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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS FARM BUREAU NKWS SEHVICE SUPPLIES ITEMS FOR THE TltlllUNE READERS Amorican chcosc Is sucli a good, rich palatablo food that no home Bhould ho without It, especially whoi it Is considered that It can ho made almost as easily as huttor. The- Unit ed States Department of Agriculture rocontly Issud a farmers' bulletin giv ing full directions for making this chooso. With a milk supply on ovory farm thore Is no good reason wliy ov ory farmer should not havo this food on his tnblc. Ask any agricultural extension agont or write tho Collogo of Agriculture for farmers' bulletin 1191. Several eastern Nebraska countkm arc sufficiently Infested with Hessian flies to make lato wheat sowing ad visable, according to tho State Col loge ot Agriculture. Tho fall whoat counties along tho Missouri river and tho second countios back may well delay sowing until tho last wook In September. As a gonoral rulo, fairly early seeding is desirable, Condi' iion in certain soctlons this yoar, how ever, warrant delay in order to avoid tho Hessian fly post. Thoso attending tho State Fair should not fall to study tho charts and other exhibits of tho Collogo of Agriculture and tho State " Entomologist, showing the dlstrlbu- tion of tho Hessian fly dates of seed ing, and other Information relative to Insects and posts. V CCPYR.CHT 1021 AUTOCVSTtn ' ainnBB Many farmers, attracted by their 'higher yielding quality, are arranging to sow Kanrcd and other Improved strains of whoat this fall. Complaints regarding tho milling qualities ot ' thoso Improved strains havo llttlo or no foundation. Tho samp complaints woro hoard when Turkoy Rod whoat waB Introduced. There Is no way tn Identify Kanrcd wheat, aftor It is threshed. Tho only cortaln means "of and in each of 39 counties next year, j Competition la open to all club boys this yoar, but it will bo limited to thoso raising corn, wheat or pota toes next yoar. Tho winner in each county will bo selected from among the ton highest ranking boys.. The scholarship must bo used in tho Col lego of Agriculture, School ot Agricul turo or in tho winter short course In agriculture. The railroad officials beliovo that club work is doing much to Intorost tho coming generation in tho land, and thoy desiro to oncour ago boys and girls to continue their study ot agriculture by attondlng the slate school at Lincoln, Full informa tion about these scholarships may be obtained from agricultural extension agents or tho College of Agriculture. Much into rest is developing over tho state in stopping the washing of the soil. This is especially truo in the couthoastern counties, where the soli washes qulto badly, and ,whode much good soil has alroady boon allowed to run away. Tho State Collego ot Ag Iaii If Ytna ftnnn fiaalaflnr fniinK' Identification Is by tho rust tost whllo fnm buroaUfl ,n fltagIng domonstra. it is standing In tho flo d, Kanrod be- qb tQ hQ (,ono tQ fltop ing immune to Iftortaln Btralns of . . . h atmntn Experiments conducted In lng back mst Kansas, tho homo ot Kanrod, show no more variation In, tho milling quail- tics of this wheat than In tho milling qualities of othor strains grow un der similar conditions. Tho Nebraska ,Collego of Agriculturo has isauod a circular sotting forth what tho Kan cos Crop Improvement Association has to Bay about Kanrod. Those In terested should ask tholr agricultural ag6nt or wrlto tho College for Exten sion Circular 112. Tho Union Pacific Railroad Is seek ing to encourago boys to take movo IntorqBt In farming by offering1 fre-i scholarships in tho Unlvorslty ot Ne braska to tho hlghost ranking club boys In tho countios served by the road. A scholarship worth $75, and free transportation will bo glvon n way In oach of 29 countios this yoar washing. In many cases- a simple brush dam, woll staked and wired, will check tho washing and save a lot 1 of soil. In some instances a more olaborate dam Is necessary. In all cases the sooner tho work is beguu tho better. A fow countios in Imphov- lng tho road, are co-oporatlng with farm owners In Installing a special culvert that will help provont tho for mation of dltchos through tho land. Several conntv farm bureaus aro plan-rl ir demonstrations, and work for this full and winter, In nn effort to Institute a definite program to save tho soli of valuable farms. Farmers interested In this work should talk with their agricultural extension a gent orwrlto tho College ot Agricul turo. According to announcement made at the Amoricau Farm Buroau head MILWAUKEE CHILD. OF THREE DRIVES MOTORCYCLE quarters, a producer-owned and con trolled co-operative live stock com mission company Is to bo established at the National Stock Yards, East S--Louts. Tho Farmers' Live Stock Mar keting Committee of fifteen has ap pointed a special committee with au thority to select tho first board of directors for tho new company. Tho committeo is also authorized to pro ceed in tho organization of the &t. Louis co-oporattvo commission com pany in accordance with the co-operative marketing plan of tho committee of fifteen. Tho first terminal board will consist of seven members. A resolution calling for a flat duty of thirty cents per pound on wool to bo Incorporated In tho Fordney tar iff bill, was passed at a meeting held recently by tho national wool commit ted of tho American. Farm Bureau Federation at tho Chicago offlco of that organization. Duo to the low price of foreign wool, and tho low, rate-of exchange, tho resolution states, the provision in tho present draft of tha bill calling for a tariff limit oil worl of 35 per cent advoloram minimizes the effects of tho tariff to the vanish ing point, and would work a flagrant Injustice to the production ot domestic wool. Arrangements were made at the moeting for carrying on a strenuous fight bofore tho senate finance com- mltoe, the congressional agricultural bloc, and for informing, tho consuming public In regard to actual conditions pertaining to tho sheen industry fa this country. LOCAL ,YiI PERSONAL Mrs. E. R. Marshall visited In tho city Friday. Mrs. 0. G. Cross of Paxton visited local friends Friday. . . Mrs. C. W. Wood left Saturday visit relatives for a week. to Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, alst Real Estate References and Dattt First National Rank. North Platto, Nebraska. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Miss Miriam Jones left Saturday for Cheyenne td visit friends. Quigloy Wilson wont to Paxton Sat urday to Visit hid grandmother. Miss Lucy TilfOr'd spent Saturday in Maxwell transacting business. Mrs. Robert Queale spent Saturday and Sunday in Brady visiting friends Miss Gladys Bird returned Saturday from Chicago where she viBited friends. . Mrs. Roy Johnson and baby went to Lexington the latter part' of the week to visit. Mrs. A. B. Wortman and baby went to Cozad Saturday to spend a week visiting friends. Mrs. Omar Huff left Saturday for Grand Island to visit at the home of Mrs. J. Horrlgan. Miss Alma SJpliuter, returned to her home in Grand Island Sunday after visiting local friends. Mrs. Elmer Mastln and children re turned Sunday from Denver where thoy have been visiting. Notlca Is hereby given that tho city Council of tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will Bit as u board of equalization beginning at tho hour of 8 o'clock A- M. on tho Cth day of September 1921, at tho council room of tho Flro Station situated on tho corner ot West Front and Vino Streets, in the City of North Flatte, Nobraska, for tho purposo of lovylng on the real estate lying and being within Sowor District G 5, taxes for tho purposo of paying costs of tho construction of tho lntqral sower in said Bewpr district G 5, and that the said taxes will be levied upon each parcel of real estate according to the oxtont of benefits to such property by reason of tho construction of said lateral sewer and if the city council shall find such benefits to bo equal and uniform, such levy of taxes will be according to the front foot of the lots or parcels, of real ostato within Bald sowor district C-B, or accorlng lo such other rules as tho City Council sitting as a board of equalization may adopt for tho distribution or adjust ment of such costs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED Will fllo their objections, If any thoy have, to the assessing of taxes against their property on or bofore the Gth day of Septembor, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M. with tho City Clerk. By order of the Mayor and City Council mado tho 2nd day of August, 1921. 0. E. Eldor, City Clerl:. Office 340 Hou8el2G7 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Ostcopnth Physician Over tho Oasis. North Platte. OTIS R. PLATT, M. Dn Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union Stato Bank. Offlco Phono 29G Houso Phone 1236J W. T. PRITCHARI) Grndunto Veterinarian Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and ex- asslstant dephty Stato Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vino Stroot Hos pital Phone G33, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors . 5, G. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Prnctlco Limited to Diseases of Women nnd Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office' 113. Rosldence 640J The Farmers Livo Stock Margetfng committeo of fifteen has agreed upon the essential plan for live stock mar keting, according to word received at Nebraska headquarters of the Farm Bureau Federation. Tho main font uros of the plan which will soon be submitted for national ratification aro us follows: (a) That co-operative live stock shipping associations wfll hold mem bership In the terminal, livestock shipping associations, which in turn will hold membership In tho national association of live stock producers. Individual stock growers may also hold memberships In the terminal as sociation. (b) Tho terminal llvo stock com mission association provides for the establishment of producer-owned and controlled co-oporatlve livestock com mission comnanles at the markets i whoro noeded. The demand for tholWatts A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith Friday. All con cerned are doing nicely. Misses Hattlo and Lydla Bjorklun.l aro off duty at tho W. J. O'Connor store on a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson loft Saturday for Franklin, Nobr. whero Mr. Anderson has accepted a position. Coy States returned tho latter part of the week from Lincoln whero ho has been attondlng the stato unlver sity. Mrs. Wm. T.' Prltchard returned tho latter part Of the week from Omaha whore she visited her sister for a fow days. . Miss Sylvia Watts returned from Gothenburg Saturday andls a guest at tho homo of her brother Thos. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit. as a Board of Equalization beginning at tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho Gth day ot September, 1921, at tho Council Room of tho Fire Station situated on the corner of West Front and Vine Street, in the City ot North Platte, Nebraska, for the purpose of levying on tho real estate lying and being within paving District No. 2. taxes for tho purpose of paying costs of tho construction of tho paving of the ul leys in said paving District No. 2, and that tho said taxes will be lovled upon each parcel of real estate and lots and lands abutting upon tho alleys so tpfcived, according to jtho exrtent of benefits to such property by reason of tho construction of said paving and If tho city council shall find such bone- fits to bo equal and uniform, such levy of taxos will bo .according to tho abutting foot of the lots or parcels of real estate within said Paving Dist rict No. 2, or according to such other rules as the city council sitting as a Board of Equalization may adopt for the distribution or adjustment or such costs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED will fllo tholr objections, If any thoy have, to the assessing of taxes against their property on or before the Gth day of Sentember. 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M. with the City Clerk. By order ot tho Mayor and the City Council made the 2nd day of Aug ust, 1921. , O. E. Elder, City Clerk. WYLIE WALKER Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer. Loavo orders at 914 W. 4th St. Or Phono 334 , GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Glvon to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phono: Office 130. Residence 115 Oral Phone 307 nOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene Twinem Bldg- Offlce phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nobraska Knights of Columbus Building. JOHN S. SOOTS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Offlco Phone 83-- i ' Residence 38 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020 DR. REDF1ELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phones Offlco 642, Residence 676 Bobby Schcrcr, ot Milwaukee, three years old, makes the claim of ibting the youngest motorcycle rider in the world. In a recent 1,500-mijtr jtour with his mother, he drove the machine a majority of the time, while, kjj mother directed the operation from the side car. He displays rare judg ment in driving for one 60 young, it is said. A QUIET PLAGE to bring your friends to dine. A place whoro tho groatest caro la ox oxclsod in tho soloctlon ot the food materials. A place whoro tho cuisine Is exquisite, where tho china and cut lory Is tastoful, and tho surroundings ploasant This Is such a place. Como and enjoy it HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. terminal association must como from tho mombors themselves. Substdary to oach commission company will bo u Btdckor and feeder company, pat ronngo dividends to bo prorated back to tho consignor mombor. Tho asso ciation at tho terminal markets wl'.l bo govorned by a board of five to nine mombors. This board shall solect the manager, hlro employes and direct th0"' gonoral policy. Earnings from the commissions will bo prorated back on tho patronage dividend plan. Tho di rectors of tho torminal association will bo elected by dologatos to tho an nual convention. (o) Tho various torminal associa tions will fodorato into a national or ganization, govorned by a board of not loss than seven or moro than fif teen directors. Tho national board will be supported by tho. torminal commission associations. National eadquartors will' bo In Chicago. No contract to bo signed by tho mombors is anticipated. Tho BUb-commlttoo on co-oporatlvo mrkotlng will call a conforonce to bo " eld In Chicago September 2 to work out a standardized plan for tho vari ous llvo stock shipping associations. An effort will bo made to Idoal shipping associations. President James R. Howard, ot tho Anjorlcjan Fjurm Buroau Federation has beon requested to call a ratifica tion conference of the llvo stock pro ducers of tho nation between October 15 and Novombor 1 to consider tho full report ot tho commlttoo ot flftoon Misses Wllma CoateB, Eva Hoagland ard Marjory Russell returned yester day from Kearney whore thoy attend ed a houso party given by Miss Mary Hondryx. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. N. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For thoso who do not havo onough stock or machinery for a general farm Balo, I nm located so I can hold a combination Balo at North Platto or at tho Falrvlow dairy 1 Vs miles west of town. I havo always gqt onough Btock or machlnory listed with me so we can hold a combination sale any time. (John Grant!, Attornoy.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1825 ot Goorgo Lannln, do ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County. Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska. ts: Orodlt ors ot said estato will tako notice that tho timo limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said estato 13 November 30, 1921, and for settlement ot Bald ostato IsJuly 29. 1922; tnat i will sit at the county court room In said County on August 30, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on November 30. 1921, tit 10 o'clock a. m., to rocoive, oxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated July 29, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) , County Judge. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Notice is hereby given that tho City Council ot tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as a Board of Equalization beginning at tho hour of 8 o'clock A, M. on tho Gth day of Soptembor, 1921, at tho Council Room of tho Flro Station situated on tho corner of West Front and Vino Streets, in the City ot North Platto, Nebraska, for tho purposo of lovyln; on tho real estato lying and being within paving District No. 7, taxes for tho purposo ot paying costs of the construction of thai paving of tho al leys in said paving District No. 7, and that tho said taxes will be lovled upon each parcol of roal estato nnd lots and lands abutting upon the alleys so paved, according to tho extent of bonofits to such property by reason of tho construction of said paving and if tho city council shall find such bonofits to bo equal and uniform, such lovy of taxos will bo according to tho abutting foot of tho lots or parcols of real ostato within said Paving Dlst rlct No. 7, or according to Buch othor rulos as tho city council sitting as' n Board ot Equalization may adopt for tho distribution or adjustment of such costs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL fllo their objections, if any thoy havo, to tho assossing of taxes against their property on or beforo tho Cth day ot Soptembor, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M. with tho City Clerk. By ordor of tho Mayor and City Council mado the 2nd day of Soptom ber, 1921. O. E. Eldor, City Clork. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 Night Phone Black 588 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree ot foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Continental Guaranty Cor poration, a Corporation, is plalntllf, and Fred J. Bremers Is defendants, and to mo directod, I will on the 19th day ot September, 1921, at two o'clock P. M. at tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auc tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decreo, interest and costs, tho following described proper ty, to-wlt: Lot Ten (10) of Plattovlow Subdl vision, Lincoln County, Nobraska. Dated North Platto, Neb., August IP, 1921. A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DE TERMINATION OF HEIRSHD?. In tho County Court, Lincoln County, Nobraska. In ro Thomas M. Dawson, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given to Charity J. Dawson, John V. Dawson, Charles L, Dawson, Frank G. Dawson, Guy T Dawson, Laura J. Mooro and to all other persons, both creditors and heirs interested In tho ostato of Thomas M. Dawson, deceased, that a petition was filed in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska, August 1st, 1921, in which was set out as factB that Thomas M. Dawson died July 31, 1902, that at tho time ot his death he was a resident of Lincoln County, and was solzed in feo of tho Northeast Quarter ot Section 2C, Township 9, Rango 2G. West of tho 6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho peti tlonor Arthur D. McNlcklo is now tho owner in fee of. tho said premises and prays for a determination ot tho time of tho death of tho decedent, auA a de termination of tho holrs ot said de ceased, tho degree of kinship and tho right of descent of tho real property belonging to tho docoased. That tho timo for hearing said petition has boon fixed at Soptombor 16th, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. ro. by tho County Court. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. WELLS O. JONES, Attorney for tho Petitioner, 4