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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
Ife illorth THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 26, 1921. No. 66 ition Boosting Ford Family Ju Special Ed 1 1 . . . . .. . bSee. Seotember Is. -j . mm n tmr ( V PREMIUMS TO BE GIVEN FORI) OWNERS TO RECEIVE MAN IT TINE PREMIUMS ON FORD FAMILY JUBILEE DAY Hero is a complete Hat of the pre miums to bo awarded to Ford drlvers next Thursday at the Ford Family Jubilee to bo holjil horo In North Platte. It Is a long list and presents an imposing array of merchandise given as premiums. Here Is the list Oldest marrlod man driving a Ford 1st. tickets to Sun or Keith Theatre, 2nd three pounds Chase & Sanborn's coffee. Youngest marrlcl couple driving a Ford 1st. ladles slllt hose, 2nd. van ity set. Hantlsomost lady driving a Ford 1st silk hoso, 2nd. .carjdy. Handsomest man driving a Ford 1st shoes, 2nd candy. Homllest man driving a Forjd 1st watch fob, 2nd quart moblloll. Oldest person driving a Ford 1st sweater, 2nd. razor. Person writing tho best Ford story 1st $12.50 cash, 2nd crepe waist. Person driving the best looking Ford 1st -10.00 Insurance policy, 2n'd silk petticoat. Person driving tho Ford with tho worst set of tires 1st 30x3 tube, 2nl. $3.00 in merchandise. Person driving tho Ford with the best looking baby girl 1st dozen photographs. 2nd. sweater. Person driving a Foijdi with the best looking baby boy 1st. $8.00 suit of clothes. 2nd. shoes. Longest whiskered man driving a Forjl 1st men's extra trousers, 2nd $2,00 .lxi, merchandise. . Tho biggest 'woman (driving Ford lat 48-p"ound sack of flour, 2nd 3 pcund of Chase & Sanborn's coffee. The -biggest man driving a Ford lflt suit of overalls, 2nd $3.00 in merchandlise, Tho most comic make-up man (driv ing a Ford l8t. $2.00 neckwear, 2nd. Pal pencil. The most comic make-up woman driving a Ford 1st. ladies' corset, 2nd. book. The person with the greatest num ber of packages of goods bought Idur ing tho day 1st $12.50 cash, 2n'd half ton of coal. The Ford bringing the four gen erations 1st $12.50 cash, 2nd. necktie for each generation. The Ford bringing a set of triplets the longest distance 1st $10.00 In surance policy, 2nd three pourji can Old Master Coffee. The Ford brining a set of twins tho longes distance 1st half ton of coal, 2nd box of candy. Tho person guessing tho closest to the number of ForjJs horo from outside of North Platte 1st set Ford chains, 2nd 27x54 Axmlnstor rug. Person spending the most money during tho day with bills to bo shown 1st $25 In cash, 2n(i socket wrench BCt. '( Ford hat comos tho longest dls--tanco 1st $10 In merchandise, 2'rji $5 j In merchandise. Ford that blngs the most people 1st thormo3 bottlo, 2il gum inner tub 30x3. Ford thrtfc -brings tho largest family 48 pounds of flour 2nd 6 loaves of broad. Tho beat decorated ForjJ 1st 31 pleco china breakfast set, 2nd $2 in merchandise. Tho person who drives the worst looking Ford lat 10 pounds of lard, 2nd pair of cuff links. Person drlving ho oldest Ford 1st $5 in morchandiso, 2nd 4 pair coll points. Porson driving tho youngest Ford 1st $2 in morchandiso, 2nd box cigars. Porson drlvnlg tho noisiest Ford- 1st $3 In merchandise, 2nd (dinner for two. ' Porson driving tho noisiest Ford 1st one-half ton of coal, 2nd shavo and hair cut. Person driving the wbrst stripped Ford 1st double porterhouse steak for two, 2nd shavo ad hair cut. Person driving tho Fod with tho heaviest tonnage 1st $10 insurance policy, 2nd Bhavo and hair cut. To tho couples coming in Ford thh day, married free of charge 1st brld alal chambor at tho hotel McCabo balance of the week free, 2nd bridal chamber at tho Palaco Hotel balance of the week free. COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CON VENTION TO BR HELD IEERE FOIt TWO DAYS Tomorrow morning the Lincoln County Sunday School Convention will open In the Presbyterian Church. It is a business session and full of Interest to every Sunday School worker. The convention will be con tinued Sunday afternoon with a pro gram on which there will be addres ses by Red Fox, an Indian Chief, W. H. Kimberly, Miss Margaret Ell en Brown will tell of her trip to the World's Sunday School convention nt'Toklo, Japan. :o: EVERYTHING FOIt EVERYBODY. During the Ford Family Jubilee Day, September 1st, visitors will bo offered unusual bargains in Men's Clothing, Ladies' Ready- to- wear, Garments and Furnishings, Shoes, Hardware, Jewelry, Groceries, Lum ber, Coal, Musical Instruments, Auto mobiles, Farm Implements, and on all other lines' represented in North Platte. SCHOOL WILL OPEN SOON HOARD OF EDUCATION SETS DATE FOIt OPENING OF NEW SCHOOL YEAR. Tho North Platte city schools will open Monday Sept 5th. according to announcements mado yosterjJay from tho offlco or Superintendent C. U Ltttol. This opening will bo for tho purpose of organization and assigning of lessons but no work will bo done. Arrangements will bo mado so that tho opening will not interfere with the celebration of Labor Day. Registration in tho Senior and Jun ior High Schools will take place on Thursday Sept. 1 anil on Friday Sept, 2nd. Following Is the complete sched ule of registration for each school : All 12th gradors whoso names bo gin from A to L will register in tho Central Building September 1 from 9 to 12. . .-..-.,. All 12th graders whoso names be gin from M to 55 will register Septem ber 1 from 1 to 4. All 11th graders whoso names be gin from A to.L will register Septem ber 2 from 8 to 10. .All 11th gra)lers whoso names bo gin from'M to Z will register Septem ber 2 from 10 to 12. All 10th graders whose names be gin from A to L will register Septem ber 2 from 1 to 3. All 10th graders whoso names bo-, gin from M to Z will register Septem ber 2 from 3 to 5. In tho Junior High School, All 9th gradors whoso names begin THE HAND OF FELLOWSHIP. Never in tho history of this section has there been extended by tho mer chants of a city tho hand of good fellowship to such an extent as on the occasion of the Ford Family Jubilee Day. One hundred busi ness men are offering seasonablo wares for this big day at prices that mean Real Bargains. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy returneu this morning from a month's visit in Illinois. Mr. Murphy reports wonder ful crops in the sections ho visited and says that conditions In general over there are Improving. Mrs. H. J. Thompson of Chappell camo Wednesday to spend a few days with relatives In tho city. Miss Ardls Slllason of Koystone is visiting friends in tho city. All 9th graders whose names begin from M to Z will register September 1 from 10 to 12. All 8th graders whose names begin from A to L will register Soptembor 1 from 1 to 4. 1 All 8th gradors whose names begin from M to Z will register September 2 from 8 to 11. All 7th graders whose names begin from A to L will register September 2 from 12:30 to 3. All 7th graders whose names begin from M to Z will register September 2 fronv3 to 5. In tho grade schools, the'program is not so exact. It is not expected that pupils will appear at tho school houses before Monday Sopt. 5. Then they will be assigned to tho room and grade to which they bolong. It Is plan, ned to maintain a kindergarten in each building. These will bo froo to all children who are five years old or over and will maintain half day ses sions only. A now departure In the school work here is tho Institution of opportunity rooms in two of tho ward schools. Hero thoso pupils who have boon retarded boonuso of lack of op portunity through slcknoss or other Wise, can be glyon Individual atten tion and pushed-hp to the grade whoro ho or sho bolongs. :o:- SHERIFFS HOLD STATE CONVEX. TION AND STARE HOLD-UP OF STORE. BIG CROWDS ARE COMING Tho state convention of tho Nobras ka Sheriffs' Association was hold In North Platto yestorday. Tho men woro met nt tho depot an)l taken to tho Court House whoro tho business ses sion was hold. Aftor (dinner they woro taken for a rldo. As they were being driven nbout tho city some heavily armed and masked men hol up tho Clinton Jewelry Storo and started to oscapo with tho booty In a high-powered car. Tho Bhorlffs jolnod In tho chaso and captured tho bandits near the Cody ranch. When unmasked they prove) I to bo friends on a lark. Noarby the ontortalnmont of tho afternoon ,was provided by Clarence Mooro and AI Hastings of tho Platto Valloy Land Co. Thoy had gathorod 13 wild horses, 2 mules, 6 Btoers and flvo or six rid ers. Tho cowboy stunts with other entertainment occupied tho afternoon. A flno picnic dlnnor was sorvoi in tho grove following which Uio sheriffs camo to tho city and lator left for their homes. A. J. Salisbury waB tho Pres ident of tho Association and tho guiding hand In tho day'B fostlvltles. LIGHTNING STRIKES TREE WITH IN THE CTY LIMITS AND TAKES A LIFE A big tree in the J. C. Strahorn yard at 109 W. Socorid was struok by lightning during tho storm last Tues day evening. It was shattered along tho bank and spit somowhat but Is still standing. A bluo Jay which hap. poned to bo in tho troo at tho time was THE FORH FAMILY JUBILEE DAY AT NORTH PLATTE, THURS DAY SEPTEMBER 1. from A to L will register Septemboround deafi under tho tree after the 1 from 8 tO 10. Hatm-m Tn , ,!., , olghboring houses tho effects of tho lightning woro felt by the residents but asldo from some minor damage to tho plumbing In tho Strahorn homo thoro was no other "ef fects. MAYWOOD DISTRICT FAIR BOOST ERS WITH HAND VISIT THE CITY Yesterday afternoon about seventy residents of Maywoojd and vicinity wound up a throe days booster trip at North Platto and shortly after wards loft for their city. Thoy parad ed tho streots with their band and comedy characters and gave every one to understand that the District Fair at Maywbod Is to bo a big ono. Tho boosters had mado all of tho territory from Holyoko Colo, and from McCook to North Platte. : ro: Emll Tobin who has been tho sum mer guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seo berger left Wednesday for his homo In Denver. LL CAR OWNERS Are welcome at our garage every day Here are our new Reduced Prices. Lillys knight si895 r. o. b. Toledo ESSEX $lH7fi T. O. 11. TVTCTTim'P OVEKLAND 4 $G95 F. O. B. TOLEDO HUDSON SUPER 0 $18J5 F. O. B. DETROIT Come in and let us show you these wonderful mm cars. We will give a new casine and tube to anv- one purchasing one of our new cars on September 1st, JUBILEE DAY. Expert mechanics give first-class service in our repair shop. Always open ROY V. BUSKIRK, Dealer The Home of High-Grade Automobiles PHONE 121 THOSE BETTER SHOES E. T. Tramp & Sons Miles of comfort and really line stylo cliango hands when tho downright worth of this shoo gets your judg mont working. Either military or low walking heol. Tho season's now est. reasonably priced. FOR THE GROWING GIRL OR MISS SHOES OF W8RTH Brown Kid, Black Kid, Brown Calf High Grade Oxfords For the School Girl will bo vory pop ular until December 1st at least. ON SALE NOW Sizes ri Sizes 11 to 2 P2 to C E. T. Tramp & Sons SHOE STORE On Thursday, Soptembor first, the associated morchnnts of North Platto will stage what they nro ploasod to torm tho Foijd Famly Jublleo Day, a day that will bo roploto with enter tainment and sport, tho awarding ot prizes for contests in which only Ford enrs will bo ontored, and Uio giving ot prizes for certain features in which Ford cars, Foifd ownors and Ford oc cupants will flguro exclusively. That tho ono huudrod buslnoss men who are combining to mako this Ford Family Jublloo ouo of tho biggest days Westorn Nobraska has over known nro In oajnost, Is ovldoncajl by tho fact that thoy aro oxpondlng, In ono way and another, sovoral thous and dollars to tho end that tho Ford visitors on that day may bo well on tortalnod and at tho Bamo tlmo save money on such purchases as thoy mnv jdecldo to mako, for on that day all ousinoss nouses gunrantoo to sqll merchandise nt a much lower price than Is customary. Tho vlsItoVs will thoreforo not only bo ontortalnod and amused by tho sports, but thoy will also'bo given an opportunity to saVo monoy should thoy caro to tako ad vantage of tho morchandiso bargains offered. It will probably bo of great Interest to know that tho grand prlzo of tho' day will bo a now Forj3( Touring Car. This of itself should intorest every body. Following the Initial .announcement macTo. a fow daya agq, wor)i' j)ns al ready beon received from hundreds of Ford ownors m Lincoln, Keith, Daw (?on, Frontier, Gurdon,, Logan; Mc Pheraon and Arthur counties stating1 that thoy will bo horo with their Fords and will do their part In making tho Ford Family Jubilee Day a big suc cess. The Fords aro coming from all sections now FordB, old Foi(Js, top less Fords, llghtloss Fords, tlroloEs Fords, all kinds ot Fords from tho year 1914 to tho year 1921, each one packed to full capacity with otyl nu-n nnd women, young men and women, boys and girls, Infants and twins and triplets. Tho oldest Ford will bo given a prlzo, so will tho Foijl that brings tho most people, tho Ford that comes tho longest dlstanco, tho Ford with tho oldest mqti and woman, tho Ford with tho prettiest young lndy, and on down tho line. While this Is Ford Faintly Jublle-j Day, ownors of othor cars aro urged to como to North Platto on that day and mingle with tho morrymakors; tako a day off and enjoy n real holi day. Below Is given a list of tho prizes offered: Tho following buslnoss houses will give premiums on nil morchandiso sod on Ford Day; Tho Loader Morcantllo Co, Wilcox Department Store. C. M. Austin. J. C. Penney Co. W. R. Malonoy. . if Dorryborry and Forbes. Star Clothing House. . . ?. Tho Hlrschfold Company. jj"'?- 13. T. Tramp and Sons.' Hondy Oglor Auto Co. Smith Johnson Drug Co. Duck's Bootorlo. Poulos Brothers. C. M. Nowton. H. I. Block. McGovorn nnd Stack. Hush Mercantile Co. Tho Ideal Bakery. Pal nee Cafe. Bod Man Clothes Shop Tho Tribune. J. C. Don. A. II. Turpon. Roberts Musio Co. Goo. Frator. John B. Edwards. ,.' Roxnll Drug Storo. Frod Marti. Clinton and Son. A. F. Fink. FIold-Blrgo Company. Coatoa Lumber and Coal Go. ' t Waltomath Lumber Co. J. II. Stone. Tho Harry Dixon Stores. Tho Tolograph. A. T. Johnson Dopt Store! Dedmoro Kamora Shop. Brodbeck and Sons, Davis Auto Co, General Tiro Co. WlllarH Service Station. A. N.Durbln Auto Co. J. V. Romlgh. 4 . .. D. J.Antonldos. . - , Wostonfold and Son. N. P. Bulck Company. B. jmd R. Sorvlco Station. Roy BiiBklrlc Garage. Bratt, Goodman and Buckley. Harry Samuolson. -".'iv;'; .1' :i ' : 1' -4 AMEMCAN LEGION EXTIUVAOAN ZA "FOLLIES OF 1021" TO BE A BIG HIT. Tho talent ot North Platto wlll. be Ullsclqed next Tuesday and Wednes day evening at tho Keith Theatro n Tho FoUIofj. Everyone who 1h In tho show sits around at practice and you can hoar them say while thoy aro watching tho rest "Why, I Idldn't know sho sang so beautifully." "Won't that make a hit?", or "Isn't sho clover?", or "Isn't ho tho best dancer" and so on. When all this combination gots togothor It ought to be somo show. -:o:- HUNDItKDS OF YEOMAN ATTEND BIO ANNUAL AFFAIR AT CITY PARK YESTERDAY. Tho Yeoman Lodge hold ono of tho biggest picnics In Us history yester day at the City Park. Hundreds of Yeoman from surrounding towns gathered with tho 1ocj1 Yeoman In a day of frolic and fun. Thoso who at endod say "Thoro was something do ing ovory mlnuto." In tho first ball gamo Horshoy beat North Platto. Thon Sutherland boat Horshoy, so tho Yeo man pennant wns awarded to Suth erland team. Thoro woro all kinds of contests, games and races to which each winner was awarded a well worth tho tlmo prlzo. At the close ot tho afternoon of merriment tho backets woro oponed an tho plwila lunch sproad. In tho evening a dance was held In the K. C. hall anl a short program was rondorod. ::o::- Rugs dusted, cleaned or SlzeS, Phones 1039W or GC1W. F See The New Models Dodge Brothers MOTOR. CAR $200.00 in Improvements. $310 less in Price. J. V. ROMIGH, JDealer.' Dodge care oversold everywhere, so order your car today Phono 3G3.