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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1921)
Oft . . OFrikuc. 4 THIRlT-SEVENTH year NORTH PLATXPr NEB., AUGUST 23, 1921. No. 65 i ihiti Ford jubilee Event the -v- r-r of Family Funniest ABOUT, PEOPLE AND THINGS "CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT PEO- TLB AND THE THINGS THEY ' ARE DOING HERE. County Agont Kellogg hold a culling djtmjjinstration ut the J. A, Watson rnrijl .In- the north tnrt pf tho county yoeterday. A good attendance is re ported, some coining from ovor tht The farm sale of A. B. Elliott last "Wednesday was quite woll attended ahd all of tho goods were sold but the prices in general woro low, August is countod an unfavorable month for farm sales and tho sale Wednesday .was bettor than many people thought it would ho A largo number of sales are planned for this fall. I. L. Stebbins, President of tho Lin coln County Illinois Society announc es that tho Society will hold Its first annual picnic on Thursday Sept. list. Tho picnic will start at noon in tho City Park at North Platto and will 'continue as lato as tho people want to stay. A lino of sports and amuse ments is planned and tho day promis es to bo a big one. Art plays the barltono in tho Cham ber of Cotnmerco hand. Art Is not nn ordinary player. He is a whirlwind, Art wont on his vacation two woekti ago and Avhen he had loft, the band leader began to plan on how he could got along without Art. Ho finally ask ed a good natured mollophono player to play baritone during Art's absence. . Ho consented and did his best which wasn t very good. The band boys with out oxception treated him fine, say ing some things which were really not 'fully warranted but they were nice and appreciated. However they woro all glad when the concert was over Tind things went no -worse", than "they did and they will all bo glad when Art gets homo again. Again wo say Art Is a whirlwind as a barltono player. U.RThrjf ty SAP Tho Communty Cattle Sale which was held at tho Feed Yards hero yo3 terday was a good one. Casper Rauch who wao in charge, reports that ev erything sold at fair prices- He Is planning on another such sale for Monday, Sopt 5. Colonels Olson and Johansen were tho auctioneers. jneware of eel- KlCh -UoiCK schemes seeK our Harvest brings the slick stock sslesman , Forget him. Remember Time De posits., Remember "5 per , cent and safety." Remember this is the home of "5 percent and safety" The best place for Grain Checks and Sur plus Funds UNION STATE BANK Preparations aro boing mndo for tho big reunion of tho Sooloty of tho 355th Infantry, 89th Division which will bo held at Grand Island on August 30 and 31. Tho committee Is working day and night to put tho progranln shnpo and fill tho two "days with sportu, stunts and foods. About 800 of tho. boys 'are expected and this includes all of those who served in tho regi ment in tho states and abroad. FOLLIES OF 1921 HERE;; t AMEHICAN REGION TO DIG SPECTACLE FOR TORIUM EUND expected that tho Bouts will bo sold QTiTT'T'O Tf?? 1 out long before .tho dates for tho play. OLU-IJ lu V f : rne Kexaii store is nanuung tno au' need sale but Ickots can be Bg-. curod from any of tho Loglon Boys ' The Amorionn War Mothers and tho ' Argonno Memorial Unit will act ae ' hostesses and aro co-onorntiong In TO CAMP AUDfc August 30 and 31 will bo big ngl: J . v I riWJMJX, very way to malto tho "Follies" the opening social ovont of tho season Following is tho porsonnol of tho cast as announced yostorday: Eliza beth Peterson, Mamlo Borcman, VJ lot Maddox, Adelo LoV)iot, Holon Got- its' l uimira m'ouuecic, uorotiiy Bluer. Hi North Platto when thn Amnrlrtnn Mary Ellsworth. Mnrcnrot Edwards. Legion puts on tho oxtravaganda "Tho ar"co HIrsoh, Ruby McMichaol, Doris Folllos of 1021," at tho Keith Theatre Stevens, Ruth Elder, Josophlno Robb, This play has been used In many , Charlotte Huzoncamp, Marjorlo Lld placos with marked success and front ( rt0 John Rltnor, Frank Turplo, Ar tho good start hero it is bound to addUur Dullard, Louis Kolly, Junior Hin. one moro-to tho list of triumphs. The man Harry Plzor, Joe Stono, Jay cast has been selected with great care ! Smith, Andy McGovom, Molvln Elliott, A Ashing party composed of Mr. and Mrs.. John Don, Dr.. and Mrs. C, L. Drost and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Lem Bailey returned from Bovoral weeks spent In Wyoming near Encampment. Tho party caught lots of fish and hail a wonderful time in tho mountains. They made very fast time going out but had Botno car trouble on tho re turn trip which caused them Borne concorn but which came out all right. The total vote on tho bridge bonds was 2,395. Qf this number 573 were for tho bonds and 1,821 against. Thoro. aro 49 voting proclncts In Lincoln County. Tho following ton gave a ma jority in favor of tho bonds: North Platto First Ward, Second Ward, Third Ward, East Hinman, Tablo, Brady, Sprlngdalo, Sutherland. Payne Osgood,, . Allithq .rest -"including North 'Platto Fourth Ward ' gave majorities against the, bonds.. The' Board of Education at a spec ial meeting held yesterday morning voted to allow Elmer L. Stephens half time in the schools and half time for Boy Scout Avork. Tho local council of the Boy Scouts has elect ed Mr. Stephens Scout Executive and will pay him for one-half dny while the Board of Education will pay him for the other half o.ay. it is a fine arrangement and will rebound to the credit of the schools nnd 'for the good of the scout work In this city. One of the best things about the Lincoln County Fair this year- is that it is being managed and run almost entirely by farmers. Jim Wlh n, Jake Koch, Scott Reynolds, Warren Doolittlo, Fred McClymont, D. E. Mar tin, John Fowler. Frank Strolberg, Bill Snyder, Jim Shoup and othors aro back of It and on the Board of Direc tors. This Insures that every rule and regulation, every premium and evory prize, ovory charge and admis sion is going to be for the benefit' of tho farmers. Wo aro going to have n great Fair this yoar. no ono bolng omitted whoso ability was known and who would glvoHhe time necessary to put on such a pro duclton. , Tho Legion Is attempting to raise money with which to purchase, tho lot and construct an auditorium with club rooms for its own use. Tho aud itorium will Bupply ono of tho noeds of this city and so tho citizens gen erally are back of tho Legion and aro supporting any movement to make money which tho eLglon Btarts. Cecil Lake, Floyd Hall, Ernest Rlnck er, Victor Halllgan, Jim Clinton, Alvln Rauch, Dr. Krauso, Lena mar Stono,' Winifred Miller, Otto Westenfeld, Robt. Jandobour, Tom Siovors, Jos. Deal, Robert Dlckoy. Leo Newton, Norman Moulton, Ellon Erlokson', Lucille Boyorle, Mabolle. McFarland, ZIta Donegnn, Catherine Fitzpatrlck. Misses Dora and Angoline Polus left Friday for Omaha and Sioux City It is to visit relatives. Gome Ttf The Ford Family Jubilee. JUMP ROBERTS MANNED BY GROUP OF SCOUTMASTERS AND ROY SCOUTS. Labor Day is to bo celebrated in North Platte but it is uncertain yet Just what tho program will bo. Cen tral Labor Union has announced a grand ball for the evening. Organized labor Is claiming to ho ono of the strong olomonts ' In our community and this ono day has been Bet aside when It Is given tho right to go ahead and havo Its own way. Business houses havo shown tho right spirit In tho matter of closing when thoro is any reason to close. Tho City Schools havo not definitely decided upon tho oponlng day of school because it is un certain whether thoro will bo any thing doing on Labor Day which will warrant postponing tho opening until Tuesday. Tho Trtbuno would llko to sco tho Contral Labor Union put on a rousing celebration of Labor Day and havo something doing all day. How ever it may not bo posslblo for this to ho. dono this year. Central Labor Un ion will do its bost for tho cause of organized labor. ;;p;;.. . - Miss Johanna Guyman of Schuyler who has boon visiting at tho W. H. Lc Dloyt homo left Tuesday for Julesburg to visit at tho homo of Miss Allco Ga van. Miss Lola Tucker of Beatrlco is spondlng ten days at the homes of hor uncles Mcssors Luther and John ; Tucker In this city. Preparations are being made by the Merchants, Business aiid Professional Men of North Spiatte to put on a day of Fun and Frolic for all Ford owners. ";vFord owners all over this section of the State are showing great interest in the proposed gathering, and reports all ready coming-in pointrto a 100 per cent representa tion. . , ProgrnRi, thedate-and.a1lS of events an3prfzifatwiiri)'e given will appeal" in the next issue. TheCommittee in charge will set the Day for this occassion, either the last days of August or the 1st of September. Their idea is to have same before any of the schools open, so that the people can bring their whole family and stay all day. 1 -r . Almost every Business House and Professional Man is rep resented in the list of Premiums given. The Ford Family Jubilee programme will be unique in every way. ' The Programme starts at 10 A. M. with a reception and a Hand of Welcome, 12 to 1 a Picnic Dinner inthe Court House Yard, bring your lunches with you, Barrels of Lemonade and good Coffee will be served tree by the Committee in charge. Following will be a narnrlfi nf nil TTmvlo fnll nurn1 Kir n Ki KnJ- of sports, Slow Races by Fords, Standing Start Races, Reverse Races, Tug of War between Fords, Music, Ball Games, Pennv bnowers for the Children and a score or more of other sports. ' Prizes will be awarded to the Ford coming the longest dis tance, the Ford that brings the most people, the Ford that brings wi jursesi, xamiiy, best decorated Ford, the worst looking x uiu, uicumcsi j.'uru, me iora wim tne worst tires, the youngest, woman, the handsomest man, the oldest person, the homliest man, unseat man, tne oiggest woman, the best Ford story, the Ford bringing four generations, the Ford bringing triplets, the Ford bringing twins, the Ford bringing baby girls and boys, the longest whiskered man. the oldest rnnnlrv th miinfnof va , noiseist Ford prizes to young couples that are married this day and scores of other prizes,, that newspaper space will not permit in this issue. The owners of Fordsin North Platte are barred from being awarded any prizes on this day. Come, bring the whole xcwi.mj iuuik iuu uian rne uiggest Uircus. Tho annual "Boy Scout Camp" will opon Thursday, August 25th. Thoro will bo ono camp only this year nt which time nil of tho scouts from North Platto, as woll as from other towns In tho county, win B0. Last year thoro wero two camps but it fioemcd wlso to havo ono largo camp this year. Tho scouts will hlko down tho 2Bth. leaving scout hoadquarjtors at ton a. m. nnd carrying onough food for lunch. That will got thorn thoro in tlmo to pitch tho tents and got sottled down for tho night Enough tonts havo boon rontod to accomodato all tho boys and wo hopo thoro will bo nt loast 7G In attendance. Tho chargo this year , will bo bIs dollars for tho ton day period. If there are enough boys to require a hired cook It may lncroaso tho cost a little. Tho dally program Is as follows; 6 a. m. Rovolllo, Flag Raising, Calis thenics, Dip. ' 7.00 Breakfast. . 7.45 Pollco Camp and got ready ror inspection. 8.1G Inspection. S.30 First Class Period. 9.30 Second Class, Period. 10.30 Third Class Period. 11.30 Proparo for Dinner. 12.00 Dinner. 1.00 Insnoctlon nf THnJiM ' i;30-VonVnerlod"' 2.30 Intor Troop Contests. 4.00 Swimming. 5.30 Proparo for Supper. COO Retreat and Supper. 6.45 Inspection of Dishos. 8.00 Camp Firo. ' 9.00 Tattoo. 9.45 Taps. ' " Tho last Saturday nlto thoro will bo an Investiture ceremony for all bcouIb who havo passed from ono class to an other. Thoro will bo ono ovornlto hlko to tho hills south of camp returning tiio next day. In tlmo for dinner,' Several of tlio business 'men haVo agreed to go down cud. Btay ono, two 6r threo days and help with tho work. Tho Invitation la open to nny busi ness man so It you can go pleaso call E. L. Stephens nt C01J. during oftlco hours or U32W. nt homo and let him know. ' i . Thdro aro somo people who do not lot tholr hoys, go to camp for ono reason or another Somo say tho ex'ponoo Is tox high. Oho father Bays that sLx dollars for ten days for his boy is cheaper than ho can feed hint at homo. Tho boy Is undor strict dlsclnllno'all of that tlmo and rocolv lng Instruction!) that Is valuable iu moro than ono way. Somo say that camp is too military for them. It Is truo that some things aro dono in In tho camp tho samo as was dono In tho army for tho army found out tho best way to do those things but tho camp lu no senso Is a military camp. Somo say they want, tho hoys to . go to tho "Chautauqua. Arrange ments havo boon made for tho boys who havo season tickets tp conio out Saturday . morning. . A special prlco has been mado ,to tho Boy Scouts for the Amorlcan Loglon play. Thoy will bo brought to town In a body on the second night of tho play Tho prlco to scouts will ,bo fifty cents. Thte Is quito a wring as tho regular prlco lo 51.G0. K1MRALL BOPS RANI) WILL MAKE AUTO TRIP TO ME STATE FAIR. f North Platto Is to havo tho ploasure of rtctlng as host to tho Kimball, (Nohr.) Boys' band on Saturday, Sep tember 3. Tho band is making the trip from Kimball to Lincoln and back in eight largo touring cars, Tho return trlh lin mnrlrt v wav tt TTnlilrotrn North Platto at 4:30 in tho aftornoon, tako suppor hero and loavo at 5:45 for tho east. Plans nro bolng mado tj look after tho comfort of tho boys as much as posslblo whllo. they aro horo. WITHOUT FURTHER COMMENT It Is cozy, now, strictly modern, bonutlfully designed, keen, attractive and only two blocks from tho Court House. A roally bungulow at a bar gain on terms to tho right party. Phono us today to boo It- Hollman & Sobnstlan Agoncy, phono 612 J or W. CHAUTAUQUA OPENS SUNDAY WITH GOOD PROSPECTS FOR SUCCESS. Sunday afternoon the annual ses sion of tho North Platto Chautauqua opened at tho old play grounds In tho south part of town. Tho prq gram Is bolng furnished by the "Stand ard System. Ernest Hunter of Den ver Is Platform Manager, Miss Ruth Cooper of this stato Is Chlldrens director, Kenneth Bowman of Kan sas Is cashier and Thos. Miles of Mo. is doorkeeper. Tho tent and platform wero in placo at tho appoint ed tlmo and tho seats woro ready. Tfle Rondollors oponed tho session with a concert Sunday afternoon, in tho evening thoy gave a thirty min ute proludo followed by an evening of impersonations by C, L. Borgder fer. ' Yesterday Mr. and Mrq. Phillips gavo a concert in tho aftor noon and after a half hour preludo" in tho ovonlng Dr, Frank E. Gordon gavo his lecture "Shooting tho Goal.' Today'B attractions inpludo tho Met ropolitan Trio and Judgo Balo, Tho sessions will continue until Friday night when tho Chautaupua closoa with the play "Too Much Buslnoss.'' NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED ATTEND THE 3IAS0NIC PICNIC YESTERDAY Ono of tho largest crowds of the yoar attended tho Joint picnic of tho MnsonB, tho Eastern Star and the Do Molays yestorday at Hall's Grovo. It Is estimated that about four hundred oro thoro at suppor time. Tho tablos wero sproau unuer tno trees and as darkness enmo on a system of farm electricity furnlshod electric lights, A ball pramo b6twoen tho Maaons and tho DoMolays was won by tho -.boys with a scoro of 17 to 4. All kinds of snorts from a watermelon eating contest to a tug of war woro pulled off and tho crowd was woll entertained TJto big ovottt was tho picnic dinner when ninety fried chlckona and other picnic dainties In proportion woro en- Joyed. Thcso incuded real pink lom- onado, leo cream and an nbundanco of cako. Tho crowd rotumod to tho city at a late hour happy and satisflod. -:o:- Francli Flynn will return to Wutor town, Wis, tomorrow after visiting his parent Mr. and Mrs. Janies Flynn. Ho will lmvo Watertown noxt month for Now York City. Price Announcement Beginning Monday, AugustTt22nd, the ifolloSving prices will prevail at my. automobile' store: ALL SHOP LABOR, both machine and hand labor, $1.00 per hour. , . ' HAVOLINE OILS HIGH GRADE Medium or "A" 20c per quart! 75c a gallon. Havollno Heavy or "B' grade, 25c qt., 85c a gal. This is the oil recominended by Dodge Brothers and bought in tank car lots by the factoiy-th6 best is not too good , for a Dodge. 1-1 "White Rose" Gasoline. U. S. Royal Cord Tires. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Ties. Quality ' Goods and Service at Reasonable Prices. " J. V. Romigli. Dealer Dodge Brothers Motor Cars