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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TIUBUNE LOCAL AM) PERSONAL COMMISSIONERS' PROUKKOINCSS. CATALOGUE OF . HEESFORI) ruitK SALE BRED Mr. J. O. Dodge, of Wood Htvor, 1h a matit nt tlib E. 0. WilllainB homo. ' Guy Sfwopo loft Tuosduy evening for Lincoln (o traiimict business. Seo thoso now groy suode pumps t Wilcox Department Store. Miss Klslo Howes linn accepted a position hi the W. J. O'Connor store. Mrs. S. Wllor, of Woodblno, Iowa, la Uio Knott of lior daughter Mrs. Fny Davis. "Win. Powell returned from a btis Inott trip to McPherson County Wed nesday. A baby boy wus born Sunday to Mr. and aim. Fny Davis of Herthey at the Glen HHiior home. Mrs. Coo. I'enrBtill returned Wed nesday from Salt Lake City where alio aikmt a wook visiting frionds. Mis Christine Polotky, who has been employed an nurse In the Genera' Hospital loft Wednesday for horlhomr In Wnllnco. Mrs. iVl. Hayes nnd daughter Vau n Its. will leave the Ural of the week for California to visit for sev eral wook. Mr. and Mrs. llolnslt, who hare boon the guests of their daughter Mr. Frank Nolan, left for tholr homo tho first of the week. Miss Florence Antonldos, Miss Foy Smith and Miss Buolnh IllokMm nt tundod the funoral of Hilda Slnckor at Brady Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burr, who have been Ktiosts at tho II. I. Wook home, loft for Uiclr home In Roohotter, N. Y., tho first of tho wook. 45ovornl now shipment of Isdloa hat priced from $fi.00 to $26.00 just received this week nt Wilcox Depart ment Store. Misses Violet Mnddox, Georgian McKay and Marjorlo Ruiwoll will on- tortalu tills ovonlng In tho Mnddox ' homo, 802 Wost Sixth Stroot nt n I kitchen nhowor compllmonUiry to Miss I Luolllo MoFarland. an April bride. I Tho Board of Count) Commissioners of Lincoln County mot In regular, Mansion in tho Court Houso April 4, 1021. Tho following bills wore allow ed: J. II. Hardin, road datnagos $60. Paul G. Meyer, sorvlcos and ront, $14.00. R. W. Schlelchtor, patrolman, $140. L. J. Ford, putrolman, $140. Leigh Eycrly, patrolman, $135. Chas. Loypohlt, patrolman, $135. W. B. SallBbiiry, highway com., $1B0. Frank Dowhowor, Com. 1, $20. Wm. Cross, stato work, $207. (5. J. Boyce, state work, $21. Jerry Backus, road (list 2, $18. Itay Backus, road dial. 2, $7.50. Carl Fletchor, road dlst. 2, $27. Ktl Trumble, road dlst. 2, $21.00. H. K. Orahum, road dlst 2, $9. C. J. Boyoe, sat work, $21. Lylc Luthvlg, tractor work, $20. C. C. Carleton, hay for roods, $150, 15. E. Foaglns, hay for roads, $72. Standard Oil Co., oil for tractor, $9.21. Standard Oil Co., oil for state, $81.75 John Colingen, work on court houso, $705.53. N. P. Light & Powor Co., work on court house, $40.88. , E. T. Tramp, uidse, for county poor, $50.70. Frod Tobas, $30. Geo. E. Pressor, services, $15. F. A. ZImmor, dragging, $13.50. Geo. Razos, rent county poor, $10. S. & It. Servico Staton, oil, $100.40. J. L. Loudon, rofjmd of tax, $03.20. RIchI Ugal, moals for Jurors, $97.50. J. T. Koofo, salary and rent, $540. IC. T. Tramp, mdso. county poor, $30. N. P. Light & Powor Co.. $41.02. Sundry persons road dlsttrlct 40, $45. Arthur Peterson, road dlsttrlct 40, $57. Hoard adjourned to April 11, 1921. jV HEART . tMotionPicture everyMotorist should see "XOU'VE done the impossible ; you've shown the X manufacture and workings of a storage battery in this beautiful interesting film." These words from the superintendent of one of America's greatest manufacturers will be echoed by thousands of audiences from coast to coast. This educational and highly entertaining film should be seen by every motorist. It will be shown at THE SUN, Monday, April 11th! Don't miss it. You will be given a better under ; standing of the Construction and operation of "The Electric Heart of Your Car" -that little black box of power which turns over your engine and feeds your lights. tit-aa 'x&JEsessmm PUBLIC SALE! At my place 20 miles northwest of North Plutto. Nob., on the west Tryon road, and 15 miles southeast of Tryon. Nob., 9 miles south of Itlngold. Neb., as I have leased my farm and 1 am going into business In Stnploton, and 1 will sell tho following described property, on TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1921. Commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp 24 HE An OF CATTLE 12 head of milch cows ranging from 3 to 9 years old, some giving milk now, and some fresh Soon; 9 yearling stoors, calf about II months old, nnd 3 yonr old bull. 12 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES Span of mules 3 and 4 years old, broko, wolght 2100; span mules yeaiB old, wolght 1S0O; span or buckskin mares, 8 years old, broko, wt. 2000; span gelding, smooth mouth; bay saddlo horso, 10 years old, wt. 1000; Bpnn Belgian colts 2 and 3yours old; "kids" saddlo ponv smooth mouth. 8 HEAD OF POLAND CHINA HOGS 7 head of brood sows. 0 of them with pig and 1 has pigs now Poland China malo hog. 10 DOZEN CHICKENS 100 LITTLE CHICKENS FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. McCormlclc grain binder Jn good condition, two C foot Doorlni; mowing mnchlno in good Bhapo, 10 ft. liny rake, 2 riding sulky plows, 2 walking plows, 2 John Dooro cultivators, John Dooro disc, Klnmun disc, Orchard ddlsc, 0. K. potato planter, potato digger, 4 row potato sprayer, hay swoop, 3 inch tiro wngon, 4 inch tiro wagon, low trucl. wagon, 4 inch tiro gears with rack, truck gears with rack, two sprlnv wagons, big press drill, corn Btnlk drill, now garden drill, ond gatr scodor, 2 Boctlon harrow, 5 sots of work harnoss, stock saddlo, two light saddles, C lu p. Sandow ga3 cnglno, tthrcshlug mnchlno and on glno, 1 cyllndor corn shollor, feed grinder, full sot of blacksmith tools. 40 rods of 20 Inch hog wlro, Ford touring car, Ford truck, both in good condition, '1200 bushels of corn, somo Bhollod, some lu oar, 100 bushels Early Ohio Pqtntaes, powor washing machino with wrlngor, cream Boparntor, 2 barrel churiiB 15 and 20 gallons. FltKB LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE All Bums of $20 nnd undor caah, on Bums ovor $20, 0 months tlmo will bo glvou on bankable papor bearing 10 por cent from dato of salo. H. F. JOHANSON, Owner Following Is a list of tho animals to bo offered at tho sale nt tho fair grounds, North Platto, April 11: Lot O. A. EMEHICK (Maxwoll) 1 Pralrlo Mischief 885551 2 Dale Mischief 931147 3 Parsifal Lad 931150 FULSCHER & KEPLEHdlolyokoCol.) My Daughtor 6529400 .VI Mil UOinlllO 7U34GI Flossy Aster 81237C Flora Domino 802425 Georgia 9th 809800 Rosabel lo Domino 814902 Boau Aster's Girl 8C4287 Rosy Domino 905GG8 Sir Astor 920134 Homer Domino 920000 II. GAUDUEAULT & SON (Brndv) 14 Loota 5th 00 1047 Miss Alice 3d 750895 Laddie Box 820807 Mlichlof Domino 21st 801782 Beau Vanity 29th 894403 JOHN GRIFFITH (Maxwell) Cream Fairfax 071022 Night Fairfax 043078 Amnzon Fairfax 758084 Silvor Fairfax 758087 Dell Falrfux 791098 Swoot Croam 800232 Prince Mischief 921192 Dandy Mischief 924180 Amazon Mischief 924185i SUont Mlschlof 924191 WILL KARRE (Wellloot) Sylvia 2d 530391 May Mischief 51101G II. & II. KERR (Brady) . Miss Perfection 801198 Doloro's Fairfax 955173 FRANK J. KOCH (IlersheyO Bobby 885425 Bonnlo's Return 945045 S. J. KOCH (HorshcyV Dora 420799 r Porn 000982 Miss Bob 84.1006 Dora 2d 842998. Bonnlo 2d 53237G , Admiral 2d 79770G Bonnlo Mischief 80G400 Domino Lad 800402 Maple's Bonnlo 843007 Bonnlo 8th 842980 FRED McCLYMONT (North 1'lntte) 45 Miss Esther 352939 '. Hollo 3d 370779 Miss Esthor 2d 370780 Daisy 388574 Blossom 388573 Daisy 412074 Blossom 2d 4119S5 . "" Ruby 412075. ' Miss Esther 3d 451388 Blossom 3d 451385 ' Prlncss Belle 49G935 Daisy Prlncops 49G932 Blossom 4th 49G931 : Rose Blossom 49G938 Mllly 593103 Esther Mlschlof 3d 081053 May Mlschlgf 081055 s BoIIo Mischief 3d 081044 Daisy Mischief 3d G81050 Bollo Mischief 4th. G81045 T. S. McORONE (North Platto) Curly 490278 Ruth 095225 Domino Mlschlof 040442 , Pat Beaumont 89914G tr CARL ORRIN (North Platfa Blancho 030847 Bonney Bess S04052 Fuy Domino 834911 Choice Domino 877532 Axnffls Domino 877531 Romeo 951039 SCHRADER BROS. (Bertrand) Dorris Onward 450905 Mnry Defender 8G2928 Corlnuo Mlschlof 8557G4 Cloud's Mischief 879974 Prince Randolph 840948 Cap Stanwny 4th 900755 Durnstormor 7th 802079 Barnstormer 10th 802G81 JAMES SHOUP (Sutherland) Excolslor King 8G7G44 Platte Chief 870G9S 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 GO' Gl 02 03 04 G5 GO 07 08 G9 70 71 72 73 74 75 70 77 78 79 SO 81 S2 83 84 First class painting and papor hang ing. Elegant stock, of wall paper Just recoived. Store at 113 W- Sixth St Phono C70W. II. II. Lnndgraf. and Edd FrIond it it if i.t NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) i; t.t ! V it One Half Block North Poslofflce. Phono 58 it A modem institution for the. j sciontlflc treatment of medical, j-j surgical and confinement cases. g Completely oqulppod X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. . J.J Staff: Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lncas. M. D. J.B. RedfieldJI.D. J. S. Simms, M.D. i Ohico phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Os(coa(Iiic Physician North Platte, Nebraskn Knlgli'ts of Columbus BulltTing. .TOl IN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention Glvou to Surgery .McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 38 MRS. M. HENRY GILEOYL Toucher of Voice Culture and tho Art of Singing Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd, City Dr. L. J. KltAUSK, Dentist Mc Donald Bank Building. Rooms 2 nnd 8. Phono 07. Office 340 Houscl257 VU. W. I. SHAFFER O.stcopnth Physician Ovor the Oasis. North Platto. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, !. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Ros. Phono 1242 NOTICE OF ELECTION. GEO. II. RENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phono: Office 130. Resldenco 115 Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Phono 307 Twlnem Bldg ED. KIUMfl, Auctioneer. 1U C LANGFOKDi Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No, 1809 of Alico It. Hoysc, de ceased lu tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. TllO Stato of ICnlirnslrn ua- V,,,1H,.,. of said estate will take notlco that uin umo limited Tor presentation and filing of claims nirnlnst nnlil,in August 10, 1921, and for settlement of said estate Is April 5th, 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room In Mini cuuuiy on May lu, 1921, at 9 o'clock a. in.. imil iin Ammo! in moi at 9 o'clock a. m., o receive, examlno.' jiuar, iimnv, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Hated April 5th, 1921. WM. IT. p. wnrnmimcp (SKAL) Coillltv Tmlpn u LlUllOH hinn nU lmui con tUn ,w... Hty'p at Wilcox Dopartinont Storo. J. S. TWINEM M.D. Hoiiieopiithic Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery Hospital Accoinmodatlon Platte Valley Hospital Former N'umo Twlnem Hospital. NORTH PLATTE, NKBK. ifERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono -11 Night Phono Black 5SS IV. T. PRITCHARI) Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govommcnt Veterinarian and ox assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian, Hospital 315 South Vine Street. Hos pital Phono G33, Houso Phono G33. U ROBERT A. PHILLIPS M h Plumbing and Heating it All work entrusted to mo will U recelvo my personal Buporvi- j i'X sion. Resldenco and shop 1303 ii i E. Cth Street Tolephono 458J. Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. SAFETY FIRST. Investors In this association get the benefits of tho following requirements of tho laws of Nebraska under which it is operating: First. Tho association is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or the stock of this associa tion. Second. Such investments are non-negotiable and non-assignable, and can only bo discharged by payment direct to the association. This is a very important pro tection not available to any financial institution except Building & Loan Associations. Third. Tho association is subject to the supervision of tho Stato Banking Board. How well tho Interests of tho investors in this as sociation have been safeguarded is evidenced by. tho fact that In the more than thirty three years of its operation not one dollar has been lost. T. C PATTERSON, President. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Sccrotary. BR. ,T. R. JfcKIIlAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases of Women nnd Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE PhoncB Oflico 113. Residence 205 BR. REBE1ELB P1I YSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answored Night or Day Phones Office 642, Residence 076 Notico is hereby given that on the 14th day o March, 1921,, there was filed in tho office of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, a petition asking for the formation of Drainage District No. 2 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, undor Artlclo 5, Chapter 19 of tho Rovlccd Statutes of to Stato of Nebraska for tho year 1913, the title of which appears in tho Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska for tho year 1913 as "Drainago Districts Organized by Vote of Land Owners," and tho full title of which act as tho samo appears in Chapter 163 of tho Session Laws of tho State of Nobraska for the year 1907 usfollows: ''AS ACT to provide for drainago districts to drain wot land nnd land subject to ovcrllow; and any land which will be Improved by drainage; to build dykes and loveos; to construct, straighten, widen, deepen, or altor any ditch, drain, stream, or watercourso; to riprap or otherwise protect the bank of any steam or ditch; to con struct, onlargc, extend, improve or maintain any drainago Bystcm; to construct, enlarge, extend, Improve or maintain any system of control of sur faco water or running water, and tho rights, obligations, nnd powers of such corporations, including tho power of eminent domain, tho creation of debts, Issuing of negotiable bonds, and tho levying of special assessments on such real estate and casements therein as may be benoflted by such public work, and defining tho duties and 'powers of public officials;" that tho boundaries of said proposed Drainago District No. 2 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, as fixed by the Board of Commissioners of Lincoln County, Nebrfaska; are as fol lows: Commbnclng nt a point where the lino of tho south bank of the North Platto River intersects the West lino os Section nine 9) in Township four teen (14) North, of Range thlrty-itlirec (33) West of the 0th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, running thence south along tho west line of said section nine (9) to the southwest corner of said Section nine (9) ; thence east along the south line of said Sec tion nine (9) to tho southeast corner of said Section nine (9), In Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty three (33) West of tho Cth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebr.; thence south along the west lino of Section fifteen (15) to the southwest corner of said Section fifteen (15), In Township four teen (14) North, of Range thlrty-threo (33) West of tho 6th P. M., thonce east along the south line of Sections fifteen (15), fourteen (14), and thirteen (13), all In Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-three West of the Cth P. M., and east along the south line of Sections elghteea (18), seonteen (17), sixteen (16), and fifteen (15), all in Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) West of the Cth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to tho southeast corner of tho southwest quarter (SW'4) of the southwest quar ter (SWVi) of said Section fifteen (15) In Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) West of the Cth P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobraska; thence south along tho west lino of tho' East half (EV6) of tho Northwest quarter (NW'4) of Section twenty-two (22), in Township fourteen 14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) West of tho Gth P. M., in Lincoln County, Nebras ka, a distance of forty (40) rods to tho southwest corner of tho Northwest quarter (NWV4) of the Northeast quarter (NEVS) of the Northwest quarter (NW4) of said Section twenty-two (22) ; thenco east along the south lino of tho North half (N) of the North half (N) of the North half (N) of Sections twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23) and twenty, four (24), all In Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) West of tho Gth P. M.. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to tho southeast corner of the Northeast quarter (NEVi) of the Northeast quartor (NEV1) of the Northeast quarter (NE4) of said Section twenty-four, In Township fourteen (14) North, of Range thirty-two (32) west of tho Gth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska; thenco north along tho east lino of Soctlon twonty-four (24), thirteen (13) land twclvo (12), all in Township (32) wost of tho Gth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nobraska, to a point whore tho south bank of tho North Platto River intersects tho east lino of said Section twolvo (12), In Township fourteen (14) North, of Rango thirty-two (32) wost of the Gth P. M In Lincoln County. Nebraska; thonco 1 wostoriy direction along the south t - of tho North Platte Rlvor to tho -oint of beginning, and that said drainago dis trict Include all lands lying within siad boundaries. That an election will bo hold at tho oftico of tho County Clork of Lincoln County, Nobraska, in tho Court Houso at North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, botweon to hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 0 o'clock P. M. on tho 21st day of April, 1921, for tho pusposo of determining tho question of tho formation of the pro posed drainage district and for tho furthor purposo of electing a Board of Directors for said Drainago District, which said Board will bo composed of 5 Directors, who will tako their office contingently upon tho formation of slnd Drnlnago District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have horounto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 30th day of March, 1921 A. S. ALLEN, (SEAL) County Clerk. BR. HAROLD EENNER Osteopath OVER IIIRSCIIFELD'S Office Phono 333 Ros. Phono 1020 MRS. P. If. GINN. Excluslvo Agent for NU BONE CORSEX. Appointments Attended to Promptly. Resldenco 315 W. Seventh. Phono 249W. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, also Real Kstute. References nnd Ante FIrM National Ban);. Res. 100 Enst 8rd St. Phono 011 OTIS B. 1'IjATT, 31. D Physlclnn nnd Surgeon X-RAY ' Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answored Day and Night. Phono House 1044W Office 296 Over Union State Bank. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1813 of John II. Singleton, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato af Nebraska. To all per sons interested In said Estate tako no tlco that a petition has been filed for tho probate of an instrument purport ing to bo the last Will and Testament of ,John II. Singleton, deceased and for tho appointment of Sarah Anna Singleton as Executrix of said Estate, which has been set for hearing herein on April 29, 1921, at 10 o'clock a.m . Dated March 31, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that tho 1 Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County. Nebraska, will on April 11th. 1921, receive sealed bids for tho care of the county poor for tho bal ance of the year 1921, as per specified bidding forms on file in tho County Clerk's office. All bids must, bo filed wlUi the Coun ty Clerk on or before 12' o'clock, noon, of tho 11th day of April, 1921, nnd will bo publicly opened In the offico of the County Commissioners at 2 o'clock P. M. of the samo day. Dated at North Platte, Nebr., this 15th day of March. 1921. , A. S. ALLEN, (Seal) County Clerk. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that tho school district board of School District No. 8 of Lincoln ounty.Nobrnska.wlll receive sealed bids for the erection and com pletion of a pressed brick school building on tho property of school District No. 8 in accordance with tho plans and specifications now on fllo In the offico of Halligan, Beatty & Halligan, Mutunl Building & Loan Association Building, North Platto, Nobraska. Said bids must be presented at tho office of Halligan, Beatty & Halligan on or before 1 o'clock p. m. on the 14th day of April. 1921, and said bids will bo opened at 1 o'clock p. m. on tho 14tn day of April, 1921, and no bids shall be considered unless accompanied by a certified check in tho sum of $300.08 made payable to tho treasurer of said school district No. 8 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, to bo forfoited to said school district in case tho bidder refuses to enter into contract if the samo is awarded to him. The schpol district board reserves tho right to refuse any nnd all bids. School District Board of School Dis trict No. 8. of Lincoln County Nebraska. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the bchool district board of School Dis trict No. 8 of Lincoln County, Nebr aska, will receive sealed bids for the Installation of a steam heating plant in the pressed brick school building to be erected In said school district No. 8 in accordance with the plans and specifications now on file in the offico of Halligan, Beatty & Halligan Mutual Building & Loan AssoSon Bulldinc. North Plnito Mni,Mv n,", "V'be presented at v.v, ui riiiiugan, jjcatty & Hnlligan on or boforo 1 o'clock p. m. on tho 14th day of April, 1921, ana said bids will bo opened at 1 o'clock P. m. 6n the 14th day of April, 1921, and no bids shall be considered unless accompanied by a certified check in tho sum of $300.00 made payable to tho treasurer of Bald School District No. 8 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to ' bo forofclted to said school district in case the bidder refuses to enter Into a con tract if tho samo is awarded him. Tho school district board rcsorvea the right to refuse any and all bids. Stiool District Board of School Dlaict No. 8 of Lincoln County Nebraska.