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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE OH ! I'M '.GONNA I MOM-1 SAW BETTY KI5S A ItHATS THREE "T1MD L-v ( Wt.u-THATS MV I piPi'llllllllllllMim V . I HER FELLER GOOD NIGHtJsb Jlt)' , BOBBY SAW HOO At BU5INLSS ISN'T IT ? I VES'.IM BEGINNING ) v ggg Atjj rj xr li Sfjj $- ,,tiinnnn WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH ODR DESK. ORGANIZE At a called meeting of the phyalcans o Keith county In Dr. C. B. Vandi vors office Tuesday afternoon the Keith County Medical sjpeioty was formed with Dr. C. E. Vandlver ns president and Dr. C. C. Walllngsford as secretary-treasurer. The four city physlcans and Dr. Brings of Paxton were hi attendance. Keith Co. News. tensive farming and beats dragging over an ontlre section half farmed to get the amount of grain. Sidney Telegraph. GRADE CROSSING Last Friday a farmer living out south of' Sutherland was killed, at the crossing in Sutherland by an extra local east. Ho had followed No. 19 across and the east bound train struck him and killed him. Ho was driving n truck. In splto of nil the whistling tli trains do, thoy continue to kill. The whistling is not getting the railroad company anywhere and It Is a thoro nuisance to residents of most of tho smaller towns and larger ones as well. Hershey Times. could crawl on his hands and knees und do tho Job In twenty days. Our County Commissioners should scan closely tho bills of the assessors. Sutherland Courier. "WHEAT YIELD George L. 'Young of tho northeast table has reported the banner yield bo far, but there may bo others to equal him who have not been heard from. Mr. Young threshed eighty acres of summer fallow which yielded fifty buBhels to the acre and tested stxty one pounds to the bushel. This is in- SLOW WORK Just a little idea of where the public money goes. Any precinct In Lincoln county could be safely assessed in from twenty to thirty days. Yet, tho assessor of Hershey precinct puts in a bill for sixty-six days at $4.00 per. which makes a grand total of $2G1. One man, who has had considerable experience In assessing, says that any able bodied man with fair intelligence DUCKS A fedcrnl game law agent arrested Mr. Adams who lives southeast of hero on the tableland und on Monday morning he was taken boforo Judge Gummer charged with huntlngwlthout a licenso and pursuing gamo birds out of season. It is said tho young man was caught in tho act of crawling up on a bunch of ducks on the river. Ho was fined $15 each on both accounts and $5.85 costs, tho gun also being conflsticatcd. Ho was in company with a Mr. Johnson but no charge wns preferred agalnsf tho latter. Threu game wardens, one federal and two state, are now located in tho county nnd it behooves one to think twice before he attempts to hunt out of sea son. Garden Co. News. - they would be paid in July. He no.v finds that what ho thought possible is impossible at this time because county treasurers In making annual settlement with the state, in mnny instances ignored instructions, and sent premium collections for 1020 with collections of 1921. Tho pay ments nro fixed nnd must bo separated before it will be possible to mako pay ment of losses In 1920. Ono-half the face of 1920 claims for hail losses were paid months ago, but tho other half will novcr bo paid In full. Tho unpaid ono-half amounts to $380. Mr. Brian beliovcs there will not bo to ex ceed $200 to pay theso claims. Lin coin Journal. . HAIL LOSSES L. G. Brian, chief adjuster 'of state hail Insurance, is obliged to admit that his bureau was mistaken when it told holders of unpaid claims that NO HUNTING There has been some talk about ad vcrtlslng "No Hunting" notices in the paper. TIiIb is tho thing to do and every land owner should placo signs on their holdings and not allow any non-resident to trespass thereon unless accompanied by some local friend, or the convenience of friends and residents. The Grnphlc will make a special rate to everybody of 2c each, provided several will take ad vantage of this offer, and wo will go still further nnd advortiso for noth ing if you feel like you aro not ablo to iKiy tho 25c. Tho idea Is to get our eastern sports on the run nnd keep them going till thoy are out of tho country. We feed nnd raise tho gnmo and let's get tho benefit, Send In names of yourselves and neighbors, In ns large n list ns possible also the re mittnnco if you hnvo it, nnd It w.l receive our prompt nttentlon. Tryon Graphic. FORTUNATE To drivo straight off tho end of a broken brldgo and plunge to tho riv er below a distance of ten to twelvo feet, nnd escape without death or serious Injury, was tho thrilling ex perience of Mr. nnd Mrs. Banks nnl their four children Monday night, tho scene of tho nccldcnt being tho Mhi ntnre Melbetn bridge. WONDERFUL FARM 11UREAU PIi. NIC FULLED OFF IN MADISON COUNTY. 6 C .milium 3orgel Rachmaninoff. Esq. . IS last 96th Street. BLlf continue on -uJ nggeaBcyOon3 el8e. graphic recordings permi8aion I 8h0ll ho very glad to give y q to record these selection , for others, anet. Thl- nave already recorded for us. Yours very iruAy, ( Facsimile of letter toritten by Mr. Editon to Rachmaninoff, the noted RuMtian com-pauer-pianiMt. -"V-..V '. This letter gives talking-machines the right v to record Rachmaninoff in his famous "Prelude in C Sharp Minor," and other compositions which he has recorded for Edison. Will any of them exercise that right? We fear not the parallel would be too deadly. f' But Rachmaninoff has recorded other 3Vco selections for the talking-machines. Hear how they sound. Then come in. hear Rach maninoff on the New Edison, and see what an astounding difference the comparison reveals. Do it now because the experience will help you in i Mr.Edisons $10,000 Contest - Closes Sept Mr. Edison offers 23 prizes totalling $1U,UU0 in cash, lor the phrases which best express tho difference between the New Edison and the talking-machines. Ask for folder of information. If you wish to experiment with the New Edison in your own home, we will gladly loan you an instrument for 3 days. No charge or obligation. Simply use the coupon. Dixon's Music Shop,. NAMI 3 Day Trial Coupon This coupon, when fittvtl out by a re poniihle pnwn, entillr dim (or lui) tothrtlonn of n Nvw RJttni- an'l j. Irctlon of Rh-CRnATIONS for 3 dr,. Mo 1rc er obll.-.H'tn The iMadlson County Farm Bureau Picnic which was held at the Andy Tomhagnn Grove near Dattlo Crook Thursday was the biggest thing over pulled oft In this section ot tho stato if numbers nro to bo used as a basis of reckoning. An official count showed 3916 cars parked at the grounds and three hundred eighty eight parked In town who came out by taxi. Count ing five to tho car this would mako 21,520 pcoplo, not Including tho Battlo Creek residents. Pres. Tatt and Coral Jenkins, Chairman ot tho Executlvo Commltteo estimated 700 peoplo from tho town attended. Rain sent tho peoplo scurrying for shelter a llttlo after four, novor-tho-Icbb the event wnn n. ernat ntirv.Asg.Thrt rn x i . ... a " ine uanKB uiinuy were traveling , fR,,vtlos wm, ,,,, mmn ! from tho south being enrouto to the anfl ft ,)0ml concert ftt tm thQ mom. J. P. Clouso form north of Wnatarc, ,ng from then on tm tll0 ra, Bto d (the two families being related The th,ng8 thcre nQ mQ monjontai guards or obstructions to tho entrance Thcro wor() elU)or sportB Qr mmQ of the bridge bad been removed and , on nt al, Umes Bands from Nop. tho driver not knowing that tho Ma(Hson( Nowman Qrovo and bridge was practically destroyed in nattlo Creok wore on tlio job all day. 'the flood last spring drove squarely Qno of thG 01ltBtandlng fofltures o to tho end, tho car plunging to tlio the (ny wnR Ul0 tempor ot tho croW( water oeiow nnn turning over in us fall. The six occupants, of tho auto, ono being a babe but fifteen months of age, managed to escapo tho babe not being even scratched. Tho most ser iously injured is Mrs. Banks who suf fered a fracture of the upper jaw, tho others of tho occupants being more or less bruised or scratched but escap ing without broken bones. The car tifrned completely over during its fall and finally came to rest standing on Its head in tho w. ter. The occupants wore token to tho Clouso home nnd medical n'.d summoned. Thoro wore np disorders or. auto ac cidenos to mar tho day. Traffic and policing was cared for by forty spec ially deputized farm bureau offlcors. A special well was sunk to furnl&h water for tho crowd. A Kindornook In charge of tho Misses Marion and Gene Precco of Battlo Creole was ono ot the most popular and best arranged corners of the grounds. Hero tho mothers nnd llttlo youngsterB mndo their head quarters when thoy tired ot the crowd. Sand pllos, swings, hori zontal bars, tee-tar-tottors, cota, rock lng chairs and child playthlngB mnde this a busy corner of tho grounds. Another Junior 'nctlvity In charge of How or why tho barrier guarding L. L. McClow and "VVm. Krutch both the bridge came to bo removed la a former physical directors of tho Y. matter that will In all likelihood l e M. C. A. of Norfolk-kopt the ton to investigated according to a Star- seventeen year old youngsters busy In Herald reporter. Goring Courier. 1 tho morning nnd during tho speaking :o: 1 with athletic games and n big Junior BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS field meet. Your boy or girl should have their, The basket dinner at noon was eyes carefully examined to mako pos- served from sixteen township tables, itivo that thoy aro ready for tho heavy Coffeo and leinonado wore sorvod by closo work ot the coming school year, the bureau. But two concessions wore We nro sure that you will be pleased permitted on tho grounds othor than with our examination as our equip ment is tho latest design. Come in and talk with us, It will cost you whip, souvonler Btnnd which got In by nothing. The Dixon Optical Co. Wo a fluke. A stand for auto service, those run by the bureau. Ono ham-, berger stand nnd tho othor a baloon, grind our own lenses. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Hunters and tresspassers are warn ed thnt thoy will be dealt with accord ing to law. C. H. Watt, T. S. McCrono, Pat McGraw, Henry P. Hnnsen. emergency tiro work nnd taxi stand wns put out by a local dealer who took ' tho contract to transfer tho pcoplo from town out to tho grounds nt 15c per. WALL PAPER 25 por cent discount on all wall pa i or now in Btock. Phil Doats. NEW LEGION COMMANDER IN WASHINGTON Having succeeded tiic late Col, PW.'Gafbraith, Jr., as National Com- .mull u. hic wnencan icgx firinu line. Tins left, was snapped in Washington in, jonn Miimery.was quicK to get on inei '.where he is fighting for better legislation) iur wuunucu soiuicra.