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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1919)
NOTlTIf PLATTE SEMT-WEKKIA TUT HUNK I Owe My Life to Mr. McKinley's letter brings clieer to all who may be sufferers as he was. Read it: "I can honestly oay that I owe my life to 1'rrunn. After some of tho beat doctors In the country nave mo up and told mo I could not live another month, I'erunn saved inc. Travelling from town to town, throughout tho country and having to bo Into all kinds of badly heated stores and build ings, sometimes standing up for houro at a time while plying my trade as auctioneer. It Is only natural that I had colds fre queutlri so when this wouU occur I paid little attention to It, until last December whoa I con tracted a sovero case, which, through neglect on my part settled on my lungs. AVhrn al most too late, I began doctoring, but, without nvall, until I hentd of Perunn. It enred met so I cannot p-alsa It too highly." The Right Way In all cases of DISTEMPER, PINKEYE INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC. of all horses, brood mares, colts and stallions Is to "SFOHN THEM on tho tongue or In tho feed with SPOHH'S niSTEMPER ftOMPOUHD Give the remedy to all of them. It acta on the blood and glands. It routs tho disease by expelling tho germs. It wards off the trouble, no matter how they are "exposed." A few drops a day prevent those exposed from contract ing disease. Contains nothing injuri ous. Sold by druggists, harness deal ers or by tho manufacturers. AGENTS "WANTED. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOSHEN, UiD. Cheap Concrete Houses. At Union, N. J., Charles II. Inger soil Ib building concrete houses tliut cost $2,U00 ouch, with a kitchen, a -dlniiiK room and a living 'room on the first floor and two bedrooms and a hath on the second floor. The form Into which the concrete Is poured costs $7,000, but cun be erected in one Kitty and used 100 times. A house can he completed In u month. Among the few possessions of a shiftless man you will nearly always find a worthless dog. ' It Is more difficult for some men to -collect their wits than their bills. "7.1 1 & AUTO FREE Our big this ad, Name Town '. Address 2432, Lincoln Aulo & 'IS -vOlxvr ore helping their husbands to In they encouraged them to eo own save oavlne rent could reach prosperity and Independence by buying on aaty forms. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar to that which throuch many years has ylsldod from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to tho acrs. Hundreds of farmers in Western Canada have raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. With such crops come prosperity, independence, good homes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying 1 1 ' are sources of income schools, rural I enhone. veniences of old settled For Illustrated literature, I arm opponumuea in and Alberta, rrducei) railway run, etc., writ. Department of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or W. V. BENNETT Boom 4. Bee Bldg., Omaha, NeB. Canadian Government Agent Auto Owner. When your motor lose, power, knoeki. bucks and overheat., don't monkey with the carburetor; finl for a can of Lu bricant Carbon nemoveri price SI prepaid, Q. H. Hunter, 41 Farrlngton. St, Paul, Minn. TO SHINE A COLD STOVE Quick and Kasy Uo E-Z STOVE POLISH Heady Mixt Heady to Bhlne luumx UjLKiin. cmcAao BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity ut the present time for young women over nineteen years of age who have had at least one rear In high school to take Nurses' Train ing In general hospital. Our graduates are m great demand. Address Built, of Nnraea, IJneoln SanltarloBa. Uiicttliu Mebr. PF-R-Nft It Cured Me Mr. Soinue: McIUnler, 2504 B. 22nd St., Kansas City, Mo., Mem ber of the Society of U.S. Jewelry Auctioneers. Sold Kvery-vfliere. Tablet or Liquid Form Set a Bad Example: Bacon Don't you believe In co-cdu cation? Egbert No, I don't. "Don't you think the two sexes cac work well together?" "Perhaps they can sometimes, but 1 can't get out of my mind tho awful mess they once made of it." "Why, when do you moan?" "When Jack and Jill attempted to convey a bucket of wuter up a certain hill." Final. "What did Mr. Blank say when you asked to take him apart?" "Said he wasn't a prize puzzle." 1 kVMilLKJLiiJB I AM IN LOVE with my work and would not trade my job for any other job in the world. All I know about this business I learned at the Lincoln Auto and Tractor School. You can step into a BIG PAYING POSITION after taking training in this school. LEARN IN EIGHT WEEKS Complete course in & TRACTOR MECHANICS illustrated book. Cut out sign and MAIL TODAY. r - State Tractor School, Lincoln, Neb. prosper -are glad where thev could make a home of their and reduce cost of llvlne where h second only to cram growing and stock raising. etc.. eive vou the iMiy:t?5: districts. mapi, deacrlptlon of jnanuoDa, Baaaatenewan. That Wonderful Boy. Father "Did I tell you what my boy said to Wnlker?" Friend "Yes; three times last night nnd four this morning." Many n good mnn blacks shoes und many n had ones blacks chnracter. ffRtN Nldht and Morals. Have Strong, Healthy T? IJ.L TV ? L TELTNs. a-J'". mcy lire, lien. Ton GeywJp smart or Burn, it Sore, Vauk rVr"C Irritated, Inflamed or TUUR E.YL3 Granulated, use Murine often. Seothoa. Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult, At all Druggists. Write for Fre Eye Book. Maria tjt Itmtij rx, CUsp life a II lbs Kl 11 vlnlWl In all the affairs of human life,, social as wll nn political. I havo remarked that courtesies of a small and trivial character nre tho ones that strike deepest to the grateful and appreciative heart. Henry Clay. INEXPENSIVE DISHES. Inexpensive Is nn adjective which nno iisos these days with n largo hitl tude as nothing, even the plebeian codfish, Is Inexpensive except by comparison. Baked Codfish. Take u package of codfish, tioitl ttttrlif iun nlY oTy water ami parboil, then 5L J drain again and place In a shallow baking wsii with Jnst enough sweet milk to cover. Atltl Tilts of butter and pepper with snlt If needed, bake one mill a half to two hours, ltomovo the llsh and thicken the milk with Hour. Cook well then add the llsh 1md serve. Brown Sugar Icing. Take a cupful of brown sugar and four tablespoon fills of water, cook together until It makes n thread. Pour over the well beaten white of one egg to which has been added one-fourth tenspoonful of cream of tartar. Beat until cool ; flavor with vanilla. Eggless Gingerbread. Wnnn togeth er half n cupful of brown sugar and one cupful of apple Jelly with n third of a cupful of shortening. Remove from the fire and add three-quarters of a cupful of sour milk, two and one half cupfuls of flour sifted with one tablespoonful of ginger, the same of cocoa, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one and one-half tcaspoonfuls of soda and half, a teaspoonful of salt. Mix and beat, pour Into a buttered tin and bake forty minutes. Dried Apple Cake. Cook two cup fuls of dried apple until tender, then strain nnd cook them In two cupfuls of molasses (with spices to taste), for twenty minutes. Cream one-hnlf cup ful of shortening with one cupful of sugar, ndd two beaten eggs, three cup fuls of flour sifted with two teaspoon fills of baking powder and a half tea spoonful of soda and the same of salt with two tablespoonfuls of milk; ndd the molasses and apples when cool, bent well and bnke In a moderate oven. Tomato Pilau. Fry one quarter pound of bacon with one small chopped onion ; when the bacon Is cooked add n pint of tomatoes and salt and pepper nnd a half pound of well-washed rice. Stir the rice Into the tomatoes when boiling hot, then steam until done. Eggs In Cream Sauce. Make a rich white sauce, using two tablespoonfuls of butter and one and one-half of Hour cooked together, then ndd n cupful of thin cream and cook until smooth Toast bread crisp and brown; butter well. Add two bard-cooked eggs, chopped, to the white sauce and pour over the toast. Serve at once. Thero nre llvt-s thnt crowd Actions, pure, lofty, proud, Into brief years Deeds thnt hlKh-hcnrted men. Counting three score nnd ten. Head through their tenrs. Mavjraret Preston. QUICK BREADS. A hot gem or mullln, a crisp nnd golden corn bread, a popover or bis cuit are all pop ular and always welcome breads, Bran Muffins. Take three ta blespoonftils of brown sugar, mix with a t a b 1 e spoonful of shortening, half n tablespoonful of salt, one cupful of sour milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda, a cupful of flour nnd two cupfuls of bran. Jlix well nnd drop in well-grensed lnullln pans. Tills rnnkes ten good-sized gems. Southern Hoc Cakes. Add a tea spoonful of salt and two teaspoonftils of baking powder to one and one-third cupfuls of cornmeal. Heat the yolks of two eggs, add a cupful of milk, and bent bard for a few minutes, then add the whites benlen to a stiff froth. I'ut a tablespoonful of lard In n spider and i drop the batter In by spoonfuls; turn 1 when done on the underside. Serve ' very hot with bacon or with fried ham. Sally Lunn. Rift four cupfuls of (lour with three tcaspoonfuls (if bak ing powder and ono of salt, separate tho yolks and whites of four eggs and bent well ; atld one cupful of melted fnt, four tablespoonfuls of sugar to tho flour wllb the yolks of tho eggs, then fold In the stiffly beaten whites the lust thing, liake In mullln rings. ' Snow Balls. Make a butter of ono cupful of thin cream, two tablespoon fnls of sugar, the beaten yolks of four eggs, two tcaspoonfuls of baking pnw ' der and flour enough to make a drop 1 batter. Add the whites, beat stiff and , fold In Inst. Fill two-thirds full deep I granite cups well buttered, and bake In n hot oven. i , Graham Puffs. Take two cupfuls of graham flour, four cupfuls of boiling milk and ono teaspoonful of salt. Handle tho dough ns soft as possible, roll nnd cut Into Inch-thick circles; nr rnnge In a buttered pan and bake In a very hot oven. If tho oven Is hot they will be very light. mm. Kvory day Is a frtn hoglnnlng; Llston, my soul, to the Kind re frain; And splto old orrow And older sln nlnu;, And puzzlca forecasted and pos sible pain. Take heart with tho day, and beirln again. Susan Coolldjre. SOME NOURISHING SOUPS. On a chilly night, or any other time of day, a dish of hot, well-seasoned soup Is most grat ifying. Potato Soup. Chop nn onion fry In butter, ndd six polatoes cut In dice, and on bay leaf. AiW one quart of wa ter mid cook until the potatoes nn very s,oft. Adtl one quart of milk, rut through u sl.eve anil reheat. Season t( taste nnd thicken wl.tlt the yolks ol two eggs, beaten smooth with cupful of cream. Salsify Soup, Scrape nnd clean three bunches or" snlslfy; cut Into dice and soak for ir minutes In cold wa ter. Drain, cover with fresh wnter and cook for un hour. Add a quart of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, snlt am) pepper to seson. Ilrlng to tho boil ing point, add three milk cracker? rolled line, and servo at once. Chicken and Curry Soup, Slice one onion, fry in butter, ndd a largo sout apple chopped, n sprig of thyme nnd parsley, a bny lenf, n tablespoonful of lemon juice and it teaspoonful of salt and one of curry powder. Add four cupfuls of chicken stock, simmer foi 15 minutes, strain nnd ndd half a cup ful of boiled rice, and serve at once. Oxtail Soup. Gut nn oxtnll Into Joints and fry in hot fnt. Add two pounds of lean beef, four enrrots, three onions and a bunch of sweet herbs. Cover with cold water, simmer until tho meat Is very tender; strain, rehent, thicken with two tablespoonfuls each of flour and butter cooked together, thinned with n little of the soup. Cook until well done. Chicken Gumbo. Cut up n large, tender chicken and fry brown In but ter with n quart of okra. Add two cup fuls of tomatoes, a largo onion chopped, hnlf a cupful of raw ham, and water to cover. Slnaner until tho chicken fails from the bones; then remove the bones nnd add 12 soda crackers, a tablespoonful of butter, pepper and salt, to season and threo hnrd-cooked eggs chopped fine. With tho samo letter heaven nnd homo tx-Kln, And tho words dwell toRctlior In the in I ml; For they who would a homo In heaven win Must flrst a heaven In homo be Kin to And. Joseph Very. SUBSTITUTES FOR MEAT. Ccrtnln foods are well suited to re place meat at the breakfast table. Po tato appears at dinner aor times a year, so It Is a good Idea to bar It from the flrst meal of tho day unless used In hash. Fried Egg Plant. SIlco the egg plant In slices one-third of nn Inch thick, pare, put Into a deep dish and cover with cold wnter well salted. Soak one hour. Drain, wipe, dip In egg and crumbs nnd fry brown. Corn Oysters. Uso canned cornlet, If the fresh corn Is not ohtnlnnble. By scoring deeply with shnrp knife, tho Inside of the kernel may bo pressed out and used, Use two cupfuls of corn, half a cupful of milk, one cupful of sifted flour, two eggs, a teaspoonful of salt and one tablespoonful each of but ter and lard. Hent the yolks of the eggs, add the milk, the flour ami salt. Heat to a smooth batter, add the com, then bent again, adding the stlllly beaten whites the last. Put the lard nnd butter Into n frying pan nnd when very hot put Into tho batter by small spoonfuls. Urown on one side, then turn. If the batter Is too thick add more milk, the thinner the batter the more delicate and tender the oysters will be. Baked Eggs and Mushrooms. Take ono pound of fresh mushrooms, clenn nnd wipe dry. Put Into a saucepan with four tablespoonfuls of butter, hnlf n teaspoonful of salt and n dash of pepper. Set over tho fire till thorough ly hot, then turn Into a shallow baking iTIsh and break over them six eggs, Sprinkle vylth buttered crumbs and dust with pepper nnd salt. Hake In a hot oven till the eggs aro set. Servo on buttered tonst. He Knew, The teacher bad spent twenty min utes Impressing on her pupils tho cor rect pronunciation of the word "vase." The following morning sbo wanted to find out if the children remembered, so she turned to one little boy sud denly and demnnded: "What do yon seo on the innntleplece at home, !. tackle?" "Fntlicr'B feet, mlssl" cume I tho prompt reply. nsurnisnncaaieMn Eases Colds At once! Relief with 'Tape's Cold Compound" The first dose eases your cold I Don't stay etuffed-upl Quit blowing nnd snuffling 1 A dose of 'Tape's Cold CompoiiHd" taken every two hours un til three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all grippe misery. Kcllef awaits youl Open your clogged-up nostrils nnd tho nlr pnss ages of your head; stop nose running; relieve the headache, dullness, fever- Ishncss, eneezlng, soreness nnd stiff ness. 'Tape's Cold Compound" Is tho quickest, surest relief known nnd costs only a few cents nt drug stores. It nets without nsslstnncc. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Tape's I Adv. Difference In Time. Mr. Manhattan Do you notice nny difference between the people here nnd those of the Fast? Mr. Lakeside About nn hour's dif ference. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP. A cold Is probably the most com mon of all disorders nnd when neglect ed Is apt to he most dangerous. Sta tistics shew that more than three times as many people died from In fluenza last year, as were killed In tho greatest war the world has ever known. For the hist flfty-threo yenrs Doschee's Syrup has been used for coughs, bronchitis, colds, thront Ir- rltntlon nnd especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning. Made In America and used in the homes of thousands of fnmllles nil over the civilized world. Sold everywhere. AdT. Teaches "Safety First." "Miss Safety First" Is nn important employee of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit company. She Is Miss Laura M. Itondifer, who went to Philadel phia In 1017 from Now York, where ffhe had been n reader to children, ns she had previously at Hull house In Chicago. Her work Is to visit the schools and, nfter telling the children stories that attract their Interest, to organize safety patrols and leach tho children rules of caution. She speaks two or three times to more than 2fi0 000 school children every year. Slnco eho went to Philadelphia there has been n decrense of 517 per cent In the number of children hurt by trolley enrs. Care Necessary. Redd I see a luncheon case has re cently been Invented which Is so shaped that It will nlso servo us n foot- rest In an automobile. Greene Looks all right, but I sup pose the Indies In the party must exer cise great care and not get their high French heels In the custnrd pie or rasp berry Jam. Retort Courteous. Miss Prim Do I make myself plnln? Miss Flirt Nnture saved you tho trouble. Were it not for tho things wo aro going to do llfo would not bo worth living. It's the wise house wife who serves Postum Cereal instead of coffee. For where coffee sometimes disagrees and leaves harmful after-effects, Postum is an absolutely healthful cereal drink. Made of roasted wheat blended with a wee bit of molasses. The extraordinary flavor of this beverage resembles that of the finest coffee pleasing to particular tastes. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c , Marie by Postum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Michigan I "are fully I 1 insured 4 I by the Certificate In f 1 each garment. m 1 feputtXr frlcct jfi SOMETHINa tVlRY BOY WANTS fitfi3 HW TfC. TkU Aeroplane U mad 300 MHbbSt' aluminum, practically JQbKl Uieitroctlble.wlniipiead lifmt k II lnchti-ln alilt li to 3&ir lactti lon(. Guaranteed I fir I co feel aa lit s power, and "Laad" iait like la Urie aeropliait. Special Cbrlitnui offer nlr (1.7S and panr naiae a adjreaa. Machlae will (trwarded if rctara mall. 1. 1). Hnttn, alia clMt Aw., nhlrngn, 111. Kuatarn Calerada Whrot, Corn, Alfulfii Ijinil. acre and us. Borne un crop payment plan. Write PauI Wsllier, Ft. Morgan. Colo. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 49-1919. OCEAN LIKE ANOTHER WORLD But Different In That There Is No One to Explain or Explore Its Mysteries. The ocean wits calm and clear so very calm thnt It reflected, as If from a solid surface, every vapor that flont ed along the heavens; It was like sail ing Into a new world a creation whoso laws nnd boundaries must re main forever unknown to us. How ex citing to Imagination I So many fnn tnstic forms reveled beneath tho trans parent crystal, huge rocks looking like castles, exaggerated by the watery dis tance: bleak Alpine landscapes stretch ing far away; and then the monsters of the deep moving In the solemn mnjesty of silence I living things, without one sympathy for tho earth about them; without a single feeling that we can comprehend It niny be, If our eyes do not weary, thnt, In fancy, wo gazo deeper down, nnd strange unearthly forms nro succeed ed by deeps on deeps tho very etern ity of waters I where we enn see nothing but the blue abyss I down down down I It Is n fearful thing to pass over their mystcrles n grent lesson. A. M. Hnll. Worse and More of It. PntlencO "Was sbo ever crossed In love?" Patrice "Wocmj than that Sbo was double-crossed."