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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNUl LOCAL AND PERSONAL ! KNTEUTA1X AT S1IOWEK COM. HiI.MKNTAHY TO .MISS .McFA It John Pills (if Snninrsnt wan n rltv I. (VII (V IHII. 111M1V Tisiior niosony. A baby girl wna born to Mr. and Mrs. P. Louden Sunday. Dr. O. I). Datit was n pofosslonul visitor to Paxton Tuesday. Mrg. F. A. Rackored wont to Omnha Wednesday to visit friends. Mrs. II. r. Wright wont to Oinnhu Wcdnesduy to apond several days. Dr. W. Blrkofor, of Gothenburg, was a professional visitor In the city Tuesday. Mrs. Hen Hlno of Lexington camo Wednesday to visit nt the Prank Lange home. J. L. Druck, who has been taking treatment In the Genornl hospital was released Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Morgonson of Lex ington camo Wodnosdny to visit with Tolntives In the city. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lincoln Wednesday. All i incorned aro doing nicely. Black Cat Hosiery, the dependablo kind, is sold by Wilcox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bolsnor and family and Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Rotsuor and son left Wednesday for Farnam to ntend the funeral of Mr. Relsnor'B mothor. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm left Wcdncs dnv for heir now homo in Pasadena vhoro Mr. Ma'colm has accepted a I sltlon. IJo was employed as ma chinist helper in the back shops until recently. Mrs. llomor Petursou and Miss Clara. Sorenson cntortnincd nt n china shower Tuesday evening at tho Soren son home, 307 liast Second Street, In honor of Miss Luolllo. MoFrland. Tho ovenlng was spent in playing GOO after which dnlnty refroshmonts wore served. Miss MoFarland was tho roclpient of lnmiy beautiful china gifts. ::o:: SULLIVAX-O'JIAllA You will flntl n full lino of infants' wear that Is well mado and priced so you can afford to buy It nt Wilcox Dopartment Store. :.t t.t i.t i.t V 5J i.t i.t .J :t t.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t ix i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t :.: i.t :.: i. t.t i.t j.t :.: V i.t It NOW! YOUR RUGS AND CARPETS Should bo washed and dried by machinery right on tho floor. Wc are experts In using the Hamilton Reach Carpet Wash ing Machine. We guarantee to restore tho original color, raise nap, re move all spots and dirt without soaking or Injuring nap or sizing, or shrinking. Wo- get all grease, stains, streaks, tar, etc., that a dry vacuum doesn't touch. Wo do cheoiper, quicker, better, more thorough work than any other method. THE ELECTRIC RUG & CARPET CLEANING CO 914 East 3rd St. Phones 1039W and GG1W. 8 it i.t i.t it ill A very quiet wedding took placo yesterday morning In tho St. Pat Ticks Chapel when Fnthior McDald united In marrlago Miss Winifred Sullivan and Frodcrlck O'Marn. Miss Sulllvnn was dressed In a bluo trlcotlno suit with hat to match and carried a shower bouquot of sweet peas. Tho couple were attended by Miss Mildred McKcown, who also wore a blue suit and carried sweet peas, and Lawrence O'Marn, brother of tho groom. Miss Sullivan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan of Brady and Is a teacher north of this city. Sho Is woll known In this city and has many friends hero. Mr. and Mrs. O'Marn loft yestorday morning on No. 13 for a short wed ding trip to Donvor. HI". A L KSTATK TRANSFERS Following Is a list of deeds filed In tho offico of C. W. Yost, Register of Deeds for Lincoln County, for tho week ending April'G, 1921 : March 31 C. V. Turplo and wife to Merlo F. Warner sections 1,. 2, 3, 28, 29, 33 and N1 and SWV1 section 27, T. 15, R. 29, $5000 nnd incumbrances. March 31 E. B. Spencor and wife to Jofforson C. Newman lot 18, block 3 Harper's Addition to Wellileot, $250 April 1 T. M. Cohagcn to R. W. Fnrris lot 5 block 9 Ponlston's add. to North Platte, $3500. March 3131 E. B. Spencer and wife to Howard G. Spencor west 70 feet lot 4 block 21 Wallaco $800. March 31 Francis W. Comically and wife to August Labor block 18 Wallaco $450. March 31 Nettie Klump to Nichol as Klosen section 29, T. 10, R. 27 $G400. April 1 Louisa M. Cody and hus band to ( O. Smith lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G in block 2 Cody's 2nd addition to North Platte $3G0. : :o: : Mrs. S. E. Clothier of Tryon, daugh tr of George H. Daly of this city and a sister of Mrs. George Dolph and Mrs. Clias. Seeley also of tills city, recently underwent a serious oper ation In one of the Omaha hospitals. Sho is now roported to be getting along nicely. Her husband S. E. Clotli. lor is the Editor of the Tryon Graphic. Now Onen Harness and Shoe Shop. Dealers in Harness and'Saddley Goods. 1001 North Locust Street. THE GREATEST SALE MENS DRESS SHIRTS NORTH PLATTE HAS EVER SEEN Over 300 shirts of several well known brands in a wide variety of patterns and mat erials to select from REGULAR $3.00 VALUE SPECIAL FOR SAT. & MON. 1 $i 'SEE WINDOW DISPLAY COME EARLY TAKE YOUR PICK Where Jow l'rlco Hood Quality. Jleeta Cor. Front & Dewoy Sts. Forced to Vacate Sale 30x3 plain $11.26 N. S. $13.00 Tube $2.25 30x3 1-2 plain 13.75 N. S. 16.00 Tube 2.40 31x4 plain 20.50 N. S. 22.00 Tube 3-25 32x3 1-2 plain 19.00 N S. 21.50 Tube 2.95 32x4 plain 25.00 N. S. 28.00 Tube 3.75 33x4 plain 26.50 N 8. 29.60 Tube 4.00 34x4 plain 28.00 N. S. 31.00 Tube 4.20 32x4 1-2 plain 34.00 N. S. 37,00 Tubs 4.75 34x4 1-2 plain 35.00 N. S. 40.00 Tubo 5.10 Cords 30x3 1-2 rib or N. S. $26.30 32x3 1-2 rib or N. S 33.95 32x4 .' rib or N. S. 42.50 33x4 rib orN. S. 44.00 34X4 ' v rib or N. S, 45.25 32x4 U2' rib or N. S. 48.00 These tires are all Firestone and Diamond Casings and carry a 6000 and 8000 Milage Guarantee. ' 2SgPercent Discount On All Accessories R. S I - - 7 ! It attracts especially those who are inclined to look for beauty com pj bined with comfort and economy. ( KM . This is evidenced by the astonishing ' 1 A number of women who own and ' , drive Dodge Brothers 4 Door 5edan. If The gasoline consumption is unusually low . fl I I ' The tire mileage is unusually high I . J. V. ROM1GH, " , I Cor. 6th and Locust. North Platte, Ncbr. I w ervice oration. Telephone 820. MOTHERS KNTKIITAIN FATHKKS A.NI SONS AT sum:sssKUJ, JtAXQl'ET Tho mothers of tho boys of Troop One of the Boy Scouts entortnjned tho boys and their fathers at a banquet, Tuesday ovenlng. There woro nbout oiglihty-tlvo nt the tables. Each boy was asked to bring bis father nnd If that was Impossible to bring sonio umn. Tho mothers prepared tho '"chow" and served its different courses. Capacities, woro exceeded and satisfaction reigned after tho dinner had been served. William J. Ilendy acted as toast master and introduced the sponsors with characteristic eloquence. Those responding woro E. J. Vandorboof, E. H. Goodman, C. L. Littel, C. R Koch, V. M. Ilarrlball and E. H. Stevens. Aftor tho songs and speeches tho boys entertained tho fathers and mothers with demonstrations of first aid, bandaging, games, races and signal ing. Tho boys stood and gave three cheers for the mothers and applauded tho speakers. Following Is a list of the members of Troop One: PATROL ONE L. Hroternltz ' E. Moody .11. Tout H. Haner ' I). McKay , It. Throckniorton F. Yearsloy ('. Uarrlch PATHOL TWO I). Stroup C. Harbor V. Loudon G. Waltemath ' L. Hart (5. McGInley ,f. Lano 11. Russell PATROL THREE A. Iiwhead A. Tlmmerman W. SwniiRon ,. Leon L. Palmer K. Douglas O. Wilcox II. Hunt PATROL FOUR E. Rector R. Dickey F. Mooney L. Askwlg II. Swanson . Loftls fl. Weber ( Heyorly CASUAL PATROL L. Thoiniisou W. Harris II. Tyler II. Sollars n Kagon R. Doty K. Wilson O. Rose K. Even K. Evens tin' Food and Garden Seeds of all des criptions. North Platto Feed Co., Phono 200. Paint Sale. We have about 250 gallons of Pattons Sun Proof Ready Mixed Paint which we wish to close out at the following prices: Gallons $2-90 Half Gallons J. 50 Quarts H0 PATTONS VELUMINA WASHABLE WALL PAINT Gallons 32.75 Half Gallons 1.45 Quarts 75 These piices are cheaper than you can buy f. o. b. factory and are subject to stock on hand. Stone's Drug Store SPECIAL SALE OF 6,000 MILE GUARANTEED TIRES 31x4 $17.50 33x4 22.30 34x4 23.00 30x3 $10.50 30x3 1250 32x3 15.70 Wc have just made a very fortunate purchase of tires at less than manufacturers cost, which enables us to make these prices which arc about half the regular list and no war tax. You Get the Advantage of Our Large Buying Power ADAIR-LEE RUBBER CO. Three Stores; North Platte, Omaha, Malvern, Iowa