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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ur Pre-lnventory CLINTON, THE JEWELLR Clinton and Fon, The Eye Glass Men WILL CLOSE Sign of the Big Ring. Satisfaction Sure Try Us Graduate Opticians 4 Saturday Night, Jan. 1 5 e XOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs J. P. Clabaugh la roporte ' bo .Til, Dixon Optical Co. Sight and oyo SpcclallstH. E.J Moyor ot "rule transacted business In UiIh city tlio last of the week. Wo specialize In Diamonds. Dixon tho Jeweler. GladyB Case, of Sutherland wub n visitor In this city Saturday. A. 0. Johnson, of Tyron, was a visitor In our city Saturday. J. 0. Anderson, of Ilrady, transacted business In town the first of tho week. Rev. II. B. Hom returned from Don vor Saturday wbcre ho spent a fow dayB, Wo spoclnlizo In Diamonds. Dixon, tho Jowoler. ' B. K, McQlothon, of Sutherland, wna a business visitor In North Platto this i Grlselda llrltslnger, of Oshkosh, was n visitor In tho city the last of tho week. Mrs. W. L. Daub, of Fostohrln, Ohio Is visiting at the William Roynolds homo. Ladles Hlack Cotton Hoso 2 pair for 25c at Wilcox Dopartmcnt Store. Mrs. D. Clabaugh nrrlvcd Sunday evening to visit nt tho J. P. Clnbaugh homo, Mrs. J. S. SlmniB and Mrs. C. 0. Day will arrlvo today from Shrevo- port, La. Jaunlt Paulchor, ot Oshkosh, trans acted business In town tho latter part of tho week. Dr. Wurtolc, office phono 27, night phono 25. Mrc. Campbell, of Grand Island, cunut yestorday to visit her son El mer lor n fow days. W. J . O'Connor arrived homo this morning from Omaha whoro ho has been transacting business. Dixon Optical Co. Sight and oyo Specialists. JVin't fall to mako an early selec tion of record from our shipment Just received. Dixon's Music Shop, Tlio regular mooting ot tho Knights of Columbus will bo hold In tho K. O. Hall, Wednesday, January 12lh. Tho Christian Church Ladles' Aid will not meet this week as tho-dato hns been postponed for two weo'es. Dixon Optlcnl Co. Sight nnd oyo Hpecmiisuu Mrs. It. Ilelco of Now York City will arrlvo In tho near futuro to visit at tho' homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Cornoll. Dr. L. J. KUAU8E. IIC'tlsL. Mc- IMIMUIU ItUUH JIU1IUJIIK JH'"IilB fa th bono 07. tf Harold Fotcraon will leavo tomor row lrr Lincoln after visiting at tho homo of Mi brlohcr for two weeks Fifty-two Inch all wool Navy Sctbo $1.20 a yard at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. George Golden of Gothonburg Is visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Chnrloa Frcdrlcl of this city. Sam Block ot Fremont visited at tho homo ot his brother II. I. Llock Friday enrouto to Ills homo from tho coast. ' Brighton tho Music that you liavo by adding a fow of our lato popular records to your stock. Dixon's Music Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Moso McFarlnnd will leavo tomorrow for Bedford. lown, whoro they will visit tho former's mother. Miss Kathrine JIarrlmnn left Satur day for her home In Kimball. She has been employed for some time at tho Oasis. Remember tho 13th tho Yeomen have a big mooting. Supreme Offlcors initiation nnd refreshments. Every Yeomnn como. Mrs. K. J. Vandorhoof and Mrs Ircno Crano roturnod from Denver Snturdny where they accompanied Mr. vnnuerhoof. You will enjoy selecting now rcc A largo number o young folks at tended tho dunco In Sutherland Friday evening. The music was furnished by ' Scholtz orchestra of Denver. Mr. DIMon is substituting for Mr. Lawrence ns janitor nt tlio Jefferson School this week, Mr. Lawrenco is sprvlntf as Juror nt'tlio District Court. . Your Edison phonograph will be an added plcasuro to your houoohold and friends when you get tho latest selections for It from Dixon's Music Shop. A Rebecca Kensington will bo held Friday afternoon in tho Odd Fellows Hall. As this is an important meet ing all members are urged to bo present. Mrs. D. W. Dnggct of Gothenburg who has bcou visiting nt tlio home of her daughter Mrs. P. M Pottlt loft yesterday for her homo. 'NeNv- patterns In yard-fwido Per cales, cither light or dark at 10c a yard ut Wilcox Department Store On account of tho Social Evangelis tic Campaign to be hold this weckthe dlfforent churchos have adjourned the regular midweek prayer meeting. The Swedish Mission will hold its noxt meeting Friday evening, Janu ary 14th, at tho People's Mission, The meeting will begin nt 7:30 p. m. All aro wolcomo Whlsporlng Tho Japanese, Sand- man Iliawatha'B Melody of Love and many other good selections just re ceived In a ro-order nt Dixon's Music Shop. Frtfd Green who has been employed ords for your Christmas Edison or l" l optical department of the Clln Colnmbln. Hear them at DIxon'B 1 ton Jowolery Store, for Homo tlm? re Music Shop. .signed his position Saturday and left Evorshnrn cad. Dixon the Jowoler. r wnuoroi, iowiu When you buy diamonds you wnntj natality, guaranty and price. See Dix on for them all. Mips TUllo Blonkonburg left Sun day for .. Cnlltornln whero sho will f.pond thrco months visiting hor moth er and brothors. Wo do our host to mako our gold seal that Is put on all our packages, tho seal ot .quality and satisfaction. Dixon, tho Jowolor. The- basket-ball gumo to be played hero Inter In tho season with Scotts "hluff 1ms boon cancojlcd and Sidney ban accented tho date. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Strykor ot Suth erland transacted business in this city Saturday and spent Sundny at tho Hans Johnson homo. Hi . We are continuing this sale over the 15th on request of several of our customers who wished to h;cL their pay checks so they could get the advantage of the prices we are offering; ' , Wilcox Department Store. COMMUNITY PUBLICITY 'oiidiu'ttil l,y tin) 1 (IIAMIICU )1' eoMMr.Uri: Mr. and Mrs. Deano Richardson, who have been visiting at tho homo of tlio lattor's parents Mr. and Mrs. C S, Clinton loft Friday evening for Omaha to bo gono for somo time. Ncal Brown hns accepted a position at tho Clinton' Optical Department! Mr. Brown wns a former employee but has been away In the eastern part of tho stato for somo time tnklng some optical worlc Bradley Sweaters at Sale Prices at Wilcox Department Store. Judgo and Mrs. II. M. Grimes loft Saturday for Loxlngton, when tho Baii association of this District entertained at a banquet In hbnor of Judge Grimes who has served as- Judge of this district for twcnty-llvo years '' We Knew We Were Starting Something Hi m m Hi m when we started this sale. But this sale is exceeding all our; expectations, It's a case of "the bigger the value the bigger the crowds.' The past few days y2 have proveivthat people hereabouts KNOW VALUES and' take advantage of BPi them. j JL.W am h .Gut at left comes in ;hi;pw.n5 black and 8lL week u v "- -, ' -O letters from ci The Chamber of Commerce will offer a purse of $250 for the best collective oxhlblts of farm produce from Lincoln County pro ducts at tho Lincoln County Fair, noxt September. This purse will be divided Into three -moneys: $125 for the best collective exhibit from any ono precinct; $75 for the second best and $50 for the third best. This monty will be deposited in ti Jocal bank July 1st to the credit of S. M. Souder, treasurer of- tiro Fair Associ ation and by tim turned over to tho prize winners. City Engineer Rannle has promised an early report of tho cost of the proposed drainage system which would tako caro of tho water that comes from the wost and 'floods the city streets during heavy rains, and which would also lower the water table and solve the problem of having basements fill with" water. This drain ago proposition was taken up by tho Chamber of Commerce last year and tho 'committee, of which E. F. See- herger is chairman, had a survey made hv Union Pacific engineers acting In coniunctlon with the city engineer and engineer Roy Cochran This re port was filed with the city council ami that body directed the city en gineer to mako a report on tho es timated cost. Owing to a burden of othor work City Engineer Rnnnlo has been unablo to reach this work, but now promises an estimate In tho near future. Through tho efforts of Secretary C F. Coy, of tho Paxton Commercial Club, Train No. 1G now stops on flag at Paxton, Sutherland and Hcrshey, Tlris Order became effective yester day. Residents of those towns can now reach North Platto at 9:20 In tho morning and return on No. 17 at G:25 In tho qvenlng, thus giving them the ontlrc dny In which to transact nun iiesa A Lincoln man writes tho secretary that he is looking for a location for an auto top business and another man In Kansas wants Information relative to tho prospects for an auto radiator Just a Few Figures From the Annual Statement of The Travelers Insurance Co-, Hartford, Conn. New Life Insurance Paid for over $639,700,000 Gain over 126,700,000 Paid Life Premiums over 36,000,000 Gain over 8,800,000 Paid Accident and Health Premiums over , 9,800,000 Gain ' over " 2,200,000 Paid Compensation and Liability premiums ovqr J 31,900,000 Gain , over 1,100,000 Total Premium Income over 77,900.000 Gain over 12,200,000 Total Income over 88,200,000 Gain !' J1J love"r 14,300,000 I have just received, the above by Special Delivery from Hartford, which, is -taken from their. Annual Statement fpr 1920. Why not have a policy backed up by these millions when it costs no inore, and in many cases less than with other companies. MORAL: Insure in tho Travelers. C. F. TEMPLE, THE TRAVELERS MAN. Room 11 Broilbeck RIdg;. Office riione 63.. Residence 824-J. SOCIAL EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN OPENS THIS EVENING AT METHODIST CHUKCH. SHIPPING HOGS WEST. Ed Todenhoft, the Jocal hog buyer shipped six cars of hogs to San Fran cisco Sunday, and placed in the cars sufficient corn to feed tli Wilcox will, bo here whllo In transit, air. Todenhoft has contracted to deliver to the San Fran cisco buyer many cars of hogs, in fact a whole trainload.'nnd In order to fill tho contract is compelled to ship in from Central Nebraska a number of cars of the animals as the local supply up to date has been In sufficient. Tho hogs purchased out side tho North Platte torrltory are assembled hero and then shipped out with those locally purchased. In fill ing this westorn contract Mr. Toden- nou says ho can afford to pay far mers and hay growers a higher price Dr. Frank G this evening and every day until next Sunday night to conduct a campaign along the lines that aro being attemp ted by the Board of Public Welfare. All sessions will bo hold In tho Meth odist Church and aro open and free to tho public Afternoon and eve sessions will bo held on most ot tho days with frequent talks to tho teach ers and pupils of tho schools. These meetings are not for fanatics and rad icals, but aro for all men and women who aro Interested in making this city nnd this county and this state n gray-- Cut al rightis ouijj Has Diate heel' and comes in brown or L ' h black, in leather that will not peel. . Was' .50; Now $6.45. Biown kid was $13 now $8.95. Black kid was $10. now $6.95. Grey kid was $12 now $4.95, wing girls5 shoe. Buy BuckJs Shoes. Formeily known as Shoe Market. bfl iB m m !fi IE io secretary receiveu eight men residing in nearly as many different states Inquir ing about real estate values In Nor Platto and stating that they were look ing for new locations. list of traveling men who make North Platto their headquarter )- eluding those who travel for .local houses, has been compiled by the sec- mtiry. The list shows Jhlrty-soven names. Several of these men were lutorvlowed Saturday evening and each reported that ho found business Improving, a decided chango for the better having takon place since Jan uary first. Oon'l. Manager Joffers write? tho orrotnry Uint ho does not deem it "dvlsablo to locate the nronosod llvo slock salos navlllon on tho Union Pn rUht of wnv on North Locust Rtrpct as It Is folt that such ground will bo needed for track exton7' tim near futuro. W. J O'Connor nnd the secrotnry attended a mooting ot tho Paxton Com merclnl ' Club Wodnosday ovonlng and heard road a roport of tho doings of tho club slnco Its organization In Juno 1920. Tho roport was a most flatter Ins; one, and gavo ovldonco that the club Is an exceedingly actlvo ono. At this meeting tho membership ot tim club wns Increased from thirty to llfy nlno. Short nddrossos woro mnde by Mf O'Connor, A. H. IToaglnnd and the secretary. LKNSB GRINDING. Wo do 90 por cent of our own work In our lenso grinding dopartmont This Bpolls quick sorvico and accur acy Dixon Optical Co. For Sale A Ford touring body $25. A. & II. Gnrago, (515 North Vino. mAHKIAGE LICENSES. Following mnrrlago Hconsos have been Issued by County Judgo Wood hurst slnco our lust Issue: .inn. 8. Sylvostor Hartlott, botlor- mnkor, Elkhart, Indiana to Miss Zua Rohlson, North Platto, .fan. 8. Cecil M. Trent, mall clork, Nonn Platto to Miss I.onn B Tuckor. Mountain Grove, Mo. (Married by Jud?fc Woo'lhinM. better placo In which to live. An than ho could woro he to ship to th iiunuai auumpi win uc matio io ami- ""i" umana market lyze the social conditions under which ' As all they grain necessary to feed wo now live and to contrive means of , Gio hogs in transit is being purchnsod uuuiiiiK mum cuiuriuuio a larger men- "iui t-iaiie t assists in creatine suro of satisfaction to our enjoyment a local market for corn. Last wee'- nepurcnased twenty tons of corn. of tho bettor things of life, 1 : :o: : TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEltN. Hoport having been made to tlu Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, Nebraska, bv the Clerk of the District Court of, said County, which report Bhows that there Is now and has been for tho last six months remaining in tho hands of said District Clork certain witness fees which have been uncalled for, to wit: John McConnell $9,5 J. L. Lewis 4.00 Harry Worland 2.10 Jessup 8.10 Earl Hamilton . 2.10 M. E. Conway 4.0O Mrs. J. T. Richards 2.10 V, Polsky 2.10 Milton Ranoy I I'MON PACIFIC TAXI AND ' THANSFElt CO. C Jf. KLOOMHERG, Mgr. Phono 3 Day and Night Calls Answered Promptly a Barrel Charles Tntum . 2.10 D. Ranoy , 2.10 if Ray Logan 2.10' l O. J. Kllno . 2.10 :': it I Buy 8 I Cow 21 n ti i.t it it Mrs. II. P. Larson !.10 ran FLOUR :.: i.t a Dean Howkor . 2 10 :': C. F. Clark c.lOlS O. Q. William 1.10 H ji. liiinon . 1.10 t'x uuy swopo 1.00 li Kvfirv fnriAor ii Goorgo Wilson v 8.10 It - - J "' lUVt 1 ont- V iv. 1. Lururuiuo E. E. Dohnor 2.10 C. C. Darnell . o.lO i-'red uielil g interested in fanning should tins camnaipn. TIn'o join nnnl.. .... Frank Donolly g.goi a uemand tor i.: families if SmLL::::::::;:::;:; flh wheatand mi bus G. Stogeman a.10 li ness Dorsoy Harden 3.20 " -"... o.v Richard Stcgomnn . . .. 1.00.:': v. li. uozior , 1,00 A. E. Wood 4.30 G, D. Brown 5.1 n Louis Joedokor' 4.00 Nebraska 150,000 barrels tn get them through the win ter. Buy Yours Now. Insist on :.: i.t :t Now If such foes shnll not be culled for within six months from tho 31st ilnv nt nnrnmhnp 1I90 ihn enmn d.nii bo consldorod ns forfolted and will bo :': paid into tho County School Fund of ft Dntod this 6th dny of January, 1921 i 1 "e Worth Plalte FI a. &. AMjithN, county riork. "COW BRAND" lour