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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
THE NORTH, PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE GREATEST SELLING SENSATION OF ALL TIME AWAITS YOU HERE! I'M THE MAN! SLASHING PROFIT FROM THIS STOCK FOR YOU! Who tuts the Profit Out A Sale But a Riot m f I The , Reynolds Co. IS DONE Saturday Night, Au EDWARDS-REYNOLDS CO. in Hands o Adjusters, EVERYTHING TO GO. 1 Fanner, Mechanic, Laborer, llallroml itlnn, and In fact ofery man, read tills straight from the. shoulder statement of Xorlh Flutto lending Clothiers. HEAD EYUItY LINK THEN "STJtIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT!" For sovcral months this Jlrm has been -contemplating somo .radical changes, however no find Unit .conditions ItnTo -mndo It .necessary to make this reorganization at once. Wo hnTO no choice fn the mnttcr. This stock must bo disposed of at once. The entire stock, Is to go. Everything in tho entlro plnco Is to bo cleaned out In tlio next ten days. It Is with a sigh of gcnuPo relief that after ten days of nrdons planning and hard effort wo can announce to tho public and our friends what hvo honestly believe to bo tho greatest soiling Bonsatlon over attempted In this community. This will not bo a sale, It will bo n riot Folks wo mean business Vo can no longer trait our great loss will bo your gain It Is now or never for tho fast closing out of this stock and ten days Is tho limit Tho storo has bccii placed In tho hands of II. 11. Harding, Mcrchnudlso Adjuster of Minneapolis, MJnn. Ho Is tho Man what ho snys goes with us. Yt'o .arc back of every statement fci this groat ndvcrtlscmcnt-ono price to all no faTorltos ETcrythlng Cash and lrolts arc not to bo considered. Take our word for It, you will lose If you fall to got hero earl-. Its our bad luck You nro tho win ners. EDWAItDS'ItEYNOLDS CO. HHHMWnHIHHM gust 20, At Twelve Bells Talk is Cheap! 1 Mean BUSINESS! Friends, I am not here to offer you useless argu ment I am not here to waste words no indeed I am here to SMASH OUT CLOSE OUT- -CLEAN OUT this great stock of goods and I am going to do it. Never before has a merchant offerecPmeSUeh prices as these to offer to a public never before has a merchant offered such va lues as these offered you by Edwards-Reynolds Co. T am going to turn this stock as quickly as possible. 10 days going to turn this stock as quickly as possible. 10 days is the time alloted -I do not care a "rap" how "fed-up" you are on so-called SALES or how disappointed you have been with some of the bargains you have bought. This is a REAL SALE with a real REASON, and I am going to turn the merchandising world of this commvnity "topsy-turvey" with the most sensational Bargain feast you have ever enjoyed. I have been given complete charge "I'm The Man," and nothing can hold me back Come ex pecting Bargains of a lifetimer COME to see the greatest of selling sensations COME I have arranged this stock in such a manner that you can wait on yourself Miniture Mountains of Bargains on eveiy table Counters covered and racks loaded. EVERYTHING MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES If price distinction will sell goods, this stock is GONE MEET ME WED NESDAY AT TEN. I'M THE MAN. Harding Mercantile Adjuster DOORS SWING OPEN HARDING Wednesday, Aug. 10 AT TEN BELLS Throws Men's "Collegian" Clothes on the Altar of Price Sacrifice MEN! THEY MUST GO Clothes ihnt signify prosperity addod-to these "Collegian Clothes" garments. Each and every model for this sea son's wearing offered to you at a sacrlflco at this tlmo whon prollts should bo considered. Clothes from tho factories of tho leading designers of tho country assure yon of that good nppcifainco so essential at this time. "Togs" that are without peer among tho follows who dress better. Mo", I havo thrown, every suit and overcoat In this grcnt stock Into four great lots for easy selection and fast selling. Tho nowest designs In cashmeres, serges, chovlots, Tclours, light flnnnols, tweeds, plaids, and mixtures, nllgo In this great selling event. COME AND SEE. IVhnt Is positively tho greatest selection of men's garments oyer offered together at HEDUCED PHIES. Ovcrconts and suits at cost. IF YOU ARE NOT IIEHE, YOU LOSE Phone Your Friends STETSON HATS FEELS THE KNIFE $10.00 and $12 men's Stetson and Knox Hats in till the new t shades and shapes for the 'coming season. A remark able demonstration of value giving, the entire lot going at less than cost. Choice $6 Mens hats goat $8.98 Here you are! A limited number of these "Super Craft" Scrach Hats in Brown and Blacks, they go for $3.98 lS25' Men's Palm Beach and Wool Suits Going for $8.88 $35 Mens Suits and Overcoats go for " $14.44 $50,00 Mens Suits and Overcoats go for $25. SS $60.00 Mens Suits and Overcoats go for $33.33 Buy winter and fall under 4 wear today, it Is your chance $ to save. $2.50 Mens Hy ft Fleeced. Union Suits $ w a all sizes they go for f Cotton ,33 $2, and $2.50 mcnsClml-Sl 11 mcrs Union Suins , . 1 H Mens summer medium weight tt r . ii .i i union suns an styles ana lengths, Ecru and $ 4 .11 white . . . . .... J SI. 50 Mens union suits . , athletic 55c $1.50 mens medium weight balbriggan union suits go at THREE EXTRA SPECIALS THAT WILL BRING THEM EARLY 25 Men's Beau Brummell slightly soiled Dress Shirts, all sizes, values to $3.00 44 Cants ( $7.50 Work Shoes $.'1.88 25 Pairs of Men's "Lion Brand" Work Shoes, solid leajthor, Hy Eye let and tro best to bo had. They Ko for $3.88 $2.00 Children's Rompers and play suts in Khaki and Plaids and fancy stripe3. They go at 66 Cents Pick-Ups From All Over $1.50 boys blue deni;n 2-20 Overalls 98c $1.50 leather faced steam proof work On gloves UOC $1.00 hoys mesh and T ) balbrmgan union suits BalL. $3,00 mens cloth huts, brown green and grey mix- $ 4 ,88 ture go lor , 75c finest Del-Park wash silk four-in-hand ties go at 44c zbc Arrow collars all 4 sizes & styles going for 1.50 mens and boys blueCC serae cbds are iroiiur for vut $6.00 mens white wool serge trousers all sizes are $.88 going at J $4 mens white duck $1.88 trousers, out they go at A $4 mens kahki canvas "Short Stop shoes in tan and $n. 3 white go at STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 11 P. M. 75c Mens Fine Lisle Hose 33c Men $2.50 Dress Shirts With or with out collar 88c Stsmt . 75c Mens Silk Sox 33c $2.00 Childrens Rompers 66c 50c Mens Four-in-Hand Ties 22c 50c Canvas Gauntlet Gloves Leather Face 22c Engine and Firemen Hose 13c 1 SSSS&XKiSIZS&Wf. 75c Silk Four-in-Hand Ties 44c $1.50 ' 25c Boys ."'Arrow" , Overalls Collars 33c 98c 1 9c $1.00 Boys Union Suits Men to Miss this Opportunity is to Regret for All Time. Only, Ten Days Then It Is All Over Extra! Work Shirts! 500 men's finest Work Shirts in blue and gray chambray, heavy stitched soams. These shirts never sold for less than $1.50. Come early they will ao fast at NY Follow the Mob to This Great Store MMDS-REYNOLDS COMPA 613 Dewey Street. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. j Extra! Overalls! Here you are men! Extra qualit) White Back 2-20 blue denim overalls extra roomy, full cut and a sale ta sation. They ao while they last fi f n- c esq