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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1920)
'A Bte&te Worth Co THIRTY-SIXTH EAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.-, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920. No. .70 j$emtr LIGHT CO. GIVES FACTS. GENEItAL MANAGKU OP irvinvi light & rowjut co. gives FACTS AND FIGURES. At the meeting of tho City Council last Tuesday night, Willis Todd, Gen eral Manager of tho Union Light and Power Company -which owns tho North Platte Electric Light & Power Co., addressed the Council at some length on tho lighting conditions in North Platte. Ho spoko of tho street iignting system and said tho Company is ready to do all it can to give hotter street lighting service. He said tho wires are in place and all it needs is the action of tho Council to have tho fixtures installed and there will ho a light at every crossing in the resldenco part of tho city instead of at overy other crossing, as it now stands. He told how his associates laughed at him when ho built tho North Platto Lighting Plant and mado sport of his idea that this city would ever need such a large plant. When first put into operation it only used 40 of its capacity. Mr. Todd said ho had faith in North Platto and its future and in spite of their unbelief tho plant was built. Although tho Company had the right to use tho streets for their polos according to their charter, they took all of the wires and poles off of Front Street and carried thom back to tho alley at the time thp paving was done, ".11 at the request of tho Council and at the Company's expense. They have given good service during the war reriod and are still selling electricity at tho same price they got before the war. Ho submitted figures showing that in 1915 the Company paid $3.25 per ton for coal, in 191G $3.35, in 1917 $4.00, in 1918 $4.40, in 1919 $5.25 and now it is paying $7.03 per ton. The plant at present Is carrying a load of 114 of its intended service, and the management has plans drawn for Improvements to cost at least $75, 000. Mr. Todd said it is impossible .to borrow any money at present and so things are at a standstill. Ho sub mitted the report of his engineer showing tho cost of placing the wires underground in the alleys in the two 'AND NOW!!! A METRO PRODUCTION PpOcO ' QAfter this iragedy that orphaned her lOkat ? cWas ike dirVs inborn goodness proof against ike vQortd's glamorous tempting ? AT THE SUN, 1 . 'f v SEPTEMBER 16-17. THURS. 8c FRIDAY. blocks which aro to bo paved, to bo estimated at $18,500. Ho stated that it would reqnlro specially designed material which would tako from, nino to sovontcon months to have delivered. Ho rond tho opinion of their oxpert engineer that tho proposal was almost impossiblo and that Iho interruption to Borvico would bo constant and anJ noying to tho customers. Mr. Todd stated that his company wanted to do all It could but is would bo.impossible to do all that was asked. Tho Council postponed further action. SCOUT HANI) PASSES THRU CITY. Tho Inncs Boy Scouttf Band qf Den ver passed through North Platto last Tuesdn enroute home-from the In ternational Jamboureo at London. While in Europe tliey were accorded unusual hqnors by the governments of England, France and Belgium. They placed flowers on the graves of tho American soldiers and visited tho battlefields, bringing away many rollcs' of the World War. John L. Malm was the Commissioner in Charge. MORE AIK MAIL UOOSTEHS. Tho following names have been add ed to those who are supporting tho North Platto Air Terminal Co. by sub scription to stock: T. C. Patterson . Gamble with Springer North Side Drug Store North Platto Buick Co. W. J. O'Connor Herschfcld Co. , Dr. E. W. Fetter , D. J. Antonldes SPECIAL SUGAR BEET PRIZE. The Great Western Sugar Co. offers a prizo of $6.00 for G of the smoothest and most uniform beets and $4.00 for G qf the largest sugar beets. Exhibit to be made at Lincoln County Fair. Prize will be paid to anyone whether grown under Great Western Contiact or not. -::o:: TAKEN UP. On August 24th, at my place four miles ast. and nine miles south of .North Platte one whlto-faced, bob tailed calf about seven months old. Owner can have same by paying for keep and advertising. MRS. II. SONNEMAN. The new fall suits, coats and dresses smart styles of dependable quality. Let Mrs. Cantltn or Mrs. Kline show them to you Depend on them for tho smart and new ready to wear section 2nd floor at The Leader Mer. Co. LI creates lier greatest character isation, that of Sally, in A Dramatic and Romantic Mastei-jicc2 ally Was dancing a nana-organ wnen someone snouieo w herl'Wota Lark, Sail yer father's bashed yer mother's "ead in ! 19 MATINEE 2:30 P. M. and 4:10 P. M. BIDS ASKED FOR CITY LAKE: PARK HOARD DECIDES ON CITY DIRT PIT l'OK 1, IKE I'UKL'OSES. Elsewhero the Purk Board adver tises for bids for tho construction of a lake out oftho city dirt pit which Is located on land north of tho county road leading west and a couple of blocks wost of tho county road run ning north. This pit is GOO feet long and 300 foot wide, and tho intention of tho Board is to Incorporate nil this area into the lake. Tho depth of tho water will rango from two 'to six feet, tho deeper portion being at the. wost end. At tho east end will be located tho bath houses, and grounds for parking cars. An open street leads to the cast end of the lake. Tho water supply will be taken from tho North Platto ditch, permission for which has been obtained. The in let lateral will tap tho ditch at the Lincoln check west of tho cemetery, run east to tho east end of tho cem otery and thence angle northeast to tho pit. Tho outlet lateral will empty into tho North Platto river. The lake will bo nicely embanked clear around, and tho slopes covered with gravel. It is tho Intentlou to plant trees on the outer edge of tho ombankment. The. lake is not only intended as a bathing resort, but is sufficiently largo to make possiblo the use of small gasoline launches for boating pleasures. J. C. Don has of-, fored to stock the lake with game fish, which in a few years will prove an added attraction. In tho winter the lake" can be used for skating purposes. Tho board hopes to have all tho ex cavating both the lake and the lat erals done before cold weather gets ip. and tlnis provide a skating resort this winter. . , 1'01VDER"HITER JAZZ ifANDHOk. The boys coining again. That Queans a lot to some, people in North Platto,; those who "were at the K. C. Hall a week ago and heard the Powder ! River Jazz Bandhlts play. They will i bo at tho K. C. Hall again Saturday evening for the weekly dance' given 1 there. , ' , , -".ton- Arthur Nolan loft Friday to visit for a while in Alliance. of the Screen. in ike street to LOOK WHAT'S COMING I'RIDAY 2:00 SiUiMntlno 3:00 Country Club Ladies Day 7:80 Keith Th Marry-Go-Round ?:30 sun 7?S0 Crystal Rogglo Mixes In SATURDAY Sun Matinee f30 Sun A Maid of Many Moods Yrau.urystal Off His Trolley '9:00 K. C. Hall PoWdor Rtvor Jazz Bandhlts SUNDAY 8:00 Episcpoal Holy Communion 0:30 Episcopal Sunday School 8:00 Baptist "Gospol Dynamito" "9:45 Baptist Sunday School 9:45 Christian Sunday School 9:45 Methodist Sunday School 10:00 Presbyterian Sunday School 11:00 Episcopal Morning Prayer 11:00 Baptist "Burden Bearers" 1:00 Presbyterian Morning Ser V kvlce ifOO Methodist Morning Service :00 Christian Morning Service 1:00 Room 25 B. & L.-Bldgr Chris- ,' tlan Science Sorvico 3:00 Fair Grounds P, O. Indepcn- h dents vs. Curtis 3:00 North Sldo Suuday School K00 Presbyterian O. E. 700 Methodist Epwortlv Leaguo 7 tOO Christian Christian Endeavor 700 Baptist B. Y. P. U. 7:30 Episcopal Evening Prnyor SiOO Methodist Evening Sorvico soO Christian Evening Service. StJOO Presbyterian Evening Service MONDAY 2:00 Sun Matinee 730 Crystal Off His Trolley 7:30 Keith AH of a Sudden Peggy 7:30 Sutl Whatever Woman Wants 8:00 Episcopal Play and entertaln- ment i Uu.i . A V '11 T f 1 1 - .. 1 1. Il jilWllVl'T" HUllUHO IUUIU ill. lliu fjjsnlco vHotcl will be open,ever,r day. from 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. D. A. FREEDMAN, Agent for the Logan Knitting Factory. SPECIALS FOR ' Saturday Only par rubbers 10c a doz ,3 for 25c 20 Bars Lenox Soap 90c 3 bars Naphtha - 25c No. 2 can Red Beans J 15c No. 3 Baked Beiins. 18c No. 2 Bluo Ribbon Peaches.-G5c No. 3 can Extra Stand. Tomatoes 25c 1 gal. California Peaches very good ,$1.10 1 gal. Royal' Ann Cherries 1.25 1 gal. can Catsup-.j. ' 1.00 I gal. Farmer Jones Sorghum 1.25 gal. Farmer Jones Sorghum G5 Canned corn, per doz. 1.75 Stegemann Grocery Phone 212 Free Delivery AT THE RED BLOODED DRAMA Virile Melodrama In ,a High Class Setting Drama with "Class" such As tho Fans aro asking for. Good melodrama is tho most Popular Picture Faro today. STAR AND SUPPORT MAE MURRAY "Maid of Many Moods" In n dual role. WARNER OLAND "King-Pin of Scroen Villains' HiJNRY O. SELL Popular Juvonllo Man ., W. JOHNSTON Favorlto Leading Actor 2 REEL BIG V. COMED MONDAY COME TO THE SUN ! , and see W hit Every Woman Wans TUES. and WEI). , 'Tear Market" . ALICE BRADY International Nos Mirooned In the South Eea SUN THEATRE. JULIUS I'lZElt IS IUGUT. One year ago when wo camo to North Platto wo saw tho need of an other bank; in fact wo were Investi gating many towns In Ncbrasku and no plnco did wo find that offored suoh an opening as did North Platte. Slnco our locating we havo boon moro than antlBfled with Iho courtesy and the business thnt has como to our institu tion. After deciding to locate hero wo found our most difficult problom that of finding a building in which to put our business. Wo tried to rent, which seemed Impossible, as wo wero told by overy business man a location could not be found on Dewey Street. Wo then tried to buy a ploco and none could bo purchased ovon nt advanced prices. Again wo wero determined to locate and nftor much difficulty ob tained our present location, which ia inadoquato and only furnishes a tem porary home. Finding our location too small wo decided to build and It Is with pleasure that wo can announco the purchaso of tho two lots on Locust and Fifth Streets from tho Chas. McDonald Es tate on which wo will build a now $75000.00 homo for tho Union State Bunk, and a building that will bo ac ceptable to North Platto. ' North Platto needs many now build ings but after duo consideration wo boliovo that a largo salo pavilion would be tho best asset North Platto could havo with no exception, ns it is our rogistorod stock that will bring moro dollars to our County. There fore wo should assist tho efforts of men liko Frank Strolborg, Henry Han sen, Scott McKrono, S. J. Koch, Fred MoClyiriont, B. B. Powell and Gaud reault and many other men In the registered stock breeding and build a salo pavilion, second to none in tljo state. ( North Platto Js entitled to It a,boyo all other things. Wo nro ready to go tho limit on one ' Youra respectfully; UNION STAfE BANK, - By T. O. SwcnsbnyPres. . ::o:: Leo Tlglio Is spending tho wcok end In town. Mrs. Joe Sullivan was a business visitor hero yesterday. Shirts and blouses for school, to 0' boys In ages G to 14 years, on salo at Leader Mer. Co. s Raymond Ogler returned Thursday from Ogalalla whe're ho has been working. Raymond oxpeots to leavo Friday for Lincoln whoro he Is going' to attend the State University this coming year. 0 ANCE J.J f . K. C. Hall September 14 Famous Nctivo Hawaiian Orchestra One of the Free Attractions at the Lincoln County Fair and Races. 4 f 1 LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR; KIGIITIl ANMJAI, KXUIIUTION 01' LINCOLN COUNTY AGIUCUL- 'XUItAL ASSOCIATION. Tho Lincoln County Fair dates ore Sopt 21, 22, 23 nnfl 24. Thcso dates wero chosen for tho annual exhibition because at that time most of tho agri cultural products aro maturo and mako tho best showing. Tho Socloty is a Corporation organized under tho laws 01 tho Stato of Nobraska and do votcd to tho promotion of Agriculture. Many farmers and business men ovor tho County nro ownors of stock in tho Society and thoso mon olect a Board,, of Directors each year which Board has general direction of thp Fair. Fol-, lowing is a list of tho Directors: Elraor Ccjatos, F. C. Plolstiolcor, Earl Brownflold, Frank Strolborg. J, V. Romlgh, II. L. Pennington, J. J. Craw ford, S. J. Koch, W1. P. Snyder, J,;W. Fowler, C. V. Turpio, Warrou bbo Uttle), M, J. Forbes, T. S. McCrono and Goo, Shoun. Thoso. mon nro reprcsenr tatlvo mon from ovor tho County and whatever plans they mako aro for tho best agricultural intorests of Lincoln County, . i Tho list of premiums which they offer Is large and variod. Class A, Thomas Doollttlo Superintendent, of , fers 237 dlfforont premiums foivhorses and mules; Class B, Fred Clymont Su perintendent offors 613 premiums for ' cattle; Class C, Suporlnten'dont not 'ot jyWlioil. offers 42 premiums toy sheep; Class D. Frank Strolborg-supor-I iTvtohdent offorB 180 premiums-for hogs; Class E, M. C. Rogers Supor'lny . .1 .. x M nl f a minium uiiuih oi premiumH ior pouury and pot stock. This makes 1053 'dlf- ;forent premiums offered for Livestock nlonoT" V 1 Clasti F, Ike Aborcomblo, Superin tendent, offors many prizes for "grains, seeds, grasses, hay, vegetables, and other growing things. ClaBs OMi H. Woodmnu Superintendent is devoted to fruits and Class H, Mrs, Joe Roddy, Superintendent, to Housohold .Prod ucts. In the lattor class are entered all broad nnd cakes, prosorvos, Jollies, Jams, canned fruits, pickles and other homo products. Class I, Mrs. Alle'on O. Cochran, Suporinendont, will con tain Exhibits of work from Rural, Grade and Town Schools. .ClaTts T, O. .H. Scharmunn, SupdrlntehdentVof-' Ccrs a number of tfromlilms for, boo?. and honey nnd Class K, Mrs, Anna Church. Sunorlntendcnt. covers .Knit tllig, Crocheting and Plain and Fancy Sowing, Vt' Elmer Coatos Is President of the As sociation, J. Y, Romigh, Vico-Prel-dont, M. E. Scott, Treasurer and 6o: M. Carey, Socrotary. :o;;- Paul Ottenstoln loft this morning for Lhlcoln to attend the university. Mrs. C. Meyers left yesterday for St. Joe nftor visiting hor brother, L. Jlavls of .this city, Mr. and Mrs. Joliir Pielstlcker, of Wallace, wero business visitors In ( this city yesterday". Blankets! Early buyers can mako mVmoy by buying their winter, supply, during September. Besides savjnj you money we keep your blankets until such time as youil need thorn. 1-5 tho purchaso price muBt bo paid down Don't fall to take' advantage of this salo at The Leader Mer. Co,