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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
THE NOItTII PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. DRESSMAKER MADE WELL Foils wed a Neighbor's Advice and Took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Vernon, Tex.-" For thrco years I wintered untold agony each month with naina in my biucb. found only tempo rary relief fn doctor's medicine or anything clso I took until my (husband saw an ad- vortisomont of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogotnblc Com pound. I mentioned it to a neighbor and sho told mo she had taken it with good results and advised mo to try it. I was then in bed part of the time and my doctor said I would have to be operated on, but wo decided to try the Vego table Compound and I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanativo Wash. I am a dressmaker and am now ablo to go about my work and do my housework besides. You aro welcomo to use this letter as a testimonial as I am always glad to speak a word for your medicine. "-Mrs. W. M.STErHENS, 1103 N. Commerce St., Vernon, Texas. Dressmakers when overworked ore prono to such ailments and should profit hv Mrs. Stephen's experience. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., about vour health. Your letter will bo opened, read and answorod by woman and hold In strict conudonco. STOP THAT ITGH! Purify Your Blood Eczema, tetter and many other skin troubles aro du to disordered blood. If you aro afflicted with skin trouble, -don't suffer the maddening torture longer, hut start right away to purify your blood with 8. 8. 8 the standard blood purifier for ovor 60 years. Pot Special Booklet or tot nrf vldunl advice, without charge. trrie Chief Mntlto.l Advltor, S.S.S.Co.,Dep't, 430, Atlanta,Qa. Oat youv dtudtitt. The Standard Blood Purifiei Hnjf of patience Is don't caro. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning I Unless you sco tho name "Bayer" on packago or on tablets you aro not getting genuino Aspirin pro scribed by physicians for twenty-ono years and proved safo by millions. Tnko Aspirin only as told in tlm Bayer packoge for Colds, Headache, Ncunl gla, Rhoumat sm, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tfn boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of A plrln cost few cents. Druggists alio sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldestcr of Sallcycacld. Radium is about as familiar to thi masses as relativity. Welt Fixed. "Fcrdy scCmB to bo making bettor progress with tho girl ho Is courting. Now has the field to himself." "Yes, ho gavo her n dog that will bite anybody ho doesn't know. And the dog doesn't know anybody In this town but Fordy.' i ' Dangerl ' A girl doesn't care that your mlddlo Initial stands for Vernon, but when she begins culling you by your first numo watch out, boy! She likes your lust one. Judge. Suitable Arrangement. Nlpp Turn about Is fdlr play. Tuck Yes, the lawyer and the tail or have to go to ench other for their suits. Judge. Not Then. Mrs. Eyes Misery loves yon know. company, Mrs. Wyt Not always, my dear. I guess you never had on "very tight shoes when company called and stayed three mortal hours. Quickly Relieved by WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry Balsam Wakefield's uiscKDtrry uaisam n o the surest nnd quickest remedy tor Dlar ihn.i llv..ntrv. Cholera Infantum ana Cboler. Morbus (or Is year. While it If nuii-lr nn1 naalllve In Its action. It ll harm- and does not conatlDate. It checks the trouble and puts tho stomach and bowels In fhelr natural, regular condition. Ot the mil lions ot bottles sold, no case has been re ported where a cure was not effected whea directions were followed. Every home should hare a bottle or moro tn band ready tor sudden attacks. Its and 11.89, 11.00 bottle bold I ttatee 0o sue, sold everywhere. s PEACE PLANS IN HANDS (HEADER Do Valora To Submit Proposals To Associates In Dublin On His Return THE TRUCE WILL CONTINUE Lord Curzon, Secretary for Foreign Af fairs States Government Is Not Without Hope Regarding Final Outcome. London. Tho proposals of the Brit ish government! which It Is .hoped inny form u hiiHls of an Irish settlement, aro In the bunds of Euniotin De Vnlern, the Irish republican louder. Mr. De Valcru will return to Dublin and sub mit them to the othc leaders of opinion In southern Ireland, Including members of tho Irish republican Kuril- ument. The feeling In political quartern re mains quite optimistic and Lord Cur- ron, secretary of foreign attains, In a stntement In the house of lords, In dicated that the govcrutnotit Is not without hopo regarding tho llnal out come. It is authoritatively unnouqeert that the truco In Ireland will continue In definitely, which clearly Indicates that there Is no Idea of a rupture of the negotiations on either side. , On tho eve of returning to Ireland, Mr. Do Valcru requested the press to acknowledge his great appreciation of tho courtesy and kindness with which ho and his collengucs had been received and treated during their stay In Uuu don, not only by the members ot the government but by tho general public, Governor Small Indicted. Springfield, III. Whether or not Governor I,cn Small, Indicted by a, San gamon county grnnd Jury for tho cm bezzlcment of Interest on stnto funds while' state treasurer, Is Immune from nrrest, Is to be decided by Judge 13, S. Smith of the circuit court. Governor Small's attorneys advised him to resist arrest on ihc grounds that ho would violate the constitution and betray the people by submitting. If the court decides the governor Is lmmuno tho warrant for his arrest would probably bo withheld until ex piration of his term, three and u half years hence. Germany Makes Payment. Paris. Tho reparations commission today announced that ' the German government has Just paid to It 31,000, 000 gold marks In European currency on account of tho three months' notes given In tho latter part of Ma, In settlement of tho 1,000,000,000 gold marks due beforo June 1. Germany now has redeemed 114,- 040,000 marks, making a total of 27C,- 070,000 marks paid on nccount of tho 1,000,000,000 marks. The Gorman gov ernment has Informed tho reparations commission that It Is ready to remit Immediately 41,000,000 murks moro In European currency. Chief Justice Toft Appoints Secretary. Washington, D. O.- Chlof Justlco Tnff nnnmincprl Hm nnnnlntmnnr: nf UVcndcU Wt Ml8cWor Cincinnati, as hLs Bocrotrv. continuing nn ussocla- tlon boRun povcntcon years K0( whon Mr Taft wns Bccretnry of wnr John J. Bymo was appointed law clerk tf tho chief Justice, a post he held under tho luto Chief Justice White. Asks Right to Quit Switzerland. Paris. Former Emperor Charles of Austrla-IIungnry has demanded that ho bo allowed to leuvo Switzerland for Denmark, according to news received In ofllclal circles hero which expressed bollef that this move concealed a plan for another attempt ovontually to ro- itore Charles to tho throno of Hungary. Purchase Home for Ambassador. Washington, D. C Tho homo of Frnklln MncVengh of Chicago has been purchased by the Mexican government to be UBed as the home of the ambas sador of that country at Washington. Graft Charged by Governor. Austin, Tex. Governor Pat M. Neff, In a special message to the lower house of the legislature, reiterated his charge that "graft and oxtravaganco" exists in tho stato capital. Table Mountain Tipping. Golden, Colo. A section of Tablo Mountain, 000 foot long, Is roported to bo moving again. Tons of rock nnd dirt on tho Middle Golden road aro loosening and irrigation facilities on tho mountain nre reported damaged, North Dakota Needs Harvest Hands, Fargo, N, D. About 2o,000 men nro nocded in North Dakota to harvest tho wheat and other crops, Mrs. M. B, ! Bowe, head of tlio fedoral employment service announced. Approves Purchase of Sanatorium, Secretary Mellon Iiub approved pur chase of tho Central Now Kngland San ntnrlum association property nt Rut land. Mass., to accommodate 300 former soldiers, tuberculosis patients, Cholera Becomes Epldemlo In Russia Riga. The Moscow Izvcstta, h copy of which has been received up hero, reports the registration up to July 13 of U7,770 cholera cases, as compared with 111,47(1, which hud been registered up 'to .imy u. TIME TO TALK DI8AKMAMENT Washington Believes Public Sentiment Over World Lining UP Favorably. Scope Seems Broader. Washington, D. C. While the state department Is advancing Its negotia tions for the disarmament conference as rapidly us It considers practicable, there Is a well defined feeling hern that time and preliminary discussion aro working on the side of the United States In Us effort to Include trouble some diplomatic problems within the scope of the conference. It has been apparent that President Harding and his advisers were counti lng on the aroused public opinion ot the world as their greutest aid In mov ing for armament legislation, and they have read press reports and the com ments of foreign diplomatists with keen Interest to discover how Impell ing Is the sentiment In favor of a frank exchange of Ideas on nil subjects threatening International discord. This survey, so fur us ofilcluls have been willing to comment, has aroused In them general satisfaction, Press reports from Jupun, Indicating that the question of full participation Is one of the liveliest debates there, are 'taken as u welcome sign. Tho same may bo assumed also with regard to Lndoti dispatches, Indicating that British opinion hopes for u completu acceptance by Japan. There nlso has been some thought ot Ilussla's possible rotation to the skein of diplomatic reconstruction to bo won by the powers. There is a pro found realization that tho resources and capabilities of the Russian nation cannot bo left out of consideration, cen though tho Russian people have 'no representative present to speak for them. The possibility that tho labor element mny he rccognlrcd ns an In fluential factor In the conferenco was suggested by a meeting between Pres ident Harding nnd Samuel Gomper, head of the American Federation of Labor. Ktxjpps Making Machinery. Berlin. Tho Krupp works, which in tho past were synonymous with wnV, aro literally beating swords Into plow shares. Tho metal derived from scrapping cannons, tanks' nnd other engines of de struction is Delng employed by the re organized Krupps concern In manu facturing agriculture machinery, loco motives uud other peace commodities House to Have 460 Members. Washington, D. C. Reapportionment legislation providing for n houso of representatives of 400 members a compared with the present membership of 435, was agrcod upon by the houso census committee. Under tho reapportionment legisla tion, two states, Maine and Missouri, would each lose a member, and sixteen states would gain members. Train Passed Over Lad. Sioux City. Ia. The fifteen-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jaklch played on tho railroad tracks near tho homo and a freight came along and beforo the engineer could stop, tho locomotive nnd eight curs had passed over tho child, who was uninjured ex cept for a few bruises where, he had been hit by a hanging rod. Taft To Be Toastmaster. Cincinnati, O. William H. Taft, former president and now chief Justice of the supreme court of the United States, will be toastmaster at the aiv nual dinner of tho American bar as soclatlon meeting here In his homo town August 30 to September 2. Cotton Credit to Germans. Berlin. Tho first million dollar American cotton credit has Just been negotiated between tho American Pro ducts Export and Import corporation of Charleston, S. C, and tho Darm stadtcr bank of Berlin, thu latter guar nntcelng repayment. Canada Will Reduce Army to 3,600 Ottawa, On. Canada will roduce Its permanent military frce by 10 per cent after July 31, In tho Interest of economy, It was announced by tho mllltla department. This means that the force will have a maximum of 3,000 nQlcers and men instead of 4,000. No More Peek-a-boo Waists. Zlon City, III. Ordors to sou no more peek-a-boo waists, mosquito net stockings, or shadow sklrta were given to tho stores hero by Wilbur Glenn Vollva, overseer of Zlon. Tried to Smoke Out a Snake. Augusta, Ky. A six-foot blacksnake refused to budgo from his den under an old stump. W. H. Winter, farmer near Augusta, decided to smoke out the reptile. Fire spread frem the stump to n twenty-acre field of liny. Tho field was dry. Appeals were sent to the llro department when tho flames shot out In ovory dlroctlon. 'Farmers for miles nround hurried to tho sceno and with the aid of a timely shower of rain, managed to save tho city. The snako escaped. Blbomfield Still Without Phone 8ervlce. Bloomfleld, Nob.--"Strlk!ng" patrons of the Union Telophone Co. are still Bitting tight but business Is moving along In the snmo old way. It Is rumored that tho company Is circulating n petition nmong the farm ers asking for a restoration of service, but tbnt llttlo success la attendtug the move. It Is snld that n few have signed tho petition. Tho community hnc been without local, phono service since the first of April. Mount Rainier Avalanche Lily Slope, (Prepared by tlw National Geographic So ciety. Washington, D. C.) As tho famous .Hpauese mountain, Fuji, dominates its section of Jupun, so the great white cono of Mount Italnler dominates the Pacific North west, a landmark and beauty-spot from tho populous cities of Puget sound, from the prairies of eastern Washing ton, and evon on clear days from far at sea. It la the glacier mountain without a peer In the United States, and Is estimated by one authority to radiate a greater volume und urea of ico man any ouier uu uiuuuuuu the world. Its area of glaclul surfaco is estimated nt o-:,uw acres. To tho stranger In Puget sound It I appears to be less than ten miles away, a 4 1. 1 t 4.1. enaalcifr I out on iunuer uH.u.ry uiu learns that It Is moro than forty miles dtstunt in n direct line from sea-level at Puget sound, from where mountain survey measurements nre made and all Rainier park travel starts. Studying It more In detail, he begins to comprehend Its size und rugged anatomy. But tho scene Is beginning to change; tho sun Is low In tho west; tho lower end of the glaciers, white a few minutes ago, -become n graded ir. ma a rnr trio hi tin hna linnired I .mi. i v " - ----- -1 to a purple, but the summit Is stUI white, for It is 7,000 feet higher than the snow-lino and projects up Into the white rays or tne sotting sun. xno red rays are slowly moving up tnu mountnln; the summit has changed to rose hue, tho last coloring of dny which It holds for some minutes nfter tho sun has left the landscape, and then chauges, back again, finally, from warm to the cold purple afterglow tlint Generally precedes a summer night on Punct sound. Its Cap a Weather Sign. Viewing Mount Rulnier nfter tho weather has peen fair for some days, It Is common to sco tne summu covered with u cloud. This cap is very Interesting and Is always looked at for a forecast of a change of weuther, especially when It forms Immediately In contact with tho summit, hugging down closely Uko an Inverted saucer. When tho cap forms suddenly, like tho sudden drop of a barometer, tuo change of weather Is not long coming, Tho cap does not always touch tho mountain top, but Is occasionally some distance above una noius its snupe during n wholo duy or more. From a far dlstnnce this cap appears to be a sun ciouu witn no moiion, uut In studying It from closo range ono wlll observe that at tne. west edge tno cap develops rapidly, dissolving to In- vlslblo condition at tho east edge. Evldontly It Is a stationed point of condensation, but not a stationed ac- cumulation of moisture. The crater of Rainier, concerning whlch many questions aro asked, is not dangerous, but rather a life-pro- server, and has been so used during storm. Thcro aro no openings within tho crater large enough to bo danger- ous. Tho wholo circle of 1,000 feet diameter is filled with fallen black lava and covered with a thick pack of snow tho year round, except ut the edges near tho crater's rim. The main crater was tho mountain's principal vent of eruption, but there Is one other place called the llttlo crater; It and a few other spots near the top are also warm. The first parties to tho summit ul- ways made tho crater their Inn, where they stayed at night, wanned by the steam mat issues iroin tuo siuuu fissures Just within the crater's rim but of lato tho plan has been to reach tho summit from Camp of the Clouds (elevation, 5,500), sturtlng about 1 a. m., reaching the summit Just after Nlsqually, who In 1833 closely ap noon, and, nfter some hours' rest, re- proached somo of Its glaciers. Gen. A. turning to camp tho s:imo evening. V. Kautz, ln 1857 made nn attack em Hot Steam of he Crater. In making n trip to the mountain's summit, August, 1911. the writer took along n thermometer' to ascertain tho steam temperature, nnd found the steam of tho main crater ln places to bo about 150 degrees F. There are other places where the heat Is abovo boiling point Tho steam Is e'vldently snow wuter that seeps down and comes ln con tact with tho lnternnl heat, returning ln vapor through tho saino general open Ings. It seems tn contain no gas or fumes, and Is of feeble force and little volume, soon disappearing In the high, dry atmosphere. It is not seen from a far distance ana is not a racror in nroduclnc the cloud cap that forms on thu summit Drevloua to storm, Rainier National Park. Publications stating that smoke and fire come from this volcano during seismic disturbance have no founda tion of fact, for It Is evident that no civilized man ever witnessed such a sight, and that volcanic action In this section Is a phenomenon of the long past. People have been misled In seeing it cloud that appears like smoke. Since 1870, when the first ascent was made, hundreds of people have stood on the summit of our great white "Templed Hill." A climb to the sum m,t nnd retunj Uie snme d ,g a ,ong( wearisome undertaking, slightly dangcrouSi cspeciaiiy ut one pluco rm.n.iinfr tl.o imnnr nnrt nf Gibraltar . trnmrvhM. iiipr i. nn nrmslonal , f n ,occs f timt Umw ,oogo from th(J snQW patcnes . Hn fn known. there has been but one life lost In climbing tho mountain, duo to natural cause; tho few others were lost owing to reck lessness and lack of Judgment. Tho cevasses aro very bad If one gets Into them, but they have generally been cleverly avoided, Studying the crevasses and the actinic blue coloring they reflect will one who hufJ a dny t0 devoto . .. ... ...... io me cumu. xne uiguer up, uie muru ..,- npft th porvimra of the snow surfaceg( whlch would indicate that the wmdg nre tne ch,ef actor ln mak. , tne .)ecuUnr wnlttllngs t of m heaped to an elevation of nearly 1C.000 feet, Is characterized by several features de serving of special Individual study, The. geologist, geographer, botanist, t nnlntor. landscaDo cardener and specianst au flnd a wealth of Interest throughout this 324 square miles or. reserve, besides much adjacent ter ritory comparatively unexplored. Special Features of Interest, To a woods-dweller the timber Is a matter of course, but to those who huve not heen amid large fofests It is ono of tuo very special features of tlie rescrve und an educator In forestry of tiie hest kind. From the dense forests of the valleys and on the lower siopegi where trees grow to n height of over 300 fcet, some with a diameter of 10 feet tne forester can trace tho diminution of growth as the ascent is ma(i0 to tho scrubby brush-llko trees nt timber-line, struggling, as It were, for their existence, tj,0 unvlsltcd portions of tho Rainier park without doubt, contain, yet un seen SUch features as not and coia springs, falls, small lakes, and botanl- cai rarities. High on tho ridges nnd 8i0pes of the neglected corners ot tho parc the wild goats muke their home. sometimes they have been seen In numbers of 30 or moro together. Tho deer, which are more abundant than nny other of the largo game, are oc- caslonally seen from nlong the govern niont road. The black and brown bear aro n8o seen, and at rare Intervals the stealthy cougar or puma. At between 5,000 and 8,000 feet elevn- tlon tho botanist finds Rainier park his paradise, wherein there have already been found over 250 varieties of plant Hfo, a dozen or more kinds belonging to this region alone. Tho 'majority 0f the flowers aro of light tint, but there nro a liberal quantity of blue, red, and yellow, so deep and pure of color that artificial pigments fall to imitate them. The distribution of several species of heather is a tech nlcal touch of finish ln the evergreen, tipped In summer with clusters of smau oena in colors purpie, pinx, yei ; low, and white. The first white man to visit tho mountain was Dr. William F. Tolrae, of tho Hudson's Bay Company, from Fort 1 the mountain, but It has never been alllrmed that he reached tho true sum mlt of the highest peak. Tho Rainier park wns not much visited until 1009. In the years since then thousands of tourists have registered at tho park entrance each season. Since tho days of early travel by pony nnd stngo have given place to railway and nuto, the tourist can - make tho Journey from Seattle or Tacoma to tho mountain snow-lino In a fow hours' drive. No Rust If you go away for sovernl months during the FUinmer, apply kerosene oil to your stovo with a soft cloth beforo leaving. When you return the stove I avIII bo ln excellent condition. Get Back Your Health Aro you dragging around day after day with n dull backache? Are you tired and lame mornings flubject to headaches, dizzy pelU and sharp, stab bing pains. Then there's surely some thing wrong. Probably it's kidney weakness 1 Don't wait for more seri ous kidney trouble. Get back your health and keep it. For quick relief get plenty of Bleep and exercise and use Doan't Kidneu 1W- They have helped thousands. Ask your neighoorl A Nebraska Case Alfrod N e n o w, carpenter, 415 a. 3rd HL, Norfolk, Nebr., nays: "I had lumbago and my kidneys were In a disordered con dlUon. This was caused by straining work, when I Bat down I had to get down easy. I had nliaru tmlns In my kidneys that felt ns ""though I had been struck ln my bacK. A number of boxes of Doan'n Kldner Plus drove the lumbago away ana left my back strong again." Get Doen's nt Any Store, 60c Bos DOAN'S 'VfJLV FOSTER-MI LBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. V. Coming Up to the Scratch. Ncxdor Is the stuff you planted coming up ul I right? Nnybor Yes, thanks to you, old chap, for letting your chickens run round loose. Boston Transcript. There Is nothing more satisfactory nfter a day of hard work than a Una full of snowy white clothes. For such results use Red Cross Ball Blue. Country Without Scenery. When the projected trnns-Australlati line from Oodnodatta to Port Darwin is completed the traveler on It will bo confronted with whnt will be, probably, the dreariest railway Journey In tho world. The greuter part of the route lies through a desert reclon, practically devoid of life, und utterly uninteresting. Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief vj RE LL-ANS iFOR INDIGESTION SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles bring quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, In three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medsl on every tmaj ana accept no Imitation ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE The Antiseptic, Healing Powder far tke Fcet Takes tho friction from the shoe, fresh ens tho fcet and gives new vigor. At night, when your fcet are tired, sore and (iwollen from walking and dancing, Hprlnkle ALLEN a KOOT-KAbK in the toot-bath and enoy ttae tillaw ol it without sn acae. Oyer 1,600,00c pounds of Powder for the HAY FEVER Ask Your Druggist for M. A. P. WepoattlTely guarantee to conquer any ease of HAY rEVEtt, no matter bow long standing. Hundreds bare been restored to health, why not youT Why suffer all the agonies of this dreadful affliction when you are guaranteed reuei. Any Dsn win ten you we are reliable. literature upon request. NO CURE NO PAY MAIGNEN CHEMICAL CO. 422-8 SecuriUes Bldg. Dee Moines, Iowa Skin Troubles Soothed With Cuticiira Seap 25c, Oistaest 25 end 50c, Tslcaa 25c FILMS DKVEI.OPED lOo a Roll, 1(0 a Pack. Any Slie. Prints Vest Pocket and Brownie. No. 1 ana t, la each. All other slies np to and Including Ux4. 4o each: Zxt, 4x6, and IKxBtt, lo each. Post cards from any slse aim. do iiau. Oklahoma Film FlnUhlnr Co., SUM North Vdwy. P.O. Dox 970. Oklahoma City, Okla, AGENTS WANTED In every city and town tn the United State, to sell Uolden X. a product ot the great Florida Pines. Uasy to tell. Splendid business proposition. Oet (may and make 15.00 to 110.00 a day, easy iioney. Coats nothing to Investigate. Hend amppd envelop for ptrtlauters. lox 497 t.OUlHVII.l.rj, UKNTUCKT M lilSMMsWU 1 jftKNew Shoes yjf Old Shoes ; TIflht Shoes ; ijPr?V aU feel the same ' if you shake I MBb in0 them ; some 1 1 ; i ireet were nsed bj oar Arm; and Nary dar-l lng the war. ( Ask for ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE