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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1919)
r Y lift. Special Diamonds Dinner Ring Dinner Ring Man's Ring Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Fancy Platinum Fancy Platinum Fancy Platinum Fancy Platinum Men's Ruby Rings Fancy Engraved Fancy Engraved "Fancy Engraved Fancy Engraved Fancy Engraved Emblem Ring Emblem Ring Emblem Ring PEARL HEADS $1.00 to m LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jlxon & Son, Sight Specialists. Mrs. J. V. Morrlman, of Moorcroft, Wyo., is tho guost of her mother, 'Mrs. Johanna McGraw and will remain un til aftor tho holidays. t Wanted Liberty bonds at market prlco. Louls(Llpshitz. A pool tournament will opou at tho Elks' homo tomorrow evening between teams captained by II. It. Dickey and Dr" W. T. Prltchard. Beautiful silk pajamas would nmlco a wondorful presont. Edwards-Uoy-nolds Co. ' 9G-4 Trains No. 3 and 10, and tho second section of through coast trains that woro pulled out of sorvlco ton days ago, liavo been ro-Instatod. , Christmas trees at McMlchaol's ijroS eery. Mrs. J. A. Flachor arrived from Lar amlo Monday morning to spend sovoral 'weeks with hor father, B. F. Robison, and family before leaving for hor fu tiiro homo In California. Packard and Bond Pianos at Walker Music Co. BryanStogal, who holds a position with tho Chicago olTlco of tho Bur TdughB Adding Machlno Co., nrrlved homo today to spend Christmas with his parents. Beautiful silk pajamas would mako a wondorful prosont. Edwards-Roy-nold Co. 9G-1 .The county commissioners mot In rogufar weokly sosaloii yestorday, but transacted only routlno buslnoss. Chairman Koch signed about 800 war rants that had been drawn In fuvor of clerks and Judges of elecvtlon. tNothlng over $2.00 on table No. 2 at tho. Stylo Shop. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson tuut row to visit MIrb Until Pnttnrorm .... 1 '""u") lHinuuH. i uaieruay was un . tTaffor onPoio nd th? naturally Will loavo for Cnllfnrnlii f wintor. A watch from Dixon's will bo sure to ' pleaso. Thoy aro guaranteed. Aftor a ton-day visit In town, Major " and Mrs. Fred Wurtello will return to ... morrow to tho Wost Point military ttcadomy. Major Wurtollo oxpocts to Tocelvo IiIb Ulschargo from tho sorvlco January first. pood looking and careful clorkB to aBBlat you in "selecting "Ills Xmas Olft." HARRY SAMUELSON, Mon's and Boys' Outflttor. 1 By, reason ot troublo from tho rocont show iitorms, and with a particularly - troublesome stretch between Luramlo and Rawlins, freight traffic from tho ? wost Ib Bomowhat light, much of tho ' . ;lyiBlnoa boing dlvortcd to tho Denver e ...anil Rio Grando at Ogdon. ' illrschfold'B, tho storo of practical 'A gifts for mon. 04-C Methodist ladlos will hold their Xmas bazaar noxt Thursday afternoon, Do- s,'C combor 18, nt Malonoy'a storo. Dona- t , 'Uoris aro to bo sont to Mrs. Hartman's or .o tho Btoro by 1 o'clock. Thoro wll bo on Bale, aproiiB, rugs, fancy work otc. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists. Wo aro now ready to show a fine lino of Pianos and Phonographs, hav ing had our storo romodoled with Bound proof rooms. If you want n piano or phonograph for Christmas, wo invite you to come and see our lino. Walkor Muelo Co. T Dixon's Store is filled with Suggestions. $ 85.00 65.00 175.00 18.00 75.00 1200.00 50.00 $50.00 75.00. 135.00 200.00 $ 8.00 12.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 $75.00 Cordova Leather Ladies' Purse $32.00 Ladies' Purse 25.00 Ladies' Purse 20.00 Ladies' Purse 18.00 Ladies' Purse , 15.00 Ladies' Purse 10.00 Men's Purse 12.00 Men's purse i 10.00 Men's Purse 8.00 Men's Purse 5.00 Men's Purse 3.00 Other odd pieces of the finest leather made $3,00 to $30.00 See our New Framed Parch ment Motos. Dutch Silver $2 to $25.00. Make it a Dixon Xmas. 1XOR, The Jeweler. ainny Useful GUV for the Jtcul Boy. Hockoy caps, shoes, mackinaws, suits, overcoats, very modoratoly priced. HARRY SAMUELSON, Men's and Boys' Outfitter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson, of Mead, spout Saturday with" friends In town. .-Has Ik; n Waldomar watch chain? $00, Dixon's line. Mrs. Woodcox and daughter Helen, of Lowollon, wore tho guests of frlonds In town Frlduy. Xmn8 candles and nuts at Mc Mlchaol's grocory. Mr. and Mrs. Qrover Crano roturnod Monday to their homo In Oshkosh af ter, spending the weok end at tho E. R. Tlunimor homo. ; Cameo broochos aro al tho rago now days. Wo havo thorn1. Austin's. Ladlos' and gonts' rings, all kinds, let us show you. Austin's. For Salo Largo Radiant Home hard coal Btovo. Phono Black 140. 95-4 Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brooks ontor talned tho office forco at tho Brooks studio at a bobsled party Sunday af tornoou. Havo you tried grocory order No. 1 at McMtehaol's grocory? Tho Boptlst Missionary socloty will meet Thursday of this week with Mrs. Burton, 103 east Eighth street. Host ossos will bo Mosdamos Stryson. Breeze, Phelps and Burton. Topic, Latin Amorlca, with Mrs. Mustard as leader. Evorythlng for tho motorist that will mako his Christmas a happy ono. Edwards-RoynoldB Co. 9G-4 Tho business secton took on Its old form last evening, and it was a delight . to soo tho storos opon and tho streets i crowded with shoppors and moving - ....... i 'nU til IlltllVllltj UllDIIIUMn UtlOK yUO- loruay ana last evening. ;:o The. Gift of Sentiment mid Sense. Thoro's a world of meaning in a gift ot gloves, a porsonnl touch like tho handclasp of frlonds. $1.50 to $G.50. HARRY SAMUELSON, Mon's and Boys' Outflttor. ::o:; Why not ono of tho beautiful wrist watches at Dixon's. Lpgnl Notice. Ebor H. Smith, Claud C. Smith, Exn Hazol Smith, Lots Ono and Two in Block 7 of Poniston's Addition to tho City of North Platto, Nobraska, and all porsons claiming any Intorost of any kind in said real estato or any part thoroof, dofondnnts, will tako notlco that on tho Gth day ot Soptembor, 1919, Allco O. Colo, plaintiff, filed hor peti tion in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, agalnat Bald do- fondants, tho object and prayor of which aro to obtain a docroo of said Court quiotlng and confirming wild plaintiff's titlo to tho nbovo doscrlbod rcnl estato and to enjoin oach and nil of Bald dofcudanta and all porsons claiming any intorost of any, kind In snld premises from assorting any In terest' tlioroln ad verso to Bald plain tiff, ' You nnd each of you aro required to answer said potltlon on or boforo tho 2Gth day of January, 1920. ALICE O. COLE, Plaintiff. By HOAGLAND & HOAGLAND and E. E. Carr. Hor AttomoyB. dlGJ9 Li Owing to tho illness of his clerk, Judge "Woodhurst is about the busiest man in North Platto and ho dnnsn't oven tako time to go out for a ncc lunch. It will bo soveral day be foro Mfss Wossburg will be iiblo to return to work in tho office. Tho fabrics used in Manhattan Shirts aro positively not obtainable In other makes. Wo aro exclusive deal ors for North Platto. Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-4 Shop at Dixon's jowelry store. I 'STORE' I THE 1m5 tti a r2J il THOUSAND M GJFTS HOSIERY. Silk hosiery in all the new and pop lar shades at per pair $1.50 to $3.50. Lisle hosiery, very good quality, at per pair, G5c to 75c. ' GLOVES. Kid gloves in the best shades at $2.25 to $4.75 Imported French kid gloves. Win ter silk gloves per pair $1.95. Li i ets l Ch) sj -a- MLT .ww ...uuu ui IIUUUU aUUll anihrrair Beautiful blouses $4.75 to $47.50 nW.fyrcTn iv as breakfast caps, purses, baby vSLJJ Silk pajnmn SuItes' the latest c J tllinSs- toys. camisoles, pillows. Watch our Windows. We help you select your gifts. You. Special arranged tables full o! beautiful gifts. Table No. 1. Table No. 2. Nothing over $1. Nothing over $2. o Wrist Watches Elgin, gold filled $30.00 Elgin, gold filled 32.00 Elgin, gold filled , 35.00 Elgin, gold filled 40.00 Elgin, solid gold 50.00 Hampden, gold filled 25.00 Hampden, gold filled 30.00 Hempden, gold filled 35.00 Swiss, extra quality 110.00 Swiss, extra quality 60.00 Watches of all grades at reasonable prices. Men's Watches Elgin $15.00 to $60.00 Hamilton $30.00 to $75.00 Ball $35.00 to $87.50 lngersols $3.25 to $15.00 Swiss $5.00 to $50.00 Wadsworth cases 12, 16 and 18 size. Parlion Ivory FOR SALE. New modern house, oak finish, corn er location, with very little expense couiu oo made into a double houso. Rent from half would mako goodly payments on property. Priced at cost of construction.. Phono. Red 834 ::o:: Mako it a Dixon Xmas. Tho fabrics used in Manhattnn Shirts aro positively not obtainable in other makes. Wo are exclusive deal - ers for North Platte. Edwards-Rey- nolds Co. 9G4 XMAS A Store iul of HANDKERCHIEFS. Plain or fancy with embroidery or dainty lace edging at 10c to 75c Handkerchiefs' in fancy boxes, 1 to 6 in a box, at 50c to $1.50 Crepe de chine handkerchiefs,, in plain or fancy colors, at 25c and up. CAPS AND SETS. Children's knitted cap and cape and scarf sets, assorted colors, $75c to $2J)0 Silk teddies $2.95 to $17.00 Camisoles $1.50 to $5.50 Silk gowns $G.OO to $19.50 Silk petticoats$8.50 to $10.00 Washable satin petticoats $7.50 to $15.00 Vanity Pair vests $2.50 to $3.50 Vanity Fair Pettibockers $9.50 to $10.50 Stop ins $0.00 to $9.50 Nainsook gowns $2.25 to $0.00 Japanese house robes $15.00 Negligees $25.00 to $32.50 Crepe de chine combing Jack $8.50 A "DO IT TODAY." Red Cross Christmas seals are on salo In every nook and corner of the United States. Those seals arc sold to finance tho campaign against tuborcu losls In tho country. Of every dollar received from tho sale of Hed Cross Christmas seals, 91.7 per cent remains In the state where- tho seals aro sold, for the benefit of tho organized antl lui orcuioBiB m umt uii. Out of the remaining 8.3 per cont, the expenso8 of running tho campaign aro first deducted, and whatever Is loft Is then divided between the American Red Cross and tho National Tubercu losis Association. Tho Red Cross CJhrlBtmas seal campaign is not for tho purposo of financing tho work of the American Red Cross or its Chapters. It is for tho purposo of financing tho National Tuberculosis Association, the various state tuuercuiosis associations: and the one tho.uand or moro local i anti-tuberculosis associations. The Red Cross Christmas Seal issued in 1908 by the American Red Cross has been Issued In tho namo of tho Rod Cross slnco that date. In March, 191 9, tho American Red Cross ugreed to al- low tno National Tuuercuiosis asso - elation to use its name aim umuium un tho usual Christmas seal. This year1 tho Red Cross seal Is a Tuberculosis j Seal. Those who buy it are support ing tuberculosis work in their own communities. To support tho pro grams of work outlined In tho forty eight states and insular possessions for 1920 in such a manner that results in the saving of thousands of lives may be effected, the sale of at least G50, 000,000 Red Cross Seals at ono cont each must bo realized. Tuberculosis can be suppressed. Tho Red Cross Seal offers an opportunity for wid ows' mites or tho rich man's thous ands. Tho Twentieth Century Club is striving to dispose of North Platto's quota of 100.000 seals. Oo your share today. MRS. STANLEY ORR, Press Correspondent. ::o:: Card of Thanks. In this manner wo desire to thank the school children and our kind friends and neighbors for the' beauti ful Jlowers, and for the sympathy, ex tended us in the loss of our dear son and brother Bart, We thank Rev. Stevens and Rev. Hess for their words of comfort, also tho singers and thoso who through their many acts of kindness have helped Us to bear our sorrow. Signed: Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Hardin, Alfred .Hardin, Artie Hardin, Emery Hardin, Marlon Hardin. FOR SALE. " Three room house and corner lot; house has largo pantry and clothes closet, pantry largo enough to be made Into a bath room If desired . Lot has plenty of largo shade trees and good cow barn on It Can give pos session at once. Call nt 221 south Walnut street or phone Red 310. 976 SLACK SALEPOS'JTONEI). Tho Colorado Dispersion Salo of Herefords to have been held at Hol yoke, Colo., has been postponed until further notice due to the lack of" train service resulting from tho recent se- vera storm. :-o.. 1 Fine linen handkerchiefs with a neat colored border Is tho correct style now. Edwards-Reynolds Co. ,9G-4 SPECIAL useful Presents. itiimoNS Shower bows 75c to . $1.50 Ribbon garment hangers, as sorted colors at $1.00 to $1.50 Fancy ribbon garters, assort ed colors and patterns at $2.50 to $4.50 Ribbon rose buds, violet bo quets of ribbons, small flowers and buds made of ribbon, Xmas ribbons. NnvplMna mrwln -" vil.l... i. Plenty of sales people to take care of Table No. 3. Gifts over $2. FIltST AXXUAL CLEARANCE SALE Up to date lighting fixtures and Il luminating glass ware, what could bo more In keeping with the Christmas Time, bo moro delightful or glvo tho family moro joy than a nice up to tho minuto lighting fixtures In Flemish or Brush Brass? Tho evenings are long, and ho amusements, which Is bound to glvo j vmi n,,v nf .,, 1n n,nv n,nm b you plenty of time to enjoy them. Mother would be pleased; besides it will add beauty as well as Increaso tho value of your homo. So for one weok commencing Mon day, December 15, 10 o'cock and end ing Saturday, December 20th JUST ONE WEEK I will give 20 per cont off on all of my spondld line of light ing fixtures. Remember tho quality of thoso nxturoa is the best. Evcry customCr will rcceivo a llttlo souvonlr free T' Wo th,s opportunity ' to wish you a Merry Christmas and a' Happy 0w Year. TnB pqrtER ELECTRIC COMPANY, (Formerly tho Electric Shop.) Clu Locust. Phono 240. General Hos- , pitnj Building. ;;o:: A Xmas present with Dixon's seal of quality. BUY THAT BOY A SUIT or an OVERCOAT, Special values have been prepared for holiday shop pers $11.85 is the special reduced price for Boys Woolen Suits. Heavy weight in the latest models, newest shades and best patterns. Trousers lined throughout. HIRSCHFELD The Store of Practical Gifts For Boys. 7 TOILET ARTICLES. Marinello preparations toilet wat ers, Mary Garden perfumes, sanitary hairbrushes, imported powder puffs, manicure tools, cosmetic containers. MIDDIES. All wool, red or white, trimmed at $8.50. Unhdersiljcs ! 1 4