to that effect having been secured by F. A. Blrchell, representing tlio com mercial club. Goring lias started the season with a victory. Home support of tlie homo team will holp keep the boys on their toes. Tlie closing ag reement also covers the three games which comes later, .with Bayard. Morrill, Torrington and perhaps one additional game, this notice bolng glv- en so that the patrons may be advised in advance.--Goring Courier. SUTHERLAND WATERWORKS I have compiled a few figures to .iwi voy some liloa to those that "don'r I iiiik" tho waterworks reservoir whl hold enough water to amount to tlireo '1 .'-ops in :i Kiln barrel, to supply wi.lur to use In eu.o of fire or water .ng Iaw:s. A nservolr 112 feet ii diameter .mil 10 feeet deep will hold umtigh water ii fill a rIx inch plpo 40,960 feet high or Vj Inch pipe to the center (if the earth. If those who "don't think" will furnish us enough Vi Inch plpo to hold tho contents of the reservoir we will water a few lawns In Ilnvannn, Cuba, or to bo ex act 4,278 mlleB, and r.,120 foot IksIow tlio reservoir. A. .1. Boatty. In Suther land Courier. FARM LOANS I am prepared to make a few farm loans on improved farms, occupied by owners. 0. II. TIIOELECKE. A NEW BAND Looks like Hershoy was now going to have a band. About twenty-four names aro on tho list with tho grcat or nor cent being old players or hav ing had soino experience. It is the Intention to start from tho very be ginning for tho benefit of the new members, however, bo If any more now onos wish to Join, they shouttl show up Friday night and get In the band wagon. The time Is right to start now. One or two now Instru ments have been ordered by tho band, but most of tlio members alrcurtv have their Instruments. Any encour agement our good townspeople can lend to this now organization wo are sure will bo appreciated by tho boy;). A good band is one of the biggest boosters a town can have. Hershey Times. :o: LOOK LISTEN I have rented tho Mcdovorn &. Stack grocery store, known as tho China - man Restaurant, Instead of building on East Ninth Street, and will br ready fir business not later than Oct. 15.. Don't forgot tho number. GEO. McKAIN. -:o:- Mlss Roso Cithlll of Hershey was a Saturday visitor to tho city. mi. WALDOHV, Tinner. Makes or ropalrs anything made of tin or sheet motal. 510 Locust. Undor General Hospital ooooooocKooooooaaoooooo Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. FER STREITZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner Cth and Locust. Phono 525W, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ORDINANCE NO. 1311 A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to dine. A placo whoro the greatest caro is ox oxclBed in tho soloctlon of tho food matoriuls. A placo whoro tho culslno Is exquisite, whero tho china nml cut lory Is tasteful, and tho surroundings ploasant. This Is such a placo. Come and enjoy it. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. An ordinanro providing for the con struction of n sower lateral district "Number one" to consist of Blocks numbered l(i, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 21, 25. 20, 27 and 28, the last two blocks, to-wlt: 27 and 28 being vacat ed; all of the original plat of said city of North Platte, Nebraska; also beginning in the center of Block 23. running thence north through blocks One and Two of Mlltonborger's Addi tion to tlio city of North Platte, Ne braska; also Lot B of tho County Clerk's Subdivision of part of tho Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 14, Range 30, all in Lincoln County, Nebraska, said sewer lateral beginning at the center lino of Block 28, running trenco west through and on the center of blocks 28, 27, 2G, 25, 24. 23, 22, 21, 20. ID. 18, 17 1G and east 22 feet on line extended of said Lot B, nnd there to terminate; also beginning at tho center of block 23, running theneo north through Block 1 and 2 :o the north lino of Block 1 of Mllton borger's Addition to the city of North Platte, Nebraska, there to terminate. To bo constructed of twelve, ten an 1 eight inch sewer plpo with proper (lush tanks, manholes and proper ap pliances; Providing for an estimate of the cost thereof and for bids and making contracts for said sewer lat eral; Also providing for levying n galnpt tho abutting lots, along tho lino of s-iid Lateral Sower, a spocial assessment to p'ay tho costs of con structing tho same. Bo it ordained by tho Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte Nebraska: Section 1. That a sewer lateral district "No. 1" bo formed from blocks Ki. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. 2G. 27 and 28, of the original plat of the cltv of Nor'h Platte, Nebraska; 23 of said original plate and 1 and 2 of Mlltonborger's Addition to the city of North Platte. Nobr.; Lot B of the County Clerk's Subdivision of part of the NWVi of Section 33. Township 14, Rnngo 30, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Section 2. That a sower lateral oe constructed of twelve Inch sewer plpo through said blocks 28, 27, 20. 2G, 21 nnd to center of 23, of ten inch sewer ppe from center of Block 23 nnd all of 22, 21, 20, 19, 18. 17, 10 and East 22 feet of Lot B and eight inch from cen tor of Block 23 through north half of said Block 23 and Blicks2 and 1 of POLANI-CHINA bALE Tlif undersigned will sell at Public Auction at the old Hesaek Harn in NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Saturday, October 15th At 1:30 O'clock 24 Head of Poland China Hogs Consisting of 10 Males and 14 gilts. All of the hogs ollercd here are from Jumbo Girl bred to Big Yankee and purchased direct from Philip Dawson. Philip Dawson, of Endicott, is one of the best hog breeders in the state and helms the ribbons to show for it. PEDIGREE OF JUMBO GIRL SIRE Hig Hone Jumbo 87554 by Jumbo Chief DAMCorwins Model 252882 by Huckaneer and lost Big Yankee was the $40,000 boar sold by Williams ost soon after. This blood is very popular. A. S. BELLEW, Owner ED. K1ERIG, Auctioneer, RAY LANGFORD, Clerk. Miltonborgcr's - Addition to North Platte, at proper depth and on a level required by tho present sower system of said city, beginning on tho cast conter line of Block 28, running thence west through und on tho center lino of Blocks 28, 27, 20, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 10, 18, 17, 10 and on an extend ed lino 22 feet Into said Lot B, all of tho original town now city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, there to tormlnate. Also beginning at the conter lino of Block 23 running thence north through Blocks 1 and 2 to the north lino of Block 1 of Mll tonborger's Addition to the city of North Platte, Nobraskn, there to ter minate. Section 3. That tho engineer of said city at onco prepare and Mo with the e'erk thereof an estimate of the total costs of said proposed sewer lateral. Section 4. Tliat afrer said estimate Is made and filed as herein provided, tho Clerk of said city shall proceed at onco to advertise in manner nnd form required by law for bids for the con struction of said sewer lateral and appliances, reserving to said City tho right to reject any or all bids there for. Section 5. If an npproved bid be niado for said works that tlie contract therefor be entored Into by tho Mayor of said City attested by the Clerk with the necessary provisions and pro tecting tho Interests of said city, upon the contractor furnishing a bond in u sufficient amount for tho faithful per formance of said contract. Section G. To pay the costs of the construction of said sewer lateral, Hush tanks, man-holes, and- appli ances, a special assessment shall be levied, according to law, against the lots abutting on the line of said lat eral. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its passage, and npproval and publication. Passed and approved this 4th day of Octobor. 1921. E. II. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. (SEAL) i The Farmer's Auctioneer H. N. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have enough stock or machinery for a general farm salo, I am located so I can hold a combination Bale at North Platte or at tho Palrvlew dairy 1 miles west of town. I have always got onough stock or machinery listed with mo so we can hold a combination sale any time. OTIS It. PL ATT, M. I). 1 Physician nnd Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Over Union State Bank. Offico Phone 29G House Phono 123GJ Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Form Sales A Specialty, si Bcnl Estate. References and Dat First National Dank. North Platte, Nebraska. N I WINkM m ii V W IIII1UIK AIM 9 H Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon S GcncrnI Practice und it Construction Surgery S Hospltnl Accommodation j-j 1'lntto Tnltcy Hospital $ 8 Former Nnmo Twlncm Hospital, a IS NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. 9 David Cole Creamery Co. Pays Highest Price For Cream. 310 EAST FRONT ST. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Hank IluildJng Office Phone 83 Residence 38 DR. J. It. McKIRAHAJf Practlco Limited fn Diseases of Women nnd Surgery OVER REXALL DRUQ STORE Phones Offico 113. Residence 640J WYLIE WALKER Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer. Leavo orders at 914 W. 4th St. Or Phono 334. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 361. To Whom it May Concern: The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at tho Northwest corner of Section 12, town ship 11 north, range 34, west of tho 6th P. M. n Lincoln County, Nebraska, running thenco south on section lino between sections 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 23 and 24, 25 nnd 26, and 35 and 36 said township and range, and termin ating at tlio Southwest corner of said ection 36 has reported In favor ot tho establishment thereof, nnd all claims for damages, must bo filed In tho County Clerk's offico on or beforo noon of tho 21st day of November, 1921, or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 9th day of Settcmbcr, 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. GEO. B. DENT Physician nnd Surgeon Special Attention Glrcn to Snrgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Offico 130. Residence lit Offico phono 241. Res. phone 215 L. C. DItOST, Osteopathic Physiciun North Platte. Nebraski Knights of Columbus Building. DR. II A It OLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCIIFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102t Dll. REDFIELI) PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj ruones uitico 642, Residence 676 , Office 340 Housel26 i DK. V. I. SHAFFER ' Ostcopnth Physician I Over the Oasis. North Platte When the Watch Won't Run When the watch won't run do you nil) in a llttlo axlo grease or squirt it full or oil? Not so, you take It to a Jowolor for ndjustmont.- Why shoul.l human bolngs who llvo, movo and have their being in a much moro deli cate mechanical apparatus, dopond on chemicals? Why dope tho human ma chine when It needs mechanical adjustment? Spinal nerves emit between joint?, oi the I iickbono and when the bonoa ol the splno are out of alignment thoso norvos bocomo pinched. There Is ills-ease.. Tho chiropractor locates tho misaligned joints nnd by his skill restores tlicm to alignment, thus re moving the cause of your III health. Chrlropractlo Bplnal adjustments free spinal nerves by restoring normal norvo oponings and by this simple process chiropractors ovorywhero are correcting diseases of tho oyes, ears, nose, throat, luugsi heart, stomach, livor. kldnoys, bowols nnd genital or gans. WHEN HEALTH BEGINS doponds on whon you tolephono No. 70 for nn appointment. Consultation Is without chnrgo. Drs. States & States, Tho P. S. C. Chlroprnclors. Building and Loan ltiiildiup North Platte Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES ATHE FOLLOWING An HI 8 y- EVES :V7- EAR3 r NOSE THROAT ARMS IEART LUNGS 'LIVER 'STOMACH 'PANCREAS ;SPLE.EN KICNEY5 ' BOWELS APPENDIX -bladder IOVUFO iSpmal JXoluna LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TI5SUE5r DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Director! Dnj Phono 41 Night Phono Bind; 5S8 W. T. PRITCHAR1) Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian nnd 03 assistant deputy State Veterinarlat wospuai 315 soutn Vine Streot. Hof pltal Phono C33, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, C. 7 Building & Lonn Building. Offico Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242 NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1845 ot Sebastian Schwnic or, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of NobrasKa. To all per sons Interested In said estate take no tlco that a petition has been filed fo tho probato of an Instrument purport ing to bo tho last will and testament of said deceased and for tho appointment of Carrlo Schwaiger as Executrix ot said estate, which has been set for hearing horcin on October 18, 192 nt 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Sept. 22, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHUnST. County Judgo EXTENSION ROAD NO .11. To Whom it May Concern: Tho Boar,i of County Commission ers for Lincoln County, Nebraska, have mado tho following resolution: The Board of County Commlssionerj for Lincoln County, Nebraska, being of the opinion that tho public good re. quires It, hereby declare tho section line running north between the NWJA of Sec. 4 and tho NEVi Sec. 6 In T. 14, R. 30 und bcoween Sections 32 and 33, 29 and 28, 20 and 21, 17 and 16, 8 and 9, and 4 and 5, T. 15, R. 30. all west of tho 6th P. M. to be opened to the public, and tho County Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for claims for damages and to have same appraised, and tho County Surveyor is hereby directed to survey same. All claims for damages or objections thereto by reason of opening said above men tioned section lines must bo filed In the office of tho County Clerk on or beforo 12 o'clock noon on tho 2Vet day of Novombor, 1921, or said road will bo established without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 9th day of September, 1921. A. S. ALLEN. County Clork. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS (John Grant, Attorney.) NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. iionirmir In tho District Court of Lincoln County, NobraBkn. In tho matter of tho application ot Charles W. Trembly, Administrator of tlio ostato of Gcorgo W. Trembly, deceased, for leavo to soil real es tate. Notice is hereby given, that in pur suance of an order mado by J. L. Towoll. Judgo of tho District Court ot 1. 1 nca1 n County, Nebraska, made on tlio 8th day of July 1921, for tho sale ot real CBtato hereinafter described, I will sell at tho east front door of tho Court Houbo in tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 15th day ot October 1921. bocln- Ing nt ono o'clock in tho afternoon, tho South East quarter, South West quarter and tho North West quartor ot Section rourtcon, also tho South EaBt quartor ot Section twelve, all In Township fifteen North Rango twenty eight west of tho 6th Principal Morldlan In Lincoln County, Nobraaka to tho highest bidder for cash, said snio will oo called at ono o'clock n M. nnd will bo open for ono hour thoreafter. CHARLES W. TREMJ3LY. Administrator of tho Estato of Georgo W. Trembly, Deceased. Signed and sealed bids and propos als on tho Now Lincoln County Court House, North Platte, Nebraska, will bo received and filed In the office of A. S. Allen, County Clerk, North Platte, Nebraska, up until 12 o'clock noon (Central Time) on Monday, Oc tober 10, 1921, for the erection of a Court Houso Building for Lincoln County, NobrnBka, to bo erected at North Platte, Nobraska, in accordance with tho Plans and Specifications pre pared by George A. Berllnghof, Arch itect, Orphoum Theatre Building, Lin coln, Nebraska. Bids and proposals will be received as follows: 1. General Contract. 2. Heating and Plumbing. 3. Electric Wiring. Plans and specifications may bo seen at tho offico of the County Clerk North Platto, Nobraska, at tho offico of tho Architect, Orpheum Theatre Building, Lincoln, Nebraska, also at the offices of tho following Builders' Exchanges: Omaha, Nobr., St. Joseph, Mo., Kansas City, Mo. Contractors desiring plans and specifications for their individual or private uso may obtain samo from the Architect by making a deposit ot $100.00 of which $90.00 will be re turned when plans anil specifications aro returned to Architect in good con dition, nnd bona-fido proposal or bid filed with the County Clerk on the day of letting. Each bid or proposal, In order to be considered, must bo accompanied by eltlier a certified check or a Bidder's bond In tho amount of flvo por cent (5) of bid and made payable to M. Soudor, County Treasurer. 7 Tho Board of County Commissioned for Lincoln County, Nebraska, reserves tho right to roject any and all bids and wnlvo defects in Bamo. By order of the Board ot County Commissioners for Lincoln County, Nebraska, dated this 6th day of Sopt 1921. 'e. II. SPRINGER T. M. COIIAGEN. II. COKER, County Commissioners GEORGE A. BERLINGHOF, Architect Attest: A. S. ALLEN. County Clork. (SEAL)