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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1919)
THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 12, 1919. No. 96 AT PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF HUS1NESS HOURS Tlio following petition addressed to Mayor Streltz was circulated among tho merchants yesterday afternoon and Blgned by all: "Tho business men of North Platte havo all bought heavily for Xmns business, and this unexpected condi tion coming on them like a thunder bolt from a clear sky Is the worst thing they can cpncolvo. Wo are prac tically out of business to tho men purchasers and as a former business JptSMjUJ nan you can readily aeo our position. r, Tho farm trade has fallen off at least 50 pbj -cent becauso of roads and bad weather, and the stocks that are on hand If not disposed of before Xmas aro dead and this means too much to not make an effort to avoid. The fol lowing business men thoroforo peti tion you to take It up with the proper authorities to allow them to keep bus iness open Saturday nights till 9 o'clock and Monday 22d, Tuesday, 23d, Wednesday 24th until 9 o'clock. Upon receiving tho above Mayor Streltz at onco wired the substance of tho petition to Regional Fuel Direc tor Bennowltz at Omaha, but up to press time no reply had been received Mayor Streltz also asked for Informa tion relative to opening picture shows. ::o:: Have a Columbia in your home Xmas. Dixon, the Jeweler. Complimentary to Miss Blanche Fon da the Catholic choir will enertaln at tho home of Miss Loretta Murphy Mon day evening. A Dixon diamond this Xmas. For Sale Ten room house and Ipt on west Second street. Can be di vided Into double house. Bratt, Good man & Buckley. 9G-2j For Dad, fountain pen, bolt buckle, shaving set, smoking set, cuff links, scarf pin. Clinton, the jeweler. John Poulos roturned Wednesday from the hot springs where he spent several weeks convalescing from his prolongd Illness. He would like one of those fine sil ver belt buckles mounted on a real leather belt, at Dixon's. A civil service examination will be held at Wellfleet January. 7th to fill tho position of motor rural carrier at that village. An Ingersol for the boy, Dixon, the jeweler. ' There will be a meeting of the Amorican Legion this evening at eight o'clock in tho library. All members aro asked to attend. R. O. Mackin tosh, president. Cut glass sugar and creamer, mar malade jar, berry dihes, vases, trays etc. Clinton, tho jeweler; Bjg I LOCAL XXJ) PERSONAL Shop this Xmas at Dixon's. Mrs. A. L. Lane and Mrs. L. B. Mohl mann will glvo a breakfast at the Oasis for Miss Beelor Monday. Order your Columbia now, as our stock Is low, Dixon, tho jeweler. Miss Nina Elder returned this week from Torrlngton, Wyo. Tho school which sho was teaching closed on ac count of lack of fuel. . Shop at Dixon's jowelry store. Mrs. Ed. Burke and Mrs. Will Burkoj have Issued Invitations for a china' shower complimentary to Miss Grnco Burke Friday afternoon. For Mother, diamonds in bar pin, lavalller, ring, Clinton, the Jowelor. Saturday afternoon of next wock the descriptions of travel those books Miss Myrtle Beeler will entertain at a contain Illustrations from tho photo trousseau tea. Tho hours will bo from graphs by the author, two until six. - ; Helen Schwaller and Francis Witt Your mother, father, brother and sister will enjoy, an Edison this Xmas. Dixon, tho jewoler. Judge Grimes this week granted a divorce to Sadlo Talbot from her hus band John Talbot, and Reako Harris was granted a legal separation from Joseph B. Harris. For tho Christmas stocking for baby, nocklaco, pearls, ring. Clinton, the Jewoler. It was reported In town yesterday that the loss of cattle in Thomas and Hooker countlos, which are situated about sixty miles north of this city, has already been very heavy, and that many cattle that have beon frozen will need bo killed. Even horses, which aro very hardy, aro dying of exposure. A Ferrostat bottle won't break, give one for Xmas. Dixon, tho jeweler. In remitting a year's subscription to The Tribune, T. T. Marcot, of Brady, says: "This winter up to date re minds mo of the winter of 18S0-81 when so many cattle perished on the river bottom, and three feet of snow up to April. That sure was a hard one with no coal to burn." Wanted Girl or woman for general housework. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury, Miss Mamyo Pizer entertained thirty ladles at a thimble bee for Miss Myr tlo Beelor yesterday. Tho afternoon was dovoted to hemming towels for the brldo and at the clo3o a two course j luncheon was sorved. The guests were seated at two long tables which wore; iwvmMfiiiiv fio.nrntnri uHn. oiivo ivaJ kots of long stemmed violets and pInktors,of tl2,e Vn'on Pac,flc fal ro,a? Wcd" sweetheart roses and sliver candle- nosday. Carl Gray was elected to suc stlcks holding tall violet candles. The'cod JudB Love", who Is now chief place cards and nut cups were In vlo- of tne executive board, lot designs. Orders taken for Old English Xmas A locket at the end of a silk cord ..!... .1 X" .. .. ni, r I Xmas gift. Seo our. complete stock Dixon, tho jeweler, Give Him Hp IiF ii lo wear inn A Man's Clothes are talking all the time and it makes a lot of difference what they say about him. You, of course, the kind of clothes why not make "HIS" Christmas one long to be remembered? We could not suggest a more useful present or one that would be more appreciated than a good warm, stylish overcoat modeled after the latest fashion. Many other suggestions in our store in the way of useful gifts. Come in and we will offer suggestions that will save you a lot of worry and unnecess- shopping. ary Frank Lawrence "Dies Frank L. Lawrenco, well known Un ion Pnclllc passenger conductor, pass ed away at 9.30 last ovenlng at his homo In tho 1000 block on east Fifth street. Death was duo to a complica tion of diseases and followed an ill ness of soveral weeks. Tho deceased had beon a resident of tho city for twcilty-flvo or more years. The funoral will bo held from tho resldenco at 1002 east Fifth streot Sun day afternoon at two o'clock. ::o:: Wo have a now assortment of soft cuff links, Dixon, tho Jowcler. o: Library Notes. Boy Scout leaders and Boy Scouts will And tho book "Richardson's Boy 1 Scout Movement" Interesting reading. ; Tho Burton Holmes Travelogues aro I now roadv for circulation. Besides nro assisting in uio uurary uuring ino rush hours. The library Is open every afternoon except Sunday, from 1 to 5:30 o clock. ::o:( Ruby, signet, emblem and band rings, Dixon, the jeweler. : :o: : .HcthodlNt lluzunr. The ladles of tho Methodist church will hold their Christmas bazaar at the Malonoy Btore Thursday, Decem ber 18th. Thero will bo on salo fancy work, aprons, rugs, etc. Those hav ing donations will please seo that tho articles reach Mrs. Hartman or the Maloney store not later than one o'clock. Dixon & Son, Siglit Specialists. ::o:: ltapUst: Church. Sunday, December 14, at 10:30. En listment week closes with Dedication Sunday. Every family is requested to bo present to turn in their enlistment, cards. Sermon. "Tho Principle of the Cross In tho Life of tho Disciple." Spe cial moslc by tho choir under the lead ership of Mrs. Gilbert Brown. Nine group prayer meetings were held this week with nn attondanco of sixty-five. Prayer meetings this week by groups. A. C. HULL, Pastor. ::o:: Shop this Xmas at Dixon's. E. H. BDrlncor. , of Brndv. was In town yesterday on business connected Wltli the J-und ostato, of which he is the administrator, A1 t'71, , , . At a meeting of the board of dlrec- Pudding. Phono Red 1173. An Edison for Xmas, Dixon, the 'jeweler. Somethin stmas as interested re in wears, so Mi 4i ITJLT XXI) COUNTY NE1TS. A Dixon diamond tills Xmas. -John O'Nolll, of Marysvile, Kansns; has accoptod a position as switchman in the local yards. B. T. Price, who had been visiting his sister, Mrs. O. A. Carroll, loft yes terday for Oamha. Tho Stylo Shop puts your Xnina prosonts In holly boxes If you wish. Miss Alice Loan arrived this inorn lng from Denver for a two weeks' vis it with hor slstor, Mrs. II. A. Brooks. Special Homo cured bacon 35o por pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf Mrs. R. E. WoodB returned yester day to her homo In Overton after a wcok's visit at tho C. E. Souser homo. Fine linen handkerchiefs with a neat colored border Is tho correct stylo now. Edwards-Roynolds Co. 9G-4 Dr. H. C. Brock will return this morning from Omaha whero he has beon spending soveral days looking after business mattors. Full display of Xmas gifts to select from now at tho Stylo Shop. Miss Doris Trott returned yesterday to ncr nome m uriugcport nrtor a fow days' visit with her aunt Miss Vlasta Voselpka. A Dixon diamond this Xmas. Misses Hazel Simpson, Ruby Mc MIchaol and Holen Sandall havo ac copted positions as multiplex students at tho Western Union office. l)r. H. C Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jeter left this morning ror Kaglo uock, Ual., for a month's visit with relntlvos and friends. Cordova leather for' Xmas, Dixon. tho Jowoler. Frank Tracy of Kearney, wns tho guest of friends In town this week. He will be remembered at Lt Tracy who had charge of Company L which was stationed here two years ago to guard tho railroad bridge. Cliooso Christmas .guts early, ojir displays have been prepared that you might do this at Tho Leader Mercantllo Co. Miss Helen Smith Is expected to ar rlvo th6 first of tho week from Du buque, Iowa, whero slio Is attending tho Mount St. Joseph's academy, and will vfSlt her pnronts, Mr. and, Mrs. J. I. Smlthfuntl tho close of tho" Christ mas vacation. Pickard China for Xmas, Dixon, tho owelor. Eben Warner, formerly connected with tho North PIntto telephone ox change as manager and part owner, recently sold his holdings in tho Chnd ron exchange and has personally pur chased tho exchange at Scotts Bluff together with outlying linos which cover about flvo hundred miles. Here's a suggestion, an alarm clock ror msxmns mat no can see in tne dark. Dixon, tho jowoler. HELP SAVE COAL 1 The Merchants of North Platte are doing their bit towards saving coal by cutting down the hours that stores are open. You can help also by doing your shopping in the morning and ' early in the. afternoons. The undersigned firms ask for your co-operation from now until Christmas as every day the crowds in the stores will grow larger and it is impossible to give you the service you are entitled to and that we desire to give if all the business is crowded into about two hours in the afternoon. Leader Mercantile Co. Wilcox Department Store. Edwards-Reynolds Clothing Co. The Hirachfeld Co. E. T. Tramp & Sons. H. I. Block. The Style Shop. W. J. O'Connor. The Hub. The Star Clothing Co. The J. C. Penny Ce. CO A I. STIIIKE SETTLED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Tho strlko of 400,000 bituminous coal minors of tho country was settled at Iudlnnpolls Wednesday aftornoon whou tho gouoral commltteo of tho United Mlno Workers of America agreed to accept tho plan olTorod by President Wllsoii. The jiltm provides tlint the miners shall return to work at onco at nn ln croaso of 14 por cent in wages; that n commission of throo persons bo ap pointed to Investigate and determine within GO days, if possible, a basis for a now wngo ngreomcnt. Tho conference wns made up of international and dis trict officials and members of the ex ecutive board and scale commltteo of tho organization. Tho minors In a statement, glvon out by Acting Prosldont John L. Lewis of Uie United Mine Workers, doclnrod that tho presidents proposal was agreed to becauso It contains a dofl nlto, concroto and practical method for ndjustmout of tho minors' claim for Increased wages. It also states that the United Mlno Workers havo full confidence In tho prosldont of tho United States and a profound regard for his will and Judgmont After rovlowing tho terms of Uie plan for ending tho strlko tho state ment says that "neither operators nor minors will bo nllowod to chango tho basts and no discrimination by the coal oporators will bo permitted." It was thoso specific propositions, It was said, which mndo the proposal accopt iiblo to tho minors. It was stated after tho mooting that an extra session of tho general con vention of tho miners probably Vould be held later, but that nothing dcflnlto was decided upon. ::o:: Announcement. Tho now Twlnom hospital in course of erection for the treatment of med ical, surgical and obstetrical cases, will bo open to tho medical profession. DR. J. S. TWINEM. ::o:: Morchnnts report thnt Christmas buying has started In very fair shapo and nntlclpato heavy business begin ning next week. ro question If there tins ovor boon a year whon North Platte merchants wore so woll pro pared to meet tho demands of Christ mas buyors. Furs! FursI No moro dollghtful gift, none moro appreciated, buy now during tho manufacturer's samplo fur Bale, .sjvvlng you from 20 to 40 por cent, at Tho Loader Mercantllo Co, Much to tho regret of his friends, tho condition of Postmaster McEvoy does not Improve, he seems to bo grad ually growing weaker. Ho has wisely refrained from coming down town dur ing tho cold and stormy weatlior of tho past week. Mr. McEvoy's prosont con dition is traccnblo to tho hardships ho endured in Indian campaigning as a member of tho Fifth Cavalry In the early days. ' Fresh cut flowers and nlco potted plants shipped or dollvorod anywhore. North Platte Floral Co., Phono No. 1023. 95-2 Cash Austin. Harry Dixon & Son. C. S. Clinton & Son. Shoe Market. Derryberry & Forbes. Stone Pharmacy. McCrackcn Drug Co. C. M. Newton. Gummere-Dent Drug Co. The RexaL ' V f LOCAL AND PEItSONAL Mrs. Emily Coates oxpocts to loavo tho first of tho year for Portland; whoro sho will mnko her futuro homo. Llbby cut glass for Xmas, Dixon, the Jowolor. Miss Josophlno Rolb . wllL ontortaln ' Tuesday ovenlng at .jv',,-)iipoUaneou8,s shower complimentary fijMt's's Mar garot Qleason. You Can't beat a blcyclo for Xniaa. John 11. Null, GOG Locust 80tf Edward Hanson is oxpected to ar rive tho tlrst of tho week from San Francisco to spend Christmas with his grandmothor, Mrs. Emma Pulvor. "Handfcme Handwenr" Is what one shoppor said of our gove assortment. Edwards-Reynolds Co. 9C-4 Miss Cora Sonoy, superintendent from tho Western Union office at Slour City, Iowa, is giving a courso of In struction at tho local offlco for tho operators of the automatic printer which will be put In sorvlco hero. Dutch Hllvor for Xmas, Dixon, tho jowolor. Fred Marti tolls us that ho has or dered buffalo mont from Pawnco Bill's ranch In Oklahoma, which will bo on salo for Christmas trado. Thoro nro a lot of follows in North Platte, to whom buffalo moat at one tlmo was a regular dally diet, but to most of us It Is a novelty and will buy It Just to seo how It tastes. , Furs! Furs! No moro dollgtful gift, nono moro appreciated. Buy now during the manufacturer's samplo fur sale, saving you from 20 to 40 per cent nt Tho Leador Mercantllo Co. , Arthur Plumor, who recently went to California, wrltos a friend that he is enjoying life to tho fullest extent in and around Los Angeles. Ho is con gratulating hlmsolf that for onco In his life ho Is escaping tho rigorous storms of wostcrn Nebraska and is; not roquirod to look nfter a herd of cnttlo that needed hny. Dress glovos for "him" In tans, dark browns anil blacks. Edwards-Roynolds Co. 96-4 Wo trust that tho peoplo of North Platte and tho section tributary will ' heed tho advice of tho merchants to do their sliopping in tho foronoon and early In tho aftornoon. Tho merchants' ask this In order that they may glvo you bettor service. If everybody waits until three o'clbckln tho nftornoon tho -crowds In tho stores become so groat that the desired servlco to each indi vidual cannot bo givon. R. L. Gravos returned Tuesday morning from Donvor whoro ho trnnS5 acted business for a week. While Mr. Gravos Is still with tho ShorwIn-WiU' Hams Paint Co. for tho reason that tho company, Is not inclined to accept his resignation aftor so many years of servlco. It Is his intention to mnko North Platto his home , and pay moro or less attention to conducting a ranch iiavlng recently purchnscd 1200 or 1B00 acres southwest of town which ho will stock with cattlo noxt springy , y - V. '.1 ..v.. Edwards-Reynolds Co. For Men and Boys. ,'i-