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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SEMIAVERTar TRIBUNE. ESCAPED AN OPERATION By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Many Such Cases. Cairo, 111. "Sometimo ago I got bo bad with female troublo that I thought x wouia navo to do operated on. I had a bad displacement. My right side would pain me and I waa bo nervous I could not hold a glass of water. Many times I would havo to stop my work and sit down or I would fall on the, floor in a faint. I consulted every one told mo the same but I kept tion. I had read so many times of Lydia m Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and It helped my sister so I began taking it I have novcr felt better than I havo einco then and I keep houso and am ablo to do all my work. Tho Vegetable Com pound is certainly one grand medicine " Mrs. J. R. Matthews, 3311 Sycamore Street, Cairo. III. Of course there are many serious cases that only a surgical operation will re lieve. We freely acknowledge this, but tho above letter, and many others like it, amply prove that many- operations aro recommended when medicine In many cases is all that is needed. . If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Moss, 16799 DIED In New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL Ths world's standard remedy for ki&nsy, Urtr, bladder and uric add troubles. Holland' national remedy since 1696. All druggists, throe sizes. Guaranteed, beak (at U nam Gold Madat on .Tory bo and accent na imlutloa MILK GOATS. Write us your wants. C P. Courtright, Kearney, Nebraska. Fresh Chicken. Tom Crnnllll of Texas, prominent In oil circles of late, tells the following on a minister who had discovered oil on some lnnd be owned. The minister Invited some of his deacons to go with him to the new field, so thnt they might share In the opportunities. T.hcy were breakfasting nt the local eating hous and had deckled Unit they would owlcr chicken. When the waitress, n cnlclmlnert and peroxlded miss, cntue up, the min ister Inquired: "How Is the chicken this morning?" "All right, klddol" she retorted. "How nro youV" -3aturdny Evening 1'ost. All Tired Out? Are you burdened with a dull, nag ging backache? Does any little exer tion wear you out? Does it seem some times as if yoj) just ain't keep going? Modern life with its Lurry and worry, and lack of rest, throws a heavy strain on the kidneys. The kidneys slow up and that tired feeling and constant backache are but natural results. Use Doan't Kidney Pilla. Doan's have helped thousands. They should help you. Atk your neighbor! An Iowa Case Jennie Mace, 8ab ula. Iowa, says: "I had a great deal of trouble with dull, nagging pains through my back. There was a con stant dull aching in the small of my back and sharp ,palns would dart through my hips na into my spine, was very nervous and felt miserable. I took Doan's Kid. nov Pills and thev cured me of the trouble." Cet Doan's at Any Store, 80c a Bos DOAN'S 'iRSST FOSTER-M1LDURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Our, Overflowing Riches. A Swede In Minnesota. who hnd bill recently arrived there, was speaking vnthuslnstlcnlly to n friend of the won ders of America. "it ban a lino country, Niels," he said to u friend, "nnd very generous tmn a very body here. I linked n't the post oil! co nbout sending money to my mother nnd the young mnn tell me I enn get n money order for $10 for 10 cents." A Disadvantage. "You can't deny thnt tho rnUrondw are at Considerable disadvantage In -tome ways." "No." admitted tho profiteer. "It Is Impossible for n railroad to raise Its prices without everybody's knowing nil nbont It nnd stnrtlng nil kinds uf dis cussion." Nliht and Mornlnrf. Hao Strong. Healthy Eytu If they Tire, Itch, Smart or Burn, if Sore, Irritated. Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Soothas. Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Marlns Eyt Rtmrir Co- Chktv W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 3C-.1920. I 111U1U1I1 INI wmmtmrn FlJaaaaaaaaaaaaKr.: ME3 SUDAN GRASS IS IMPORTANT CROP Now Being Successfully Grown In Nearly All Parts of the United States. HAS SHORT GROWING SEASON Gaining Popularity Because of Its Ability to Produce Fair Yield of Hay Under Conditions of Low Rainfall. Ten yon re nfter Its Introduction to the UnltedStntos from Khartum? Afri ca. Sudan grass wns holng sihti-ms-fully grown In nearly nil parts of the United States. It does not servo well either ns n "money crop" or a soil Im prover, hence It may novctv find n permanent ploco In regular trn rota tions. It has, nevertheless, n very Im portant plnce In the fanner's second line of defense ns a catch crop which can be planted to give satisfactory returns when conditions hnve brought failure to other hay crops. This Is the verdict pronounced by the United States department of agriculture Id Farmer's Bulletin 1120 recently Is sued. Sudan grass Ir replacing, millet ns the premier cntch crop In ninny local ities because of Its nblllty to produce n fnlr yield nnd n high quality nf- hny under condition of low rainfall ; Its rather short growing season, nnd Its nblllty to thrive on n wide rnnge of soil types. Large yields of Ruilnn grass nrc obtained only on good soils, but the grass falls completely only on cold, poorly drained lnnd. Sudan Grass Produces Heavily. In California under Irrigation Sudan grass has mndo yields' of 0.8 tons of field-cured hay an acre, when nlfnlfa produced hut 8..1 tons under like con ditions: it ordinarily yields nbout the same ns nlfnlfa under Irrigation In the Southwest, but Sudnn grass gives Its full crop In three cuttings agnjnst tho four or five required for nlfnlfa. It Is the only grass yet found which In this part of the United Stntes ranks as the equal of alfalfa In point of yield and qunllty of the buy. Its rec ord In this rospept has led to Its use In "pntchlng" old nlfnlfa Ileitis when the stand of nlfalfa has been de stroyed. In tho southern gront plains whore there Is n low, rainfall. Sudan grass grown without Irrigation will yield from one to three tons of hay to tho acre. . There are certain parts of the United State's where the. department of agriculture considers It unwise to depend on Sudan grass for hay. This Is true of the strip of territory 2W) miles wide along the northern xtundary: the regions of high nl 1 1- Sudan Grass Grown in Rows and Cultivated. tildes In the western states; and also most of I'Morldn nnd a narrow strip of ind along the gulf coast. Low tem peratures prevent sueees with the grass In the tlrst two regions named, nnd disease Is the limiting factor along tho gulf coast, in a majority of the central and southern states, how eve"r. climatic and soil conditions are favorable to Sudan grass. Although Sudan grass Is best adapt ed by nature to use ns a hay crop, It Is also used with great success as a soiling ami pasture crop for summer pastures. Its use as a silage mate rial Is limited by the fact that It Is easily made Into hay find fed as such with very little waste, nnd also be cause colli and sorghum both outyleld. It and nro generally available through out the region where Sudan grass Is grown. High Feeding Value. The feeding value of Sudnn grass Is equal to timothy hay. In localities where soy beans or cowpoas do well these legumes- may ho grown In mix tures with the Stidnii grass. Such a mixture produces a hay of higher feeding value thnn 'the-grns alone, because of the high protein content of the legumes. Sudan grass hybridizes freely with the sorghums. It Is necessary, there fore. If pure seed Is produced, to have tho Sudan grass field at some distance from any sorghums, otherwise It will result in a mongrel crop the follow. Ing year. The department of agriculture's new bulletin goes very thoroughly Into the details of cropping, planting, harvest ingboth for hny and for seed as well ns the best methods of feeding the hay to live stock. BIG HARM TO CROPS FROM GRASSHOPPERS Situation Is Particularly Serious in Dakotas. , Pest Destroying First Good Crops ' Farmers Have Had Since Begin- nlng of Extended Dry Season' Poison Bait Favored. Grasshoppers ore Infesting the farms In the northern portions of North Dakota, Michigan and Oregon east of tho Cascade mountains, he cording to reports received by tbe bu reau of entomology. In the Dukotns the situation Is particularly scrloUs because the farms have suffered trSin several years of drought, nnd the ifvor age farmer's bank account Is much decreased by these years of extremely low erop ' yields. Now conies the grasshopper to destroy the first good erop the farmers hnvc been able to grow since the beginning of the ex tended dry seasons. In many enses the farmer's predicament Is desperate, Young Grasshoppers Feeding on Clover. with no funds available to enable him to light the pest which threatens him with bankruptcy,. The United Stntcs department of agriculture has no available funds for the purpose, but Is giving suc'h assist ance ns It can toward putting- control measures Into' effect. Grasshopper bnlt, made according to the directions given below nnd scat tered over the infested areas, is a highly successful weapon to check tho pest. Use 25 pounds of wheat bran; 1 pound of purls green, or white nrse nle; G oranges or lemons finely 'liminni! : iiniirts of Inw-iirndo mo- hisses, and from 2 to 4 gallons of water. Other halts are described In Farm ers' Hulletlu 747, United Stntes depart ment of agriculture, but there Is very little difference In their relative effi ciency. In moist climates the halts may be applied In the morning, but In seml-nrld regions It should bo put out In the evening to secure the best re sults. HORSE'S FEET REQUIRE CARE Doeon't Pay to Neglect Shoes of Anl mal Permanent Injury May Be the Result,. Many n horse becomes Incurably lame and has to be killed long heforo his time; and most often the cause Is some trouble In the fore feet. Do not try to economize In the shoeing "of your horses. Go to the best horse shoer you ciin find, nnd let him have his own way. Havo your horse shod at least once In four weeks. Avoid long calks. The higher the foot Is raised from the ground, the worse for the foot. See that the shoe is big enough, and at tho heels a little too big for the foot. See thnt your horse's feet are kept soft especially In n long spell of dry weather. He uiove his shoes If he stands In for a week or more, but glvo him bedding to stand on, so that ho will not be come footsore. No doubt you know these things yourself, but sometimes yoif forget thein. FARM FORESTRY MAKES FARMING PAY BETTER BY 1. Marketing timber" profit ably. 2 Supplying timber for farm needs. '1. Furnishing employment for men and teams In winter. 4. Making wnsto Innds yield n profit. fi. Increasing the sale value of the farm. PROVIDING SHADE FOR HENS Quick Growing Plants Furnish Pro tection as Well as Feed Rape Is Particularly Useful. Artlflclnl shade for the chickens should not need to be provided more thnn one year even If one Is n short lease tenant. There are quick grow. Ing plants which will furnish protec tion and food as well. Itapo Is use ful for this purpose; sunflowers of the various varieties, castor beans screens of morning glories. For moro permanent shade, put out currants, gooseberries and berries. Dp fESflf .RL Unless you see the safety, Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over 20 years, and proved safe by millions. Safety first I Insist upon an unbroken "Bayer Package" containing proper directions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Earache, Toothache, Neuritis, Rheumatism, Lumbago and Pain generally. Made and owned strictly by Americans. Handy tin Asslrln I the- trad Quite Superfluous. After a little ten party the children were playing some game quietly In n corner of tho room. The lady of the house was curious to know what wns keeping them so In terested, so sho culled her own girl toward her. "What gnme nro you playing Mol lie?" she ns?ked. , "Weddings, mother," replied the small girl. "I'm tho bride, nnd Marg ery Jones Is tho bridesmaid." "And who Is the bridegroom?" asked mother, knowing thnt there wus no small boy nmong the guests. "Oh," enmo the quick answer, "this Is only n very quiet wedding, you know." Loudon Answers. Sugar From Timber. Speaking of tho suggestion of saw dust sugar, n Ceylon planter says: "While I cannot vouch for the sweeten lug properties of timber In general, I know there urc trees which yield su gar. We might have been sending you considerable quantities from Ceylon lind an experiment made then been moro efficiently carried out. I'nlmyrn trees which yield n sugary syrup, were tupped, nnd modern machinery In stalled to refine the Juice, but for some reason the native workers could not lie prevailed on to carry the stuff down from the forest to the works. Thero is . still u future for palmyra sugar, when the Ill-luck is lived down. Lacking. "Jfo, I will not marry you I" "Why or good gracious, Mabel I I thought-" "My husband must be n mnn of courage." "Well, I hate to talk nbout myself, but I brought home two medals, you know, and " "Yes, but you have Just admitted thnt you have loved me desperately for five weury years, but never be fore hnd the courage to propose. No, I can't marry a man with no more nerve thnn thnt!" Two Sides to Every Story.' From the Agony Coluniiir-Itobert. come home. All Is forgiven. Reply In Same Two Days Later Madge, enn't come home. Cannot for give myself. Iloston Transcript. A rotten egg ennnot he spoiled. The ModernTable Drink A combination of good (flavor, economy; efficiency 'and health satisfaction, Instant Postum This pure and wholesome beverage contains none of coffees harmful ingredients. - Especially valuable in families with children. Sold "by all Grocers Maria tjr Postum Cereal er-TabletsrfAspirin boxes of 12 tablet cost but a few cent Larger package mark of Sww Manufactura of UonoacaUcacldatter of Baltcrllcaeld. A wife Is always willing to love If her husband will honor nnd obey. Think twice before you laugh. Then you won't laugh In the wrong plnce. Rheumatism Back on the Job sir.i w. i s . t Witn No Let-Uo In Its Torture. If you nro afflicted with Rhcvii mntism, why waste time with lini ments, lotions nnd other local ap plications that novcr did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub tho pain away, for you will never succeed. Try tho sensible plan of finding the causo of the pain. Remove the causo, and there can bo no pain. You will never be rid of Rheu matism until you cleanse your His Objections, The popular nutbor entered the pub lisher's sanctum, seething with Indig nation. "What's this I hear you wnnt some alterations In my mnnuscrlpt?" ho demanded. "I've mndo some libel ous stntements, havo 17 Where?" "You hnve," snld tho publisher calmly. "Hero, on page 30, you say your heroine, who lives In Pittsburgh, 'clutched the nlr convulsively." "Well, whnt's wrong with that?" demanded the lrnto writer. "And then," went on tho man who objected, "on page -10 yon say tho heroine went and washed her hands. It's u libel on Pittsburgh nlr, sir." Bright YoUth. Ktigeno was leaving for New York nlone. Ills brother wrote out for him u telegram announcing his snfc nr rival, which ho charged the youngster to send ns soon hs he reached his des tination, No telegram enme. After burning up the wires to nssuro himself at the youngster's safety tho -older brother nwnlted with Interest Eugene's 11 wt letter. It said, "I arrived snfc, so I did not think. It necessary to send tho tele gram." , Thirteen In nlwn.vs nn unlucky num ber to hnve at a table-when there Is only dinner for twelve. A little nnnsensonow nnd then Is relished- by the Wisest men. Cojno, Battle Greek,Hick EE ! - All women like good things' nnd most men come under that head. There Is nothing ns certain admit love making ns the uncertainty. its uid-time rury blood of the germs that cause tno disease. S. S. S. has no equal as n blood purifier, scores of sufferers say that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, nnd removed all trace of tho disease from their' system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your drug store and get on tho right treatment to-day. If you want special medical advice, addrea.t Medical Director, 102 Swift Labo ratory, Atlanta, Gn. An Opinion. "I think this trial marriage Idea Is Just horrid." ' ' "Oh, they have been working out so- so for n long while." "Nothing uf tho sort! It Is u new ldcn." "Old ns the hills. Do you mean to say that every marriage Isn't n trial fo one of 'cm, nnywny?" Tho art-gift Is the result of tho moral character of generations. Sure Relief INDIGESnW 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS Mfor indigestion Shave With Cuticura. Soap The New Way Without ftfug PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RmoYriDiidnia-surn&lrl'llUr KMlores Color and Bkcty to Gray nd Faded HW too. ud 11.00 t dracxUU. Ulwor Chrro. k: I'ltttSnyu. N.T HINDERCORNS Ilmnorei Cora. Cl- louf, tie., ttopi all twin, crwuro comfort to tb lrt, tnike Wftlklnr eanr, lio. by raalt or at I'rar-J gUU. illtcoz CaeniUal Werkia'atcliogua, U. T. rntuKLCO s.B:tei! Come to Nortliutru lowit for Com l.miil nt 1170 to tilt an a erf. Writ far Ut. J Q Hchnum, Oelweln, Iowa. Nebraska Directory Creamery and Cream Station SuDnlies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies, Eig uoan sou urucHen uoops KENNEDY A PARSON rn 1309 JoneaSt. lont P du o. OMAHA SIOUX CITY BE A NURSE Eiooptlonal opportunity st tbe prefeut tlina for young women over nineteen years ot ago who have bad ut ieast two years in high school to take Nurres' Training lu general hospital. Our graduates are In great demand. Aildress Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nabratka rsutr eouNcu mm flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW MmcottAutoTouristStoTc