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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEAKLY TRIBUNE SiZ Invited to Inspect are if w -4 nt V I 4 " ' Newest s of JbJk Model it- ft se Brothers MOTOR VEHICLES 4 i ' n A carload of the newest models ol these good cars will be unloaded ibl3yaridlhile they are all -C ' sold, I know it will pay you to drop into our place al 6th & Locust "Gasoline. Corner5',. and. see the 'Xi3- n n ... . . I - If you have any idea of buying amotor car, now or at any time; (in the futurethSshpwing of new V vT.' !, cars will be of benefit to ydu New closed mQdels will also be' available in a very short time, and'we .; , -i ;r . can give you details about these. , ' VJJ .'All these new cars at present wonderful -prices,' which, not Considering the many and costly j , improvements made, show actual reduction of from '$310.00 "to $365.Q0 per car? V y P ffe "Wliat Qpmes after vthe purchase Price.' ; .vM Or! J. H I t VI It n llPftljyr !5csnJU0rft-s More Dodge Brothers cars on the streets of North Platte, , than any other make save one. There is s real reason 1 i i ii t1 1 1 ill 'if i mm 1 i h m m n mi i CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure---Try Us. Graduate Opticians LOCAL AND 1'EltSONAL Hormnn Luachor of Stiiplcton luis applied to Geo. H. Prossor of the Dla trlct Court for naturalization aa -i citizen of ho Unltod Statos. Ho was iwm In Gormuny and arrived at Nov York August 21, 1901. Tho applica tion will bo acted upon nt tho noxt term of tho District Court. &iua Dorothy Hubbnrd and Mra. EaThqr RBbeaou, tcachors in tho North PIfitto city schools aro unrolled In tho summer courses In tho Colorado Sta'v Teacher's Collego at Qrooley. frhey aro taking advanced work fit ting thoin to do bettor work horo during tho coming year. Miss Johanna Quyman of Schylor arrived Sunday to visit at tho homo of hor undo and aunt Mr. and Mrs. V. II. LoDIoyt, Tho tiogan Uulck Auto Co. reports tho following sales of Bulclc parjaf touring cars to Fred Walters, orn Motor Co., Slado Land Co. and n roadBtor to W. W. Cummlngs. , Glenn Mincer of Kearney, was In tho city yeatorday visiting friends. Ho was a teacher In tho Junior High SJchool horo two yoars ago and attend ed Columbia University School of Law during tho past wntor. Ho is Intor oated In a aoldlor's claim In Wyoming and .s on his way out thoro now. Mrs. J. 13. Dill m an and daughter re turndd to their homo In Gothenburg yesterday after visiting at tro homo of the formor's sister Mrs. Goo. Flahor. Mra. W. R Croatian returned to Choyenno Saturday to spend a few days after finding a suttablo homo in tho city. Thoy will move horo iu tho near future. Mr. Urosman is a con ductor on tho Union Pacific railroad. BARGAIN SALE 1 D-55 Bulck Car. ,. . 1 Overland Country-Club. Logan Bulck Auto Co. h 7 A LKTTEK FOR SALE. Threo young Shorthorn bulls ready fot stuall horda. A' f'ow goo'd Hoatoln-Frelalan bulla ready for service. Theso aro priced to boII. Exporlmont Substation. MIDSUMMER MADNESS - nri 1 1 mn iimii 1 1 1 b ipii i ii tv North Platte, Nebr. Aug. 3. 1921 Editor of "Tho Tribune:" ' Dear sir; I have been much plensed with many of your editorials. Thoy have almost always been thoughtful, and especially freo from tho prevail ing passion fdf rocking tho boat at tlmoa when llfb streams lactam to flow moBt turbulent. I nm therefore both surprised and conccarned over your first editorial In Tuesdays Isbuo. Your readers have Lovery right toeol .you undorgtgQtjypJ senouanea 01 mo requesi you maue. Yet I am inclined to boliov'e It was m editorial of flrat thought, prompted by u disgust at peoples indifforenco to tho. calls of sentiment. And I fool on second thought you too will realize that you mado a public and a direct call for boys to break tho lawo of our land, and TO DO SO WITH OBVIOUS VIOLENCE, when you urgo them to mix In a crowd of people mado up of nil kinds and degrees of temporment and "treat them rough" if thoy ne- gloct to act in manners not thought to bo proper for citizens. I nm among very largo groupa of Amorlcan cltlzons, who feel a good doal of fovor of sontlmont when see ing crowdB without compulsion re spond to our flag or stand when our untlonal boiiks nro sung, but wo would bo farthorest from inciting a mob to seo that theso obsorvencca woro performed. I am auro you must bo actunted by a real belief (and wo respect any ones actual opinions) that tho standing When tho band plays The Star Spang, led Bannor "constitutes tho" acid test of anyonca patriotism and good citl zcnshlp, for tho proof is right at hand since novor wo aro euro have you pub llcly called upon groups of prIvaNto citizens to go about In crowds in our community and "treat rough" or hand lo In any way thoy see fit, thoso who aro not paying their taxes In times too of hor trrouteat financial need: for carrying in Uquod, for stealing from disabled Boldtors, or for trnfficlng in th virtues of aur girls. You have loft thoso minor mat ;ttrs to wore . elderly, and dell borate enro of government proce-ses Naturally when tho matter of stand ing up or bearing tho head ect. alono arouses your feelings to feel justified in setting aBido law and ordor1, wo must'feol you must have been over wrought to the point of some excuse. But wouldn't it bo bettor for you to dovoto your future to enacting a law to make It a felony to neglect to stand at such times. Our fathers neglected such a law, possibly because they thought a sentiment observed under compulsion lost most of Its virtue and all of ; its boauty; possibly becauso many ijruly patriotic and sentimental cltlzons craved for tho freedom of oxercislng many many beautiful ob servances without duress. ,In trls sense I believe your tdltort al does a real Injury to citizens who attend concerts, for oven now a wit ness passing and seeing tho people standing while national airs aro being played will ravo no way of knowing whether they do it out of the enthusi asm of patriotic fervor, or from a cheap senso of fear of being troubled or annoyed. ObvlouBly it' not; only takes the Individuality out of all those observances but It takes away tho beauty and the joy of doing so. I believo also that you do tho local legion a wdong in nssuming that thoy In any case, prefer a disorderly state of anarchy In our community, or rath- or than nn orderly state conforming to law, even tho many things happen,, as they do with all of us, of which wo do not approve. " It is in tho confines of every Ameri can citizen, of rights to work? for any change in laws they think forthe best interests of their country, .'but not oven a 50 per cent Amorlcan can flout or disregard the laws we have. Certainly wo cannot teach bthers'a respect for symbols of our country whllo showing thel most oxtremo dis respect to her laws and institutions. And wo feel tho local members-of the Legion whom we ' know best, v$uld feel quite tho same about it. 1 Respectfully, Mary II. Axtoll. :o::- FOR RENT. Forty acres of hay land east of town. 0. H. Thoelccke. WHY DO BIG BUSINESS Mi EN BUY THEIR LIFE INSURANCE IN THE TRAVELERS? - V - , They buy Insurance llko everything elso. Thoy Investigate and compare tho coat and tho form of tho policies. Whore this Is done, tho buslnoaa la al ways placed in tho Travelers. Thoro la a reason. Investigate for youraolf. C. F. Tcmplo, Tho Travelers Man, Phono C3. FOR GOODNESS SAKE A Bottle a Day to Keep the Doctor Away Two Bottles a Day these Days Whistle, Green River, Coca-Cola, Cherry Blossoms, Hires'Root Beer, Dew a special fruit flavor. Prepared by specialists in our line. We also ac knowledge having the only sanitary and fully equipped uoming ami inanuiaciuring pianr in western Ne braska ' . t VISITORS WELCOME. Star Bottling & Mercantile Co. 'f