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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1920)
i s want some pretty pinJ cpid other iMce'jJartf, 17 ? c r CtiVtU'CfJ 9 When passing our way do not merely stop a moment and look, at what we have in our windows but come inside and look, into our cases and see the many things we have which vou may need yourself or which .will make just the presents you aesire. Durability, appropriateness and a jhree ihings you get in our store. reasonable price are CLlNTOtf, The Jeweler. .THE SIGN OP THE BIO RING. ft; DR. 0. H. CKESSLER, Graduate Dentisl Office over the McDonald Stato Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. -S u LOOK WHAT'S COMING , -TUESDAY I . 30 SunvMaunco 1 30 Koitlln of A" Sudden S'oggy 30 Crystal The Womnn Gamo 30 Sun Tho Foar Market K ' 00 Chnmbor of Comraorce.lDIrcc- tors ?! 00 City Library Public Welfare AHSoclation . jfl' 00 K. a Hall Dance Hawaiian Ocho'stra WEDNESDAY ,S . -30 Sun Matlneo 00 Ward Schools Parent-Teacher Associations '. 30 Midweek Sorvlcos at Luthdran, Prosbytorlan,, Baptist, Christiana Science, Christian and Methodist Churches. yWMMMVMMMMMHMyOMMMOWfHHMMHKMMMMMMWH'. 44A.4.44'. 444. 44 44 444 44 444.4... The Photo Play With an Amazing Soul. George Loan Tucker's Production 'THE MIRACLE ' MAN." s v.. All that is fine, all that is sorrowful, all that allures in the act of living, crowded into it one thrilling picture of unalloyed delight. A romance of a rogue who' followed a, "fake" to num. iiiuitiiij uuu uijx 1 x Vjunu oun ill UlC CUal. Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. .: t.t t.t it J.t :.: :.: :.: j.t :t :.t j.t jt 7:30 Sun Tho Fear Market 7:30 Kolth Tho Mlraclo Man 7:30 Crystal Tho "Woman Game T1IfTH.SH AY Episcopal-Sunset Club -Party ' ,B "ay. has a shot article In Sun Matlneo , ... . . iuriuuuun nuoui uio iree auio camp FJtEE CAMP GROUND. Tho Forum, published at Detroit, Michigan, In tho Interests of the Lln- 12:00 2:30 3:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 Bapltst Ladles Auxiliary Sun Tho Heart of a Child Crystal False Itoad Kolth Tho Mlraclo Man 8; 00 Franklin Auditorium Hon. A. J. Weavor DOOSTEIl TJtil' CALLED OFF. Secretary Carey nnnouncod this morning that tho Directors of the Chamber of Commorco havo ".definitely doclded to put off tho Booster Trip to Kearney1 and up tho Branch to Staplcton. Tho trip was sot for noxt Thursday but so many of tho business mon havo notified tho committee that thoy cannot leavo at this tlmo on ac count of lack of help and. preparations for the Fair that It was advlsablo not grounds at North Platte. Tho infor mation has already been printed in tho local papers but In tho Forum it is given national circulation. The notlco is vory favorable. CIVIL SEItVICEEXAMlmON. An examination for Calculating Ma chlno Operator at Omaha In tho In ternal Rovenuo Servlco Is scheduled to tako place at North Platto on Sept, 25th. Tho beginning salary Is $1200 a year. Further particulars may be obtained at the Post Office, North Platte, OVER THE T()r AGAIN. Tho campaign for old clothinp. by the IWar East Relief Committee has not closed but a shipment was made Mrs. John Kolihcr, of Maxwell, was a business visitor In tho city Saturday- f ' Fayc Cotton camo Saturday from Gothenburg to visit ntjtho I. J. Brooks and nnothcr start mado when a now ' Prts Umt 1030 lbs- wore shiPPfl at homd. .cutt'Mw, '' date Is selected. th,s t,mo nn1 later shipment will Mrs. Ida Curtis, of Horshov. la vlslt- -.on bo made. Wo count, this as a pretty good showing for those who .under tn v nlrA Mm fln nnnf Ffil. IU iUUnU tUU LAJLJ liUHt A11U 1UUU.UJ If which has been collected to pay tlio 'yesterday. A. W. Shilling, Cliairman oxpenso oi tho trip will bo returned ! of tho Lincoln County Commlttece, re- ing at tho homo of her sister Mm. D. Saline. Joo Plzor, of Grand Island, has ac cepted a position with tho Leader Mercantile Co. OPEN SEASOF FOIt DUCKS. Tho opon season for ducks, geese t00ic the job, and waterfowl In Nebraska -is from ::o:: Sopt. 1 to Doc 31. . Noxt Thursday Mr- Investor: tho hunters will bo out in force and Do your want to make twelve per w. w. Wlnqucst, cashier of the Brady Stato Bank, was a business visitor Saturday. Mrs. Cora Brown and son Howard loft "aturday morning for. a two weeks vhlt in California. from reports there will bo gamo for cent net on your money? We have for all as thoro seem to bo moro young ! &ale a rental proporty that will pay ducks this year than usual. 'u 12 after all expenses arc paid. ,.. This Is not a proposition for some AID ELECTS OFFICERS. futUro day but the rents coming in Tho Ladies Aid Society of the Meth- t0(lay pay tho dividend. The property odlst Church at its last meeting elect- Jg iocate(l right hero In North Platte Opal Watts loft Saturday for Kcarn- cd tho following offlcors for tho com- ln n good location. For terms and par noy whore she oxpocts to attend iqhool inB uur: 1UIB iU i' riai' , ticulars see :'ils coming year. Mrs. R. C. Austin, of Arafin Nob. Cash Austin returned Friday from a business trip to Denver. ' orcU Bradley has resumed his duties with tho Leader. Mlgj Efllo Durbin returned Friday from n visit In Kcarnoy. Frank Wlckham, of Omaha, Is visit ing his brother Geo. Wlckham.- Dr. H. C. Drocli. Dontlst. X-Ray Dlsenosis. Reynolds Bids. Phone 14S Leonard Dick returned last week , from a business trip to Denver. i Mrs O. F. Palmer, of Sutherland, a's.a viBltor In tho city Saturday. --Try tho Roxall first, it pays. 14tt Mrs. L. Phillips, of Hastings, is a visitor at tho homo of R. H. Beatty, r Miss Alma. Morrill 1iib accoptcd a position with tho McVlckcr Millinery, . . . '1 .t... m, 1 OFFICIALS HERE. Misses Cora Sousor and Jessie BaK- '"B ul "1U VjUUlv or loft Sunday for a visit ln Denver. . Josopli Oborfolder, of Sldnoy,. came jjn q.. g, Hoag, of Ely, Novatla, suc- Dr. Morrill. Dontlst, offlco over' through hero Saturday morning on- cossor to liPC. Ostorman, Flold rop -Want Ads dent; Mrs. Goorgo Monks, Secretary dont; Mrs. Georgo Minks, Secretary and Mrs. Frank Yearsloy,.Troasuror. :o 10ft Saturday for her homo after visit ing Mrs. Mart Cook. l'ARENT-TEACIIER ASS0CLVT10NS Mrs. Bcssio Show, of tho Leader, Tho first meeting of tho Parent- loft Saturday for a Bhort visit with hor Toachor .Associations for tho year will parents in Hershoy. . D0 il0id in tho Washington, Jefferson Mist. May Browning, of this city, and Lincoln Schools Wednesday Sept loft Saturday morning for tho Baptist iGth at threo o'clock. All mothers are IIpko ln Grand iBland. nnkotl tn bn nresont i-rwi mrt Hniurnnv rnr ins .Wilcox Dopartmont Storo. 'onto to his homo In Sidney. 1 Inflamed Nerves Made Healthful N.orvous Inflammation, or neuritis, Is lnflammatloa of a ncvp. It la us ually progrosslvo ln character, tho process of Naturo being to fill tho blood vcssoIb of th.q Inflamed area with serum. As tho heat of tho Inflam mation contlriues this serum dries up and thoro is dcgclatlon of nervo and coll tissues. At this stage there Is n rcsentativo of tho Western Division of tho Lincoln Highway Association was s visitor in tho city Sunday and Mon day. His torrltory extends from Oma ha to tho Coast. Ho was accompanied by Geo. H. Wolz, of Fremont, Stato Counsol for tlio Lincoln Highway and Prosldont of tho Nobraska Good Roads' Association. They wore on their way to tho .Coast. BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o:: TAKE NOTICE. List your residence property to help supply the demand. See tho II. & S. AGENCY. 71 2 CRYSTAL. Tonight and Tomorrow Elaine Hammerstein IN For Rent Largo furnished room. Call 1004. ' , " 72tf For Sale Call Ducks. 221 So. Wal nut 70 71 ' For Sale Household furniture. Call 990W. For Rent: Threp room unfurnished apartment. 218 W. Fourth. Phono 118. Wanted A competent maid. Mrs. J. J. Halllgan. - G9 70 Position Wnutcd Stenographer or Bookkeeper, 321 So. Chcstunt. " For Rent A furnished down-stairs bedroom. 321 So. Locust. 70 71 Wanted Girl for general housowork Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 W. 5th. 71 Wanted Bpy, 1G yrs. or older. Good wages. Western Union Telegraph Company. 70 For Rent: Large furnished down stairs bedroom. 221 So. Locust. Phone 1121. Situation Wanted Farm housekeep er or ranch cook. Must be respected partiCs. Address P. O. Box! A B. 702 For Rent Furnished room in prl- vato home. Board If desired. Phone '2G7J. 70 71 j "Hunted Girls for nu'rso training; . $35 per month with board and room. I Apply at General Hospital, City. 46tf 1 Wanted Housepkeeper. Call for ! Mrs. G. S. Popejoy at the Style Shop. 1 Wanted Fresh milk cows or must' bo fresh soon. ZZ care Tribune.' For Salo If you want a nico houso ' all modern ours is for sale. Look 1 It over. GOO E. Third St. G8-71 ' For Sale Six-room houso, all mod ern except heat. Good location, closo In. Phono 830J. GOtf For Sale Ono singer sewing mac hine In excellent condition, for infor mation pleaso call 115. 72 Wanted At once Dining room girl and woman to work in kitchen or lady cook. At OWL CAFE. 70 71 lost Pair nose glasses between North Platto and Stato Farm. Return to Tribune Office and receive re ward. . 70 71 JThe Woman Game' If you win you loso, and if- you loso you win. What Is tho Woman's game? Ask Ma, sho knows. SPECIAL Tonight Christie Comedy "PETTICOATS AND PANTS. kind of limp paralysis. Th very nature of tho dlscaao in dicates its norve source. It is caused by misalignment of jolnts'of tho spinp, causing pressure upon tho norvu af fected at tho point of its bxlt between joints, cnuso. Abnt sufferers havo' found in cliiro ' practic tho thing that has freed them Spinal adjusting removes tho Thero is repeated ovldonco of suffering, NO CHARGE Consultation Is without 'chargo or" obligation.' Drs. States & States, Tho P. S. C. Chlroprnctors. ' Building nnd Loan Building uniimnnniunmnmir CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES "THE FOLLOWING HEAD EVES EARS NOSE THROAT ARMS HEART LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS (BLADDER LOWFU I ppnai ay.omn limbs LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (life m health) 19 TntIR OH'jANo DEPOSITS IN IMS t 2$i FOR YOUR WIFE Your wife will appreciate tho advan- tages of a checking account in her own name. It will save her tiffie and stops, pre vent loss, help her systematize the family spending and to' keep within her allowance., Open an account in her name with us today. ..Our oxtoncfed facilitjss and courtc- ?6vs staff will help make it easy and pleasant for her to do business here. The Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE,VNEB. "Wanted: Neat-appcarlng boy for clothing stbroN. Tho Hlrschfoldt lb. IVnntcd Experienced girl for non oral housowork. Mrs. J. B. Twlncm, Phono 283. 71tf , For Salo or Trndo: An Overland Six touring car. Inquire at 132 W. Eighth. 71 72 For Snl(j Secondhand Fordson trac tor, mahuro spreader, fourthorso press drill. Seo Butler Buchanan at his office ln B. &, L. Bldg. 71tf Situation Wanted 'Farm House-' keeper or Ranch Cook. Must bo re spocted parties. Address LL Caro of Tribune. 70 71 Lostj-A brown and whito spotted pointer dog about a year old. Ho had collar with owners name on. Pleaso call 115 concerning this. 72 For Sale Two yearling shorthorn bulls, onb three-year old heifer pedigreed. 6. i. LANDHOFF, 4 miles westof No. Platte. 70 3 Wanted: Young lady to assist In Jowolery Store, apablo of doing sten ographer's work and bookkeeping. Dixon tho Joweier. 71 73 For Sale Fine twenty aero cherry orchard and small fruit tract, two miles north of Ft Collins. Colo. Write R. R. Dickson, Route 2, Ft. Collins, Colo. 08-71 For Sale Nearly now cream separ ator in No Oneshapo. Large new coal range, an oil range, a top buggy and single harness, also a good barn. Phone 535W. 70 71 For Salo On Sept 15th and ICth a good piano, hard coal stove, rango, gas range and other household furniture. Inquire of Mrs. AV. C. Reynolds, 215 W. Third or Phono 284. 71 For Snlc 43 bbl. galvanized storage tank. Two small tanks. Ono laundrj stove. All for $50. Inquire at Simon Bros., Derryberry & Forbes Imple ments or Birges or phono 783F14. Al len McLean, Owner. G8-71 Token up. Last October Red and Whito steer, about 3 yrs. old. Branded on left hip. Owner prove proporty and pay expenses and remove animal. Terkel Jepsen, Curtis, Nebr. 67 5 For Sale Only hotel in town. 19 sleeping rooms and cafe. Doing good business $100.00. Terms havo other butlness. Address Hotel Merma, Morna, Nebr. 71 73 KIDS! y We can now supply you with fcvery-: Jjf; thing you need in gymnasium work. Gummere-Dent Drug Co. 4 WE BUY HAY Obtain Our Prices The Harrington Merc. Co. PHONE 37 North Piatte Nebruska. ''4'- kND TISSUES I i. iinrnagnrminiE