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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
What Jlorth Mte j&emi- Cribunt THIRTY-FIFTH 1?EAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 17, 1919. No. 45 STEAL SCI,', FJtOM THE , HUSH MEKCANTILK SAFE A bold robbery occurred at tho Rush Mercantile Co. grocory just before noon yesterday when a nervy Individu al sneaked to the safe, opened tho un locked door and took therefrom $G35 lit currency and Union Pacific and Individual checks. At tho tlmo tho robbery occurred tho Burk show pa rade was passing and customers and clerks had gono to tho front door, and though there but a couplo of minutes. It was sufficient time for tho thief to get in his work. Neither pro prietor or clerks had noticed any sus picious looking persons in tho store at the time, the supposition being that all in tho store were customers and it was not noticed that any one lagged behind when those In tho store moved forward to seo tho parade, nor was It noticed that anyone in. tho store made any hasty attempt to get away follow ing tho parade. Tho money and checks wore found to bo missing a few minutes later, and Mr. Rush had opened tho safo 15 minutes beforo and know tho currency and checks were there. Tho safe stands at a desk near tho center of tho store and is some what obscured by tho desk and boxes and barrels. It Is probable that the thief reached the safe by crouching in among these view obstructions, but how ho got out after taking tho funds Is not known. A couplo of months ago a similar robbery occurred, and the perpetrator of yesterday's deed my have been tho samo fellow. MERCHANTS WILL RECONSIDER HOUR OF CLOSING COMMISSIONERS CALL COURT HOUSE ELECTION JULY 22. -::o::- A district Sunday school conven tion win be held at the John Grif fith grove south of Maxwell next Sun day beginning at 10:30. Among those, who wil make addresses are Rev. , Kestersom of Maxwell, A. S. Allen. Rev. Hull, Rev. Hess, F. R. Elliott and ' G. R. Scott of this city and Rev. Booh-1 or of Brady. Beautiful summer silk skirts now, on display, all made up to tho minute in stylo from the very newest silk ma terials such as fantansae, kumsl kum so, baronettc satin, dew klst, otc, at BLOCK'S. j Mrs. Clyde Trotter and Miss Anna; Voss left Sunday for Ogden and Salt, Lake for a month's visit with rela-: tlves. ' ' Mlsa Effie Christ and brother Adam ' have been visiting in Wyoming for a "week past. Last week when thoso 'favoring a continuation of the "Wilson" time cir culated a petition to continue that time in opposition to tho resolution passed by the council, a majority' of tho merchants did not express them selves on the subject, but simply said they would do as a majority favored doing. It now devolops that qulto a few of those who so expressed them selves have learned that the farmerb of the section tributary to the city who presented the petition to the council consider the ignoring of the resolution a direct slap In tho face and that It has created among thoso farmers a feeling against the North Platte mer chants which should not exist. At the tlmo the action in support of tho "Wilson" time was taken it was sup posed that congress would 'repeal tho law within a week or so, but a majority of the congressional committee to which tho matter wns referred have recommended that the law remain in force until October. In view of this congressional action merchants who oppose the "Wilson" time yesterday started a movement to reconsider tho action of last week, and the question will bo thoroughly threshed out nt a meeting of merchants to bo held nt the court house tomorrow evening. Personally wo favor a later closing hour; we arc not accustomed to quit ting work In the middle of tho after noon, which we practically do under tho present plan, for wo are running one hour nnd forty-two minutes ahead of sun time. We also believe that if a later; closing is a real benefit and con venience to the farmers, their wishes should be taken into consideration. : :o: : Fines Are Heavy. SInco the present police force woro Installed fines aggregating $730 havo been collected from offenders of the law, evidence that the boys who think they are having fun are paying for it in court. One way to break up law fractures is to assess against the vio lators the maximum penalty, and this plan seems to be the course that is being pursued by tho courts. : :o: : Estrny NolIco Strayed to my place six miles south east of North Platte some time in April one black hoflse, weight about 1000 pounds. Owner can havo same by proving property and paying for this notice. SCOTT REYNOLDS. cverym For Our Patrons at ROUGH GARAGE Miller Cord Tires U. S. Cord Tiros Silvcrtori Cord Tires Republic Fabric Tires Monogram Oils -llavoline Oils and GrenscsKv Vt'hilc Gasoline "Weed Tire Chains iYodiiutf Sold Ihcjiusc it is cheap Everything handled of qualify. 3 w i DODGIMmOTHEKS MOTOR CARS CHANDLER MOTOR CARS (!th and Locust Sts. North rintte, Nob. Yesterday there was prosentod to tho county commlsslbnsrs a petition signed by 1150 names, nearly one-half of hto Blgners living outside of North Platte, asking that an election bo called to vote on tho proposition of making a five mill levy each year for five years for tho purpose of obtain ing funds with which to build a new court house. Tho commissioners took cognizance of the petition by calling tho election for TuesdnyV July 22 and If the proposition carries, tho-first of tho five-mill levies can'bo Included in tho general levy which the commissioners will make on or about tho first of August. This court house levy would thcroforo start with tho 1920 taxes and end with tho year 1924. A five mill levy for five years on the present val uation would raise between $175,000 and $200,000, not all of which need be used If not required. Tho general opinion as expressed by farmor and town rosldonts allko is that if n court houso Is built it should be such as to moot tho requirements of future years. Building present needs Is where North Platto made It3 mls tako In Its school buildings nnd where Heifchoy Is now at a disadvantage with its school building. The population of tho county is Increasing yearly, and with tho increasing number of people comes an increasing volume of busi ness at all the county offices, none of which are now ample to properly care for the business. This is apparent to every Lincoln county man who trans acts business at the court house. There is absolutely no lire protection for the' records of tho county treasur er, tho county superintendent and tho clerk of the district court, while It is questionable if tho poorly constructed vaults of the county judge nnd county clerk would withstand a fire. "So resi dent of Lincoln county who hasalu ablo private records Would for a mo ment kcop thorn in a building po lit tle protected from fire ns is the Lin coln county court house. If the dis trict court records alone were des troyed the title to hundreds of tracts of land in Lincoln county would be placed In JeoparMy, whllo the destruc tion of tho county treasurer's records would tangle up matters to such an extent that it would require many thousands of dollars worth of clerk hire to replace them and then the records would rot bo , omplete. And so with the records of tho county sunerintenr'ent. Tho building of a new court houaa is sinyily a-bUBinees proposition T.b tho people of Lincoln county; it Is for -the protection of thei titles to land, for tho protection of county records which are theirs Individually nd collectively, and i so far as wo have canvassed tho matter wo find that practically al thoso fanners and stockmen who pay the heaviest taxes are fftvorablle to a now building. They enow tlint with them it is a biuiiicss proposition. Under tho law tho commissioners BAR ASSOCIATION WILL MEET HERE JUNE S5tlu The Western Nebraska Bar Assocla" Hon meets in North Platto, Wednes day Juno 25th. Tho session will open at 10 o'clock in tho court room of tho federal building. Thoro will also ho an afternoon session. It Is expected that members of tho supremo court and a number of district Judge will bs present. Chlof Justlco Morrlssey will deliver an address during tho session. It is expected that most of tho lawyers of tho 13th nnd 17tli 1u- tllclal districts, which composo tho association, will attend this meeting. A number of nddressos will be made by thr younger members of the bar who were in the service. There will bo two addresses by young lawyers who served in the Rainbow Division thrlough Its entire campaign. These addresses will be very interesting and tho nubile is invited. At the closo of tho afternoon ses sion the lawyers will go out to Dlck't. grove where tho vlstlng lawyers will bo ontertalned with a barbecue nnd some original stunts. These exer cises at tho grove will he under tho di rection of the entertainment commit tee composed of L. C. Basklns, J. T. Keefe, Geo. N. Gibbs, J. C. Hollmnn nnd R. H. Beatty. You can expect there will be something doing overly minute. JOHN FEDERHOOF SUFFERED PARALYTIC STROKE TODAY John Federhoof sufforcd n paralytic stroko this morning ami his condition is reported to bo critical. Last oven lug whllo In a cigar store Mr. Feder hoof complained of n sovero pnln in his head. This ho attributed to trouble ho had Saturday night and Sunday following eating ice cream Saturday evonlng. After ho had eatou tho Ice cream he was taken with a sovero chill, followed with stomach troublo and headache. Yosterdn; ho felt comowhat bettor although tho pain In his head continued. ;:o:; CUarenco Splccr, who was In tho, motor ambulance sorvico overseas, will arrive homo tonight or tomorrow. Hans Johnson Deceived a tolcgram Juno 11th from his sou Louis stilting ho hnd arrived safoly at Newport Nows Vn., nnd was fooling lino. Mrs. Clark Buchnnan and Mrs. Jack Dillon, of Los Angoles, aro expected to nrrive this week for a visit with tho Buchanan families whllo onrouto . to Now York. CHARLES RAY IN THE SHERIFF'S SON A Thus. H. Ince picture that is the best production in which Chns. ever appeared saying quite a little for it isn't it? But we can prove it to you at the Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. m Miss Bernlco Miller Is oxnectod to aro autnorized to enter into a contract arrive tomorrow from Long Bench. for tho construction of tho bulldlncr Calif., for a Visit with Miss Dorothv wjinout waning ror tiioaccumulatlon Hinman of tho money derived from tho fivo yearly levies. If tho proposition car ries preliminary arangoments for tho building could ho completed this year ana construction work started in the spring of 1920. Residence Property For Sale PART OF OUR LIST 5 room house modern except heat, West 6th St. $3150.00 5 room house modern except heat, West Gth St. 3100.00 G room house modern except heat, west Gtli St. 3200.00 5 room house modern except heat, So. Ash St. 3850.00 5 room house part modern, So. Willow St. 2000.00 4 room house part modern, a snap, West 12th St. 2200.00 5 room house part modern, West 12th St. 3250.00 10 room hous e stricktly modern, East Gth St. 5400.00 (Reasonable terms can be arranged.) We also have a number of choice lots. If you are looking for a lot on which to build your home.'see us. Located north of New Round House we have 60 lots rang ing in price from $125 to $150. Good location for round house employes. DIENER & COMPANY PHONE RED 572. OFFICE OVER AUSTIN'S JEWELRY STORE LOCAL AND l'EHSOXAL Trovelyn Doucot loft this morning on a business trip to Chicago. H.Dixon & Son, Eyesight Specialists. Mrd. JolTnson, of St. Francis, Kan., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. N. McCarthy. Mrs. Jnmos Guyman loft this morn ing for a two weeks' visit in Schuyler with nor parents. ThoTempolnt fountain pen sold at Dlxonp Is considered tho very best pon made; ?2.00 to SlO.OlK S,upt woodruff came" down from Choyonno yestorday morning and wont up the branch with tho pay car. Boys' rompers and wash suits on sale nt 75c, 90c $1.45, $1.95 and up at Tlio Lrauor Mercantile Co.'s. Miss Helen Burns arrived Friday from Deuvor to spend tho summer with her aunt Mrs. H. Dixon. Mrs. F. W. Rinckor nnd Mrs. C. F. Sponcer left yesterday to attend tho P. E. o. convention at Lincoln. For Kent Furnished rooms for llKht lBhiBOkooolnK..- Phono iRod 540. Airs, mia Huxoll will leave today for Excelsior Springs where she will take the baths for several weeks. The Philos Guna club will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. PcnV Huchauan, 520 west Second street. Miss Gladys Hall is serving as tel ephone operator for tho Union Pacific during tho absence of Miss Florence Stamp. KEITH THEATRE Wednesday & Thursday WILLIAM FARNUM IN "THE JUNGLE TRAIL" A story of punch and power, suspense and thrills a BIG piciure in theme settings and star, a corking love story, strong in sympathetic interest. Regular price . for picture Wednesday night. With this Thursday Hundreds of wash skirts madp of host quality gabardine, washable Bat tins, crepe do chlno nnd georgette, nnd tho styles are tho very latest In skirt- dom. All priced very reasonably at BLOCK'S. Two boys named Hawley and Knott. whoso homes aro in Keannoy, ono aged twelve the other sixteen, wero picked up Saturday evening by tho of ficers and placed in jail awaiting word. from their parents. The boys had fol lowed off a small show which passed through town Saturday. It is expected mat monoy to send tho boys home will bo rocolved today. A. lltle down nnd a little every irtonth will buy you.a Columbia Grafanola or a how Edison nt Dixon's Jewelry Storo. Tho most wonderful bargains belne offered. In children's Elnchnm wash urossos, on salo at 98c, $1.39. $1.79, $1.98, $2.25 and up. Salo pf(lco loss than the cost of material, at Tho Leauor Mercantile Co. . Miss Irma Huffmnn arrived home Friday night and will spend tho sum mer vacation with her parents. Miss Huffman closed a successful season starring In tho comic opora "The Mikado." The Lutheran Girls' Club will meet Wodnosduy evening at 8 o'clock at the homo of Miss Thoa Hanson. 314 east Fifth street. All morabors and frion'dn are cordially invited. Miss Leona Marovlsh. formerly of this city, who has been teaching school . at Norway, Oro., has accepted a posi- i tlon us teacher at Nome, Alasku, for ' tho coming year. ::o:: Cross Atlantic Without Slop, Tho final goal of all tho amltions which Hying men havo vonturcd to dream since tho Wright hrothors first roso from tho onrth In a hoavior-than-air machine was realised Sunday ' morning, when tho young British of ficers, Capt. John Alcock and Lieut. Artluir Brown landed on tho Irish' coast after the .first non-stop flight across tho Atlantic. Tho voyage was without accident and unforoeoon Inci dent so far as can bo loarnod. It was a straightaway cleancut flight1 achieved In 1C hours nnd 12 minutoB from Newfoundland to CliMen. Trr. LOST Sunday, hub cap with the name of Jorden on It. Finder please return to Tho Tribune office and re eelve reward. Huldnh Johnson loft Juno 12th for Kearney where she will spend the summer vacation with hor sister, Mrs J. A. Stryker. Itcil Crown or White Hose Has 21t Cents nor gallon nt the Ford fin rage lleiulr-Ugler Auto Co., least hourlli Street. 45-2 Frank Dowhower has returned to work In the U. P. blacksmith shop af ter Having spent some tlmo at tho Tliermopolis hot springs. Carl Hollmnn loft Sunday for Tip ton. Iowa, to accompany homo Mrs. Ilollman, who has been spending sev eral weeks there with her parents. Hear tho now saxophono sextette Ri'ii-nition, Chong &. Wnitlng, Columbia record No. 230. Dixon's. Mrs. Margaret and Miss Efflo Christ will go to Ogalalla tonight to attend the wedding of Adam Christ and Miss Helen Martin, which will take place tomorrow evonlng. Smocks and middles In nil elzes niailo of best quality galatlo and long jean, in plain colors, somo comblna tions and somo whlto trimmed In n I and blue, on salo now at BLOCK'S If yon. purchaso a phonograph with, out hoaning a New Edison, you aro do ii yourself a great injustice. This la m iiething entirely new. Harry Dixon s. II. Dorryberry returned Saturday ii i -lit frjom Excelsior Springs, whero In had ben taking tho baths for a couplo of weeks. Ho boliovos that his '. y at the Springs was beneficial. See 'Clinton & Son' KQH I Feature will start at 7:30 Hawaiian Musical program at 8:45 and will be'givenjust once. Show will close with feature, 'Remember Feature first then musical program at 8:45. Prices--Adults 50c plus tax, Children 25c plus tax . about your Eyo troubles, satisfaction every time. Son is over in Germany, will bo homo in a fow oks or months. Sign of tho Big :ng. CRYSTAL THEATRE TONIGHT & TOMORROW !ara Kimball Young IN "The Road Through The Dark" Ahborhlng, thrilling story of a French girl's devotion to hor c 1'iitry. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Tho Ford Factory has not yet renqhed normal production. It will lake some time, after being entirely given over to war work. We arc getting a few cars right along, and suggest that you leave your order with us as' soon ,as possible and we will deliver as possible. Runabout, $500;- Touring Car, $525;' Coupe, $G50; Sedan, $775; One Tdn Truck Chassis, $550. These prices f. o. b. Detroit. Don't lorget the service We give in our shops, genuine Ford Parts, Ford skill and Ford Prices. HENDY-0G1ER AUTO CO. hand, more thun 1900 miles.