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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1919)
Where to buy your glasses Keep llils In mind when yon bur glnsscs.. The one great thing Is to liftTe jour eyes benefited. Tills can't bo done unless glasses arc exactly right and properly adjusted. The professional work of Clinton, the optometrist, assures lenses that are exactly right In becoming frames properly adjusted to your features. It is the highest scientific care that can bo ghen your eyes a sijfe place to buy glasses C. S. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. At the Sign of the Big lllng. . LOCAL AND PERSONAL 4 I This Is foot comfort week nt the Shoo Market. Guy Fear, of Wallace, transacted buslnas In town Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Wilson has accepted a position at tho Ideal Bakery. 4"Thc Roxall handles the goods. tf A. S. Jones, of Hcrshey, transacted business In town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bruer, of Arnold, visited friends In town Tuesday. "Wonderful sale of children's wash dresses at The Leader Mercantile Co. Mrs. P. It. Bcauchamp has accepted a position o$. the Wilcox Department Store. Always try Tho Roxall first, It pays, tt Mrs. W. 13. CroBslcy, of Maywood, spent Wednesday In town visiting with friends.- If your feet hurt let us show you a remedy for relieving paln at tho Shoo Mqrkot. Paris Green any quantity at Tho Roxall. 4C-2 C. C. Lyon, of Grant, wns In town Wednesday looking after business mattors. Good baby sulky for salo. Call Black 1162 or 118 W. Cth. 4G-2 Mrs. Chappell has resigned at the Bluebird and accepted a position at tho Oasis. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Lex ington, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith. Dr. L. J. KrauBB, Dentist, room 3 MrvDnniUd Rank buildinc. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dahlqulsb of Goth enburg, spent Wednesday In town vis iting friends. Jack Taylor left yesterday for a two weeks' visit in Denver and other points In Colorado. Dr. H, C. Brock. Dontlst. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148 License to wed was granted Mon day tp Henry iHubbard of Goring and Alice Quinton, of Hustings. . A marrlago HcenBo was granted Wednesday to Roy B. Knox of this elty and Lydla Halsoy of Wollfieet. Dr. Morrill, DonMst. Office ovor Wilcox lepartmont Store. Lucian O'Brien wont to Denver tho nrst or tho week, having boon callod inorooy uio illness of his mother, Miss Elizabeth Weir came up from Grand Island this morning for a two ! weeks' visit with Miss Clara Soren i son ' i Wanted--Libqrty bonds at 'market pricor ' l-ouib iipaniiz. Mrs. Clarence Spicer went to Omaha Tuesday cvonlng to moot hor- hus band, Who is returning from, overseas service. Eyes Tested Dixon & Son, sight specialists. Judge Woodrough Monday evening finished tho cases dn the docket ready for trial In th federal court and loft for Omaha. This" in foot comfort week at tho Shoo Market. N. F Clough, a formor resident of iNortli Platte, came down from Oga hllla Tuesdny for a few days, visit with friends. Roxall. , , t tc;2 Best Paint and Varnish at Tho Miss Lena Baskins came up from Omaha Saturday to spond the week cud with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brtskins.- Mlaa M. Sieman, steam bathB and Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bide. 85tf Mrs. John Fleming, who for the past week had been the guest of Mrs. J. M, Thompson, returned Wednes day to her homo at uozaa. Please leave orders for weaving 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Will receive special orders. 308 south Walnut street, Phono Red 975. 46-4 Herman LeDloyt has resumed his passenger run after having attended for three weeks tho B. of R. T. con vention at ColumbUB, Ohio. Tho J. F. F. Club entertained their husbands Tuesday evening at tho home of Mrs. L. L. Bcrthe. Cards were the order of tho hour. Dr. Scholl's foot remedies for all ailing feet at tho Shoo Market. Mrs. C. B. Sousor and daughters Cora, Helen and Ethel, went to OV orton Wednesday to attend tho fu noral of tho lato Mrs-. Wm. Pearaall. Ilcd Crown or "Wlilte Rose Gas 29 Cents per gallon nt tho Ford Onrngc. Hendy-Ogler Auto Co., East Fourth Street, . 45-2 Ernest Rlnckor has accepted tho position of state supervisor for tho Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. and will begin his duties July first. Just received, a largo shipment of Evdrsharp pencils, Dixon, the Qual ity Jeweler. mIhh Nnvn. Trnxler Is actline as cashier at The Leader during tho ab sence of Miss Vobb, who Is spending her vacation in Ogden with her sister. AlwavB trv Tho Rexall first, it ntiVH. II . i Mr. Rltnor f!on.tfta and eon Elmer roturncd Wednesday from Keystono whero they nau uecn visiung uio former's dauKhter. Mrs. H. A. Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cox returned Wnilnosilnv frntn Tlnnvfir anil Colo rado Springs where they had been visiting relatives ror uio past ten days. Tho Indian Card Club met Wodncs- tlnv nffnrnnnn nt. Hin linmn nf Mrs. .T F. Healey, with Mrs. Jas. Hart and Mrs. Wm Hawlcy as assisting host nnnon. For ronl sorvlco In a pocket book purchaoo ono of the Cordova bags on display at Dlxpn's Jowolry store. Bull For Salo Ono roan Shorthorn bull, pure bred. Will bo throo years old in August. A good herd bull in prlmo sorvico condition. University of Nebraska Experiment Substation, North Platto, Nobr. 44-4 What Do Your Walls Saij? No one believes that "walls have ears," but it is a fact that they talk A wall can say "restfulness, sanitation, beauty durability" -and it can say other things not so flattering! Velumina The Oil Flat Wall Paint brings out the best points of wall decor ation and would give your home an at mosphere you would appreciate and so wouldvour friends. Velumina is a practical pairit, made' with an Oil joase, ana tnis means permanence. AVeluminawall can be washed, so it is easily kept clean and danitary. Let us show you color schemes and post you on the latest developments STONE DRUG STORE 00 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. H, N. Smith, who are spending the summer on their farm at Zona. Neb.; spent-several days in town this week looking aftor business In terests hero. Miss Vlasta Voselpka and little niece, Dorothy Vosolpkrt, , went to uriugoport 'mursuay 10 Bpona tne week ond with tho former's sister. Mrs. J. S. Tratt. - ; , L. CX McGraw wont to Oshkosh Wednesday whero ho will make tho body of a new racor which, King Rhlloy will' "drive In tho North Platte auto races July 4th. Elbort Hubbard said: "Spinal ad justments make the sick man wall and tho well man better. No splnul adjustment ever Had an adverse in lluenco." See Dr. States. Cpl. Losllo Simons, who resides south of town, phased through Wed nesday morning enroute to Ft. Rus sell to receive his discharge after year's service overseas. Your car stands on a level platform when being filled at our station, en abling us to completely fill your tank If you bo desire. S. & R. Service Station. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Langford and two Bons will leave July 5th for Estes Park where the will occupy for sev eral weeks tho cottage they own joint ly with Senator Hoagland. Tho past few days have been fine growing days, the temperature reach ing eighty-fivo and above. Corn, which Is somewhat backward, stands tho need of iust such weather. -The S. &, R. Service Station sells tractor oil. Get our prices before you buy. Can furnish oil for any make of tractor. Lowls H. Crane camo down from Oshkosh Tuesday to meet MrB. Crane who waa enroute homo from Birming ham, Ala., where she had been visit ing her parents for tho past month. The Durbln Auto Co. received four OldsmobileB Tuesday and before noon Wednesday had found purchasers for thorn. During the past week tho Durbln Co. has sold thirty-eight Olds trucks to sub-agents. Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings every week at 8:00. A cordial invi tation 1b extended to all to attend these services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Last Monday tho woman's suffrage amendment to the United States con stitution was ratified by the legisla tures of the states of Ohio, New York and Kansas. So far ten states have ratified tho amendment. i Have you 6een the new whlfo gold and platinum diamond mounting? H. Dixon, jeweler. Next Tuesday the county commis sioners will begin sitting as a board of equalization and will continue to sit as such board for a week or more. If you have fault to find with your assessment tako your grievances to this board. Red Crown or White Rose Gas 29 Cents per gallon nt tho Ford Garage. nonuy-ugier Auto to., Hast fourth street. 45-2 Carl Jensen ond Ruby Norsworthy, or uoinenuurg. were united in mar rlago by Judge Woodhurst Wednes day. A dozen or moro relatives of tho bride and groom were present at tho ceremony and later a wedding dinner was served at tho Palace cafe Dixon lias a beautiful now wrist watch or platinum, gold and diamonds nt $nu.uu. this will interest the most careful buyer. Tom Healey, who has been out in tho country this week adjusting hail losses, says there are fields of wheat houiii or iiorsncy mat promlso to yield forty bushels to the acre. Ho ndlUBtcd a four linll InsKpq In tl, tion, principally on ryo fields where Al. .t . . uiu uuinngo was auout ten per cent. Wo clvo real snrvlnn. Ciivn na n trial and become a satisfied custom er, s. & R. Service Station. . Loulo Lipshitz. tho junk man, has nOW 011 liaild Slxtv thnilKnnil nhnmla of worn out auto tires, the accumu lated buying of tho past few months. TllOSO tiros worn wnm nut drivers In North Platto and tributary section. When now theso tirnn coat tho purchasers about a dollar a pound as junk they are worth nhnut Hirnn cents a pound. Wanted to Pasture Flftv ltnnrl ' nf horses within flvn Platte. Good water anil nlmiv nf grass. Inquire of Crook & Coble. 4G-3 Tho most wonderful salo of girls' gingham dresses Tho Salo held 'last oaiuruay xiie quantity we had only sunnlled about onn.imir th This morninc wo rornivmi lot of theso wonderful dresses and iney wm no placed on sale so como early and mnko your selections. They are going at 98c, $1.39, $1.79, $1.98, $2.25 and up. In sizes to nt girls. In nirna trnm i in 10 .Ann mi.. i ...... u .u u jwHo, mo i,euuur Mercantile Co. Nazimova. tho Brent ntnr nf n, Mot. ro picturo "Revelation," which will bo presented nt tha Sun th nntrn lit nn days commencing Juno 24th, shows hor ability as an artistic and classic dancer in this photodrama. Dressed as a bacchante, a nrlostnRs god of wino and revelry, with leaves m nor nmr, a garianu or grapes across hpr shouldors, with a goblet In ono hand and a cluster of grapes in tho other, slio porforms "La Danso Bac chanal" tynifylnc tho SDirlt Of rOVOlrV Of n. Pnrlnl Tho great Nazimova oxecuted this dance and with truo artistry nnd po etry of motion in gracoful movements Which Wore ldenl for rniJntni v0.m.,uUU U.I tho motion picturo enmora. On tho screen, this dance is a revelation in accurate nresnntnt'nn nf ,in mont In motion pictures. w , specialVotice 0 hare rails for J0.1',"08 Suited on west Second, V , louay. yyo sell listed stuff only. Try our service. )t llrnillinnl- II, .nil..,. -wuvvn JJIIJlulllfj, Grand Opening of THE STYLE SHOP Xortli Platte's newest exclusive Ln- dies' High Grade Outfitting Store, MONDAY, jtfNE 2.1, 1919, 7:30 to 10:00 P. 31. 3Iuslc, Flowers and Souvenirs for the Indies, ladies. 3IARINELLO HEAlTY PARLOR In connection. ' ' Vc invite you nil to Inspect our new store. THE STYLE SHOP Open for Business Tuesday, June 21- Phone 109 for Mnrlncllo appointments. : :o: : The New Time Card Tho now tlmo card on the Union Pacific will become effective next Sunday. Among tho changes will bo the following: No. 13 will arrive at 8:20 and leave at 7:30 a. m. west time. No. 19 will nrrlvo at 9:25 and leave at 8:35 west time. The branch train will leave ut 7:50 west time, No. 10, an added train, will arrlvo at 3:15 east time, and No. 15, another new train will leave at 2:55 a. m. west time. The branch train will not wait for the arrival of No. 19. Pas sengers ticketed for points on the branch will arrive on No. 13. ::o:i Paving District Defeated Tuesday evening wns the regular semi-monthly meeting date of the city council, but a quorum of the council failed to appear. The peti tions for and against paving could not thereforo be considered, but it is known that the remonstrance filed contained about sixty-five per cent of the property owners within the district. This completely knocks out the creation of the paving district. It Is not probable that any further ef fort will be made this year. We can oxlst without paving; quite a few of us lived in the period when wo didn't have waterworks and electric lights and sewage and permanent walks and furnaces in our houses and other modern conveniences and not having thom we trudged along with a smile; and so without paving wo will wade across muddy streets, have clouds of dust swirl into our houses, have stag nant pools of water standing ln the streets in front of our homes creat ing stench, sending forth fever germs and breeding millions of mosquitoes and proving an eye sore to those who take pride in cleanly premises; but wo will continuo to smile we have tho satisfaction of knowing that the money wo might have spent for pav ing can bo expended for a new auto, or buy gasoline for -he one we now own, or purchase a dress that out classes the one our neighbor wears, or go to more dances or more pic ture shows or tako a trip to the mountains. Tho memory of these en joyments may fade in a year while the conveniences of paving would last a century; but we are living for today, nob tomorrow. On with the dance let Joy be unconfined. ::o:: J. Warren Kerrigan will appear be fore hiB admirers at the Sun. theatre in a role and story entirely different from anything he has dono before when "The Drifters" is shown Satur day. With most of tho action taking place ln the snow bound regions of Alaska, whero three men and a Klrl find their lives strangely interwoven, "Tho Drifters" mysteriously unfolds an absorbing plot. Mr. Kerrigan re celvos tho support of Lois AVllson, Casson Ferguson, Walter Perry and William Conklln. ::o: : STRAYED OR STOLEN. Two year old Holsteln Heifer, most ly white with few black spots, swal low fork on loft ear, undercut on right ear. Any information leading to tho recovery of animal will bo liberally rewarded. A. COOLEDGB, 42-8 North Platto. ::o:: Estray Notice Taken up on Section 13, Town 12, Range 29, by the undersigned who thero resides, on or about April 15, 1919, ono roan heifer, no brands. Own er can have tho same by proving prop erty and paying charges. PAUL SODERMAN, Routo A North Platte, Neb. : :o: : Estrny Notice Taken un bv tho underBlcned on Section 10. Town IB. Ttnne-n 59. wVin .thero resides, on or about April 1st, ft 4 ft . luia, one two year oia red neirer; no brands distinguishable. Owner cal,, prove property, nay charces and take animal away. II. B. W00D8, North Platto. I Best Paint and Varnish at The Ilnrry Dixon & Son, Eyesight Spe- I bimiaiq 1 Elliott Dexter and Ann Little IN "THE SQUAW MAN" A Cecil II. DeMille production of the well known. stage drama. It Is n quick nctlon photoplay based on stirring frontier situations Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. 10c, 20c and 2Sc, including war tax. SHOW STARTS AT 8 O'CLOCK. A Little Information About some of our Groceries nnd Meats. Wo deliver any order uny Pluco in town for fir- Spoclal on Urooms while thoy Inst 4(Jc i inrgo can j omniocs irc, doz. $1.75 1 enn Earlv Juno Pens ir,p. iin. si ?r. 1 can corn 17c, doz. $1.80 1 bar P. &. 0. Nnptha Soap So, IK M i iuicKiige juio no jiioro 7c, is $l.un 1 packngo Oatmenl 25c, I packages 93c 1 nuckuuo -Miitrltpa r.,v 19 i1mfu nn 1 pint buttle Hliiing Oc, 8 bottles 25c l resh Bread nnd 3Iilk every morning. Gamble with Springer, Store No. 1 S22 North Locust. Store No. 2, 110 Enst II. Telephone 203. The kids are at it again! Traveling by parcel post! Kidnapping an airplane! Jane and Katherine Lee IN "SMILES" A story of two little girls whose pranks are perilous, but who man age to make everybody happy especially tho audience. The Scn nctt comedy, ' "NEVER TOO OLD" A laugh, a minute Go on I That's what they nre mnde for. Keith-Tonight. When You Co On Your Vacation-Call On Us. If you are going on your vacation remember We will supply you with travelers' cheques the modern traveling money safe, practical, convenient. We will protect your valuables in our Safe Deposit Vaults while you are away. . You can deposit any surplus funds with us in the form of a Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account and have it earning interest while you are gone. We will gladly attend to the payment of insur ance or taxes that come due while you are away. Or we will attend to other money affairs you may have to care for. . Come in and see us, ; " ' " ' " Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. NORTH PLATTE .-g NORTH PLATTE, NEB f s COW. BRAND si Cow Brand The Best Flour Made in the Best Town in Western Nebraska A Home Product Used by all Home People. INCORPORATED 1887. Iutual Building and Loan j Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska.- RESOURCES'OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, ' President. Secretary.