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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1921)
k Jlbrtk tribune. tna- THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAH it. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 5, 1921. iNo. co RED CROSS HEALTH SERVICE FKJUItES ON PU3II' IKIUGATIOX AT THK XOHTH l'LATTK EXPEM v 3IENT STATION. LINCOLN COUNTY 1'UHLIC HEALTH NUJISE JtETUHNS l'JIOM 81UUIEK SCHOOL. Miss frlorenco Chaffin, Red Crosa Public Health nurso for Lincoln Conn ty has just returned from a month at Omaha where she attended tho Institute of Public Health and Nurs ing. Dr. Manning, Omaha Pathologist, conducted tho course in Hyglono and he was assisted by a number of Omaha specialists. Miss Chaffin has returncl to Lincoln County full of enthusiasm regarding tho kind of work she is to do and with many ideas as to tho best way In which to do them. Sho took courses in School Inspection and Health Supervision and says sho thoroughly . enjoyed them. It Is hor intention to spend much of her time working along these lines. Miss Chaf fin reports "that out of G05 school fehildrn examined during Uio last few weeks of school sho found 333 who had some physical defect which Kvould prove a handicap in later do velopmont.'' Continuing she says. "Many of us are In a rut and a rut is a small sized grave. Let us get out of the ruts and remember that wo only have one lifo to live. Why should we cut tho span of life shorter by stick ing to the old Ideas when tho new offers so much of happiness and ac complishment. It Is difficult for tho adult to leavo tho old rut and acquire new habits, but very easy for tho children. Health habits are formed easiest and best In early life. That is why we go to tho schools. But none of our work Is forced upon tho people. Many of our suggestions arc along new linos whore only the pioneer has gone. Ho has analyzed and balanced sall the suggestions offered and from Mieso ho has built up a system which upon trial has proven Its worth. Thin we intend to bring to the children and they and their parents can select vhat seems best and most worth while." Miss Chaffin Is again at work, start ing out after her months leave, with the Idea of putting something into Lincoln County homo and school life which will make this a bettor place in which to live. Experiments conducted at tho North Platto Experiment Station show that ono Inch of water ovor an aero can bo pumped forty foot at a cost of 10 , cents. Here Is tho statomont from the I Thirty-fourth Annual Itcport of tint ! Agricultural Experiment Station: Work has beon conducted in co-op-aration with tho North Platto Station to determine the cost of Irrigation water under a pumping system, and tho ncreago which could bo Irrigated under tho conditions existing at tho North Platto Experimental Farm, where water Is lifted 40 feet by a six inch rotary pump, driven by a 30 H. P. kerosene engine. Such crops as corn, alfalfa, and potatoes were grown under irrigation. Ono Jiundrcd flfty-throo and three fourths hours' pumping was dono, giv ing 317.09 aero Inches of water, or 8, 494.CC0 gallons, which was used in ir rlgatlng 4S acres. A total of C40 gal ons of fuel was used or ono gallon oi fuol furnished power for the pumping of 13,275 gallons of water. This gives an approximate fuol cost of 40 cents pqr aero Inch of water pumped from an average depth of nearly 40 feet. CIIAMBElt OF COMMENCE ENDORS ES PLATTE ItlVEIl ItOUNDUI' ON BIRDWOOI). At a special called meeting of tho Dlroctors of tho North Platto 'Cham ber of Commerce, tho Platto River Roundup and Pioneer Days Exhibition on tho John Bratt ranch was endorsed and Tuesday, August 23, set as North Platte day. On that date, tho Chamber will attend in a body and tako the Chamber of Commerce band. A com mltteo consisting of Messrs. Lang ford, Oglor, Carroll, Hondy and Pal her was appointed to arrange for tho :o: : ENORMOUS TRAFFIC ON LINCOLN HIGHWAY SHOWN BY CAMP AROUND REPORTS :o:- Alrs. Lydia Deerlng of Grand Islanl who has been a guest of hor daughter Mrs. T. Green left this morning for Campbell, Nebr. She was accom panied by her grandson William Deer ing, Jr. Mrs. Guy J. Congdon and children who have beon guests at the D. C. Congdon homo for several weeks wll! ieavo today for their homo in Toledo, Ohio. Steve Brush of Now York City is expected tho first of tho week to visit Ms sister Mrs. Chas. Cornell. Georgo Finn, Custodian of the Freo Public Camp Grounds says that 12S7 different automobiles stopped at tho camp grounds during tho month of July just closed. Allowing four pas sengers to each car, which Mr. Finn says Is about right, wo have 5,148 pen .pie patronizing the camp grounds. Last year the number of cars in July was 872, showing a 50 per cent in crease this year. The camp ground is established in North Platto as it Is in many other cities and Is a form nf community service which Is appre ciated everywhere. The campllro girls need a kerosene stove next week and some kerosene lamps. Some qf the latter may bo hang ing or bracket. Anyone having such will call Mrs. Adda Turplo. President of the Local Council. Mrs. J. W. Daniel of Stapleton was among tho out of town visitors yesterday. FARMERS TO GET MARKETS RIG CAMPFIRE CAMP TO START MONDAY WITH ALL AHOUPS TAKING PART. LATEST MARKET REPORTS TO HE RECEIVED OVER FARM PHONE LINES. Plans wero completed this week by County Agont Kollogg whorohy farm ors In Lincoln County can got tho latost market reports ovor tholr own phono linos. Tho government wlrolosn station located hero at North Platto picks up market ropors from all over tho country Bovoral Umos a da. Tho plan Is for tho wlroless operator to phono thoso roports to tho County Agonfs oiTico where they will ho ro corded. Thon any farmor in tho county can call tho County Agont's office and got tho latest quotations on any line of farm produce or llvo stock. Tho prices on live stock, grain and hay chango very rapidly and It la a great advantage to the farmor to know the very latost quotation before starting for market Tho wlrblcss operator Is busy at tho machine most of tho day and cannctt, bo called at any tlmo so ho calls the County Agont at1 his covenlcnce nnd gives him tho report. pllss Hoga is in charge of tho County Agont's office when Mr. Kollogg is away and she can give tho market Information nt any time during the day. North Platto is peculiarly situ ated for this work In that It is the only city) in tho flfcte outsldfe of Omaha which has the gpvernment wireless stntlon. ' finch of tho groups of cumpfiro girls In North Platto is getting ready for the big camp to start -noxt Mon day. Tho plans call for tho camp to continue until Saturday but that wag bofore tho bills wero put up for tho circus on Saturday. It Is probablt that most of tho groups will return to tho city in time for tho big circus par ade. A regular program will bo carrlod which Is designed to teach health and hyglono and to give health and hap piness. The cottagt at tho camp is in shnpo and somo furnlturo has bodn added but much Is needed in tho way of equipment. SpocinI classes will bo hold In na ture study, l.i.'.KFtry, otc. A nurso will bo In constant attondanco and a lito guard on duty when tho girls arc In tho wntor Written pormlBslon from tho mot hor must oo furnished before a j girl will ho allowed In the river. I Each camper should bo equipped ! with tho following: a camp uniform J consisting of ono pair of bloomors and ; as many mlr.ulos as aro necessary, a Ipu'r of lew lioeled shoes, two or throi pairs of cotton ytc!ir gs, changos of underwear, ooremonlal gown, towels and tlct articles, swimming suit and cap. "woutor o- ceo l. at least ono pair of blankets and a o.u.fort and pillow it dcMrnd, plate, ctp, corcal dish, knife, fork, spoon, two dish towels. are prme hi lfui things to tako to tho camp: lantorn or flash light, lv.icot ':nlf small Ir unner, scissors, ni'ils I p nun, voire, hoo, camera, bead needles for bead work. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT AHOUT PEO I'LE AND THE THINGS THEY ARK DOING WIRE, TENNESSEE RATS AND .AMERICAN LEAION TO PLAY FOR CHAMPIONSHIP The Tennessee Rats are comlnc n- galn Sunday, August 7 and will ploy tho American Legion team for first honors. Two weeks ago tho Ruts play? od the. locals two games. Tho Rats won tho first game by a score qf 7 tcr 1 and tho Legioners won tho second game by a scoro of 7 tp 3. Tho final is sure to bo tho event of tho season. Largo crowds attended both games bo fore but a record breaker ia looked forward to for tho game Sunday. JULY RAINFALL LESS THAN ONE HALF THAT OF JULY OF LAST YEAR. According to tho Weather Summary for July just issued by Woathormau. .Shilling, tho total rainfnll was ight tenths of an Inch. Only four times In tho last thirty years has thpro beon as small an amount of rainfall In July. JTha temperature lias bceu aboutthrco dogroos above tho avorago- for 47 years. Tho highest was 97 and the lowest 53. So far this year tho rain fall sIiowb a deficiency over tho av orago of over six inches. There wcrci 19 clear days, 8 partly cloudy and 4 cloudy. Warmer and dryer than usu al is tho way to sum up tho weather for July, 1921. Qtmt jscSL (jo. On Sale One Day Only SATURDAY, AUGUST6 1 Jfc?lzprsyf LADIES ffolepFGDf Pure Silk rr Lace JQ310Fg We have just 3S dozen of these high grade hose. A real $2.50 value On Sale One Day Only WHILE THEY LAST Colore cordovan and black only $3.90 A BOX OF 3 PAIRS. NOT MORE THAN 3 PAIRS TO A CUSTOMER HIRSCHFELD NORTH PLATTE'S EXCLUSIVE HOLE PROOF HOSIERY STORE Mr. and Mrs. E T, Tramp and Mr. nnd Mrs. II. V. Tramp nnd daughUr returned Wednesday from a vacation spent In tho lako country of northern Minnesota. Thoy went through Min neapolis to Cass Lako where tliov fished and onjoyod boating and tho ibko scenery or that part of the coun try. Mr. Tramp has somo good fish storlos and thoy mnko ono wnnt to go to Cass Lako and go fishing thero with him. month as its guosts, giving them froi rent, free flro for cooking. froo water, freo toilet privileges, froo showor baths, froo shndo, free road Information and freo police promotion an(J tho mn orlty f ,10 lo.oo people do not know t'mt it Is being ,iono nor holp In tho expense. Tho Chamber of Commerce nnyfe tho bills. It ia n service which It can ronder and wiiinii ...i.i . . , " "uuiu not 00 lnno It It dl(i ot do K. North PiuttA wull, im4s pKpIo nro nindo happlor and ovoryono is satlscd. ft la nothor Illustration of tho power of ber of North Platto business and pro-X festlonal men. rnllroa(l men aim la. bor union man who mo not members ad wn, from day to day knock, knock, knock. Elmer L. StophoiiB roturned Wed nesday evening from a two wcoks attondanco at tho Scout Offlcors Train ing School nt Culver, Indiana. Ho took a courso for Scout Officers and is very enthusiastic about tho work nnj tho results. Tho class ho was in was com posed of mon of nffairs who wero on rolled In tho Courso that thoy might uouor servo tho cause of boys. Mr. Stephens roturned at this tlmo so that I ho could get tho preparations for tin' Scout Camp going and put through! some othor scout work which ho Is' doing. ' Agonts for another Carnival com pany wero In tho city last week con sulting with various organlzalons n-! bout bringing it hero under tho aus-' pices of ono of tho local condorna. The City Council promptly put tin, ond to the mattor by passing a reso lution not to romlt any carnival li censes during August. Tho idea seem-! cd to bo that having had two earn!- i vals hero so far this summer and an other undor contract for the County i Pair week In Sontomber. thero who no ' demand for-another to bo 'horo-thls month. Ono of tho greatest menaces to good I health In tho summer tlmo Is fllect, Years ago every child nd altornato porlods of summer heat and consti pation and It was laid to tho heat. Now wo know It Is flics. A houso- kcepor may scrub and scour and keep hor houso absolutoly freo from dust and dirt but If sho allows Hies In tho houso, sickness Is bound to follow. It is estlmnted that practically all of tho summer sickness Is caused by illseaso gonns distributed by flies Householders shoujd do everything possible to ollmlnato them 'from the homo. Traps, poison, stlckoy paper, screens, fly , spats nnd othor moans should bo used constantly as long as thero is a fly in sight. It saves sick ness jtlmo, money, ,hnd somellmos death. Somoono Iiuh tho Municipal Bathing Hoach has beon condomnod bocnuso of its fllthlnois Wo havo tried to find out-who stnrtod tho story but no ono knows. Wo can not find that anyono with authority has oven thought of xcondomnlng It. Tho water Is not as clear as it would lo if the outlet wore opened and tho contents of tho lako allowed to run out. Thero was consldernblo clay and earth in tho pool nnd this will havo to bo washed out boforo tho wat er will bocomo clear. Thoro is n movo on foot to tako up a collection among tho patrons and tho fathers of patrons of tho pool and put gravel on tho banks of tho pool. Tho plans also Included building bleachers along the pool so that parents could sit In tho shndo and watch tho chidron in tho wator. Somo quick growing shndo trees would do about as well and laat longor. It Is certainly remarkable for a com. munlty of 10,000 pooplo llko North Platto to entortaln 5,148 people In ono One qf the causes of dissatisfaction which tho farmer feols Is tho low prlco of farm products, produced at excosslvoly high cost, while tiro frolght rates, intorost, taxes and manufactured goods which tho farmer must buy, such 'as building material and mnchlnoryj remain as high or nearly as high as before. According to the roport of tho Congressional CoinmlttBo ifpnolnted to, inquire nto Depressed Agricultural " Conditions thoy find a numbor of factors as caus es of thoso low prlcos. Chief among thoso aro 1 tho restriction of credits and lntorest ratos charged by banko, which forced liquidation; gambling and speculation 'in food Tiroducts; artificial deflation by propaganda against high prices; reduced foreign buying power with low forolgn ox- chnngo rates; high taxes; high freight ratos and tho fact that tho pro ducers woro not organized to bargain offocjtlvoly In marketing tholr pro ducts. Somo dairymen gavo Importn of forolgn buttor and vegetable oils as an Important factor. Occasionally tho unsettled state of Industry with unemployment and decreased buying power of laborers was suggestod as a cause. Excesslvo commission charger by middlemen also receive "honor ablo" mention in tho list. ::o: ;- Ml-ws Wta Hrlpii ai.dtda Fitzgll bon will leave tomorrow for Denver and Colorado Springs. i: 7-1 J-''Afc'Ar.a.'TTf'l.'.'ViVl'.fc.XVAW -fTw ill Mail Us Your Deposits Depositing here by mall is Just a Hiifo as making deposits In porson. You savo tho tlmo and .effort of coming to tho bank whon your time oan bo moro profitably omployed at somothlng olso. Why spend nn hour or more dolus something that can bo dono just as well In a fow minutes? Wall us your doposits. . The Platte Valley State Bank m