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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1919)
r 1 Her Engage ment Ring By MYRTLE LEE (Copyright, lilt, by lh' Western Nw paper Union.) She had the daintiest, most shapely ( hand over soon, and Karle Warren ; recognized It and (lashed an ndmlrlng i glanco at the same ns Neva Hurdctte sat drawing pictures for her little I nroiucr ami on a rustic tame in me garden pagoda. There hail been a lively, merry lawn party, and await- j Ing tea there wns a breaking up Into various groups. Unostentatiously I and from choice Karle had kept nonr to Miss Hurdctte and her closofrlonds, Alice and Muriel Dodge, and their es corts. Neva had been his partner at ' times and It had naturally followed thnt thoy had remained together. Little Ned had, however, discovered somebody's sketch hook, had extracted some loose blank sheets and was In sistent that Aunt Neva should am se him. She portrayed his favorite en gine and train of cars, n horse, an an tomohllo nnd an airplane. Karle In dicated an Interest In this pictorial display, hut Miss Burdolto told Ned to hold his collection safe and tight, objecting to Its presentment on ac count of alleged crudeness. ' "Just one more sheet," finally an nounced Ned. "Oh. aunty I won't you let me draw something for you?" "Certainly, dear," assented Neva. Ned spread the sheet on the tabic. "Now," he said, "I want fo show you something wo do In school, You Just spread your hand down tight over the paper. That's It, Now don't you move It," und with pride and ac curacy Ned proceeded to trace the skeleton outlines of lingers nnd hand clear to the wrist. Then with satisfac tion he held It up to her view. "Isn't that line?" he challenged, ind Neva smiled her approval, and Just then some unu called to her from a group a little distance away, and she flitted with n conscious (lush ns her glance- mot that of Karle, betokening Interest manifestly In all her move ments. "You can hnve tills. Mr. Warren, because you're sueli a good friend to Aunt Nova," observed Httlo Ned gen- 'erously, extending the pencilled sheet. Then he run nway after n kitten cross ing tho path! and ICarle casually scanned the very line outline of the delicate hnnd of the peerless creatino of whom hu was Indeed the good friend,' and secretly bop"d to make some day a dearer one. Id!y ho took out his pencil and began uumiUng the breaks Ned had made In the out lines. Thu pencil point ernsged the third finger of the left hnnd nnd rest- ed there. In a whimsical frame of mind Karle began to (race a circlet about the base of that certain linger, lie smiled to himself as he pleasantly recalled that Miss Hurdotte wore no Jewelry, predicting hopefully iltatsho was heart free. He gemmed the ring with n very fnlr diamond and started suddenly as a voice spoke directly at his car, and there was mlchlof-eyed Alice Dodge leaning pnst his shoulder, "Drawing n ring on Nova's linger 1" fluttered this very clover young wom an. "Why, and you hnvo given her an engagoment ring, tool" "She deserves one," observed Karle quickly, ' "nobler and holder 1 Oh, I shall tell her!" "Walt! wait!" dissuaded Karle, but tho winsome sprite flashed away with a tantalizing Inugh. MIssAlIco did nothing of the kind. She wns an observant creature and . practiced as to match-making. It had boon no task whatever for her to dls- cover that Neva and Karle were In love with each other, but that her girl friend was shy and retiring and the l,ovor seeking encouragement. "i snail nurry tilings ulong," ve hemently declared Alice, and a day or two later had an opportunity for pine lug a plan she had formed In opera Ion. Nova had arranged to give a party to which all of her friends, In eluding Karle, had been Invited. Upon the day preceding It Allco said to her "Now, Nuvu, dear, you want to shin your brightest on this occasion. I urn gong to help you dress for tho event and here this will emphasize your magnificence," and she pressed a ring upon Nova's hand. ' "Oh, no!" demurred Nova Instantly "Why, you have placed It on the en Biigeincnt linger 1" "And aren't you longing like every other live girl wo know to have one there to stay?" and Nova blushed her prettiest. Roth of them met Karle tho next day as they passed down tho street. As ho greeted tliom ho no ticed tho brilliant on Neva's linger. The purty was nn cnjoynble occasion to all save the hostess, for Karlo did not appear, nor did ho coma near the house for several days later. , A week after tho party ho mot Nova on the street. It had been a wretched seven days for him. "If you will stop for n moment at tho Dodge home' while I return to Alice this ring she loaned to me to . wear at the party 1 will bo very glad to accompany you," said Neva. , The sky bud been cloudy. Just then the sun came out. Kurle's face had been grim and anxious. Of a sudden It slowed with a rapturous Joy. "A ring from mynelf shall encircle that fair linger before any one eli . gels ahead of mo I" ho fervently re solved, and when those two returned from tho stroll along tho lake mutual delight wolled up In their happy lieurts. NAVY LIBRARY WORTH VISIT Apartment In States, War and Navy Dulldlng at Washington Should j Appeal to Tourists. I The navy library, In the state, waf J and navy building, Is a lovely place to souk up aimonpuci'c. liko uie build ing Itself, It Is thirty-three years old. When It was built England, France, Ktmln and Italv nro.annte.d the marbles of l)or,)Iiyry( nema nd malachite with he wa,s JIt lmno0,i. Mexico S)lt tlu! plccm of myx wUMi t.ncnl8t tI0 Ku,,rv. rjie P0, stone over tho (loor fr(), Ule ,, r iom,eii. I'lio connoisseur lu marble who vlslta Washington will onjuy n call liure. In the center of tho largo room, lined Itli shelves of weighty tomes on mi ni mnltorH, there In n large and Im porlnnt green-topped tnblc. Around his tnhlo sat tho strategic hoard ot in Spanish-American war. Here also the naval advisory hoard for tho great war made their secret plans and ex- lerlinents. Kdlson, Mu.xlin, Miller and many others conferred over It, with the windows carefully darkened and a guard before tho" door. Is n quulnt side to the library, oo. A little wlilto-iiuireu ituiy can no seen any time, Hitting about mo shelves of dark, heavy books, or cut ting and pasting busily In her corner by the window. This Is MIs Muwn, aughter of a former secretary of tho nnvy. She lias been in uie uurary 10 years. If you happen In near noon she may give you u cup of tea on 0110 corner of her desk. And of all charming places to havo an unexpected cup of tea, with a awcet little lady, this quiet nook mong the books Is recommended. TWO TRAVELERS CAME BACK According to Army Captain, Mules Re- turned From That Dim and Undiscovered Shore. The regimental morning report is n fearsome document. On it appear all the changes in status of men and ani mals for each preceding -I hours. It inppened In an Ohio regiment onco that two mules fell 111 one night. Tho ctcrlnnrliiii gave his verdict of hope- ess, and the cnptnJn of the supply nnipitiiy accordingly made the proper entry on the morning report : "Two mules, from duty to dead." But under the euro of the grizzled old stable sergeant the mules recov- red and next morning the captain found them "alive and kicking. Now, entries made on the morning report can never bo erased, which mnde the situation embarrassing lor the cap tain. However, he was n man of re source, and the next day's report car rled the startling entry: "two muies, from dead to .duty." Shrub May Prove Valuable. Two vears before the war, as the storv Is told, two Gorman chemists applied for permission to experiment with the plan! life on a great semi-nrid liitich' in central Mexico. Their re quest .was granted, 'with the under standing that they furnish a complete report of their findings, lho two chemists worked feverishly, and chiefly on u squat, odorous shrub called "go- hornndoni," long reputed" to possess medicinal properties. Suddenly they disappeared; what they had discover ed was never known. Now, after ex periments with this same desert shrub which they have found In drier parts of New Mpxlco, chemists of the United States department of agricul ture believe that they havu discovered another alkaloid to add to the list which already Includes morphine, quinine and cocaine. Its chemical and pharmaceutical properties are now un der Investigation. Popular Mechanics Mngtrlne. Trapper's Tomb a Log Cabin. A humble log cabin which stands In n trackless forest near Lake Atha basca, in western Canada, wns once the home ot a fur trapper, Its builder. Now It Is a tomb, sheltering tho frozen body of Its former occupant, who died there, alone and unaided, nearly two years ugo. To Investigate the cause of tho trapper's death, a fearless mem her of tho royal northwest mounted police Journeyed to the desolate scene In midwinter, braving the terrors of tho wilderness for months before reaching his objective, situated miles from railroads and civilization. The corpse was in a perfect state of pros ervatlon, due to the eod, dry air, and was not moved from tho hunk on which the trapper passed uwny. Pop ulur Mechanics Magnalne. Last Resort. An eminent engineer said In our hearing yesterday that In Italy tho workers are giving two hours of their time as a free gift to the state. They realize that Increased production moans ultimately Increased wealth, In nor mally there are signs of the same spirit among the colliers. Hut In old K'i land the ' following story admirably Illustrate the Industrial Hltuntlo.i Two miners were discussing the mini mum wage. "Say, 1111." said the tli-M "what's this 'ere minimum wnfco?' ,11111 spat. "The minimum wage! Thnt 'a what wo gels for golu down; an' I we wants ter mako any mora brass, wo goes and does some work for It." Lon don Morning Pout. City Markets, Of 2U7 cltlos In tho United States ha1ng estimated populations if more than 30.000, nunc than one-half (ls had Miunlcbvil mtir!:ctM In IMS accord luu to a l-u'l' nn on tne ar 'ci i re ceulU Issued bv the census bureau. zA Calico Girl By VICTOR REDCLIFFE (Copyright, 1010 by tho Tv'.at.rn N.wi paper Union.) "Good-by till next year, llttlo.Dorlsl" hailed Sidney Throop from the old- fashioned carryall, conveying himself nnd three fellow vacationers' from camp to the little railroad depot. He waved his hand In 'kindly fare well nt the forlorn Hguro of a girl of slxteon, Doris Loe, who stood nt the rustic state of her uncle's home. She smiled bravely, then turned bur bend away, and Paul Fnber, at the -side of Throop, noticing a fluttering handker chief, remarked : "I declare! That little sprite la sorry to have you leave she's cry ing" "I am sorry mysfilf," replied Sidney gravely, "It bus been a plensuro to know such nn unspoiled child of na ture." "Sho hasn't been the snme since yes terday seems to havo avoided the crowd for some reason or other." "I can tell you why," piped In nn other. "She looked positively awed when Fabcr's sister stopped at the camp In her automobile. I suppose the poor little wild flower was stunned nt the magnificence of the acknowledged belle ot tho season." So tho episode passed, but Sidney Throop sat silent and thoughtful. Their camp bad been located In close prox imity to the farm owned by the uncle of Doris, and It had been her task to bring fresh milk and cream morning and evening to the temporary sojourn ers. An artless, Innocent child, she had the good fortune to deal with reul gentlemen, und as the days ran on grew to regard them as true friends. "If I am to do the extra chores of carrying milk and eggs and chickens to tho picnickers," said Doris to her uncle the next day, you must allow me ii little pin money." "Why not?" Interrogated Mr. Lee good nnturediy. "Hut I hope seeing these gay people from the city hasn't put a lot of vanity Into that sensible little head of yours." Kvor since tho dny she had mot the fushlonnblo Miss Anlce Fnber there had becomo a model established In the mind of Doris as to what the real lady of society should look like. "I suppose Mr, Thorpe made some wldo comparisons between that sllk-and-Ince beauty and humble little me In calico," mused Doris, and naturally n trifle bitterly, and then a chnnge came over her. She nurtured a species of reserve und every penny of pin money sho acquired she put carefully away. Gradually her wardrobe began to Include little articles of feminine ndornmont dear to the girlish heart. A year had rolled around and Mr. Lee Informed Doris that "the crowd of young follows," as he termed It, had advised him that they would take the old camp cottage for a month. Doris was in u bewildering state of animation. For n full year she had dreamed, planned nnd saved. It almost took away tho breath of the poor va cationers when there burst upon tholr vision the afternoon of their arrival a new nnd glorified Doris. She wore u silky, scaly dress skirt, qulto "vntnplMi," having a certain trail ing nrbutus oftect. It fitted like the fuzz of a clingstone pencil. Her breath came quick, her eyos glowed like dia monds, hut as the four young men greeted her friendly enough, but vague ly, Doris shivered. Somehow she traced not only surprise lu their faces, hut n certain reproachful, pitying sen timent. The unusual gravity of Thorpe crushed her. Tho young face clouded when she had ascertained what sup plies they would require dally from tho farmhouse. Doris hastened from the camp, reached a covert, and threw herself on the ground In n wild pnr oxysm of vexation nnd disappoint ment. "What Is the trouble, little friend?" spoke Sidney, who lind followed her, and she came to her feet angry nnd defiant. She darted one look at him nnd lied precipitately. To both a cor rect conception had come. Sidney nt once comprehended that tho foolish lit tle maid had modeled herself after Miss Fnber to appear modern and Im pressive, nnd she renllzed that she must appear grotesque and out of her element, nnd her vanity was wounded. Like some penitent sho nppeared nt tho camp In propria personao the fol lowing morning, her own modest nat ural self. She was reserved nnd looked pained and humbled. Sidney accompanied her as she started home. "Dear little friend," he spoke almost tenderly, "It seems good to see the bright fairy we all ot ,us love once again ns nature Intended hor." "And I did It ell for you I" sobbed Doris. "Miss Faber " "Miss Fabor, confidentially, has wrinkles to conceal, and none of your lovely roses on her cheeks," observed Sldnoy. "Hut 1 am only n calico girl, and I thought that If I was drosuod like Miss Fabor" "Mado up, you mean," Interrupted Sidney. "You don't need that." He could scarcely resist the Impulse to take her hi his arms In till her nrtloss graco and beauty. "Doris, deur," he snld seriously, "there Is one mnn who always wishes to find you ns you are n sweet child of nature ono who hopes some day to have you ns nil his own myself." And sh- read truth nnd adoration In his earnest, longing eyes, aud was content. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Saks n Specialty. References and Dates nt First Na tional Hank, North I'lattc, Neb. JOO East Third St. Phono 912 Dora 1'. Robinson, December .(. T. J. O'llrlen, Dcconibcr 10. CnrI smith, December lu. It. Marshall, Jnnimry 22. Frank Strolllierg, February 2.'J. Charlie Slilnn, February 27. THE TWINE3I HOSPITAL, 1008 WEST FOUltTII STREET, North i'lattc, Nobr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical , . . , , m i and Obstetrical Cases. A place whoro the sick aro cared for so as to brlug about normal conditions In the , t ,i iin easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phnnn 111) Vnrfli VntU- Xoh mono ill). norm nam, jioo. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoflice. Phone 58 j A modern institution for the t'ientific treatment of medical, surgical und confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Hay anil diagnostic lalioratoiles Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas. M.'D. J. B. Redfie!d,M. D. J. S.' SIMMS, M.D. I) II. HAROLD FENKEJl Osteopath Over Mrschfcld's Office Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020 It. I. SHAFFELL Auctioneer Datos can be mado at the Platto Valley State Bank or Phono 15G Sutherland, Nebraska. I always tako stock buyers with mo. Office Phone 340 Res. Phone 1237 HiriPVnn .i t . . , -UMeupaiJiic J.'nvwicjuii Rolton Bide North Platto Nob i.ouon uiug. worm riaue, imou Phono for Appointments 1 JOHN S. SIMMS. M. I). Special Attention Given to Snreery McDonuM Hank lliilldlug Office Phono WJ Besidonco 39 GEO. B. DENT, l'hsylclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery und Obstretrlcs. Oflice: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Rcsidenco 115 DIL JtEDFIELD Physician. Oustotrictan 'Surgeon. X-Iiny Calls Promptly Answered Night or Bay Phono Office 012 BcsMcnco 070 DOCTOR D. T. QdlGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery ami Jtadium Therapj 72S City Nutionol Bank Building. Ouinhn, Nebraska. -------- ALIIEIIT A. LAKE, ... jJUiuiBi , . t..iui KonniH 1 and 2 Bolton Building nw. rintn,Dbk - -- . -Trr DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician nnd Surgeon Office over Roxall Drug: Store Office Phono 371. tr.,I0. inra iiOUSQ luoa Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Otiteopalhic Physician. North Plntte, - NebraaKft. Knights of Columbus Building. W. E. FLYNN ATT0RNEY.ATLA1 UHICO over JUClPOIiniU liauu. Offlco Phono 11110 Ros. Phono 1120 I.D. BROWNFIELD, General Auctioneer. Live Stock nnd Farm Sales. Phono . , . or "Ire lit My l.xpcnso for Dates. 1IERSHEY, NEBRASKA. . DERRYUElUtl A EORBUS, Licensed Embamors Undertakers nnd Funoriil Director Day phone 4.1 Mtrht phono Black 588 AHTICI.K3 OT tNCOIlPOIlATKIX of N'OltTH ri.ATTU IWUTY ASSOCIATION of ISorlli I'ln tie, Lincoln County, olirnnkn. Know alt men by thoso proscnts: That wo, whose nnmos nro hereto at tached, have assoclntod ourselves to Kether for tho purposo of forming a co operative! corporation under the laws rxf 4 1 ,. tttntn it AT a li n a Is n n rwl fnr Mint purpose, do hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation: i ARTICLE I. The nnmo of this corporation shall be "North Platte Equity Association."' ARTICLE II. j The principal place of transacting the business of this corporation shall be In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd such other places its the Board of Directors shall select. ' AllTICLE III. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shnll be to buy, soil, trade nnd deal In, at wholesale and retail, groceries, pro- Xl!'0"?- BU,"0ns,'i r,0"' tt olos, produce anil nil other articles Hn things Incidental to a general gro- cory, vegetable, food supply, poultry, fish, game, produce and provision rner- cnntllo business, to construct, buy, ,nase nnd otner;viso acquire, and to operate, soil, trade nnd otherwise make 1130 of elovators for tho storage of KrnIn8 nml cereiB Cf all classes: to enrry on tho business of slaughtering all kinds of cattle and animals, used ' ror tho purpose or rood, to manufac ture and dispose of the offal of the same, and to establish and erect cold storage, and refrigerators, stables, pons, and buildings, necessary to con duct the slaughtering business, and to do whatever elso may bo necessary nnd useful for lite business of slaugh tering catMo nnd animals Intended for food, and In manfacturlng and dlsnos Ing of tho offal of tho same; to. buy, sell, store, cure, manufacture nnd oth- lorwlse handle fresh, salt and smoked meats, fish, oysters nnd pea food pro ducts; to buy, sell, own. raise, ship nnd otherwise handle nil kinds of farm and dairy products, live Btock. poultry, and domestic, foreign and manufactured food products; to buy, sell, manufac ture, and deal In Ico; to maintain re frigerators for frozen products, and to conduct a general cold storage busl iess, to manufacture, buy, prepare and sell Ice cream and Ices, ns well ns milk oroani. Ingredients for making Ico cream, nnd Ices; to buy and sell nil kinds 'of lumber, cement, coal; to buy sell, lease, exchange, dispose of. or otherwise deal in nil kinds of machin ery, engineering and hardware special- I ties, gasoline or gas engines and mo tors, steam engines, bollr, 1',trnl motors, farm machinery, farru ooulp- , ment. wire, dairy suddIIpm. vehicles, and machinery and annllances of everv , kind, nnture nnd description, to buy, sell, and ileal in seeds and poultry feed, to carry on a general hardware hitrilnpHis, Including tho purchase and snle or all kinds of harcware rt vnole i sale fnd retail; to purcbise .nd m'l 1 furniture anil articles Used In tlit fur- nlshlnir an1 cnulmnent of banks the- ! ntreH, churches, schools, residence's and other public nnd private buildings; to buy, noil, trade nnd deal In grain. f-;ed, I nay, straw anil other agricultural pro .ducts nt wholesale and retail: to buy well and deal In nt wholesale and retail. ' dry goods, clothing wearing np-jarel and textile fabrics of every kind, hrtto, leap, inllll-iery, boots, lioes, furn'shlng goods, fancy goods, and all artlcloK and merchandise of llko general char acter nnn description. ,nnd to conduct the business of general dry-goods and j erdashers, milliners, dressmakers nnd soiierni uuuHicra; to manuinciuri, nuy land sell bread, cakes, pies, crnckers. I biscuit, nnstrv. Im rrrnm nnd fitlinr food products and all kinds of pastry, tirenil ntulTs r.nil othor similar articles; to buy. sell, leas'", store and renatr automobiles and motoi vohlclos of all i ileacttlmions and their unrts and sorles: nnd to manufacture and sell 1 automobile tops, bodies nnd othor auto- i monile nan, una to proiue and main- ' taln restaurants, inns, eating houses, ,or j,.ceH of nntertnmment and re- freshment; nnd to do all things incl- 'dent to the general transaction of tho oliaracter or business licrelniiciorc enumerated nnd Implied; to mako and perform contracts of anv kind and des crlptlon. nnd in carrying on its bust noss, onfor the purpose of nttnlnlng or rurtnoring any or its objects, to do any and all thlntrs which a natural person could do nnd exercise, and which now or heronfter may he authorized by law: nml th? Purchase or acquisition of jp( ujili i mtniiiDan iipjtiio, ul i , iiin ii IO CS, or ror additional wonting capital, or for any other object In or about Its business or affairs, and with limit as to amount, to incur debt, and to raise borrow and secure tho payment of mon ey in any inwtui manner, including the issue and sale or other disposition or ! bonds, warrants, debentures, obllgn ' tloiis. negotiable and transforrable In 1 strunients and evidences of Indebted ness of all kinds, whethor secured by mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or oth- 'erwlse; and to own, lease, and sell such personal and real property us may ,bo necessary and useful for tho trans- . action ot tne uufmenM una tne uccoiu pllshment of tho purposo of this cor poratlon. ARTICLE IV. This corporation shall continue for a period of ninety-nine fay) yonrs. be i ginning with tho date of lncornora I tlon, unless sooner dissolved according to law. ABTICIjK V, The amount of capital stock of this corporation shall bo Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000) Dollars, divided Into Twenty Thousand (20,000) shares i or tho par value or Ten Dollars i ($10.00) each. Ten Thousand Dollars ' ( shall lio be fully paid in at ' the tlmo of commencement of business. .This stock shall bo non-assessable. Tho highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any tlmo suuject itsoic snnu noi exceed two-thirds of the pnld-up capital stock ARTICLE VI. ' The affairs of this corporation shall bo conducted by n board or Sovon (7 directors, who shall bo elected annual I ly by tho stockholders. The board of directors snail elect a prosiaenr, a vice president, a secretary and a tronsuror from tholr own number. The names and places of rosldence of tho members of this bonrd of directors solectod to . . 4 , A. 1 . manage nnu control uu inu uusinw mm prmlcntlnl affairs of tills corporation until tneir successors are oieciea ami qualified nrc: Name Address Kdgar M. Pawsan, North Plntto, Nobr. Harry M. Johnson North Platte, Nebr. Charles V. nurro'ughs, North Platte, William kbright, n. F. D, Box 14, North, Nobr. i-iniic, -eir. iThos. Orton. 209 S. Maple St.. North . l latto. iseiir. lrcnn r-mnir. sin s. fhnBtmit st.. North I Plntto, Nobr. Wm. Slmants, Box 545, North Platto, Neb. ARTICLE VII, Tho stockholders shall have author!- w tn Ancint hv.lnWH Rllltnhln fnr tbn I ' V m aL conduot nnd management of tho cor- noratlon business. Tho by-laws may restrict and limit the right of persons to own ami iransrer rae snnros or biock of this corporation. ARTICLE VIII. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders, provided that a written notice of the proposed amendment shall , be mailed ten dnyH in Advance of said meeting to oach of tho stockholders nt their last known place of residence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hnve hereunto set our hands this day of November, 1910. I Namo Addross ,Thos. Orton, North Plntte, Nebr. ! Ellis Eglohoff, North Platte, Nobr. M. Hayes,. North Platte, Nebr. J. II. Morrow, North Platte, Nebr. Ooo. W. Eddy, North Platte Nebr. Roy Lannln, North Platte, Nebr. Chester C. Williams, North Platte, Vebr. S. V. Throckmorton, North Plntto, Nob. Wm. O. Shoedy, North Platte, Nobr. Gone crook, North Plntte. Nobr. J. Hoy Dorran, North Platte, Nebr. W. W. Yates. North Platte. Nebr. O. U Huff, North Platte, Nqbr. m. it. iiucutoi, north l'inite, isonr. A. S. Cornwall, North Plntte. Nebr. Ilob't. M. Weeks, North Plntte, Nobr. 13. H. Yates, North Platte, Nobr. John T. Stewart, North Platte, Nobr. Samuel M. Soudor, North Platto. Nebr. Wm. J. Stewart, North Platte Nobr. Wm. Ebrlght, North Platte, Nobr. Fred II. Thompson, North Plntte, Nebr. I,oy 12. Ebrlght. North PlattoNebV Wm. Slmants, North Platte, Nebr. W. V. Vosolpkn, North Platte, Nobr. I.,. E. Hastings, North Platto, Nebr. H. M. Dawson, North Plntto. Nebr. Horshey S. Welch, North Platto, Nebr. Harry M. Johnson, North Plntto, Nebr. unnrios i uurroughs, North Platto Nebr. n2Gd!3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1702 of Mary A. Slmants, deceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stnto of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of snld estato will take notice thnt tho tlmo limited for presenta tion and filing ot claims against said 03tate Is April 2, 1920, and for set tlement of said estato Is November 28, 1920, that I will set at the county court room' In said county on Janu ary 2 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on April 2, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to ro- cclvo, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, d2-d26 County Judge. NOTICE In tho matter of tho ostnte of Louis Armstrong, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska To all persons Interested In said es tato: Notice Is hereby given that William A. Armstrong and Georgo T. Sidwoll on December 5, 1919, filed In this court a duly authenticated copy of the last Will and Testament of Louis Arm strong, deceased, as admitted to. pro bate and allowed in the Probate Court of Cook County, Illinois, and which Will relates to both real and personal estate and also their petition praying that tho said instrument be admitted to probate and that leters testament ary be issued to them, upon the estato of said Louis Armstrong, deceased, and that said petition will be heard before the County Court In tho court house in the City of North Platte, County of Lin coln and State of Nebraska, on tho 27th day of December, 1919, at nine o'clock a. m., at which tlmo any ono may appear and contest tho probate of said Will, and show cause, if any there bo, why letters testamentary should not bo issued to said petitioners- Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, Do- comber 5, 1919. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, 19-20 ' County Judge. In the United States District Court, Tor the District of Nebraska. North Plutlo Division. In the Matter of Frank W. Campbell, Bankrupt. Caso No. 73, in Bankruptcy, Volun tary Petition. Order of Iteferee on Proceeding? for Discharge. 1 In said District on this Gth day of Decomber,.A. D.,' 1919, before Walter V. Hoaglarld, Referee in Bankruptcy at North Platte, Nebraska. This cause camo on for hearing up on tho flllng and reading of the bank rupt's petition for Discharge and it is ordored that a hearing bo had upon tho same on the 15th day of January, A. D., 1920, beforo said Court, at North, Platto, In said District, at 10 o'clock In the morning and that no tice thereof bo published in the North Platto Tribune, a newspaper printed In said District, and that all known creditors and other persons in Interest may appear at the1 said time and place and show cause, If any they, havo, why tho prayer of said petitioner should not bo granted. And it Is .further or dered by tho Court, that the referee shall send by mail to all known credi tors copies of said petition nnd this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. WALTER V. HOAGLAND, d9-12 Referee in Bankruptcy. Taken Up. Takon up on or about September 1st by tho undersigned who resides a half mile north of tho Platto Vailoy school house, a roan bull, about 3 years old weight about 1000 pounds, bunch on right hind knee, no brand. Owner call, prove property, pay charges and tako animal away. 91-Gw ALPHA OLSON. NOTICE. Harry R. Holdeman and Leda N. Holdeman will take notice that on the 4th day of November, 1919, W. H. C. Woodhurst, county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for the sum of $22.10 and costs .of suit in an action ponding be foro him whoroin North Plntto Light & Power Company, a corporation, Is plaintiff and Harry R. Holdeman and Leda N. Holdeman aro defendants, that property consisting of 2 night shirts, 3 shirts, 5 union suits, 1 silk waist, 1 cut glass pitcher, 1 pillow covor, 1 bath robe, 10 yds. drapery, uiuaaua, uuui, aim vest, a SKirtS, 10 books nnd holders, 12 pictures framed i ,.i, , i . J nprons, lady s coat, 1 bath rug. 1 nr. " i',umo, iuu o tuut, i Uillll rug, i pr. leather legglns, 1 lady's hand bag, 1 steel fishing rod, boy's coat and hat, 1 electric fixtures, 1 double blanket, (cotton). 1 feather bed. 2 hn r1nn n.1 i . . . i S""n uiu uuviatry, i soiuior 8 uni- .i .i .it J .... ul" un.i imu jmiuaj, it uoilies, 1U pennants, 2 tablo cloths, 2 pillow slips, 13 towels, 1 wool vost, 2 tnblo pads, cutlory, 3 fancy baskots, 2 dresser scarfs, 1 contor piece, 3 piano scarfs, 5 bed shoots, 3 bed spreads, piece of now cloth, ploco of plush cloth, 1 comb tray, 14 handkerchiefs. 4 cur tains, 1 cotton blanket, C pillows with slips and 8 quilts and sundry house hold nrtlclos, has been attached undor said order. Said causo was contin nod to tho 22d day of December, 1919. ot ten o'clock a, m. lated this 29th day of Novombor, NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER COMPANY, Plaintiffs, d2-19