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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1921)
tote cmi-lMcelilii tribune. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 8, 1921. .No. 2 6 4. NEW GROCERY TO OPEN SOON ANOTHER COMMERCIAL VENTURE LAUNCHED IN LOCAL FIELD OF BUSLNESS -The Economy Grocery will fcpen Its doors for business tomorrow at GOO Locust S,tr.eet . This Is the room where the C. O. D. Cleaners held forth so lonp. The now storo. Is to mako u specialty ot one item each week, quoting a very low price and pushing its sale. At tho same time It will carry a general lino of atnplo and fancy groceries. The store Is to bo under tho manage ment of its owners who are M. B. Martin and L. It. Wilson. Mr. Martin .comes from Huron, S. D. Ho has had a long course of training with the Woolworth stores and was manager of tho storo at that placo but gave up his position to go Into business for himself. Ho served some time in tho army during tho war and has been with tho "Woolworth stores since his discharge. Mr. Wilson's homo is in Lincoln, Nebr., whoro he has been in tho candy making business recently. Ho arrived In North Platte last night and joined Mr. Martin who has been feero for several days. When seen yesterday Mr. Martin said "We. camo to North Platte because of its location, its reputation as a business point and its wonderful pros pects. We expect to bo satisfied with n reasonable share of the grocery business hero and will givo values and service equal to the best." The Tribune wishes to commend the judgment of theso young men and t6 assure them that thoy make no mls- nwo in mining North Platto tho best ty in Nebraska. Lincoln County people are quick to mako a pathway to the door of tho man who has con fidence in our city mid countv nnd boosts for both. ( : :o: PURE BRED HEREFORD SALE FOR MONDAY PROMISES TO HE A SUCCESS. Interest in tlm first minimi unln f Hereford Cattle which takes placoJ on uie iair grounds next Monday, is being shown by stockmen from Lln- troln and. .surronndftag .counties, according- to'-Arthur Gaudreault of Brady,' who Is sales manager. A largo tent Is to be erected on the ground north of tho grove and there tho sale will be held. In another column wo are printing a list of the cattle to bo offered with their names and numbers. The names of the owners are also given. All plans are working out nicely now and unless the weath er man acts up the sale is bound to be satisfactory. ::o: : I oh n C. Kaynor and family, who left here for the west a short time ago. have located at Sandy, Utah. Mrs. Uaynor says Ihey have a small fruit and ch'ckon farm with thn fountains on three sides. I "" . ... Waltemath Lumber & Coal Co. I'HOXE 20 Special For Saturday April 9th. ANOTHER PINEAPPLE DAY! We aro soing to sell you 2 No. 3 cans of grated Pineapple for 35c. G cans for $1.00. G can limit to a person, BACON AND MORE BACON Wo aro going to sell bacon at per pound 1.8c This is not Swift's Premium nor Morris Supreme, but it is a good, well cured, thin, lean Bacon, On sale Saturday at 18c per pound. ' McMICHAELS GROCERY. PHONE 441 CITY ELECTION 1SOVKU AND T1IK GOVERNMENT STILL (JOHS ox. In slpte of predictions to tho con trary from partisans of both sides In the contest for Mayor, tho govern ment of tho City of North Platto is still going on as usual nnd win con tinue to do so. E. H. Evans rccolved 1507 votes and W. E. Slnunan 861. Evans' majority was 646. For City ClerK, O. E. Eldor got 1G07 votes whllo his opponent J. F. Clabaugh got 358 votes. Eldor'B majority was 1110. For City Treusurer L. E. Mehlman was elected over Chas. Loth by 1065 votes. Hershey Welch received 1026 votes with no opposition for Water Commissioner. For Councilman In tho First Ward Carl Simon did not have iny opposi tion and was elected. In the Second Ward Sanford Hart nian was given 301 votes whllo Har old Langford received 310 a major ity of 18 votes. H. It. McMIchael received 416 votes in the Third Ward, ho having no opposition. In the Fourth Ward A. W. Hughes better known as Webb Hughes re ceived 236 tq 224 for C. L. Basklns. For Members of the Hoard of Education Keith Nevillo received 1514, Will. J. Hendy 1131, M. E. Crosby 100G and Frank E. Barber 733. Tho first two were elected. . Tho vote was heavy for the offici als but fell off on tho Sunday Movie proposition which was 1143 for to 803 against. ::o:: EVERYBODY CAX SOON (JO TO MOVIES OX SUNDAY IX XOUTH PLATTE. lly ai overwhelming vote tho people of this city declared In favor of allowing moving picture Bhows to open on Sunday. The yoto was 1143 for and 803 against. It Is not certain Just when the first Sunday will occur but It will probably bo as soon as the vote Is counted although there are some measures which must be at tended to before tho present city ordinance against tho opening can be considered as repealed. NOTED DIVINE SPENDS WEDNES DAY AFTERNOON AXI) KVENIXG HERE. Bishop Hornet C. Stuntz arrived in North Platto Wednesday morning and spent some time with tho preach ers and.laymen wno wero attending the "District- Convention. At noon ho was the guest of tho Chamber of Commerce at. tho Union Pacific din ing room. About forty members' sat at tho table and after tho lunch lf.Hened to a short talk by the Btshop on tho subject of our foreign trade. Ho urged that all study tho question of ship subsidy, international finance and trade relations. He again attend ed the conference in tho afternoon and gave an address in tho evening, nishop Stunlz is well received by bus'ness men because of his pro round knowledge of the nations of iV world. -;:o::- Victor Records for April have ar rived at the Itoberts Music Co. HOW WE SPEND OUR TAXES A SIMPLE STATEMENT OF WAY MONEY IS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT Tho first act in tho process of taxation Is tho nssossmont of. Jtlto property of every citizen. Tills is dono in the spring uml tho assessor sots a .value on nearly everything wo own that he could find out about. Tho total amount of tho valuo of a man's property is divided by live and this Is tho amount upon which the tax la based. Sunnose a mnn nrnnnrfv u-tilnll tho assessor ostlmntpil tn l $500. Tho assessed valuo would bo ono-iutn, or $100. If this property wero ocated In Nebraska it would have to pay a tax to tho stato of Nebraska amounting to $1.04. It If wero located in Lincoln County it would (have to pay an additioal $1.50 and 50c toward tho now Court Houso fund. If tho tproporty wero in North Platto it would havo to pay an ad ditional $5.12 for riinninif tlm ultv and $10.20 for tho school fund. Tho total would bo $18.30. Theso facts can bo represented in nnother form as follows: On each $100 N State tax $1.04 County General tax $1.50 County Court Houso Fund... .50 City tax $5.12 $8.1 G .$10,20 Scool tax Total $is.3G It will bo noticed from the abovo that tho school tax Is more than all the other taxes nut toiroMinr. Ami if has been iprovon mnny times over mat wo got moro for tho money wo spend for the schools than for any other nurnnsp. Tim tnv nmiitnui i'o ono of tliQ.mbst complicated wo have ui Kmuriunwni anu mo only way to solvo it Is to give It careful study. X OUT 1 1 PLATTE ' AUTO SHOW OPENS ITS DOOItS TO PAT RONS THIS WEEK. The annual Auto simw nn Yesterdav thn 1 mVfl mill rrlvlci -rt admitted free and last night tho Im . . .1 1 . .. . " jic,ma wviu milieu on anu too music siarieu as tno doors were thrown Oneil tO tllO Till 111 Irv Thorn lu n nnnL inal charge of 25c to cover expenses. The room usually occupied by tho Durbln Garago has been transform ed by paint nnd festoons and lights until it is beatiful. The seven deal ers are represented by their best cars and they are Inspected nnd ex plained to tho satisfaction of tho Salomon nnd tho possible customers. ThO first car reported sold was a Buick touring which was bought by Itobt. Beatty. Other sales aro ex pected. Dealers In accessories and supplies havo not been able to get a placo on account of tho lack of space but tho McGraw Itadlator Co. has an exhibit in one of the windows. North Platte Floral Company has taken possession of the other window with a beautiful display of its products. The Auto Show will continue during today and tomorrow. ::o:: Charming silk dresses attractively priced, in taffeUts and Canton crepes, whose service seems never, ending, since tlioy aro suttblo for so many dif ferent occasons. Styles aro tho nowost and most chnrming. at The Leader Mercantile Co. ( CUMATK WINT erryfoerry ' ck Forbes NORTH PLATTE, EBRASKA XORTl PLATTE DEItATEItS TV) THY FOIt THE Dl STRUT HONORS. The Debating team from tho North Platte High School will hold a 'Joint contest with tho team from tho Hastings High School at tho Frnitk llu Auditorium, Saturday ovenlng at 8 o'clock. Tho North Platto team consists of Frances Edwards, Emmet Moody and George Dont. Tho Hast ings tenm Is composed of Dorothy Hunt, Eugeno Staley and Georgo Rruntz. Tho question Is Hesolved: That the literacy test law for restri cting immigration should bo rcpenl qd. Paul Good of Lincoln will be the Judge. Ho is a graduate of Oxford University In Etuiland nnd was a ' former debating stnr. Tho winning team in this contest will roprosent the West-Central Nebraska District in the Stato Debate to bo held at Lincoln next month. The admission is 25 and 50 cents; TRUST THE LEGION. HOYS TO DEMAND RESPECT I-'Olt THE FLAG. Yesterday mojuilng .a young man In North Plntto took an old Amorican Hag which ho said ho found in a pile of refuse, nnd started to uso It to dust an auto. It was on ono of our main streets nnd, It only took a inlnuto for ono or tho American Legion boys to call him to account. Otlurs wero on their way when tho first one got there. Using tho Amori can flag to dust off an automobile would not bo oxcuslblo In any American cltlzon, but tho fact Is that tho man who did this was a return ed soldier. His military Ufo does not seem to have Impressed tho proper respect for tho flag upon him. Ho will bo watched with intorest and wo aro nssured that should ho over try anything of that kind ngnln his carolessnes or lgnoranco will not prevent an attempt to liupres him rather forcefully. ;:oii " OHEKJHTOX UXIYEHSITY CLUB TO EXTERTA1X THE PEOPLE SUXDAY. The boys from Crolghton Unlvor stty, who compose tho Gleo Club, aro making a tour of the stato as fax west aB North Platto and thoy will spend Sunday here. In tho afternoon thoy will glVo a sacred concert in tho Keith Theatre and the price of admission will bo 75c for any seat in tho houso. In tho evening thoy will appear again when th prices .will bo 75c for tlto balcohy-nnd $1 '"ii i(iufiwii;j uuui. an. ilCllli A.UA, well-kr;own Omaha musician will bo with them as director. Paul Harring ton has been asked to take part on tho program and has consented. Ho was soloist with tho clu during his college days i at Crolghton. Rosorvod soats aro now on snlo at tho Iloxall Store. Tho Gleo Club Is brought horo ,under the auspices .of the Knights of Columbus. DISTRICT CONFERENCE CLOSED SESSION' WEDNESDAY EVENING. . Tho Conference of tho Kearney District of tho Methodist Church closed a two days session Wednesday evening with a lecture by Bishop llomor Stuntz of tho Omaha Area and an Illustrated talk on tho Cen tenary by Dr. Clyde Cissoll. At. the afternoon session Bishop Stuntz gave an enlightening talk to tho Conference on Evangelization and Stewardship. A iiuartette of preach ers and sonio North Platto talent furn ished tho music for the sessions. Ap propriate resolutions wero passed by the members and all loft for their homes wlln the memory of nn Inter esting and profitablo session. Surface Protection Insures Reliability Unprotected giirfacos (julckly becomo wcathor-boaton and do cay. Paint saves, tho surfaco and protects it from rain, sun, snow, wind nnd tho varying weather conditions that causo decay and destruction. Lincoln Climatic Paint Ih best suited for tho protection of vour property, tit is mndo especially to stand this climate boat and gives much moro of 1oiont protection and lasting Jioauty than othorpalnts. , Call nt our storo and lot us how you sultablo color plans u;r your house BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB.W0RK INTERESTING NOTES ABOUT- THE WORK BE1NU DONE AND AL II E AD Y PLANNED Tho following communication from Mr. Kollogg, tho County Agent for Lincoln County will bo of particular interest to farm boys and girls and their pnrents: Our Membership Campaign Is going good nnd this will ovcntunlly bring out a demand for a much greater amount ot County Agent work. Cam paigns In other counties liavo been followed by a vory lnrgo Increase In domands for Pig nnd Calf Club work. Tho Calf Club should bo stared at onco and nil of thoso Interested lu it can forward tholr names and address es to tho County Agent. Tho Pig Club work can bo started as Into as tlto lf of May but wo would llko to havo your enrollment now. It will nlBo bo nos- slblo for you to havo a Shcop Club, which inny start June IbL All of those animals must bo purebred nnd prefornbly females. Tho calves should bo between 8 nnd 12 months old, pigs betweon S and 12 weoks, shoop bo twoon 8 and 12 months old. Thoy must all bo shown at somo Fair and rocords for cost of gains must bo kept. Any boy or girl botween tho agos ot 10 and 19 years will bo permitted to tako up this work. It would bo well for you to borrow tho' money nnd got tho business ex perience thnt good with tho practical work for brooding and caring for vour animal. Wo should havo five or moro members for each breed of animals and If you aro Intorestod, got tho names together as soon as posslblo and send them to the Countv Airrlcul- turnl Agont, Box 233, North Platto, NobraBka, or como to tho offico at 325 Post Office Building. Tho boys who aro interested lu Calf and Pig Club work met with tho County Agont nt tho McPhorson school houso Monday night to organlzo al Standard Poland China Pic Club. Thov olocted as their president, Harold Boauchamp: secretary, Jamos Hoss. Tho other mombors ot tho Club nro John Robs, liny and Harry Griffith. This.belng a Standard Club has an ad Vilhtnco OVor tho lUlinrs wWI?f"' not yet secured tho required minimum i of five membors for a Standard Club. Tho two boys Interested In Hamp shlres nro Orvlllb Shanor and Murll Beau champ. L Tho Duroc people aro Vlrgen and Allco Docts. Theso two girls nro at tempting to got threo other mombors for their Club In order to compete, with the boys' Stnndnrd Club. f Manloy Rasmussen wants nt least four other mombors for a Horcford Calf Club, and Osco Ross wants fit 1 least four othor mombors for a Short Horn Calf Club. We hopo that each of theso Clubs may bo able to get many moro than tho II vo required. But in caso they do not thoy shall bo allowed to go ahead as Individuals to aacconipllHh what thoy can. Tho parents of tho children and tho breeders of purebred cattle nnd hogs should bo willing to do evorythlng posslblo to get theso Clubs started and to assist during tho Club senson of four months. GEO. 11. KELLOGG. ' County Agont- See t ho newest tilings in lino wash goods, Ratino and Rntlno Vollos at Wilcox Dopartmont Store. .fUf 7 8.' . xfl JTk ' SB 4 at W (woe. j& J)ohfm Ijw'Qxt. AMF.s,?.?,.t,IK whmals wo CARRIED OUT TUESDAY'S ELECTION. Following Is n list of tho judges hnd tho olorks of olcction who received tho ballots and counted the votos nt tho city election held here Tuesday. In each -in Dm . -- ------ viuina uru lllO IWO Jiamed first nnd tho following threo mi VV.T K"vov "l lo judges. iil,rflt nnl: Evtt Splckormon, A. F. Pooler. W. T lirm r,..'. . ' f m V. . . vumm ng, Mrs. A. N, Durbln. AfiaCQ( 'War,,i Mrs - p- Temple. cm. i ""iiicj i-uiers, jj n;. Sludor, Frank Krochler. xnjni wnrd: Anna C. Kramph. Stamnfor Mmni.i.i ....... . ' T A V, ,i vm, v.. morion, J. C. Ilollmnn, Airs. Mary Elder. Theodore Iwo SrTj.' A.' Noble?"0"' R0T" .I'lAY OF A oi iti juni'j vjju jiov SCOUT HIKERS. Spoilt l.'vniMilli... 11. .. .. t- , . lUi imrrionii has announced a general hike for all Scouts next Saturday. Tho start will bo mndo from tho west aido of tho Court Houso Fnrk nt 7:30 A. M. with tho bunch going northward nt tho slart. Evory Scout is ordered to take enough "chow" for ono meal. Tho food mny bo either prepared be fore leaving homo or bo prepared at "1D where the meal Is eaten. AH Boy Scouls In the city aro urged ?.,40,n 1,1 th,B ,uko n 1,8 Prposo la still a mystory and thoro aro rumors that something in tho nature of a surprise is to tako placo. MOTHERS TO GIVE 1JANQUET TO NIGHT FOIt NEWLY ORGAN IZED SCOUT TROOP. mniVw ba!tl"01t tfvon y "o mothorn tonight tho boys of tho Baptist Church will be organized Into a Scout Troop. Roy. Shonk oxprcssoa enthusiasm at tho prospects of tho live Troop In 1i1b church. Mr. Grol son nnd Mr. Crltton will have-chargo. In accordnnco with thn nntim- nf n, Local Scout Council the Troop will bo organized ns a part of tho Institu tion. -; :o: j- SUTIIHIILANI) TO OltflANlZE A TJIOOP OF HOY SCOUTS TONIGHT. It has been given out by tho local Scout headquarters that tho town of Sutherland Is organizing , a now troop of Scouts there. s! A. Thomas, graduate of the Scout Of- tiCOrS TraUllnir Kotmnl hnriv la nlr ing tho leadership' In ho -mover Tho Scout Executive, Win. M .Barrlball, and the Scout ComminAlrinPi-- t. n Ilollmnn aro expecting to go to Sutherland noxt Friday to complete the organization. -::o: :- PATRIOTIC SOCIETY WILL ELECT DKLEHATES TO STATE ENCAMPMENT Thu United Spanish War VetoriuiB at tho noxt mooting will elect dolog ntes to tho SUvto Encauvpmont which will be hold in Lincoln on Juno 1214. At tho rogulnr monthly mooting hold last Monday ovoning It was decided to change tho dato or tho rogular moot ing from tho first Monday of each month to tho first .Wednesday of each mouth. a.vxouxces'enl'-age.mext Mivnild Mrs. J. I. Smith nnnoimco the engageinont of their daughter, Hazel to Thurston Wood hurst. Tholr marriage will take place Wednesday, April 20th nt St. Pal rick's Church.. -::o:: Wo aro prepared to show a cholco lino of gifts for all occasions, at Ar vllla Whittakor's Spuclalty Shop. Also a nlco l(no of art goods, threads and yarns. twaww mutism mmw 'GojtdUdl!. Itwr