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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1920)
'SUE mx-WiuU QPrtfnrne.' THIRTY-SIXTH YEAH. NUKTH PUTTE, 8BB.f SEPTEMBER 17, 1920. No. 72 TO f ft MACHINE SHOPS LOCATE HERE SAUNDKBS BBOTIIEKS HAVE STARTED AN UP-TO-DATE MACHINE SHOP. A new Arm composed of two broth ers, Charles and Ed Saunders, has opened up a machine shop in tho ce ment block building at tho corner of Front and Ash Streets. Somo timo ago they ordered their machinery but It has only just been put in' placo and the full equipment Is not yqt com pleted. Chas. Saunders has been a resident of North Platto for a number of years having been with tho Union Pacific and tho Davis Garage. Edward Jias been employed in tho railroad machine, shops in California until re cently when ho gave up his placo there and came to North Platto. The now firm Is equipped to do all kinds of heavy machino work and will specialize In this lino, paying special attention to tractor and truck repairing. Machinery suitable to this work has been put in placo and it is all new, having just been recolved from tho factory. Plans and prices. are being considered for additional work ing tools and a forge Is being built now for heating and tempering. For merly much of tljis class of work could not bo done hero and complete parts had to be shipped from tho factory. Now these parts can bo made here fn most cases and much timo and money saved. Tho company is prepared to expand rs the business grows and .when the people of western Nebraska realize that they do not have to send east or west- for heavy machino work, the business will grow and it will moan much to North Platte. ' This Is not an advertisement fiut ait unsolicited announcement of an enter prise which will help North Platto to grow. , ::o:: AN ADDING MACHINE ADDED TO THE HIGH SCHOOL EQUIPMENT. The commercial department of the local high school is to bo further en larged by tho addition of an adding machine. This machino has been in stalled and is in uso by the students. Pall fashlona's best numbers In suits, coats and dresses now being shown at E. T. Tramp & Sons. -r- - "THE STYLE SHOP" announces and invites you and your friends to their Fall and Winter Fashion Review; MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20th. at the I.O, O. F Hall. Doors open at 8 p, m. Special attention will be given to the displaying of LADIES' AND MISSES Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Hats Entertainment Will Be Introduced During the Evening. !'MM'M',KlW'M''' His mainspring was right, but he always ran slow. Then flushing" manager touched the spring of Andy's ire and G-G! You won't sleep while this show is running! A rousing tale of a stuttering salesman. KEITH, tub xooxei OOP X01V CLAIMS ATTENTION The chlof interest 111 golt ctrolos at tho Country Club is the handicap con tost for tho Mooney Cup. This con tost starts Sunday, Sopt. 19 and con-" tlnuos until Sunday Sopt. 20. Each motnbor who enters Is given a handi cap and tho winner gots 'ho cup. IVROaiOTEK SELBY ANNOUNCES WRESTLING MATCH A wrestling match between Fred Martsen, light weight . champion of Denmark and Tommy Ray has been j arranged by Promotor Selby for Thursday, Sept. 23 at Fireman's Hall. This match is given as a benefit for tho American Legion and promlsos to bo ono of tho big events of Fair "Week. ::o:: RASE BAIL GAME SUNDAY TO RE CLOSE. Considerable Interest is attending tho announcement of the game noxt Sunday between the & O. Indepen- 1 dents and tho U. P. Shop team. Thoso teams havo met often before so that neither underestimates tho strength of tho opposing team and both ar6 preparing for tho fray witli all tho re- , sources at their command. Tho game starts at 3 p. m. HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1921 IS ORGANIZED The Senior Class met in Central High School Wednesday and organized by the election of Julius Hoga for President, Junior Hinman for Vice President, Carol Stevens foi Secretary. Miss Mario Shannon who was the class advisor of the Class qf 1920 was elected advisor for tho Class of 1921. A Social Committee consisting of Helen Schwaiger, Dale Godwin, Everett Bradley and Adele LoDioyt was appointed, -which will plan for sohie lively social events for the win ter. KELTiEH SAIE lTOLIAT-.,;. , TENDED AND SUCCESSFUL Tho Public Sale at the Keller Place last Tuesday was quite sticcesful from the point of attendance and tho inter est shown in tho bidding. Tho cattle brought good prices and tho machin ery as a whole sold very well. A larger crowd attended than was ex pected at this timo of year. Ed Kierlg was the Auctioneer and Ray Langford tho Clerk. -::o::- Wool hose for ladles and misses In tho now Heather mixtures, ask to see them. E. T. Tramp & Sons. CHARLES RAY IN ALARM CLOCK MONDAY AND TUESDAY. BOID ELECTIOlf COMING S0 VOTERS OE NORTH PLATTE WILL RE AStCER TO APPROVE TVt'O RON!) ISSUES, iiio uuy uouncu has passed two ordinances providing for tho sibnutj; slon to tho people of North PlattSof propositions for issuing bonds toiuio sum of $60,000. Tho first Is for 000 In bonds drawing six per cent in terest, this money to bo used in Im proving, oxtonding and maintaining tho waterworks of North Platto and building additional wells and enlarg ing and extending tho water mhins. Theso improvements nro very much needed and thoro does not seem tVbo any other wny of getting tho monyi- Tho Second proposition is forJs Buing $10,000 bonds to build an ad dition to tho Firo Station. Wo. must elthor hire nien to give their full time to the Firo Company or arrango suit able quarters for thoso. who volunteer for tho work. It is planned to b'ulfil. an extonslon to tho present building that will provide sleeping rooms for a number of men and tho free rent of these rooms will bo sufficient induce ment to a number of our young mon to enablo us to havo on hand at night an adequate force of firo fighters. These two proposition are designed to glvo us Improved water servicq and lire protection. Both aro essential and tho Mayor and City Council un animously ask us to approve of thalr judgment. Tho election will be held on Oct. 19 at the usual voting places. Both prop ositions will bo voted upon at tho aamo election. WOMEN TO STAGE MOCK ELECTION MOND Tho Leagu6 of Woman Woters will stage a mock election at the Franklin Auditorium, Monday, Sopt. 20 at 7:30 p. m. An election board will bo selected, adequate booths prtfvii'bd and everything, will be conducted as nearly as posslblo like a real elec tion. This is for tho purpose of fam iliarizing tho women with tho routine of voting and to create an interest in public questions. An Informal dis cussion of' tho Amendments to tho State Constitution which aro tp bo voted on at tho olection on Tuesday, will precedo the voting. Every woman over twenty-one years of ago is urged to be present. No men aro allowed thoro. BOLZEIt-COFFMAN. A pretty' eleven 'clock wedding was hold at the homo of Mrs. John Brattt, Tuesday, when Miss Dora Bol der became tho brldo of Mr. James If. Coffman, Bov. C. F. Koch perform ing tho ceremony. Miss Mildred Mc Keown was bridesmaid and Mr. Gran dey was tho best man. Tho house was beautifully decorated with aut umn leaves. After a twolvo o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Bratt as hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Coffman left for a short trip east. They will return to North Platto to mako their homo hero. ' ;:o::- Havo you seen those beautiful pat terns In wido Fancy Ribbons? If not take a few minutes and look them over. Our clerks will bo glad to show them. Wilcox Department Store. Cut glass is very popular now. Fine assortment. AUSTIN'S. 72 2 Arthur Curtis camo homo Wednes day evening from a trip to Kearney, where ho put out advertising for tho Lincoln County Fair. ANDY" a "four--ZING- AT? TO ' 01)1) FELLOWS WILL CELERR ATE ANNIVE HSARV Tho Sarah Bebccca Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F. will colobrato tho sixty ninth anniversary, of its founding on Friday, Soptombor 17th. Aftor.a short buslnoss session, tho doors of tho lodge room will bo thrown opon to all Odd Follows, Bobcccns and tholr fam ilies. A program of reading and music has boon prepared at tho close of which rofrcshmonts will bo served. All members aro invited to como and bring their families. BEY. HESS AGAIN APPOINTED TO N0KT1I PLATTE. Bov. II. B. Hess has again boon ap pointed aB pastor of tho First Motko dlst Church at North Platto by tho Nobraska Conforonco which closed its session at Omaha on Monday. Bov. Hess has had charge of this church for tho paBt two years and during this timo it has increased in membership, ninoty-nlno now members having been added during tho past year. OWEN JONES IS APPOINTED DEPUTY SHEBIbT Owen Jones has been appointed a Special Doputy Sheriff of this County, by Sheriff Salisbury. Ho is tho care taker at tho Country Club nnd has pfcwer to arrest trespasser Tho Country Club grounds Is prlvnto prop orty and boys nro not allowed on tho grounds unless thoy nro sons of mem bers or nro registered as caddies and havo a "cady" badge. GOVEBN0U COX IS TO BE IN NORTH PLATTE. Chairman Neville, of tho Democratic State Central Committee, has Just re ceived word that tho Democratic can didate for President, Governor Cox, of Ohio, will bo In North Platto on Number Six, tho morning of Sopt, 27. Mr. NovlUc Is, planning to havo him mako an address from the' train while ho is here. , ' :o::- COMMEBCIAL DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL CROWDED. The typewriting room of Central High School is so crowded that an additional room i being prepared for tho use of tho students. Five now typowrltors havo been added to tho oqulpment making nineteen machines in all'. An assistant may havo to ho employed. , :o::- PARENT.TEACIIEB ASSOCI- v ATION REORGANIZES Tho Parent-Teacher Association of tho Jefferson School mot Wednesday aftcrnpon and listened to talks by Mrs. Sholver, the retiring Presidont, Supt. liittol and Mrs. Sponcor, and music by Iris Stegall and Janet Law rence. The following officers wore elected for tho coming year.: Presidont Mrs. Earl Stamp, Vice-Prosldont Mrs. T. G. Thompson, Secretary Miss Tlica Hanson, Treastiror Mrs. H. E. Kolso. Yearly dues aro fixed at 25 cents por mdmber and eighteen now members woro enrolled. BIG DEAL IN BUSINESS LOTS IS ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK. Tho H. & S. Agency lias purchased the lots on tho north wost corner of Fifth and Locust of Dr. Twinom nnd a building will bo erected there in tho Spring. This is tho plan of tho now ownors at present. It Is ono of the most Important business lots In town and a good building thoro is much needod. -::o::- Elgin, Walthnm and Hampden whist watches, now lino Just roceived Lot us show you. C. A. Austin. 72 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hanloy, of Chap doII, stopped off Wodnosday to visit ;t tho Clydo Cook homo enrouto from "esMolnes to their homo. O. Shattock returned yesterday from business trip to Wichita nnd other ' item points in tho interests of tho ' rtli Platto Aircraft Co. Two planes belonging to tho North I' tto Aircraft Co. aro out" making d- -a for tho company thls'wcek. Ono ii , Noligh, Nobr., and tho other at Ju'e-jburg. Ono of tho Duncan Brother- 'n with each piano . .7. W. Dearing, has enrolled as a ttii' nt in tho Schocl conducted hero by t o North Platto Aircraft Co. Ho ncca.-ipanlos tho pilots on tho. trips to r ko engagements and later will bo taught how to liandlo a piano for himself, AUTO RACES AT THE FAIR: SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS IS OF FEHED IN PRIZES TO THE WINNERS IN THE RACES. Thursday and Friday will see tho big Automobllo Races ut tho Lincoln County Fair. Thoso races havo boon tho big featuro of tho Fair for several years and this year is to koop up tho record. On Thursdny, four ovonts will bo pulled off. Tho first Is a two-mllo raco for stock Fords with $100 in prizes divided 60-25-15 por cent. Tho Socond event Is a onc-milo track rec ord. It is for cars ontorcd in tho big Noth Platto Special race and tho prlzo is ?200 if tho track record is loworod. Tho Fair Special Baco Is for Lincoln County contestants only and is for $200 divided 60-25-15. It is a flvo milo race In ono heat. Tho last raco Is tho Platto Valloy Special, a flvcrmllo raco for $400 dlvldod 60-25-15. Friday's races start at 1:30 with a two-mllo raco for Fords ouly with $100 in prizes dlvldod as usual. Tho North Platto Special for a purso of $1,500 is in throo heats tho purso to bo divided 40-30-20-10. Tho winner of this raco will bo docldcd by tho point system, first placo to scoro eight points in each raco, socond, sovon points, etc., ns they finish. Tho Lin coln County Spoclnl Is In two hoots, tho first for $300 nnd tho socond for $450. Eacli is a ton milo raco. Then comes a Consolation raco of flvo miles with a prlzo of $300, opon only to those who havo not won any monoy In tho otliQr races. Tho big raco of the day Is tho Chambor of Commorco Swoopatakos for $2,250. This is thd twenty-five milo raco for tho four money winnors of the North' Plntto Special raco and Uitj First; placo gets "$1,600 vith .$750 to Ujq second place, ThiB 1 a big1 raco program and ono which com mands tho attention of ovory lover of racing in Western Nobraska. -::o:- ARRESTED FOR VIOLATION OF GAME LAW. Clarence Sullivan and Lostor Mc Conoll, two young farmors living wost of towp, woro arrested Wodnosday by Doputy U. S. Game Warden Arnold on tho chargo of shooting wild duck out of season. Thoy woro arraigned beforo Judgo Woodhurst Wcdonsday forenoon and bound ovor to tho next torm of federal court, each giving bond for their appearance bofore Judgo Woodrough when court con venes. -::o::- OLSON'S AUCTION. FARM SALE CONTINUED TOMORROW. Tho Auction Farm Snlo under tho management of E. A. Olson, which started today at tho C. O. Landholm farm will bo continued tomorrow at two othor placos. Tho quarter soctlon six miles southwost of North Platto bolonging to Frank Strolborg and tho half section ton miles southwest of hero bolonging to Claus Andorson will bo sold Satruday at auction. Pros pective bidders should bo nt tho Union Stato Bnnk by two o'clock and con veyances will bo furnlshod. Col, H. M. Johansen is tho Auctioneor. -::o::- Now numbors in Infants' wear bolng added dally E. T. Tramp & Sons. AT THE SUN, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Riders of Dawn" A photoplay of the ' Zane Grey's Novel "DESERT OF WHEAT" With AH Star Cast ROY STEWART CLAIRE ADAMS ROBERT McKIM . JOSEPH J. DOWLING " FREDERICK STARR Matinee 2:30 p. MISS SYBIL GANTT AND D1U v , HOWARD' iOST MARRIED. Miss Sybil Gantt boonmo tho brido of Dr. Howard Yost at high noon on Wednesday, Sopt, 15th. 1920. Tho coromony was performed by Bov. H. O. Mackintosh of tho Episcopal, church nnd tho ovont occurred at tho homo of tho brldo's mother, Mrs. T. Fulton Gantt. Miss Tholma Frater and Miss Edith Gantt attended the brido while Everett E. Carr was best man. Fulton Gantt, n npphow of tho brido was rlng boarcr. T. C. Patterson escorted tho brido to tho altar ns Mrs. Ellcon O. Cochran played tho wedding march. Mrs. Yost is tho daughter of tho lato T. Fulton Gantt and Mrs. Edith Gantt. Sho grow- to womanhood ln North Platto, attended tho Stato Uni versity in Lincoln and lator taught In tho local schools. Sho is especial ly Jhitorostod in Campflro Girls. Mr. Yost 1b a young man of sterling qualitlos, who slnco coming to North Platto has practiced his protcsslon of' Lontistry. s , lr,ft Both of thoso young pcoplo havo tho highest rosnoct of tho community and will bo welconiod by tholr many frionds upon tholr return to mako tholr homo horo. l' REV, W. II. MOORli WILL SUCCEED REV! MACKINTOSH Bov. Boland Mackintosh, who ro cbntly tondorod his resignation as rector of tho Episcopal church, will loavo October 15th for Houston, Toxas, whoro ho has accepted the position of chiof oxccutlvo of tho Dloceso of Tex as. Bov. Mackintosh is compelled to leavo North Platto by reason of the physical condition of both himself and wife, tho climate proving unfavor able to tho latter, and tho latitudp ag gravating tho results of .Mr. Mackin tosh having boon "gassed" while in sorvico ovorseas, this applying partic ularly to his oyos. Bov. and (Mrs. Mack intosh havo been very popular in North Platto, both within and without tho pariRh, ag&Jyifr onfqrcpd depar ture will be regretted by tholr many'" frionds. , Bov. Mackintosh will bo succeeded by Bov. W. H. Mooro, or Lead, S. D., who spont several days hero last week looking ovor tho flold. Rev. Moore has had wondorful success during Ills rectorship at Load, and comes hero with flattering endorsements. Ho Is a man of strong personality, a fluont er." Ho will tako up his du" and logical speakor and a good "mix North Platto Novomber first. ::o:: Tho Millinery Department of The Loador Morcantllo Co. lnvltos you to boo a boautlful lot of hats -which have Just arrived. ijv.v.v..-.. BASE BALL!) I P. 0. Independents VB. Shop Team :t :.: it l h Sunday, Sept. 19th I if 3:00. P. M. if m. and 4:05 p. m.