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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1919)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Hlrschfold's, the store of practical gifts for men. 04-6 Miss Mary Harnoy Is quito 111 with the moaslos. A razor for dad," Dixon, the Jowolor. A boy baby was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. John Oostorlch. Special Kettlo rendorod lard. Rrod beck's Meat Market. SCtf Lewis Harrison, of Julesburg, Is spending a few days with his brother N. P. Harrison. dive that boy a vloln for Christmas. A lino selection. Walker Music Co. Boad bags, danco bags, mesh bags, hand purses for the ladles' Xnias. Austin, Jeweler. A new stylo while gold bar pin for her Xmas. Dixon, the Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. James SmiUior Sr., Jeftjthls morning for.Poru for a short . Hi vjslt .with friends. ,, ',' Leave your order for ribbon novel ties at the Stylo Shop. Dan Rathburn arrived Sunday from Kommorer, Wyo., for a vslt with his sister, Mrs. F. J. "Wurtolle. See Dixon's stock of diamonds, the I best and most complete Hen he has over shown. r Col. Shappell, the Sutherland auc tioneer has gone to Kansas City to give lectures to a class In the Missouri Auctioneers' school. For the girl, a Ukalole or Banjo Ukalelo for Christmas. Come In and see them. Walker Music Co. Jay-Smith has rtccopted a position as traveling salesman for the Morris Packing Co., ,wlth headquartersi nt Omaha. Tho newest things In ribbon novel ties at the Style Shop. Mr. and Mrs. James Smlthors, Jr., will leave tomorrow for Auburn, where they. will, engage In tho gro cery business. "Handsomo Handwear" Is what one shopper said of our glove assortment. Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-4 Russell Langford, a student at Stanford university, will arrive home tho early part of next week to spend tho Christmas vacation. Dixon is showing a three karat dia mond that will mako anyone wish, at $1500.00. Dress gloves for "him" In tnns, dark browns and blacks. Edwards-Reynolds Co. 96-4 Geo. A. Swanson, assistant cashier of the Bank of Brady, was married at Omaha last week to Miss Anna Kav orlck of that city. See Dixon for prices on hight grade ' diamonds. Mrs. T. F. Gantt left yesterday, for PocatelIp(1Idaho, where she will spend the holidays1 with her daughter, Miss Edith, whorls city librarian there. Make these long winter evenings shorter with a Brunswick. Waker Music Co. Wo have a United number of Bruns wloh Phonographs, so If you wnnt one for Christmas, como early. Walkor Music Co. Corbln Jones, n fonnor North Platto boy, who now travels out of Cheyenne for a iobblng houso; spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in town. A piece of Dutch silver makes a most wonderful Xmas gift Havo you soon It? Dixon, tho jowolor. Loslle Bare, who Is one of 20,000 students nt Columbia university, will spend tho Christmas vacation with his uncle, John S. Bare, nt Huntingdon, Pa. Just received now shipment cut glass and silver, very tasty articles for tho bride or Xmas gifts. Austin, Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Springer, of Brady, leave this weok for a visit with Mr. Springer's rolntlves In Philadel phia. They will also visit In New York City. " i I Some of them aro ln'tho Stjfid Shop windows. There will bo "spots" on tho sun to morrow and somo wlld-oyed Individ uals predict tho end of tho world.! Howover, not ninny of us are worry-' ing over tho prediction. 1 Havo you seen the Style Shop XnuiH window? " II. D. Rasmusson has tendered his resignation aa cashier of the Brady Stato Bank and will como to North Platte January 1st to accept a position with an insurance agency. Cut glass lamp for sale, see pur window. Austin, jeweler. Mrs. O. H. Cressler and Mrs. J. B. Red field havo Issued Invitations l'or a towol shower Friday evening compli mentary to Miss Blanche Fonda. The function will be held at the Cressler home. Visit our sound proof Phonogrnph room and hear tho Brunswick as It will sound In your own home. Walker! Music Co. Tho people of Maxwell will hold community Christmas exercises at the' Baptist church. Boxes will bo placed in tho business houses in which do nations for the children can bo de posited. The Elgin Co. makes one of Ameri ca's finest wrist watches. Dixon has a wonderful stock. $30.00 to $50.00. W. H. McDonald writes from Ro chester, Minn., that he has been given an examination by tho Mayo Bros, staff and that as soon as a nurso Is secured ho will undergo an operation for internal ulcerations. If you aro looking for a present for "him." save worry and time by trying first at Edwards-Reynolds Co. 90-4 Mr. and Mrs. John Feoiiey, of Kear ney, who had been spendng a week with their daughter, Mrs. F. S. Nolan, left last night for Los Angeles where thoy will spend the winter. Motor gloves for "him" many dif ferent styles. Edwards Reynolds Co. 9G-4 Wo have three second-hand pianos in good condition which wo will sell at n bargain In ordor to mako room for our new stock of pianos which aro on the way. Wnlkor Music Co. Ivory tollot sets and odd pieces, good variety. Austin, Jowolor. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Strnhorn nnd Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Zentmeyor and two sons loft this morning for Los Angolos to Bpond tho winter. Mr. Zontmeyor will return to his duties as chief dis patcher as soon ns ho sees tho family settled for tho winter. Wo havo one solid gold Howard with Let Dixon help you this Xmas. Saturday noon Mrs. Jamos Payne and Mrs. Allison Wilcox ontertnlncd at a luncheon and linen showor for Miss Myrtle Beolor. Tho tablo deco rations and favors wore in yollow, a largo baskot of sweet peas forming tho centor piece. Covers wore laid for Wnty-elghL tfHrK' fTrgo Style Shop windows havo never attracted as much attention ns now. Growers of sugar beets, It Is re ported, nro planning on asking for a contract which will provido for a sliding scale of payment for beets. With sugar iprices advancing, beet growers aro making ready to ask for a system of paying for beots conform ing to market quotations on sugar nt any stated period. Miss Gladys Martin, of Horshoy, wua tho guest, of friends in town Monday Miss Sarah Kelly ontortninod forty guests Friday 'evening at a cosmetic shower complimentary to Miss Myrtle Heeler. Tho rooms wore profusely decorated with ferns nnd baskets of roses. A largo Christmas treo held the gifts for tho to-be-bride. At eleven o'clock an olnborate supper was serv ed at small tables, each of which was decorated with a small Christmas treo and at each place was Hald an Indi vidual favor of a corsage boquet of sweetheart roso and sweet alysum. Wo havo sold over three hundred Brunswick Phonographs In nnd nround North Platto and every Brunswick owner is a Booster. Walkor Music Co. 97-2 Miss Grace Burke was honoree at a beautifully appointed six o'clock din ner Saturday evening given by Miss Lucille Wilcox and Miss Florence Mac Kay at the homo of tho' former. Bas kets of red roses tied with tullo form ed the table docorations and the same color scheme was carried out in tho place cards and favors. Tho dinner was followed with bridgo and at tho closo of tho games Miss Gcorglna Mac Kay, costumed as a fairy, gave the future bride a fow words of advice1 and then Invited her to start a hunt for shower gifts of kitchen ware. Each gift wns lettered, and when all articles were assembled the letters spelled tho words Graco Burke Leroy Krause. Mrs. Nicholas McCabo will entertain at o linen showor Wednesday evonlng for Miss Blanche Fonda. A store full of Xmas suggestions, Dixon, the jeweler. SCENE FROM BfcOEN BL0550MS" "A Three Weeks Vacation in Two Hours of Delight" Is a rare accomplishment even for D. W. Griffith. "There is nothing like it in all the annais of the screen noth'ng, perhaps, that in all the delicate shades of spiritual expression attains such suhtlo effects nothing so frightfully brutal and tender by turns, as this story of a pure love that is crushed to death the love of a Chinaman who lives in the world of opium tinted dreams and a little white girl who has never learned to smile. If this picture is not accepted by the public, then there little chance for GENUINE screen, tragedies because, "BROKEN BLOSSOMS" is a MASTERPIECE OF ITS KIND. THE CAST The Girl Miss Lillian Gish "Battling" Burrows Donald Crisp I - His Manager Arthur Howard ' The Chinaman Richard Barthelmess ' . Evil Eye Edward Piel ''",. A Prize FighterNorman Selby, better ... known as "Kid McCoy." The Spying One Geo. Beranger AT THE SUN THEATRE, Four Days Commencing, Dec. 16th. Trice 25c and 50c, Including war tax. Give Him So Wear For Oil sneiffig . istma To You will not have to wonder if your gift will win his hearty approval if you select something useful Silk Shirts $8.50 to $1.50 Silk Mixed Shirts . . . .$8.50 to $7.50 Madras Shirts $1.50 to $8.50 Xeclnvear 75c to $8.50 Dress and Street Gloves $1.75 to $5 Automobile Gloves $2.50 to $20 Handkerchiefs 25c to 85c Night Robes and Pajamas $1.50 to $10.00 Silk Hose $1.50 to $2.50 Woolen Hose, for dress and coin fort 5c to $1.25 Fur Caps . .'. $0.00 to $20.00 if!i forvnohl Copyrifiht Give A Dresner Coat Case. The name "DRESNER" represents the finest quality o! hand luggage. Every "DRESNER" coat case is made of the finest and most select leather and strictly HAND MADE by the most skilled workmen. They . cost more than the other kinds but . are the most economical case to buy. , H" Only Seven Wore Shopping Days. Ed wards-Reynolds Co. MEN AND BOYS. Store Open Evenings until- 9 o'clock;! Picture Shows Opuii. Tn fippnrilnncn with ncrmlsslon from tho regional fuel director, picture shows re-opened Saturday evening and will, It Is presumed, bo allowed to op nerato on the Kamo basis as before tho fuel restrictions were laid. Tin? stores also remained open until nine o'clock Saturday evening. ::o:: Wonderful Values In Hosiery Hoys' Topsy stockings GOc pair. Mon's llslo hoso 3Gc to G5o pair. Men's silk hoso 70c to i.2t pair. Ladles full fashioned pure thread silk hoso, True Shapo and Topsy brnnd, ?2.UU to $;.uu per pair. IIARKY SAMUUL.SU, Men's and Boys' Outflttor. VOcMlInff' $20 Hay. A well known south sldo stockman yho visited Tho Tribune office Satur day and who Is wintering 300 howl, said the consumption of hay by his herd during tho past month has boon 'awful," especially during last week. 'With hay at $20 a ton," said ho, "a follow had bettor sell his cattlo In the fall nnd sell his hay during the winter. Ho would mako money by so doing." ::o:: Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.' Llconso to wed was granted yester day to Floyd E. Graco and Mary Hapke both of this city. Miss Mildred Norrls loft yesterday morning for Omaha whero she will visit relatives and frlonds. Nothing over $1.00 on tnblo No. 1 at tho Stylo Shop. Tho P. E. O. Sisterhood will meet Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock at tho home of Mrs. Geo. E. Prossor, Everything for tho motorist that will mako his Christmas a happy one. Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9G-4 Miss Virginia Dullard will arrive from tho south tho latter part of this month to visit relatives and frlonds. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Office over Wll cox Department Store. tf Hlrschfold's, tho storo of practical gifts for men. ' 94-G For Sale Ton room houso and lot on west Second street. Can bo dl vlded Into doublo house. Hratt, Good man & Huckloy. 90-2 ::o:: Good team, wngon and harness for salo. L. D. McFarland, 1702, oast Fourth stroot. 97-5 ::o:i' Kslray Notice. Taken up on or about July 15, 1919, by tho undersigned, who lives nine miles southwest of North Platto, a brown maro, sovon or eight years old, weight about 1,000 pounds. No brands. Owner call, provo proporty, pay charg If you aro looking for a presont for "him," save worry and tlmo by trying first at EdwardB-Roynolds Co. 9G-1 Wo dollvor fresh meat with grocery orders. Dick Stoggoman, phono 212. tf Shop at Dixon's jowolry store. Wanted Llvo stock to wlntor, troos, spring water and hay. Paul Saul, 9 mllos northwest. 94-4 When In North Platto stop at tho Now Hotol Palaco and Cafe. You will bo treated woll. C8tf, XMAS SUGGES tions Batli Robes Sweaters Handkerchiefs Ties Sox Belts Gloves Fur Caps Silk Shirts Pelt Slippers Leather Vests Suits Overcoats hoys Belts Shoes Slip-over Sweaters Jerseys Ties Mittens Caps Boys' Suits Boots WOMEN Pur Coats Pur Sets Kid Gloves Handlkerchiefs Blouses Pelt House Slippers Slip-over Sweaters Bath Robes Silk Hose Silk Underwear Purses GI11LS Fur Sets Purees Slip-over Sweaters Handkerchiefs Felt Slippers Hose Ribbon Gloves UAWES Bibs Sweater Suits Slip-over Sweaters yool Hose Baby Shoes Knit Caps Coats Silk Comforts lVo havo a full lino of tho nbovo articles. Just check ar ticles wanted, bring this slip along and wo will do tho rost. Wo aro going to glvo away miniature Santa Clauses Tues day tho 2!lrd, starting nt 9 o'clock In 'tho morning, till thoy aro all gono, ttOOO Sttt4i Clauses. The girl or hoy get ting Santa Claus To. 090 gets a beautiful Xmas present free. The Hub. es and tako animal away. 97-0 FRANK ENGLAND,