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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1919)
NORTH PLATTR SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Vf?h. " After I wna married 1 was not well for a long time and a goodtdeal of the time was not able to go about. Our greatest desire was to have a child in our homo and one day my husband ctitno back from town with a bottlo of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and wanted mo to try It It brought relief from mv troubles. I improved In health so I could do my housework; wo now havo n little one, all of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. 0. S. Johnson, R. No. 8, Ellenbburg, Wash. Thero are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of eomo functional disorder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound. Such women should not give up hopo tintil they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, and for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 yearo experience is at your service. Suffer from Millions of people sutler year after year from ailments affecting practically every part of the body, never dreaming that their 111 health can be traced directly to acid tomacb. Here Is the reason: poor digestion means poor nourishment of the different organs and tissues of the body. The blood Is Impoverished becomes weak, thin, sluggish. Ailments of many kinds spring from such conditions. Biliousness, rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, general weakness, loss of power and energy, headache. Insomnia, nervousness, mental depression even moro, fierlous ailments such as catarrh and cancer of the stomach. Intestinal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, heart trouble all of these can often be traced directly to acid-stomach. Keep a sharp lookout tor the first symp. toms of acid-stomach Indigestion, heart burn, belching, food repeating.'' that nwful painful bloat after eating, and sour, gassy stomach. EATONIC, the wonderful modern remedy for r.cld-stomach. Is guaranteed to bring quick relief from these stomach mis eries. Thousands say they never dreamed that anything could brtnj such speedy relief and make them feel so much better In every wav. Try EATONIC and you, too, will be Just as enthusiastic In Its praise. Make your life worth living no aches or pains no blues or melancholy no more of that tired, listless feeling. De well and atrong. Get back your physical and mental punch; your vim, vigor nml vitality. You will nlwnys be weak and ailing as long as you have nctd-stomach. So get rid of It now. Take EATONIC Tablets they taste good you eat them like a bit of candy. Your druggist has EATONIC GO cents for a big box, flet a box from htm today and If you re not satisfied he will refund your money. (JOR .YOUR ACID-STOMAClQ Up in the Air. She I would not marry any man on earth. He Hut If you accepted me I would not be on earth, but in the seventh heaven of happiness. She You J ear boy I I am yours I Boston Evening Transcript. Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, sscalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this tho fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum and you have the Cutlcura Toilet Trio. -Adv. A Civil Answer. "Ah, the weather man ; how about a little shower today?" "Don't ask nut ; If you need one take It." HEALTH RESTORED Mr. Knight Was Down With Kid ney Complaint; Found Doan's the Remedy Needed. "Kidney trouble put mo in a bad way," says Thomas A. Knight, Re tired Insurance Agent, G24 N. Ninth St., East St Lpuls, 111. "It came on with pain across my back and the attacks kept getting worse un til I had a spell that laid me up. Morphine was the only relief nnd I couldn't move without help. The kid ney secretions were scanty, painful and filled with sediment. "I was unable to leave the house, could Mr. Knltht not rest, and becamo utterly ex hausted. Tho only way I could take case was by bolstering my self up with pillows. For three months I was In that awful con dition and the doctor said I had gravel. Doan's Kidney Fills brought mo back to good health and I have gained wonderfully In strength and weight." Bvaom to before vie, A. M. EQQMANN, Notary Public, Get Doan'a at Any Store, GOc a Bos DOAN'S "p'SXS? FOSTER-MILQURN CO.. BUFFALO. N.Y. BronchialTroubles Boothe the Irritation and you relieve the distress. Do both quickly and effectively by uUng promptly o dependable remedy millions I? ATOMIC PISO ENTRANCE ROADS FOR FARMS Engineers of Bureau of Public Roadt Give Advice on Application of Bituminous Material. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Owners of large farms and rural estates socking a more satisfactory typo of entrance road have applied to the bureau of public roads of the United Slates department of agricul ture for advice regarding the applica tion of bituminous material on main entranco and much-traveled farm lanes. The bureau's engineers point out that such applications may bo made successfully on any farm road which hns nlrendy been constructed of stone, gravel, or other similar material, and Is In n thoroughly compacted and rea sonably smooth condition. A coal-tar preparation applied cold, or an nsphal tic oil, can bo used nnd If applied by tho farm employees, the cost should not exceed seven or eight cents a squaro yard for materials. The com pacted gravel or stone road should bo thoroughly elenned of dust and the bitumen applied with ordinary sprink ling pots from which the perforated nozzle has been removed and the spout carefully flattened Into a symmetrical rectangular opening about one-quarter Surface Treatment of Macadam Road With Bituminous Material and Stone Chips. of an inch wide, so that the material may be poured in a broad. Hat stream. If a large amount of work Is to he done, a speclnlly designed pouring can may be purchased of dealers In road equipment. Care should be taken to have an even distribution, nnd the quantity applied should be approximately one-half gallon to o square yard of road surface. Aflei applying tho bituminous material, clean gravel or stone chips should be spread evenly over the surface, and If possible, rolled with a lawn or field roller. Where gravel or chips are not available, clean, coarse sand will serve as covering material. It should be spread In sufficient 'quantity to pre vent the bituminous material from ad hering to tiros of passing vehicles. Attention is called to the fact thai this treatment should not he made ' where drainage from the stables oi barns will flow over It. Where mud holes are likely to form around hitch ing posts or nt stable entrances, If a moro durable pavement Is desired, n section of concrete slab should be laid. ROAD OUT OF SOLID GRANITE Will Lead From Estes Park to Glen Lake, Connecting With Lincoln Highway. In tho Rocky mountains, Colorado, aided by tho federal government, Is building eight miles of road out of solid granite. The road, which will I lend from Estes Park In the Rockies j to Glen Lake, connecting with the Lin ' coin highway and forming a part of i the transcontinental highway, will l bring Switzerland to America. The , road will cost, when completed, more than $25,000 a mile. BIG ROAD PROGRAM PLANNED Alabama to Issue $25,000,000 In Bonds to Match Federal Appropriation for Highways. Plans to Issue $25,000,000 In bonds to match a similar federal appropria tion for building roads In Alabama were set on foot at a meeting of the Alabama Highway Improvement asso ciation. The project includes a three mill levy by counties for maintenance. A constitutional amendment to au thorize this project will bo asked of tho next legislature. Country's Urgent Necessity. Tho most urgent necessity of our country In the Immediate future Is good roads, permanent roads that enn be used 12 months In each year. Bond Issues Voted. Bond Issues aggregating many mil lions of dollars fur new highway con struction havo boon voted by moro than a gcoro of states this year. Prepare for Next Year. Now Is the time to get ready for cext year. HANDLING FOAL IN PROPER WAY Many Young Anirpals Losl Through Inefficient Manage ment in First Few Weeks. "COLOSTRUM " IS IFAPORTANT Right Amount of Nourishment Is Necessary for Good Growth and Development Dam Should Have Good Pasture Grass. (By W. T. WASEL, Colorado ABrlcultur al CollcBo, l''ort Collins, Colo.) It Is of the highest lmporta'nco In horse producing that the young start llfo In full health nnd vigor. The foal should, as soon as being able to stand up, take a good draught at tho "colostrum" or first milk of the mare. This milk or colostrum has purgative properties which discharge from tho alimentary tract the foeX'nl material which collected within during foetus llfo. If the foal does not naturally pass tho foetus matter, then glvo a gentle purgative of castor oil. Utilize Natural Milk. With the alimentary tract cleared tho foal can utilize the natural milk which follows. Tho young foal will naturally at once gain weight, strength nnd make a good growth. The owner of the mare and foal should know tho condition under which the dam must follow. If tho dam Is not able to supply the proper amount of nourishment, the foal will not make the proper growth and development. Tho mare should have a good pasture grass, but If this Is not available some con centrate?, such as oats, rolled barley or wheat bran with some corn should bo used. Tho first few days after foaling, the mare should bo In a box stall nnd a small lot, with simple feed and not too abundant. In seven to ten days the mare and foal mny be turned to pasture; but protect them from the Inclemencies of the weather. Keep under favorable conditions, and the mare and foal will shift for themselves, but use watch fulnesa us to tho first appearance of Jlfi'ercnt ailments. Diarrhea is ano Df the most common troubles, nnd should bo checked at once. The cor rectives for this are as follows : Boll vd milk, parched flour or a gruel. Excellent Type of Mare and Foal. These materials are simple nnd can he ttscd mtst successfully. Constlpa- ttot', another ailment, may ho relieved by the use of castor oil. Acquires Taste for Grain. At the age of two months tho foal should acquire n taste for grain. As soon as the colt begins to eat readily it pen should be built, limiting It high enough to keep tho dnm out, nnd the foal will pass below. Thus, It will soon get tho habit of feeding from the regular feed trough. Keep the ration, nnd especially the oats, well supplied By using this system tho colt at weaning time will be easy to wean, and then they do not miss their dams. The foals are usually weaned nt the ugo of five or six months old. At Venning time increase tho ration, nnd the foals will make a good growth, tind later mnture Into n good grade of horses. PREVENTING SMUT OF WHEAT One Pint of Formaldehyde to Forty Gallons of Water Will Treat Fifty Bushels of Wheat. Treat seed wheat for smut and pre vent more smut In the next crop. One pint of formaldehyde to 40 gallons of wnter will do the work for 50 bushels Spread the wheat In thin layers, sprln kle nnd shovel over until nil the grains tiro wet, pile up nnd cover with can vns or blanket for couple of hours then sprend out and shovel over some more to help It to dry. Sow as soon ns possible, always within 24 hours, Never trent more thun can bo sown In one dny. This will knock tho smut off next year's crop. VALUE OF CORNCOBS IN SOIL While Relatively Low In Plant Focd They Are of Value to Turn Under on Clay Land. While It Is true that corncobs an; relatively low In plant food, their value must not be computed upon this liasls ulnne, for tholr value Is far greater as organic. matter. There Is no question that where cohs can bo obtained without cost m- ccpt tlie hauling, mid the haul Is short that they are worth the hauling to turn unUor on tight, compact clay soil "PREVENTION" FIRST" IS BEST FOR SHEEP Parasitical Diseases Are Difficult to Overcome. Stomach and Lung Worms, Mange and Ticks Are Most Troublesome Ail mentsCarefully Avoid Buy ing Infested Animals. Parasitical diseases of sheep nro hard to fight and overcome. Dr. O. P. Fitch, head of tho division of veteri nary medicine of the University ot Minnesota, believes that the ounco of prevention Is worth more than tho pound of cure. He says : "Most discuses of sheep nro caused by parasites fnich as stomach and lung worms, mange, ticks, and tnpe worms. In Minnesota the losses duo to stom ach worms are probably the heaviest; next to them probably Is the toll tak en by lung worms. Any treatment for lung worms Is unsatisfactory nnd sheep nflltctcd with theiri should bo disposed of promptly. Diseases caus ed by stomnch worms enn be treated to good purpose by the upo of 1 per cent solution of copper sulphntc, 100 cubic centlmctors for the oldor sheep and hnlf tlint quantity for lambs. Tho .solution is given In the form of a Fine Prize-Winning Oxford-Down Ram. drench nnd should be repeated onco or twice at intervals of ten days, enro being taken not to get tho fluid Into the windpipe of the nulmnl. Tape worm can he expelled by the use of nspldlum, otherwise known ns tho ex tract of male fern. " 'Prevention' should be cmphnslzcd In tho matter of sheep diseases. Farm ers and breeders should exercloo ev ery possible caro when buying sheep to avoid bringing infested animals In to the country. Newly purchased an- Imnls should bo kept by themselves and confined to single fields for tho first six months. In this way tho spreading of disease to orlglnnl UockB can bo reduced to the Minimum. Now that tho sheep raising industry is bo- lug stimulated In Minnesota, It Is ex ceedingly Important that all breeders Inquire carefully Into the history of flocks from which they may purchase, i All Imported stock should bo closely i inspected by a competent veter inarian." LICE ON CHICKENS NEEDLESS So Says Entomologist of University of Minnesota Urges Use of Sodium Ftuorld. L'ouso Infestation of chickens Is needless nnd they should not be al lowed to enter upon tho winter with such n handicap, says W. A. Itiley, chief of the division of entomology of tho University of Minnesota. Doc tor Riley holds that tho most satis factory control men&ure Is the use of commercial sodium iluorld. Tills pow der Is applied by the "pinch method." Tho chicken Is held by the legs or wings nnd a smnll pinch of sodium fluorld Is applied to the head, anoth er to the neck, two on the bnck, ono on the breast, ono below tho vent, ono on the tall, one on each thigh and ono on the under side of each wing. An other efficient remedy, snys Doctor Riley, Is the Cornell louse powder. "With either of these powders avail able," ho says, "thero Is no point In buying proprietary lice powders which cannot he more efficient nrfd which nro vastly moro expensive." THOROUGHLY DRY SEED CORN Beet Germination Tests Made From That to Which Some Artificial Heat Is Applied. Tests In caring for seed corn at tho Ohio experiment stntlon show that corn giving tho best germination tests In tho spring Is that which has been dried out well In the full and to which some artificial heut has been applied. It Is necessary to keep tho corn well ventllnted, which mny bo accom plished by suspending tho cars from a wire In n shed or attic, or tho cars may bo placed In a sling between two strings so that they do not touch each other. If the corn is thoroughly dried before freezing wenther, tho germina tion test generally proves satisfac tory In the spring. WINTER LAYERS AID RETURNS Whether Eggs Aro Forthcoming or Not Fowls Will Keep on Con Burning Costly Feed. It will make u great deal of differ ence in the roturns from the flock whether tho pullets lay fairly well during tho winter or whether they do not begin to Iny until spring, for In either case they will bo consumlna feed. wm GREEN FEED DURING WINTER Poultryman Should Havo Supply to Last Through Season to Keep Fowls In Condition. (Prepared by tlw United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Green feeds for poultry contain only a smnll perccntngo of actual food nu trlcnts, but nro important because of their succulenco nnd bulk, which light en tho grain rations and nsslst In keep ing tho birds (n good condition. Tho poultryman should secure a sufficient supply of such feeds to last through tho winter months In sections where growing feeds cannot bo obtained. When chickens nro fattened without the, uso of milk, green feed helps to keep them In good condition. Cabbages, mangel wurzels, clover, alfalfa, and sprouted onts are tho green feeds commonly used during tho winter. Cabbages do not keep as well in ordinary cellars as mangel wurzels, so whero both of these feeds nro avail able tho cabbage? nro fed first. Thoy aro often ausponded, whllo tho mangel wurzels aro split and stuck on a nail on the wall of tho pen. Clover and al falfa may be fed as hay, cut Into one half to ono Inch lengths, or mny bo bought In the form of meal. Alfalfa meal has a feeding analysis equal to bran, but Is not as dlgcstlblo on ac count of Its lnrger percentage of fiber. Clover and alfalfa should bo cut whllo slightly Immature, If they are to bo cured and fed to poultry. The lenvca and chaff from such hay are especially adapted for poultry feeding. Sprouted onts make a very good green feed nnd ure used quite ex tensively In this country. The oats can be soaked for 12 hours In warm water nnd then spread out In a layer of from one-half to ono and one-half Inches deep on a floor, or In n tray or tier of flats, which havo openings or holes or a threc-3lxteenths inch mesh wire bottom, bo that the wnter drains freely. They may bo stirred dally, sprinkled, or allowed to sprout without stirring, until ready for feed ing. Thcy..nre usually fed when the , sprouts are from one to one and one- . . S'VXri Sprouted Oats Are Used Quite Ex tensively as Green Feed. half Inches long, although some poul trymen prefer to allow the sprouts to grow to two or three Inches long. Oats need n moist and wnrm ntmos phero In which to sprout quickly, so that it Is necessary to furnish heat or to keep them in a warm room during tho winter, whllo they may bo sprout ed out of doors during tho rest of the year. It takes from six to ten days to sprout oats, depending on tho tem perature of tho room. MITES REMAIN IN FEATHERS Night Pest of Chickens May Stick to Fowls In Sufficient Numbero to Scatter Themselves. Chicken mites, tho night pest of poultry, may not always leave tho fowls before daylight, as commonly supposed, but mny remain In tho feathers In such numbers as to make poultry possible carriers of this pest to unlnfested plnces. This fact was brought out recently by nn entomolo gist of the United States department of agriculture In the course of a study of the llfo history and habits of the chicken mite, undertaken to dis cover principles on which combutlve measures might bo based. COMFORT IN COLD WEATHER Hen House Should Have Plenty of Fresh Air and Sunlight Make It Warm as Possible. lie sure that the poultry house Is comfortable during tho cold weather that It hns plenty of air and sunlight m bright days, Hint It Is ninJo warm ik poN&lhlo, whllo furnishing enough fretd, ulr, during tho cold nights when Ibo hens aro on tho roost. MOTHERS, PREPARE Kansas City, Kans.: "When I was a Sri Just oomlatf into womanhood I becam au run-aown,weaic ana nervous. I was palo as death; my people becamo very much alarmed thought I was going into a do clino. My mother took mo to our druggist and asked hint if ho could recommend some med kino that ha thought would bo good for my casa. Ho told her to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and she did. I had only taken it a short firm when I begun to improvo and it was not long when I was well In tho best of health. I havo sinoe takon 'Favorite Prescription' during expectancy and found it a wonderful help, keeping mo well and strong tho entirs time." MRS. BELLE GAMMON. 2019 Koosovelt Ave. WOMAN'S CRIT ICAL TIME Omaha, Ncbr.: "I havo used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription for many years at certain critical times when auch a tonic was necessary and it novcr failed to strengthen and build mo up. When. I was raising my family I took it and always th results were most satisfactory; then during middle lifo it helped mo to comn through in strong and healthy condition. I am very enthueiastio concerning Dr. Pierce's reme dies and havo recommended them not only to members of my own family but to many others betides nnd havo nover heard ons complaint. Dr. Pierce's book, tho Common Benso Medical Adviser, has boon in my home for 36 years and I know it has saved me many n doctor bill, as well as many of my friends whom I havo advised through it.' MRS. TH08. GRAY, 4310 Erskino Bt. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription Is a remedy that any ailing woman can safely take because it is prepared from roots, does not contain alcohol or narcotics. Its ingre dients printed on wrapper. Send 10c. for trial package of Favorit Prescription tablets to Dr. Picrco's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Cuticura Soap Best for Baby Soap So., Otntnoit S A Mo., Talcum ISo, Biimpl rch mll4 fr br "Ontlonra, Dopt. l' Dot ton. Almost Human. I hnd occasion to visit a small Jew clry store. While tho Jeweler wai. showing mo his wares a voice fron the rear of the shop called: "Papa papa ;" Being tho owner of n flue par rot and much Interested In tho birds I turned to the Jeweler nnd remarked that the parrot's voice sounded almost human. To my horror tho Jewelei said, "That Is not a parrot that ' ti my daughter." With n few muttered words of apology I rushed from tlu shop and, although the Jeweler had of fered me some unusually uttrtictlyi bargains, nothing could make me fnc that Jeweler ugaln. Chicago Tribune, A. Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you ore about to take is absolutely puro and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength snd excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. , If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On salo at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y for sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Verily, Verily. Brown Hope Is truly n wonderful thing. Green True. Why, I havo known one little nibble to keep a man1 fishing all day. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo ot OASTORIA, that famous old rcmory for Infants and children, and see that It SlSuro rtC&ffilg&U In Uso for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The young man who gets married nowadays must have cither lots of money or lots of nerve. To lnsuro gllsteuiug-whlto tabic linens, uso Red Cross Bull Blue In your laundry. It never disappoints. At all food grocers, Cc. Lnugh and the world laughs nt you ; pcowl nnd you're In good company. Pneumonia often follows a Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! HILL'S CASCARAkMUINlN .ijjrd cold remedy for 20 year akla tr wm a if II r ft opiates breaks up a cold In 24 nours relieves crip in a unys. k Money back If It fails. The genuine Dox nas a Kea top w 1 1 n r. Jim picture. At AUD tag Slort$ FRFfiKI F W" E