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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
TITE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. 1AND FOR TANLAC BREAKS ALL RECORDS Amazing Success Achieved by Celebrated Medi cine Not Only Phenomenal, But Unprece dentedOver 20,000,000 Bottles Sold in Six Year Foreign Countries Clamor for It. Never before, perhaps, in the history of the drug trade has the deipand for a proprietary medicine ever approached the wonderful record that is now being made by Tanlac, the cele brated medicine which has been accomplishing such remark able results throughout this country and Canada. As a matter of fact, the marvelous success achieved by this medicine is not only phenomenal, but unprecedented. Tho first bottle of Tnnlac to reach the public was sold Just a little over six years ago. Its success wns Imme diate nnd people everywhere were quick to recognize It as a medicine of extraordinary merit. Since that tlmo there have been sold throughout this country nnd Canndn something over Twenty Million (20,000,000) bottles, es tablishing a record which has probably never been equaled In the history of the drug trade In America. Fame Is International. Tho Instnnt and phenomenal success which Tnnlac won when Jt wns llrst Introduced hns been extended to prac tically every large city, small town, village and hamlet In North America. Its fnmo has become International In Its scope and Englnnd, Japan, Mexico, Cuba, Hawaii, Alaska, Porto Itlco and many European countries ure clamor ing for It. From coast to coast nnd from Great Lakes to the Gulf, Tanlac Is known and honored. Millions have taken It with the most gratifying nnd astonish ing results nnd have pronounced It the greatest medicine of all time. Tens of thousands of men and wom en of all ages In all walks of life, af flicted with stomach, liver nnd kidney disorders, some of them of long stand ing, as well ns thousands of weak, thin, nervous men nnd women nppnrently on the verge of collapse, have testified that they have been fully restored to their normal weight, health nnd strength by Its use. Restored to-Health. Still others, who seemed fairly well, yet who suffered with Indigestion, headaches, shortness of breath, dizzy spells, sour, gassy stomachs, coated tongues, foulness of breath, constipa Hon, bad complexion, loss of nppetlte, sleeplessness at night nnd of terribly dejected, depressed feelings, state that they have been entirely relieved of these distressing symptoms and re stored to health nnd happiness by the use of Tanlac. Tanlac Is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Nebraska Directory 6 Dividends For Information ana circulars wnw, nncmF.NTAl. BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. 322 S.. 18th Street Omini.Heb. Let U Mak Your Next Auto Top. Seat Coven, and Side Curtain. Alio Upholstering Engdahl, The Auto Top Man ENGDAJttTS AUTO TOP. CO., 1718 CasiSt., Omha.JJtb. AWfylNGS and STACK COVERS Get ear Prices. Thty m Rliht American Tent and Awning Co. 40th and Farnam Sts. Omaha Stu risen & Sturgeo ltegtstered Attorneys. Formerly In tho Patent Office. Patents and trade-marks obtained in aU countries. 432 Peter Trust Bids.. Omaha. Paxton Hotel KSttS POPULAR PRICED CAFE Btreetcars pass the door from all depots. Corner 14th and Farnam Streets, Omaha. Neb. DR. TODD OENTIST 4th FJ. DarlterBlklSth and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. " 'WELLERETTES' are imitated Because they are so highly rated." Best Cigar made at 2 for fifteen cents PATENT HOTEL HILL Opened Sept. 1st, 1920 Omaha's Newest, Most Modern and Finely Appointed Hotel "Soft Water" Sixteenth at Howard Centrally Located , Moderate Rates ' Room Without Bath 91. GO and tp Room With Bath 82.50 and VJ TWO IN ONE Bins and Cribs Bend for circular and prices on Carter Combination Grain Bins and Com Cribs. Strongest and best centllated bin on the market. CAKTKlt SHEET MKT A I. CO, OMAHA BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at tho present time tor young women over nineteen years of age who have had at least two years in high school to take Nurses' Training In general hospital. Oar graduates are in great demand. Address Sunt, of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln. Nebraska LEE W. EDWARDS New Location: Southwest Cor. 24lh and Farnam OMAHA'S PIONEER Quick Spring and Wheel Service Wheels for all cars or trucks made or re paired. Springs rearched, retempered, re paired and made good as new. Distributors for aUAllANTHED SPRINGS for all makes of cars and trucks. Telephone or write us your wants. Immediate attention given all orders. Liberal discounts to dealers. TIUICK ft TRACTOR CORPORATION 1810 Jackson tit. Phone Doug. 0848, Omaha DR. G. D. SfflPMERi) and Associate Dentists who have been with him for years now located Sixth Floor Security Building 16th and FarnaiuSts., Omaha LEE Puncture-Proof Cord and Fabric TIRES If your dealer doesn't have them write or call on us. LEE TIRE & RUBBER CO. of N. YIne. Phone Atlantic 4314 2212 Faraua St. 0mih, Ntb. CON ANT HOTEL. COMPANY OMAHA HOTELS HOTEL CONANT HOTEL SANFORD HOTEL HENSHAW Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing in back of these hotels. Guests may stop at anyone of them withassurance of re ceiving honest value and fair treatment Western Canada Offers Health and Health and haa brought contentment andhappjness to thousands of home seekers and their fami lies who have started on her FREE .lomesteads or bought land at attractive price They have established their own homes and ff cured pros perity and independence. In thetreat grain growing sections of the prairie provinces there is still to be had on eaay tcrsp Fertile Land at SIS to $20 an Acre land almilar to that which hrounh many years haa yielded from 20 1 45 bushels of wheat to the acre oatsarley and flax also in great abundance, mile raising homes, cattle, sheep and logs is equally 6 rentable. Hundreds of farriers in Western anada have raised crops ina single season worth more than the whole ct of their land. Healthful climate, good nefinbore. churches, schools, rural telephone, excellent markets and shipping facilities. Thl climate, and soil offer inducements for alm everv branch of agriculture. Theadvantajsfor Dairying, Mlxad Farming and Stock Rjlfttag make a tremendous appeat q Industrious artttfni nlahln a tn imnravlthelr cirCUm- stances. For certiflcotcntltllnB yoo to reduced railway raea. illustrated i literature, maps, descriptf g u I arm nnnortunitlea in Manitoba Sfcs . ' . ... . H.I icatcnewan, Aioerta ana e tun uiamDta. etc write) W.V.BENNETT Room 4, Bet Building Omaha, Nb. JfisM I Start Taring Mfg. MuslnM- Products In blir demand, nroflta lunrit. (oaslbllltlen earntnK thousands. No capital reilred. Information, uortlon, (II Tempi; uo uiuk., .uinntiapuiii. Question Jnswered. "Hello, old top. Mv cor 7" "No!, Old car, few top. Lafayette Lyre. A Feeling of Security Yon naturally fel secure when you know that the mecine you ai about to take is absolutely ure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine i Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, live and bladdttr remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is) maintained , in every bottle of Swamp-Rot. It is scientificfiy compounded from vegetable herbs. ) It is not a stilulant and is taken in teaspoonful dosesj It is not recom It is nature's and overcoming der troubles. A sworn statfnent of purity is with Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- ended for very thing. et helper In relieving idney, liver and blad- bottle every Root. If you need have the best. medicine, you should a sale at all drug stores in bottles of twsizes, medium and large. However, if yu wish first to try this great prepare tio send ten cents to Dr, Kilmer & Co., fnghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. Jhcn writing be sure and mention this per. Tjrn About. "Why shoid a congressman be blamed for lird times?" "Well, he claims the erVllt for good times." Bnby's littli dazzle If Red In the lunndrj dresses will Just simply Cross Ball Blue Is used Try It and see for your self. At aljfgood grocers, 5c. Ignornn that pays looks like wis dom to wie people. Amemm LEGION (Cbpjr for This Dejpartmnt Supplied by tn American utcion niivi otrnc.i THE "DOUGHBOY OF IDAHO" Striking Statue Recently Selected by State's War Memorial Commis sion, It Lifelike Study. It's a fnr cry Indeed from tho stiff- necked, primly dressed recruit which Hooded America after the armlstlco ns tho sculptured representation of the American fighter to the shlrt Meevcd, delightfully informal "Dough boy of Jdaho," recently selected by tho (state's war memorial commission to ttymbollze Idnho's contribution to tho World war. The statue, work of Avnrd Fairbanks, Portland, Ore., nnd Salt Luke City, Utah, artist, Is tho most llfellko study of the A. B. P. Infantry tnau as the Boche saw him that Ainer ( Statue Adopted by Idaho. lean artists have produced, according to both the ex-lnfnntrymnn and those who have sought to Immortalize him In bronze nnd stone. Tho Idaho commission has ordered that all counties of the state have memorials alike In character with the addition thnt Mr. Fairbanks' "Dough boy" be the mnln feature of each county's memorial. The American Le gion of Idaho has been warm In its commendation of tho stntue and Mr. Fairbanks has returned tho compli ment by informing tho service men that : "I am convinced that the Amer ican Legion can be a tremendous pow er in education and in honor and In the glory of our great government I nm indeed enthused with the loyal stand on Americanism which the Le gion Is holding out for." LEGION MAN. UNION OFFICER California Organization Adjutant Well Known for Activities With Fellow Laborers. Fred F. Bebergnll of San Francis co, who Is now serving his second term as depart ment adjutant of the American Le gion in California, Is one of the most active Legion ofll cers In his state. Behcrgall also Is well-known for his activities In labor union circles. Bcbergall's life history Is the same In some de tails us that of many successful men. Hia father died when he was nine years old and he went to work. Ho obtained his education at night schools nnd as he expresses It the "good old college of hard knocks." As a union official Bebergall has served In nenrly every office of the San Francisco Typographical Union No. 21, and ns assistant secretary of the California State Federation of La bor, , He was twice rejected for military service on account of Impaired vision, but finally obtained a waiver from the secretnry of war nnd was enrolled In he medical department of tho United States army. He served as n member of Base Hospital Company No. 87 In France nnd was discharged June 80, 11)10, at San Francisco ns a sergeant, llrst class. Ho Immediately became nterosti'd In the American Legion nnd as one of the orgunlzers of the Cal- lornSn department. Shame on Them. pERHAPS there ore a few mothers who do not know the virtues of Fletcher's Castoria. Perhaps there are a few who know that there are imitations on the market, and knowing this demand Hetoher's. It is to ALL motherhood, then, that we call attention to the numerous imitations and counterfeits that may ho set before them. It is to all motherhood everywhere that we ring out the warning to beware of the "Just-as-good". For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been an aid in the upbuilding of our population; an aid in the saving of babies. And yet there are those who would ask you to try something new." Try this. Try that. Even try the same remedy for the tiny, scarcely breathing, babe that you in all your robust womanhood would use for yourself. Shame on them. 111 ihibJ ncty. ur, -. ..I ii "'" .iCTwsa HI Children Cry Fop mm is "''ATnnufiTi-ft PERCENT, Awfidawciwparauoawr ' i ii 1 sssTm 1 neither Opldm,Morplucnor iinwoLNoxKAncoTic - .1. r K a lacSiTOlcSijnf" 3 rw. mmmmm Exact Copy ef Wrapper. vk mm k III mM 111 iRHHbaH Your Friend, the Physician. The history of aU medicines carries with it the story of battles against popular beliefs: fights against prejudice : even differences of opinion among scientists and men devoting their lives to research work; laboring always for tho betterment of mankind. This information is at tho hand of aU physicians. Ho is with you at a moment's call be tho trouble trifling or great. He is your friend, your household counselor. He is the one to whom you can always look for advico even though it might not be a caso of sickness. He is not just a doctor. He is a student to his last and final call. His patients are his family and to lose one is little less than losing one of his owa flesh and blood Believe him when he tells you as he will that Fletcher's Castoria has never harmed the littlest babe, and that it is a good thing to keep in the house. He knows. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of THB CINTAUn COMPANY. NKW VOKK CITY. There nre seven types of men. This Is why there nro only seven types of men's hats. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, If any, with Cutlcura Oint ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrunce on skin. Everywhere 25c each. DESERT ISLE IN BIG CITY Woman Writer Satisfied With Her Res idence in "Hell's Half Acre" in Philadelphia. Katharine ,HuvIlimd Taylor, the nov elist, suys she's found a desert Islund nnd peace right In the middle of Phila delphia. It happened quite accident ally. Itecently she went apartment hunting with very little knowledge of the residential districts of Philadel phia. She found an apartment and rented It because thoo were two limou sines out In front, und so she judged that the street was all right. One of those limousines belongs to a broker or rags ana paper, she teamed later, and the other to an Italian peanut vender. She had moved Into the his toric district called "lldl's Half Acre." "But I'm glud I was misled," snys Miss Tuylor. "I am not bothered by social obligations und I have lots of time for work. We're never bored. Shooting privileges go with every leuse, and my vocabulary Is enlarging all the time." Miss Taylor cannot be persuaded to move, for she is convinced that In this retreat she will bo able to do more nnd better work than If she were liv ing In a neighborhood socially "correct." WOULD BE REASONABLY BUSY Small Girl About Right, If Bad Man Did His Full Duty Without Fear or Favor. As Anson Mount, superintendent of the Howe button (factory, of Peters burg, was reading his evening pnpor, his little daughter,, Mary, age six, was playing on tho Hoor. Tiring of play, she crawled to her father's knee and asked him: "Does tho bnd mun get nil tho peo ple who aro bad?" Tho father, not looking up from his paper and a little provoked by tho in terference replied, "I suppose." Tho child studied for a minute, and then suld: "Docs ho burn them nil up? Some little boys told me he did." Again the father replied thnt he supposed he did. Again the child, not satisfied, asked tho father where they went uftcr hi burned them all up. Tho father, lrrltutcd, replied that ho supposed they nil went to 'ashes. The child studied for u few min utes, and then said: "Gee, ho must' have an awful Job carrying out ashes." Indianapolis News. Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Bsr Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309 JoneSt. 1 1 W. Third St. OMAHA sioux crrv CAMP OUTFITS TENTS, ETC. WRITE Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go. 15th and Howard, Omaha U. S. A. Very Considerate. "Did tho motorist who ran over yon show any consideration whatever?" "Ho certainly did," said tho victim. "And I marveled at the exhibition, lie examined that confounded car of his from Ktein to stern to see It It bad been damaged anywhere." Gettlno the Better of Him. Scene Police court. Sharp tongued, red faced lawyer, cross-examining a witness as td his sobriety. Lawyer You were seen entering the Spread Eugle directly tho doors were opened, or soon afterwurds? Witness Yes; but not to drink. Lawyer What object had you in view, then? Wltnets The only object I had In view In going In, sir, wns yourself coming out. Edinburgh Scotsmun. Feed the body well Right food for the "body is more important than right; 'fuel for the engine. Grape Nuts lis a scientific fo o d , containing all ' the nutriment of wheat and malt edbarlejr. Grape iNutS digests easily and Quickly, builds toward health and strength and is delightful in flavor and crispness 'There's a Reason lor Grap&Nuts DISPROVED "Women can't keep a secret." "Nonsensel The cook never telht you she Is going to leave until you" have Invited a house full of conv pany." New Fish Stories. John Barleycorn, the friend ot vice, Still makes u wicked struggle. And does not know It is not nice For Ashing smacks to smucu'le. New Life for Sick Man Eatenio Works Magic "I have taken only two boxes of Katonlc and feel like a new man. It has done me more good than anything else," writes C. O. I'Vupplr. Katonlc Is the modern remedy for add stomach, bloating, food repeating und Indigestion. It quickly tukes up and cnrrles out the acidity and gas and enables the stomach to digest thp food naturally. That means not only relief .from pain and discomfort but you get the full strength from the food you eat. Hig box only costs a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. FRECKLES SBSSBBm W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 31-1921.