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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE J. a PENNfiTOOMPANYi-A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION J. C, PSNNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION J- C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTIOI' H 4 Putting Our House in Order - m 1 Hi o O' fc", 3 to Meet New Conditions, The J. C, PENNEY CO., Operating 312 Department Stores in 27 States, on . 6 2 Opened its Doors Believing the time has arrived when a revision of prices is warranted by replacement value having discounted our merchandise thousands of dollars in our inventory just completed we therefore give to the public the full bene fit of the loss we sustain. Remember we have said OUR REPLACEMENT PRICE which should prove doubly attractive. Buying for 312 stores doing a yearly business of ap proximately FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS should be sufficent proof that our replacement price is substantially lower than that of our competitors. LADIES' COATS Any ladies' cloth coat in the house, all sizes and colors RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $14.75 HOSIERY Ladies hose in cotton; also Xor the children, all sizes in black. tan and RECONSTRUCTION PRICE15c & 19c pair MEN'S OVERALLS Men's high grade over alls, 220 den. RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 31.30 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Men's Pay Day work shirts in blue and grey, size 143, to 19. These are extra" good quality RECONSTRUCTION PRJCE 08c mi.'yxj rmMUTirnv !' VXTK 'These are very ncavy, made good and large, all sizes, dark or light col - RECONSTRUCTION PRICE ..$3.08 ' 31 EN'S HOSE. Blue, grey and black ex tra fine quality, 10 to lIVo sizes, while they last RECONSTRUCTION PRICE ..10c pair 312 Busy Stores J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A Monday, With Reconstruction Prices Prevailing Every Price in Our Store is Based Upon Our REGARDLESS OF PREVIOUS COST. MEN'S UNION SUITS One lot of men's union suits, a medium weight wool process, size 3G to 46 RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $1.79 SHEETING 9-4 Peppereli sheeting, all you want RECONSTRUCTION PRICE' 4(5c yd PEQUOT SHEETS Full size Pequot sheets bleached RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $1.4$) each TAULE CLOTH Renfrew table cloth, white cotton, also linen finish, in all the best patterns RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $1.0S & OSc yfl. PILLOW .TUBING 1 Bleached pillow tubing I 40 aml 42 hich, all you want ; pf 4, v.l 1 ulULl 1-41( 3" ! . mmQys One lot of fancy ribbons, extra wide RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 25c yd GEORGETTE CREPE 500 yds. Georgette crepe most all colors, unusual value RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 1.40 yd,JJKlJl J,c yu. A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION, J. C. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION X C. RLACK SATEEN SHIRTS Men's , black sateen shirts, the shirt for wear RECONSTRUCTION PRICE OSc WOOL HOSE Men'sVwool hose, grey, whitfiand blue, all sizes RECONSTRUCTION PRICE , !!0c pair MEN'S SHOES 100 pairs men's sIiofs in nice vici kid stock, also a lot of good work shoes RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $2.08 MOLESKIN PANT'S Extra heavy in khaki & black pin stripes RECONSTRUCTION PRICE J.S3.00 Jfc $3.08 HOYS' SHOES One-lot of boys' dress 1JLANKETS and work shoes, sizes 2Wool blanketBfc4ll larg0 RECONSTRUCTION I GS' LZ pl?iut PRICE , $3.40 APRON CHECK GINGHAM Plain apron check sing - ham RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 12Uc yd FANCY DRESS GINGHAM I GINGHAM 1000 yards of fancy j dress ginghams, very, ; fino patterns , RECONSTRUCTION atioit - N January 10th, LADIES' DRESSES 25' ladies dresses, silk and serge dresses, as sorted colors RECONSTRUCTION PRICE .-$14.75 DLANKETS Largo cotton, blankets in tans, greys, etc-, also in plaids in pink,, blue and grey, while, they last RECONSTRUCTION PRICE -.$2;08 T these over RECONSTRUCTION PRICE L. $3.08 . COMFORTS ' Wo have 50 comforts on .the road, will be'in in a few days I RECONSTRUCTION i PRICE $2.9S and $3,08 COATS children's cloth coats, a few sizes left, from (5 to io years RECONSTRUCTION price $0.90 A wMe Institution Do not confuse this with the usual mirk up and mark down special sale commonly held by other merchants. The J. C. Penney Company never has, hor does it now believe in special sales. Remember every article will remain as price'd until forced by market conditions to change. Many items are limited in quantity, many may prove underpriced hence Belay to purchase may result in disappointment. Come expecting to find every item in our store bearing its proper reduction. We stake our reputation that you will not be disappointed. . PERCALES All tlie best patterns you can wish for, lights and darks, 30 inch width RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 10c yd OUTING FLANNEL Daik and light fancy and white outings in all the good patterns RECONSTRUCTION PRIQE ...19c to 1 7c?ytl CORSETS Why not ask for a J. afT,,,, Penney corset for ladies, PRICB c bc white and colored PRICE $2.9S down o 0s4Thoso attou or, lafA HER SPREADS . White fancy cut corner I bed spreads, full size , RECONSTRUCTION I PRICE $3.98. PERCALES Light and fancy, v. very good quality RECONSTRUCT! ON PRICE 15c yard . . :! VKKVAIjK AI'ROSN i Fancy percale aprons, i large, medium or small ; RECONSTRUCTION I PRICI5 98c each LACES New' Spring Laces are now. on display at the new market price, just arrived i RECONSTRUCTION I PRICE 5c, 10c, 25c yd r-it' MUSLIN GOWNS Ladies Muslin gowns new spring mdso. RECONSTRUCTION PRICE ..$1.10 to 91.40 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS New spring dress shirts with or without collars all sizes RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 08c each MEN'S WORK GLOVES New spring lino is here with the new ivmviiqi mrm some tin juuiiiui uuu uui ersers cloth tops, leath er bottom. RECONSTRUCTION i PRICE $1.20 o $1.40 pr. MISSES' SHOES Black, button or lace, in Jcid r gun metal, sizes 8'. to 2 RECONSTRUCTION PRICE ..$2.40 io $2.98 LADIES' HOUSE SHOES Elastic ' sides ' rubber ilcei AVillo they last RECONSTRUCTION PRICE .$2.I9 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS About 12 dozen to choose from, all colors and siz- GS RECONSTRUCTION PRICE .$1.08 a 3 1 2 Busy PENNEY COMPANY A Replacement Price LADIES' SUITS Any ladies' suit Ip the store whilo they last RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $24.75 TOWELS 50 dozen Turkish towels on the road at unheard of prices RECONSTRUCTION PRICE 25c and 49c caelj COTTON BATTS Extra large size bails, 3'r pounds, quilted, will be in in a few days RECONSTRUCTION PRICE ., 98e each CRETONNES .Extra wide and heavy cretonnes, fine new pat terns REJ20NSTRUCTI ON PRICE 19c yard "kiiaki one piece work suit.w in all sizes; - tbese. are extra good for the mon ey - RECONSTRUCTION PRICE $2.08 a suit LADIES' HOUSE DRESS MS These are exceptional values; they sold as high as $0.00, while they last , RECONSTRUCTION PRICE S2.08 PURS Furs are selling at very low prices, and It will, pay you to look these over. PRICE $,1.08 io $14.75 Stores NATION - WIDE INSTITUTION o Q o 1 .0 25 CO cj h3 t i O 2 "P ft 2 i i. o- v i i h3 a O