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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction---Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians CO-MING MEETINGS IN Till. VARIOUS ORGANIZATION'S OF THE CITT. ILLINOIS . Society picnic Thursday Sept. 1st. at City Park. North Platto. DR. 0. H. CRESSLKR GKADUATE DENTIST Office ovor the McDonald Stato Bank. t Ellen Flyhn returned Stinda; WILL LINCOLN COUSTV TAKE THE Jrom fiolgrado.AKhor'e she visited lior parents for several' tndiTths. LOCAL AND PERSONAL BEST PHIZES AT THE COMING fitt -,r . Mrs. Jos. Soudor Is reported to bo ,111 at her homo. Samuel Brown of Blgnell was a city visitor Saturday. Geo. Crick of Bridgeport was n city visitor Saturday. Jos. P. Rauch transacted business In Ogalalla Saturday. Mrs. II. B. Brestol and children left Saturday for Denver to visit. Mrs. Fred 0. Miller of Paxton was an out of town visitor Friday. Mrs. L. II. Camp of Lichfield Is a guest at tho E. V. Camp home. V. E. Lawrence, of Flatts, Nobr., spent the week ond In tho city. Mrs. Ida Tarklngton spent tho week end in Chappoll visiting friends. E, J. Snydor of Bridgeport trans acted buslnoss In the city Saturday. Earl Lambert returned Friday from Hastings whoro ho visited for a wool'. Miss (Viola Murray loft Saturday for Grand Island to attend business col lege. , ' Mrs. Win. Dolson returned tho lat ter part of tho week- from Grand Is land. Mrs. Iloso Garrison returned the latter part of tho week from OmaliaJ whoro sne attended a. scliool or corset Ing. K ' . ' Mr. and Mrsi P. Hencklo and child ren returned tho latter part of tho week from Denver whoro they spent a week. Mr. and Mrs. Wiry Richards return ed Friday from Denver whero Mr. Richards transacted business for the B. of L. E. Harry Cramor returned from a busl. ness trip to Grand Island and Lexing ton Saturday. Ho allso vlslltod his mother In St. Paul. A. Kanold of Larunilo, Wyo. general chairman of tho Brotherhood of Loco. motlvo Engineers transacted business in the city Saturday. Miss Bessie Smith returned Friday from Lincoln whoro sho has been ot tondlng tho state university duripg tho summer months. '" v. '" Clayton Johnson und Gcorgo Foster of Ft. Dodge, Iowa who visited at the Fred E. Payne homo last week, left Saturday for Los Angeles. Harry Tolllfson of Koarny played on tho local Country Club golf links Saturday. Mr. Tolllfson Is tho Champ ion, golf playor of Kearnoy. Mrs. E. W. Fetter and daughter spent tho week end In Hershey visit ing at tho homo of hor parents. Dr. Fottor spent Sunday thoro. That deponds on the farmers of the County. E. A. Olaon, in charge of the Lincoln County agricultural exhibits dt tho Stato Fair says that ho will have tho car on track 4, Just east of tho freight depot at North Platte on Monday August 29 and Tuesday Aug' ust 30. He will be thoro ready to tuko anything in tho shape of agri cultural products which the farmers of this county will bring In. Ho will accompany tho car to Lincoln, see that tho exhibit Is arranged to the best advantago and bring it home again. Tho best will then be taken to the Lincoln County fair and placed on exhibition there. On account of tho oxponso It will not bo possible to col lect those exhibits, but they will be taken care of when brought to tho track. It Is Important that there bo no dolay as tho car will be shipped on tho' 31st. NATURE STUDY IN OUR CITY PARKS. CHRISTIAN AID will bp postponed until next wee on arcount,,pf .ChanUiufnui,,, , . TONIGHT Master Dogroe at Masonic Lodge. Regular communication and refreshments. G. I. A. Will hold initiation at regular meet lng Friday. Lunch will bo served. -A good attendance Is desired. ARGONNE Memorial Unit will hold a special meeting at tho County Superintend ent's office Tuesday, August 23 at 8 o'clock. All come. Mr. and Mrs. C. YV. Groves left Sim day for Broken Bow to attend tho races. Victor Romlgh had his tonsils re moved Saturday at tho Platto Valltiy hospital. Mrs. 0. Ogborno of Bnilo visited her sister Mrs. Rudat tho latter part of tho week. 1 Miss Julia Glcason returned Sunday from Grand Island whoro sho vlsH6d relatives. GecFrazlor and B. Sllngor of Lara, mio sponttthn week end at tho J. II. Frazlor homo. Miss Gladys Attebory and brother Virgil left Saturday ,for Choycnno to visit rolatlves. I Ed Hogg returned tho latter part of tho weok from Denver whoro ha transacted business. I Elmer Mastln roturned Friday from Hastings whero ho was called by tho illness of his mother. Ronald Krang returned from Brush, vllle, Nobr. Saturday whoro ho had been visiting relatives.' W. H. LoDloyt roturned Saturday from Denver whoro ho transacted business for tho B. of R. T. A baby boy was born Saturday Mo Mr. and Mrs. Rowley Grant at their homo on west tonth stroot. Miss Olowono Emory resumed duties at tho W. J. O'Connor Storo Saturday after bolng off duty for a few days, Mrs. Chas. Boguo spoilt tho weok end In Grand Island with her son Edward who accompanied hor homo. Mr. and MrB. R. G. Morrison return od to their homo In Loomls Sunday after visiting at th.o homo ofythoalat- rjto"rVsl8or4and husband MrnniV Mrs. Vqrnvf.5fann,?lct the. JattoV part' of tho wook for Loadvlllo, Colo, to join his wifo and children whoro th6y aro visiting at tho homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Eaton, ' ' ' NEIGHBORS The Royal Neighbors social will be entertained Wednesday, August 24, at tho homo of Mrs. Hayes, 921 N. Dow oy. Assisting hostesses are Mesdames Donaldson, Rose, Shustor and Mutchle. Misses Marcla Dohlstot of Hold rogo, BUolah Morrison and. Mario Lindor of Loomls, Nobr. returned to their homes Sunday after visiting at tho A. Boyorlo homo. Mrs. P. M. Soronsou and daughter Clara will return tomorrow from Moulding, South Dakota whoro they spent Bcvoral wcoks visiting at tho homo of their daughter and sister, Mrs. WhltUiker. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Butler of Al liance wore vlBlting In tho city the last woek. Mrs. Butler will bo remcm bored by North Platto people as Miss Bortha Daly who attonded high school horo and was a successful teacher in this county for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Butlec woro marrlod at Alliance last weok. AVESTERN FOX SQUIRREL. Within tho last three or four yearn tho Western Fox Squirrel has become more or less common in the City Park and it is not certain but that a pair has had a nest thoro during the past year. This squirrel Is the only vari ety known in this part of the state and it Is. sloyl(y moving westward. Only a few years ago it was not found west of .Kearney- These squirrels usually feed in Ui ?arly morning and disap pear by nine o'clock, remaining in their holes during the middle of tho day. Horo In the city thoy aro not so regular In tholr habits as thoy are In the, b(g , timber, ;hlch is their native au'dda-Vhey-'fujld'a nest of twigs, oW. In tho 'hollow of a tree, an old crow or hawk nest or other similar -location. Horo the parents stay dur ing the cold winter and here tho young aro born In early spring. Occa sionally a squirrel gets Into mischief and must bo killed or driven .off, but thoy aro quite harmless In most cases and their presence In our trees adds interest to "the outdoor life and charm to tho parks.- Squirrels are protected from January first until Sept. 15th. It Id wrong to kill them in North Platte at any time and In most places In the stato they aro protected tho yeur round by tho city laws and tho owners of tho property. CHAUTAUQUA. Tuesday afternoon: Metropolitan Trio. . Tuesday evening: Judge Fred G. Bale. Wednesday afternoon: United Sym phony Orchestra. Wednesday evening:. United Sym phony Orchestra. Thursday afternoon: New England Male Quartet. Thursday evening: Ex-Governor B. W. Hoch, of Missouri. Friday afternoon: Dr. Henry B. Burns. Friday evening:' Play "Too Much Business." " " ' .marriage' record : :o: ! Mrs, Minnlo Mooro returned tho lat ter, part of the week from Chicago whoro she has been attending a school of millinery. Sho has resumed duties in tho millinery department at the Leader Mercantile Co. Following Is a record of the mar rlago licenses Issued, by County Judge Woodhurst since our .last record: Aug. JO James W. Helncy, AM ancoj Nebr. railroader, and Mm. .Blanch Williamson, of Alliance. Aug. 13 Max H. Loghry, farmer, of Maywood, and Mrs. Nettle Ruppert, of Maywood. Married by Judge Wood hurst. Aug. 11 Wilbert W. Browning, farmer, Kearney, and Mrs. Birdie B. Browning, Kearney. Married by Rev. C. FfKoch. Aug. 10 Chas. L. Sinclair, carpen- ter; "Curtis, and Miss Barbara Glbb, Curtis. Married by Rpv. H. E,.Hes3. Aug. 10 Jesse E. Rogers, farmer, Elsie, Nebr. and Miss Frelda Smith, Elsie, teacher. Married by Roy. H. D Hess. :o: : LINCOLN COUNTY ODD FELLOWS TO HOLD FIRST ANNUAL FIELD DAY Tractor and Plowing and Belt Work. Done on Short Notice. S. 1 MACEY, 215 So. Walnut. Or call Hendy-Ogier Garage, YEAR BOOKS Most Lodges and Societies publish some kind of an annual or year book giving outlines of program for tho coming year, lists of membora, officers consti tution and by-laws, otc. These year books become in creasingly valuable-as the years go by and tho own ers would not tako dollars for them. They can bo printed for from 5c to 25c each. Wo have special fa cilities for doing this class of work in a satisfactory manner. Three master printers are at tho call of those who may need their services. Think about it and then see us. The Semi-Weekly Tribune Raymond Tottenhott left Sunday for Lincoln whoro ho has accepted a position with Buck's Booterio In that city. Ho will enter tho state unlvor- I slty when tho fall term begins. Mr. and Mrs. Sobastaln Schwaigor oturned Friday from La Grando, Ore gon whero thoy havo been visiting at tho homo of tho former's sister Mr. Anna Polack. Murl Maupln roturned Saturday from Lyman, Colo, whero ho spent tho summer working. Ho will leave soon for Lincoln whoro ho will re-enter tho Unlvorslty. Miss Ida Freeze loft yesterday for Gothenburg to visit friends. MISS DC SWELL'S PET DOG DIED SO SHE GOT MARRIED. , Tho first annual field day of the Llh coin County Odd Fellows will bo held In tho grovo a short distance south of Sutherland on Friday, September 2. All members of I. 0. O. F.. their fam ilies and friends aro invited and tho Invitation Is pressing. Sports of all kinds havo been arranged for tho day with a basket dinner at noon. Water melon, lemomulo and Ice cream aro to' bo furnished freq! In tho evening tu festivities will closo with an old fash is.nod barn danco at American Legion Hall In Sutherland. : :o: : YOUR CHILDREN'S EYES aro of tho greatest Importanco to wnrrt tholr future success. Soo that thoy aro In fit condition to start the school term by allowing us to glvo thorn a careful test In our finely e quipped examination room. The Dixon Optical Co. Wo grind our own lenses. : :o: : t S. Brush of New York City ar rived Sunday to visit ut tho homo of his sister Mrs. Chas. Cornell. . A Housing Suggestion The above picture is that of nn all modern slucco and 'frame bungalow of four rooms, llie interior wood trim is hard pine with oak borders i:i floors of living and dining rooms. It is heated with an Areola hot water system. The feature of this bungalow is that it has a Muiphy bed closet whiemmakes it prnqjically a five room house. This bungalow carr'be built at a cost of approximately 33,000.00. I will be pleased to go into the details more fully with interested parties. Complete plans and specifications are on file at my office. VICTOR F. BECK, Architect Second Floor Foley Building, Over llirschfeld's Clothing Store. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA ' Thought Me Had to Have Apoplexy, Because he was forty-five and had suffered a stroke of apoplexy, an Indi ana bank president made his will. Ono entire side of his body, even Including half his tongue was paralyzed Chi ropractic spinal adjustments restored first' his speech, and. then gradually completed his recovery. Chiropractic spinal adjustments will not restore destroyed tissue, such, as Is often missing in apoplexy cases',' but' if the paralysis, as In the case of Jthls Hoosler bank president is unaccom palned by brain clot or destroyed nerve cells, there is a chance. Chiropractic spinal adjustments free spinal nerves by restoring- normal nerve openings and by this simple process chiropractors everywhere are correcting diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, ( kidneys, bowels and genital or gans. " ' WHEN HEALTH BEGINS depends on when you telephone No 70 for an appointment. Consultation ib without charge. Drs. Slates & States, - The I'. S. ('. Chiropractors ituildiiiK unit Loon liitlldW aiuuuiu CHIROPRACTIC QRRECTS .sesjCthe following PI5EA -HEAD EVES EARS NOSE THROAT ARMS rO HEART v LIVER ' LUNGS North l'lattf -J?5)AV PANCREAS S3. WW HV KIDNEYS mi arm 3 "351 LC C0V,'L3 Ibladder LOWER :!wi8 Linas LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE i 3 FURNISH mpn impulses (life and health) IPTUcnOR'jANS I M TISSUES jfTnTrnmr.. m i in war. AVAiirmi Tinner. Makes or repairs anything mado of tin or shoot metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital V5 S I Vulcanizing g Tires, Tubes and Ac- cessories. FERU STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and Locust- s3s Ptinnn fMKW i Q - . n WANTS TO SWIM 100 MILES TIED HAND AND FOOT ; Henry Elionsky,' famous long-distance swimmbr.Mvrioiailsffrprn S t Francisco, is jjoInVtory to swim100'milQ8vlthiJiand.qndlfeetv1i '. . ; '.rr,- m Prtahton Beach, N. Y.i' where lieJjrtprootlclnBw..i , oaoaaooDpnoaaaiKmonacroaaoa 1