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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1919)
p ,'1 i ' v - pr MORTGAGE LOANS SIX PER CENT. We have first mortgage loans for sale in amounts from $500:00 to $10,000.00 secured by real estate yorth from two to three times the amount of the loan. ' t These mortgages are exempt from state; county and city taxes, and the. collection of the interest is taken careof without expense to the holders. . If you have smaller amounts than $800.00 to invest, call and learn 'our new plan for such investments. Goodman-Buckley Trust Co., North Platte, Nebraska. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office ovtr th McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL The Rcxall handles the goods. tf Miss Helen Basset, of Sidney, at tended the Episcopal convocation here this week. No waits, no delays, at the S. & R. j Service Station. Mrs. A. B. Murphy, of Arapahoe, at i tended the Episcopal convocation and visited friends in town this week. Dixon's Diamond stock will please you. Miss Hazel Smith entertained twelve girl Irlends "Wednesday at a birthday party. Cards were the order of the evening. Geo. N. Glbbs, of this city, has been appointed county attorney of McPherson county by the commission ers of that county. You will feel dressed up with a pair of nifty pumps or oxfords from tho Shoe Market. Mrs. J. B. Hayes, of Omaha, will ar rive this evening for a visit with rela tives. She is making .the trip in Mr. and Mrs. Seoberger's car. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seeborger will arrive home this evening from an auto trip to Omaha, having left for that city last Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Winkowitch, Hosier and .Delaney left this morning for Grant whero they will attend mo snooung tournament today and tomorrow. Ited Crown or White Itoso Gas 29 Cents per gallon at tho Ford Garngc. Hcndy-Ogler Auto Co., Enst Fourth Street, 45-2 J. C. Weir, who was down from Paxton yesterday says nothing but hall can prevent a bumper crop of wheat in that section of Keith county. Your Eyes Should Have tho very best of attention. They should bo tested every two years. Consult H. Dixon & Son. Eyesight Specialists. Mrs. Pat O'Cdnnor left last week for her homo In Omaha; from there will accompany her husband to Chica go arid other , eastern cities to visit friends. You can get a I) open liable Germ Free Vaccine fort.25 cents per dose Why pay more? 'It has stood tho test of time; It saves the calf. Ask Gum-mero-Dent Drug Co. 4Gtf H. I. Block returned Wednesday from Columbus where he Ijad spent a few days visiting and looking after his branch store. Mrs. Block remain ed for a month's vlsrt. with her sister. Wo stand squarely behind our goods. If they are not right, wo make them right. Wo believo a satisfied customer is a good advertisement. S. & R. Service Station. Wednesday evening a heavy rain fell north of tho river while here in town there was but a light sprinkle. A narrow strip of country south of Blgnell received a good rain Wcdnes day afternoon. Cou can get a Dependable Germ Free Vaccine for 25 cents a dose. Why pay more? It has stqod the tost of time; it saves the calf. Ask Gum-mere-Dent Drug Co. 46tf Tho condition of John Federhoof, who suffered a paralytic strokfe Mon day morning, remained unchanged up to last evening. His entire left side is paralyzed and his speech is very' seriously affected. Complaint was filed Wednesday against Dale Potter, a younth about eighteen years of age, charging him with carnal abuse of Blanche Cratty, aged fifteen. The otfense was com mitted May 30th. Potter Is in jail awaiting a hearing. State Game and Fish Warden O'Brien arrived from the east Wed nesday with the fish car, and yester day morning went up on the branch to Gerlng where the state is seining out a lake. The car will return to night and go to Kimball tomorrow morning. A New York state auto tourist who pased through yesterday stated that In crossing Iowa he did not find fifty miles of good road. He complimented tho condition of tho road between Gothenburg and North Platte, pro nouncing It about the best stretch of dirt road he had passed over. G, A. Austin has received word that his grandson, Donald' Austin, son',1 of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Austin, or .Pasco, Wash., will graduate next week from the Halo military academy at Port land, Ore.' Another grandson, "Tom" Austin, won a silver medal In a com petitive drill at tho same school. If you can find more and better en tertalnmont anywhere than you will get at the Keith tonight with tho Leo Kids In "Smiles" and the comedy "Never Too Old," wo want to ,know about it so we can go. All new sub jects. No re-Issues or pictures that have been shown hero before under other titles. Cyril Cool, who is with the Fourth iilvlnlnn in Germany, writes ins nar ents that orders to leavo the Coblenz section has been countermanded and hn Anns tint know when thev will start homo. He has been granteu a two weeks' leave of absenco ana win Rnnnd the time in ColoKno and in . nrnsRpllq. Tho country around Cob lenz has been fortified strongly by the allies and everything Is In readiness to ' march to Berlin if tho Germans fail to sign the peace pact. LOCAL AND PERSONAL THE UNIVERSAL CAR We are experienced, and know how to give service to the owners of Ford cars. We have the same methods, machinery and skill that they have in the Ford Factory, and we use the same Parts made by the Ford Motor Com pany. Ford owners are doubly guar anteed by us as to the reliability of our servic on Ford cars. Don't try to do it yourself, bring your car here. Incident ally wo are getting a few Ford cars and are able to make fairly good de liveries. 'tfYfiWl Touring Car, $525; Runabout, $500; One Ton Truck Chassis, $550; Coupe $650; Sedan, $775. These prices f. o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. Girl Wanted at tho Stylo Shop. 4C-2 Miss Efflo Ritner, of Cozad, visited relatives in town this week. T. V. Austin has returned from a trip to Kansas and Chicago. Charles Rlncker has been quite 111 this week with an attack of tonsllitls. Mrs. Mary Dunn, of Grand Island, Is visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. Frank Corpenlng and children visited relatives In Cozad the first of the week. Miss DJolso Spencer has been spending tho week with relatives In Lexington. Mrs. L. H. Olson spent the week end with friends and relatives in Kearney. Mrs. Win, Upton, of Green River, was tho guest of Mrs. W. C. Shelver Thursday. 1 Fred Fillion is In Kansas City as slstlng Charley Herrod in introducing icoless refrigerators. Mrs. Joy Church Parr underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Gen eral hospital Sunday. J. B. Edwards, of tho Edwards-Reynolds Company, transacted business In Potter yesterday. Don't overlook seeing Charles Ray tonight at tho Crystal in "Tho Sher iff's Son" last showing tonight. Miss Bernlco Miller arrived Wed nesday from Long Beach, Cal., for a visit with Miss Dorothy Hlnman. The Rexall handles the goods. tf Mrs. Mike Hayes returned this morning from Victor, Iowa, where she had been visiting relatives for some time. ' Mrs. W. F. Crook is visiting her sister. Mrs. Covers, at Crawford. Neb Mrs. Covers was formerly Miss Inez Westfall, of this city. Vaccinate before you lose the first calf. The valuo of that calf would vaccinate more" than a hundred. Gum mero-Dent Drug Co. 4Gtf - Mrs. Daisy Kline and daughter Margaret, arrived this morning from Malvern, Iowa, for a visit at tho Chas. Townsend home. J. J. Halligan transacted business in Big .Springs Wednesday and says people are very Jubilant over the prod pects of a wonderful wheat crop. Mrs. H. A. Miller and daughter Ruth arrived Tuesday from Minonk, 111., and will spend a month hero with tho former's nephew, F. L. Moonoy. Always try Tho Rexall first, It pays. tf Take Saturday afternoon off and see Mablo Normand play "Sis Hopkins" at tho Crystal theatre. It's there Satur day night too nnd also Monday night. ' For Rent Unfurnished rooms. In qulro at 902 east Third street. Engineer Tom Orton, who put In 250 acres of wheat on leased land south of Kimball, says dry weather has about knocked out the prospects of a crop. Harris Stuart left Wednesday for Hastings nt which point he was Joined by Loren Hastings and the boys mo tored Into Omaha for a short visit with friends. Postmaster McEvoy spent Tuesday and Wednesday In Scotts Bluff and Gerlng and after driving around over that section ia enthusiastic over It as a farming section. For Sale Hand washing machine. Phono Red 402. James Nolan arrived Wednesday for a visit with his sister, Miss Julia Nolan. He has just received his dis charge from tho 3Gth Infantry after sixteen months service overseas. Vaccinate beforo you lose the first calf. Tho value of that calf would vaccinate more than a hundred. Gm-mero-Dent Drug Co. 4Gtf Mrs. R, L. Ockerson, of McCook a sister-in-law of Mrs. H. A. Hencklo, has been tho guest of tho latter this week. Mrs. Okorson came here to at tend tho Episcopal convocation. Tho Racine Tiro Co. has been mak ing tires for satisfied customers for 14 years. If you need tires see the S. & R. Service Station for this popular brand. F. L. Fox returned Tuesday to his homo at Los Angeles after a short visit horo with F. L. Moonoy. Mr. Fox, who formerly resided at Lexing ton, has visited hero soveral times and is woll known. Tho Canteen service yesterdav re ceived a letter from a sailor who had passed through the day previous stat. lng that ho had lost hero somo ko dak pcltures and negatives which ho valued very highly. Tho prints wero in an envelope addressed to John II. Fletcher. Santa Rosa. Cal.. and should anyone find them it 1b asked The New Hotel Palace and Cafe Is now Open tor the Accommodation of the Public. While a few of our fixtures are still lackimr we are able o take euro of tho public both" as to rooms and dining room and lunch counter service. AH rooms are equipped 'with running hot and cold water and a number of tho rooms have private baths attached. All rooms arc neatly and attractively furnished, thus giving to our patrons the maxi mum of comfort. In our dining room and at the lunch counter tho best tho market af fords is served, and throughout our service Is second to none. Upon the arrival and installation of the delayed fixtures wo will liavc u public opening and will be pleased to show tho public one of (lie best appointed hotels and cafes In tho state. RICHI UGAI, Owner. HUGH Y. WADA, General Manager. Y. S. CHENEY, Assistant Manager Old SeWers' IMcntc Tho annual picnic oftho old set tlors will be held at tho Coolldgo farm northwest of town, Thursday, Juno 20th. A program of songs and recita tions will bo rendered nnd addresses made by North Platte speakers. A drill by boys who wero In tho service will bo given under command of Cap tain Halligan and Llout Nolan. Tho customary basket dinner will be served.. All arc Invited to attend. For Sale My houses and lots on the corners Inquire of Guy Swope. 46-8. H. N. SMITH. :o::- W. Walker and, Julian Wnlkor mado a business trip to Paxton Wednesday. Wonderful salo of children's wash drosses at Tho Lcador Mercantile Co. Let tho children go to tho Crystal Saturday afternoon to boo "Sis Hop kins." It's a mighty good, clean cn-tortnlnment. Olson lluys Wallace Ranch. Andy Olson, who a year ago pur chased ono of tho Park farms in the valley this week purchased tho Wal lace ranch of C40 acres at Blrdwood Siding for a consideration of one hun dred dollnrs an aero. Mr. Olson has been offered $200 per ncre for the farm which ho purchased last spring and for which he paid ?100 per acre. ::o:: Reduced Prices on Tubes. To make room for new stock we aro offering the following slzo tubes at greatly reduced prices: 31x4 37x5 34x4 3Gx4 35x4 32x4 34x416 33x4 Exclusive distributors for Federal Raclno and General tires. S. & R. SERVICE STATION. :o:: A special troop train carrying 220 mem nnrl 17 nfflr-r-rs nncnuto to Ft. Russell, at Cheyenne, and Presidio at San Francisco, stopped here xor a nnnnln of hours Wednesday and tho men celebrated their return from ov erseas by carrying their supper which they had already prepared, Into the canteen hut and having mess nt a tablo again. 'Clinton & Son' will take care of your Eye Glass trouble; wo guar antee to Klvo you satis faction. Sign of the Big Ring. Son is with Undo Sam In Ger many, will bo homo soon. Yesterday a trunk that looked as though It contained boozo was opened tin nt tiif lintrcniro room by a detective and found to contain two wooden casks filled with water. The water had cvi- linnn nlaced 111 tllO Casks to keep tho wooden staves from drying. Whether the casks had been in tho boozo transportation service, or were about to be useu ror tnai purpose is not known. Shipped by parcol post tho Leo Kids liven things up for tho mnu cierus See them at tho Keith tonight. O" " Wnnfi-d Blacksmith to begin July 1st. Write Tin 177. Sutherland. NQU. 10-1 AT THE SUN FRIDAY Hall Hamilton in 'JONNY ON THE SPOT' AND Fatty Arbuckle Comedy SATURDAY J. W. Kerrigan in "THE DRIFTERS" AND Lonesome Luke Comedy MONDAY "The Fighting Raider" ALSO 5 reel Vitagraph Feature. Beginning next Monday our first show will start nt eight o'clock Cen tral time. Evening prices 10 and 25c, "THE VACCINE THAT MADE KANSAS FAMOUS." lllackleg Aggrcssin (Kansas Germ Frco Vaccine) U. S." VETERINARY LICENSE NO. 120 IflnJIff iJ '' INCORPORATED OKLAHOMA CITY, U. S. A. DENVER, COLO., U. S. A. GUARANTEE: We guarantee every dose of our. Blackleg Aggrcssin (Kansas Germ Free Vaccine) lo bo made according to Kan sas Method, worked out under direction of tho president of this company by his subordinates, at tho Kansas Slate Agricultural College. 25c Per Dose Why Pay More? FOR SALE BY GUMMERE-DENT DRUG CO. A Forest Reserve Grazing Examiner in sending in a "rush" order for 320 doses for a friend writes us: "I in formed him that in so far as I knew 100 per cent efficient results had been obtained tho past two years in Mr. T.'s herd on the Reserve. For Your Summer Guests !!''' Look about your home. Is the furniture as bright and new and inviting as you would like to have it? Will it carry the evidence of prosperity and comfort to your Sum mer guests? If not, come into our store and look over the beautiful new furniture here and. note carefully as you do .so, the exceedingly low. prices on the tags. Wo can show you he'd room furniture in Antique Ma hogany, Gray Enamel, Old Ivory, Blrdseye Maple, Ameri can Walnut, Gum Wood and Oak. New Furniture is arriving every day. Let us fill your wants. We can save you quite a bit. W. R. MALONEY CO. THE HOME OF THE SEELEY MATTRESS. S. M. SOUDER ' T. F. HEALEY Liberty Land Company Office Over Rexall Drug Store. Choice Farm Land in Lincoln and adjoining Count ies. Also some good Ranches. Houses and Lots in all parts of North Platte. Look for tho Big l sijn, that they bo loft at the Canteen. I Saturday Matinees G and 17c.