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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1921)
M pjattc THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATf E, NEB., AUGUST 19, 1921. No. 64 INSTITUTE NEW LODGE HERE HMDGE HONRS AS PROPOSED BY THE (OMISSioNEltS A HI! NOT POPULAR. IS BEING 0KGANIZE1) IX NORTH PLATTE The election Tuesday wns unfavor- able to the brldgo bonds. The total , ! voto has not yet boen compiled but It MASONIC ORDER FOR YOUNG MEN la expected that It will run thrco to ono against the bonds. Tho voto was ! light North Platte with about 2500 votes only cast 3G9. It was a foro- i gone Conclusion that the bonds woul.r ; be defeated and so thoro was little About sixty boys from sixteen to, Interest. A nunfbor ol precincts ro-tvveny-ono years of ago havo boeu acJ turned every voto against tho bonda, coptctl as members of tho Order of Do North Platte, Brady and Sutherland Molay and tho lodgo will bo organized , were In favor of tho bonds, but Hcr hero today. It Is being started un-' shcy. Maxwell and Wellfloet vere a der Masonic auspices and with an ox- gainst them. Tho electloh cost the ecutivo board composed entirely, of , County about $2500. Tho matter wan Masons. DoMolay will uso tho Mason- never understood' by most peoplb and lc rooms and any Master Mason is at- tho nmount waa so largo that they lowed to attend the meetings of Do were afraid of tho increased taxation. Molay. So they voted against them. Tho Tho exorcises will begin this after-! Board of County Commissioners will noon and continue during the af tor- decido Monday on what they should ..noon and evening. Zora Clark of do next, Omaha is hero and is the genoral organizer and master of coromonies. Thirty boys arrived from Grand Island this morning and they will put on tho work and see that the North Platte lodgo Is well started. ! ' v r ' Abanquet will bo served to tho boy! A number of representative busl at Masonic Hall at six o'clock this noss inen .f Norh platto gathered at w f'wi,iMi Hm tw wni 1,0 tho Hendv Ogier garage yesterday tho usual forms of entertainment, mornisg and took up the proposition Intermission during tho band concert r having -a Ford Day at North Platto has been proposed so that thoro may" flrst of noxt raonth- After dls-, bo a good attendance at the evening, CUSi"e the matter from every stand session. A full Bet of officers has oint- a committee consisting of Mesj been selected and tho North Platte ,Bcr8 B"on, uomien, owopo. ooun Order of Do Maloy starts out with 8011 and Rtithman was appolsted to good prospects. e over tho whole matter and report ::o:: i al a mee"S 01 .uie uusmess men 10. Misses Thea Hansen and Muriel called about next Monday. It If?1 Bruston, teachers in the- Jefferson ' proposed to make tho day a real gala I school, are in Greeley attending, 'lay for all Ford owners. Large prlzeBj ABOUT PEOPLE AND TfflMS CURRENT COMMENT AltOUT FEO FLE AND THE THINGS THEY AllE DOING HEHE. FORD DAY TO HE" CELEBRATED AT NORTH PLATTE IN NEAR FUTURE According to tho Census onuinorn tion for 1920 there are 2,021 farms in Lincoln County against 187C in 910. 1341 of those farms aro operated? by owners or mnnagors, while GSaJ'nrii farmed by renters or tenants. -4 I The North Platto Equity ASsficIa ti6h held its annual meeting Saturday night and elected tho following board of directors for the coming ytitir: Chas. Burroughs, prosldonl; T. JT. 'Ad ams, vice president; J. T. Stilart, secretary; Thco, Lowe, Jr. treasurer; Chas. Basklns, A. R. Lcavitt and Geo rge Mang with tho officers constitute the board of directors. Tho associa tion hns a good business and is re ported to be quite successful, v v school during the summer months. The Standard Oil Company which has o' ected the service station at the corner of Sixth and Locust has an nounced that It will be ready for business Aug. 20. Mrs. F. Fredrickson and daughter Margaret will leave Monday for Lake Geneva, Wis., for d, two weeks outing. Margaret is the delegate from Midland College- totho X.W-. Conference-Mrs, Fredrickson will nttetm-tne" Mission ary Assembly. ' - The date for the opening of the city schools. has been set for Sept. 5 un less tho city celobratOs Labor Day. If this is tho case Tuesday will bo tho opening day. Registration in both Junior nnd Senior High Schools will begin one week prior to the opening of school. are to bo given to Ford cars coming tho fastest, to tho cars bringing tho most people, to tho car driven by tho fattest woman; to tho best car dec orated, to tho longest whiskered driver, and for many other feature. At the same time the merchants will put on somo real bargains In merchan dise which will pay tho Ford' peoplo for coming. Full particulars will bo -given later.1 -. -w , 1 ::o:;; - - A baby boy was born to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gaunt yesterday. All con corned are doing nicoly. Mrs B. Tllllngor returned to her home in Tryon yesterday after visit ing at the Chas. Hanor home. A nine pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell this morning. Mother and son aro doing nicely. Want To Select Your Own Groceries? The Economy GroceritJeria or Self Serve Grocery Store has been fitted up as a Hop Yourself Grocery. Baskets are provided at the door. Patrons pass through the store selecting packages, cannd goods, vegetables, fruits, meats etc., and pay as they leve. Courteous clerks will assist. We are making a specialty of fresh fruits and vege tables. Our cpld meatspre especially fine! For Saturday onjr we will' Bell you any size piece of boiling beef for ten cits a pound. ECONOMY GROCERY, S. & R. Service Station Building. There are to be two big plcnlcs llcxt week: tho Masonic on Monday and the Yeoman on Thursday. Each has a program of sports and stunts that is calculated to attract a good attend anccof members and Interest them af ter they are there. 'The Masonlc'plc nlo is. a Joint affair of tho Masons, tho Eastern Star and the Order of'-Do-Molny. Tho Yeomen expect deicjsa ltons from all tho towns In tho Countv and some from outside. Ono man said there would bo two thousand pebplo at the Yeoman picnic. ,J John Nelson of tho Leader Mercan tile Co,, returned yostorday from a ten day's trip to market. Ho visited Chicago, Cleveland and other points nsd bought a largo line of fall merch andise. He says that Jobbers aro ex pecting u shortage in ready to Vear .goods as tho manufacturers did -not make up more than was ordered and thoro Is no reserve supply of cloth or garments to fall back upon. Hqisays ohoiioy..1" .pastor. In. tho oast and'ilnti everywhere tho report is that business is over tho hill and hoadel In tho right diroctlon. Hermlnghauson and Frohman havo U B.Thrifty sas EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1921 OUR SIVICE STATION WILL BE OPEN, Northst Corner of Gth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Nebraska. RED GROWN GASOLINE " " . 21 3-1 Cents per Gallon. 4 Ask for a Road Map. 'SiNDARD OIL COMPANY ' OF NEBRASKA. J ' 3 He who lWe$ by his vniTs is 6onj bus mess oh sirvW Just completed tho erection of a ono-1 tttory brlok building on Seventh stroet facing tho right of Way. It ia a Itti'no, roomy building and will be UBodf for their feed and Hour business. Thoy nro unloading grain thoro now but tho building is not yot equipped for bits-! iness although It la to bo ready vory ' cppti,, THE COUNTY FAIR FACES I bHllt' VIT T. !!! fW 1n.1n mi n. rtiVKN hem: y amkihcaw PHOOiwsi to in: tut ox BA'CH DAY OF Till: LINCOLN COUNTY FA IK While lie who lives by hard work and railroading docs bus iness at the Union State Bank. A safe bank. A Bank where you can save part of your U. P. pay for a rainy day. Deposits guaranteed under the guarantee Fund Law of Nebraska. UNION STATE BANK. "Tho Illght Bank ' ' for Railroaders," shortly. This Is tho beginning of n largo number of buildings which wo prodlct will bo built along Seventh stroet facing tho railroad. It Is tho natural diroctlon for huslnoss oxpan- slon on tho north sldo and will bo 1 used from now on. Tho H. & F. Feed LJnoolu County Fair is to havo Store has beon doing business for "orso races each day nccordlpg to tho somo months , in tho building Just a- D,nn Just nnnouncod by Socrotary cross tho alloy from tho present Soudor. Tho local fair association has atructuro and It has built up a sub- Joined with tho Dawson County Fair stantlal trade In grain, seed nntLfeed nml 1,10 Sedgwick (Colo.) County Fair in forming a circuit which will bo at- Chautauqua boglns Sunday. It Is tractive to owners of fUBt horses. Ov- the North Platto Chautauqua and it ly r t'c thousand dollars has beon of- for tho people of North Platto and vl- forcrt aa prlzos in Lincoln County clnlty. Almost ovorj'ono is in favor nlono and good races aro assured, of Chautauqua. Many glvo up ovory- On Tuesday, Sopt. 20 thoro will thing to attond tho sessions. Others 1,0 2'13 Pico, 2:21 trot, halt mllo buy soaBon tickets to got rid of the ' dash and half mllo County dush. Yrod- solicltor and thon novor go near, nosday'a program includos a 2:10 Others are responsible for placing l'aco' 2 ' 13 trot, throo-fourth's mllo all kinds of social detractions for dash nnd throe-fourths mllo County Chautauqua week without a thought dash. On Thursday thoro will ho a of tho excellent programs brought to 2V1C flaco, 2:17 trot, ono mllo dash us. The Chautauqua will bonoflt ftd ono and ono-halt mllo County ro- thoso who attond. It cannot reach 'y race. Tho last day thoro will bo thoso who Btay away. Business men1" 2:20 trot, freo for nil trot or pace, and club Women need tho Chautauqua County trot or pace and ono-fourth worso thnn anyone else. Thoy aro tho mllo pony raco. leaders of tho community and thoy of ten ran dry without knowing It. Ho.v tlrosomo wo aro to somo of our good friends Blmply because wo don't got a now idea often enough to glvo va-, rlety to our conversations. Lot's. mawo Chautauqua do somothlng for us by attending tho big lectures. -:o:- A SUGGESTION THAT MIGHT I)F, OF VALUE TO SOME LINCOLN COUNTY FAHMERS Arrangements woro modo this week to stage tho big oxtravaganza "Tho Follies of 1021" at tho Kolth at somo tlmo in tho near future. It Is planned to mako this tho opening Boclnl Ovcnt of tho sason with tho Argonno Momo rlal Unit and the Amorlcan War Mbth ors ns HostesBos. Tho American Leg ion la putting It on and tho proceeds will bo used toward tho Auditorium building fund. Committoos have boci appointed and tho cast is partially Dolected. Rehearsals havo begun and much iutorcst is being aroused, by tho high ability of- thoso who aro to tako tho leading parts. Comploto announce ments will bo glvon later. -:o: TKOOP SEVEN, HOY SCOUTS, "WINS EFFICIENCY, HANNEH FOR AUGUST. Per Cent nttendanco 50 50 41 Whllo tho uso of sunflowers is, nor rocommendqd at present tho matter is worthy of careful consideration be cause of tho provod feeding vnluo Tho grcatost trouhlo With the brldgo and largo yield. bond election was that pooplo did "not1 Tho 1,80 of sunowore for sIlngolmH know what tho Commissioners want-' Proved popular In fcortaln of the ed with $105,000. Tho Trlbuno man,Nort"orn Great Plains and Intor- wont to tho Court House tlmo ami Mountain States whoro It is not possl- agnln during tho last month and ask- ol io Produce a largo tonnage of corn od for Information. Wn tnM thD o(Ynt. 1 for sllatro nurnosos. In somo soa- m. w V V V V J litV( als that tho peoplo woro forming their ! t,ons tho silago mado from sunflowora, minds against tho proposition becauBO ImR oen found to compare favorably thoy did not understand tho- need for ,Jn palatablllty and feeding valuo with so mucn monoy. Ho was told that a Bago mauo irom corn, rms is noi statcmont would bo issued Jn, a, short always tho case, however, as it np- time. They woro waiting for Informa-' pears Umt in certain Irrigated dls- .1 k . . . . . . 1 u t 1 t . . XT 11. nHH..t. n nit.. nuii iiuiu uie suiio iMlgineors OlUct1. ' " U'"M " Tronn nnn-TTnnrv Unnor Vnv ... .. ...t .1.. 11. n t ' uiner inrormauon must be collected. WI,oro u, srowui 01 auunowora 'HYearsly, Louis Breternltz. Glon Wal- jubi a woeit ueioro tne day for tho um nuuuuiuui, mu iuoiuhuk m -( tnnti, election a statoment was Issued which. laS ,B oton not vory palatable Ex-. Tr,. wurnnru,u. Vnfnl wmn gave tho desired information but much Porlmonts reported f:rom tho Huntley ( Snlon0( Sanfonl Johnson,: Darroll of it 'needed discussion and farther porimont l-arm in moncana 01 ino Trout( p,. no80 Ralph w,ck. Thlrty-rour scouts accompanied by threo scout masters and tho scout ox ooutlvo, hiked to Kopt's grovo last Tuesday evening and hold a mooting there. It was tho regular joint meet ing for August and the standings of tho different troops was read as fol lows: No, 'Tests passed Troon'Ono 12 Troop Three Troop Four 5G Troqp Flvo - 17 Troop Seven, 5G Troop Eight 13 Troop Sevon won the banner on ac count of tho difference in the number of boyB in tho troops. Sovernl lively games woro played boforo the boj'rt started on tho return hlko, mii ! m HONOR ROLL OF ROY SCOUTS FOU "JULY GIVEN OUT RY THE ., v EXECU'irv'E, E. H. Stovous has issued tho fol lowing list of scouts as the names of thoso who havo passed two tosts dur ing tho last month. Thoso boys aro not content to simply havo their named on tho lists and attond occa sional, meetings;. Thoy are .progress ivo nnd nro advancing in scouting. uAimumwuii uoioro 11 couiu no con vincing. It was too late." Tho state ment was printed in but ono paper outside of North Platte, It novor reached but a small part of the popu lation and probably was not nlwayn read thon. Probably evoryono concern ed did the best ho could but It was not good enough. Tho peoplo did not' wnr.t i a brldgo bond lssuo under tho condi tions which thoy understood. United Statos Department of Agrlcul turo show that whllo It is possible to produco from, 25 to 30 tons of sun flowers por aero it has bees difficult to produco a silago that Is as much rel ished by livestock as corn . silage, Wire. , Troop Four Ewart Boyd, Joo Boel or, Albort D'Ayes, Lawrence Elder, Elmo Marshall, Ronald Mills, Dolbort Murray, Leslie Mills, Leonard Mills, Clyde Poaso, Glenn Sivitsr, Ernest In tho Inst fow years there has come over the peoplo of this side of town'n new Idea about tho North sldo. A few years ago we did hot go over thoro much, but tho fair grounds, tho City Park and lastly the swimming pool havo taken us there nnd wo have just come to a realization of what de velopment tho north side hns made. Tho North Sldo has good grocory Btoros, moat shops, hardware, drug, feed and other stores, cream station, gnragos, pool hall, harbor shopB, wholosalo houses, groonhouso, shoo shops, Bocond hand storo and other business houses which meet tho nood of tho pooplo thoro. Thoro aro said to ho many peoplo living on tho north Bldo of tho tracks who do not cross over to tho south side any oftcnor than thoy would como to town if thoy lived many miles in tho country. It is a flno thing for them to havo every thing so handy and to havo a com munity for thomselves. They need a mooting placo where thoy can havo gatherings and wo understand there Is a movement on foot to orcct a building, tho second floor of which will ho uflod for just such purposes. Tho Lincoln School hns always boon ono of tho vory host schools In the Wty and It should contlnuo to bo as good as ovor. With tho south sldo people all going ovor thoro to play nnd bo entortalnod business Is bound to pick up and tho north sldo will PTospor raoro than heretofore. which gives rather loss than half as ' nn,ph wlMloWt Troop Flvo Thomas Carroll, Ralph Lopack, Beolor Scott, Llnn.TwInem, Charles Tucker. much tonnage por aero ? to;: Mrs. turned A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Scott of Sutherland yostor day at tho Platto Valloy hospital. MrB. Geo. Troxlor and daughter Nova left yostorday for oastorn points to spond two weoks visiting, L, Rolnonhausen who has been vis iting at tho Chas. Hanor homo lias-returned to his homo In Hayes Center. E1 Esther of Loxlngton ro to her homo yesterday nftor visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. L, E. Ebrlght. fouls Troxler left Wednesday , tor Lincoln whore ho will spond a fow weeks boforo entering tho statu University. victor Ohlund returned to his home in Koyotono yesterday after under going an oporatlon at the- Platte Val loy hospital. Mlsa Grace McConnoll returned to her liomo In Sarbon yostorday after urtdSrgolng an oporatlon at the Gen eral Hospital. ' Troop Seven Wnrron Peters, John ny O'Keofo, John Horrod, Frank Fltzpatrick, Chas. Crosby, Louis Lou don, Wesley Willis. Troop Eight Franklin Fink, Earl Flint, Floyd Vermillion, Ralph Miller. :o: Havo you seen tho new things in ladies' suits, conts nnd drosses? They will bo glad to show you at Wilcox Department Storo. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Chamberjain Wednesday. Mrs. Chamberlain was formerly ftllBS Margaret Pitman. Ebbb Values In II Si EH CARS We have the following DODGE BROTHERS renewed and guaranteed Cars for sale. 1920 Touring Car, Cord Tires. 1919 Touring Car. 1918 Touring Car. 1918 Roadster. , Terms to responsible Buyers. . V. ROMIGH, Dealer, "A, good used car is a better buy than a cheap new car." .?A 4.