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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1919)
HOW ROOSEVELT LEARNED HE WAS NEAR SIGHTED Theodore RoosetoH uns If) years old Moforo ho realized Ills sight wis dell clont. How ho made Hint discovery Is told In his autobiography. Ho used (o go hunting villi oilier hojs, and writes t "Olio day they read aloud an mher fclsenient In huge letters on n distant billboard, and 1 then realized that something wns Iho matter, for not only was I unable to read the sign, but I could not eicn see the letters." I'roiierly fitted glasses opened up a now world for young Hoosou'lt. Tlwsy will for your nearsighted child. Cllu 1 on's optometrist has iiiudo n special study of fitting glasses for children. C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and ..OPTICIAN.. At the Sign of the Big Ring DR. 0. il. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over th McDonald State Hunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Gall OvorstnkiO of this olty and Mabel 13urr of Lexington, woro mar ried by Judgo Woodhurst at IiIb of fice Saturday. Morris C. Brown, of Oconto, and Mrs. Ella Bolton, of Lotll, woro united In mnrrlago by Judgo Woodhurst cb tordny forenoon. Mlos M. Sloman, steam baths and Swedish Massago. ladles and gentle men. Phono 897. Krodbock bide 85tf Tho spirit of youth Is Immortnl and tho photoplay "Wild Youth" showing .at tho Keith tonight for tho last tlimfl appeals to youth and old ago. alike. Post-card Vnlpntlnoa at tho HEX ALL STORE. Aftor bolng confined to tho houfio for nearly four weeks with tho after t' seats, ho may havo smooth sailing clfects of tho flu, E. F. Soeborgor wns I" his proposed county division other ublo to bo nt his desk at tho bank wlao not. Wo aro not sure thnt North yostordny. , Platto Is opposed to county division Tho best Valentino. Llggott's Choco-'0" Ccrtnla 1,nc8' .. Exclusively at THE REXALL. T() THVi PlJiHI , ' , , Having purchased tho North Sido Tho Lutheran Mission Study Clnsa Backsmlth Shop, I ask my friends to avIH meet with Mra. Frnnk Martin, ttOi call and sharo their patronage with cast 10th atroot, Friday ut four o'clock.! me. I have boen with Mr. VanClenvo Notlco Uia change of hour from throe j tho paaj. sovon yoara and am ablo to to four o'clock. . do first class work and promise satls- It is not a day too early to got that ! now Dodgo Brothorh car ordered! "They do stnnd up." J. V. ROMIGH I Donlor. 7-8 ' Loster Adams, who was stationed nil Camp Loo, Virginia, has boon sent to1 Camp Dodgo to bo demobilized and Is I expocted to roach homo iivi fow days. Will Rltnor, who Is at Camp Leo, ox pocts to receive his dlschnrge In a 1 Bhort tlmo. , . See us about spring painting. We soil Shorwln-Wllllntns Paints. REX ALL STORE. j A "shnko-upf took pJaeo In tho 1 local yards last week whorohv Cnn-I ductor Mttrdock, of tho woat ond of the Wyoming dlvitflon becamo day ynrdnmster. with Hartlov ns ursIb. tant, whllo RAth, Into of ChoycnnoJ takes tho night foremnnBhlp and Thoo ' liowo is nis assistant. See tho nowost draporlos, lnco cur tains and rugs on display at DEIIRY BERRY & FORBES WosdnoBday, Feb ruary 12th. Ono day only. You aro In vited to soo thorn. A North Platto boy In service ovor sons In npologizing for not writing bo roro, stated that ho had not rocolvod nny pay since Soptombor, nnd did not havo ovon sufficient monoy to buy paper on which to write, nnd thor'o wns no Y. M. C. A. hut nt which to get writing material. Protty tough. Having Bold tholr ranch, C. P. and W. B. Howard will on Fobruary 2rth soil tholr hord of Angus cattlo, farm nnd haying mnchlnory, hogs, Porchor on stallion nnd othor property, (i-2 A North Plntto lady who spent some tlmo In southern Calfornla this wintor hnstonod hor roturn homo, sho says. In order to "got warm." having whllo thoro sufforod from tho cold. Tho orango bolt of California com pared wlUi tho bannna bolt of woat orn Nobraaka makos a poor showing, Drlvo out constipation, promoto np notito, Improvo digestion, lnduco re- freshing sloop, got ronowod strongthi and health. Holllstor's Rocky Moun-' lam Tea, natures girt or wondrous herbs. Results guaranteed or monoy back. 35c. GEO. FRATER. Druggist The Overland Garage Having employed Miner Hinman as manager together with a corps of good mechanics, respectfully solicits your business, BMSKIRK $ NOBLE. Valontlnqs at tho REXALL STORE, Mr. and Mrs. I'orry CarsOn left yci terday for a visit In Donvor. Mrs. F. P. Hoy, son Will and daugh Alia, of thn flarflold table. WOro'lmnk iirrnnnt whlrli itlrl lint ovliif In town yostordny. R. L. Graves, of Oniahn, spont Sat-1 Hon ,HB4U0 1 ia,1 Known, uui mo ic-iai unlay and Sunday In town with , amount In dollars reached tho ro fri.m.i. wi.ii .n.,.i tinnVor upoctiiblo sum of throo hundred. " ! jonteei raco rowuar. invisimo aim clinging, this rexall stuiik. Tho Second Ward committee of tho Luthorau Aid society ...nt i. t A mossngo rocolvod yoBtorday morn- ing y mibb i-JSBio wossourg nnnounc-. ed thnt her brother Lieut. Abnor Woss burg hnd landed In Now York from ovorsons sorvlcc. Ho Ib oxpoctod to reach homo In n short time. If you want a nlco house, poultry and fruit tract of acres. Sco me soon. Prlco reasonable. R. McFAR LAND, 2005 East 4th strcot. P. 0. Box C2G, North Platto. Ctf Harry PIzor, who had beon station ed at Camp Lewis. Washington, In tho riunrtormaster's department, w.lred IiIb parents yesterday that ho was enrouto via tho Northern Pacific to Camp Dodge. It Is presumed ho Is bolng sent thero to recolvo his dlschargo. BRIGHTEN UP with ahorwln Wllllam's Paint. Sold only at the REXALL STORE. Qeorgo Mudd, of Ilorshoy, who re cently figured In un auto accident, wns In town yostcrday Booking tho sorvlcos of an osteopath to Iron out u kink In his Injured shoulder. Mr. Mudd figures that ho camo out of tho accident luckily. For Sulc Ford touring car and a sovon months old red poll bull calf. Phono 787F022 or call W. T. Leako, Ilirdwood ranch. 7-4 Throo years ago Julius Pizer Bold a ono-half interest in a farm three miles west of town for a stated sum; ten days ago ho bought back tho samo Interest and paid moro than doublo what ho sold It for Just an oxamplo of tho increasing value of Lincoln county farm lnnd. Jano and Klathorlno Leo In the ntory "Swnt tho Spy" will bo tho at traction at tho Crystal Friday night nnd as an extra nttra'ctlon will bo shown tho Sennott comedy "Tho Scroon Idol." - Tho Sutherland Courier, republishes TJio Tribune's court houso nrticHj and uses it as a text for a dissertation on county division, suggesting that uio present county bo xhoppod into four counties, ir Editor niiim can n ijUinorau jahi socioiy win iiiuui . , , ., , : ---- Thursday afternoon at tho homo of;L'nco n u' Inst week of this month Mrs. Mettln, 320 So. Asli strcot, mm11' 5 ,tho .p 'notr,Ii,t Convention. Will btf pleased to maki. an nnnnlnt- dlvldo tho county that tho lines wlllonrtn' You mnnot nfford to take your bo satisfactory to ull, guarantco Uio residents of ench of the four divisions unit tho taxes will bo loss, aftor pro dding' a court houso, nnd satisfy tho ambitious villages of Brady, Max well, Wellileot, Dickons, Hershoy and huinoriami as to which shall bo conn !',c,uon m vory0vAny,' MARTIN WYMAN, If you never raised poultry before, you should do it thfs year! Don't buy 35-cent meat and 50-cent eggs! You can produce your own chicken dinners and eggs for breakfast! Can cut your cost of living! Get this simple easy-to-operate, modern incubator and see for yourself how wonderfully it helps solve your cost of living oroblem tris Venr P1UU1-I tria year. W. R. Malcmey Con l'wrson Wunfcd at Hershor. I). I'. Pearson, who for a short tlmo conducted a restaurant at Hor- shoy, Js wanted at that placo on the cliargo of Issuing checks against a just how many of those chocks Poar- Sltorlff Salisbury Is attempting tc iocs to Pearson, ::o::- To the Public. i n. ijiiiiLcm. unun in. win nn m mont with nnyono wanting their oyos toslod boforo that tlmo. :o: : District Court IS'mxt Week. District count wML reconvene In -esslon noxt Monday, tho Jury having 'ificn instructed to report on thnt (lay, But two criminal cases aro to bo tried, Ono Is tho moro or Icbs touted Drady wntermolon caso, In which two mon aro charged with atealing thlrty-flve dollars worth of melons. About twon-ty-flvo wltncssos havo been called to testify In tho caso. Tho other criminal action Is that of tho Btato against Harry Douggott, charged with steal ing auto tires. Public Sale, Having sold my farm flvo miles- west or North Platte, I will Boll on February 19th, 1919, cattle, horses, tionrjy now ftirm machinery'. 1G00 bushels of corn nnd forty head of hogs O. T. STEGMAN. ::o:: HoosoVelt Memorial. Tho audience of GOO people which nsscmblcd at tho Frnnklon auditorium last Saturday ovonlng listened, to a Bhort nddrcsB on tho Life nnd Work of Thoodoro Roosevelt, by Rev. II. E. Hess. Tho speakor revlowod briefly Hio chief events In tho life of the most characteristic Amorlcan sinco tho death of Lincoln nnd emphasized his achievements for tho public good. Fol lowing tho nddress was tho natrlotlc Pageant entitled "At tho Altar of Freedom." Tho eblo' characters woro nlfon bv tho Btudenla In the Public Sneaking class of the Senior Hlch School with n number of other students assisting. Tho pageant wns Intended to Interpret tho spirit nnd Ideals of Amorlca nnd to symbolize tho dedication of youth to community servlco for the country. Miss Winifred Tapies wns In cbnrgo of tho Pngennt nnd to her nnd the pupils is duo tho credit for tho successful rendition of Hint part of tho urogram. To Stockmen. Wo want to call tho attention of tho stockmon to tho fact that cotton seed cake is tho most economical feed on stock thru tho winter without it no matter how much rough feed you have. It 'puts thorn In condition, makes them shed early nnd thoroforo puts them on tho market earlier In tho fall. If It is food for animals wo havo It. Come In and wo will" convince you. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON Phonos 99 and 20G :o: : TIIIKTV THOUSAND APPEAR IX CLKOPATUA Thirty thousand 'pooplo appear in "Cleopatra," tho William Fox photo Bpectaclo, in which Thedn Barn por. trnys tho Hfo and loves of Egypt's siren quieen. At tho SUN Theatre, Wednesday and Thursdny. : :o: : S(o us for SERVICE. THE REXALL STORE. Mrs. WcfitenfeltU Passes Awny. Mrs. Dora Wostonfoldt, wife of Fred D. Wostonfoldt, tho north side grocer, passed uway Thursduy even ing at the ago of nearly Blxty years. Death was duo to kidnoy disorders, with which sho had been troubled for about six mouths. Funeral sor vlcos will be hold ut tho Episcopal Olnurch at 2:30 this afternoon con ducted by Rev. Franklin Koch. Mrs. Wostonfoldt, whoso maiden name was Pohlmolre, wob born In Germnny and enmo to tho United States In 1881. In 1881 ahe was united In marriage to Mr. Wostenfoldt and they name to North Plntto nbout thnt time, tho husband nccoptlng employ ment with the Union Pacific and Iator engaging in tho grocery business. To this mnrrlago thoro woro born and aro living five sons, four of whom wore or nro in service of their coun try. Henry llvos In town, Fred C, who has been living In Montana for a number of years and is now stationed nt Camp Funston, Carl who is with fho urmy of occupation In Germany, Albert who was In tho sorvico but was discharged and came homo a Couple of weeks ago and Otto who Is station ed at Brest, Franco. Mrs. Wcstonfeldt wns a very devot ed wlfo and mothor; a kindly sou' who wns over ready to assist n friend or neighbor, and a christian woman who was affiliated with the Luthoran church for many yonrs. ::o:: Desirable Real Estate for Sale A nlno-room rcsldonce, two-atory and basement 802 weat Cth st. A modern homo. A fivo-room, and batli, reaidenco. Modern except heat. 80C weat 0th at. A live-room, and bath, reaidenco. Modern except heat. 808 west 6th st. Abovje residences all liaio Jbath, toilet, gas, electric lights and tele phono connections, alao cement walks and curb. Tho west 48 feet of Lot 2, Block 101. A good business location. . Lot G, Block 123. A beamtlful resi dence lot on west Gth streot. Lot 2, Block 95. Good building lot on west Front atreot. Lot 3, Block 9, Taylor's Add.. In south part of city. All In North Plntte City. Would also sell my Cigar nnd Tobac co business. G09 Dowey St. Call, or seo G. S. HUFFMAN, phone 247. : :o: : PUBLIC SALK. Thursday, Fobruary 27, 1919. Sixty-five head o f cattle, three horses, ono inula and a lot of farm mnchlnery. For partlcuara see bills later. ED KIERIG, Owner. : :o: : COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. Fobruary 4, 1919. Hoard mot same as yesterday, pres ent full board and county clerk. ( necked county clerk's fee book and find tho balance of fees in his. handa amounting to $2927.8G, which he is hereby directed to turn over to the county treasurer and take his recolpt. unocKeu nooks or county superin tendent nnd find balance of $122.74 In hor hands. Checked books of county Judge and find balance of fees and fines to be S2.257.G8, of which $1,121 aro fines. nnd which tho county Judgo has turn ed over to tho county treasurer, the recolpt or which is hereby acknow ledged. Adjourned to February Gth. February Gth, 1919. Bonrd met sumo as yesterday. Checked books of clerk of district court and find oxcoss fees to amount of $G0.GG. which ho is directed to turn over-to county treasurer. Chocked books of tho sheriff. Claims allowed: F. W. Herming hausen services, $18.00; E. H. Spring, r expenses, $12.90. Adjoudnod to February 10, 1919. ::o:: .Mrs. Edna Osborne, whoso homo la ill Callowav. has iboo,, nmnlnvivl In- tho.Bonrd of Education to take charge of a now room in tho Lincoln school, (in account of tho largo enrollment tho classes woro divided and Mrs. Osborn has a Second and Third grade room. Sho Is n grnduato of Uio Koar oey Sltato Normal and hnd several cnrs experienco boforo hor marriage. Tho Christian Aid Society will meet m tho church basement Thursday af ternoon. Refreshments wilL bo served. All nro invited to attend. ttWVVWAVvvWLv THEDA SARA AS CLEOFATR THEDA HAH A WEARS FIFTY COSTUMES IN "CLEOPATRA. In "Cleopatra," Uio magnificent William Fox film voralon of Uio pas- slona ot Egypt's vamplro quoon, The- da Bara, who plays tho siren of tho Ntlo, wxsars fifty iflatlnctivcly dlf- foront co8tumea. Boforo and during tho production or "Cleopatra, ton seamstresses woro constantly working on Miss liara's costumes. To bo nt Uiei SUN Thoatn), Wl'dnesdtvy and Thursday, Fobruary 12th and 13th. Show beglna promptly at 7:15. Admis sion 15 and 20 cents. ::o:: 1 1 Clara Kimball Young IN "The flaw" In which beauty soothes the breast of man and beast. A great out-of-door 'picture' Crystal Jheatre T AND T Judge Hoagland, A. E. Bell, A. W. Brown and A. W. Shlllng went to York this morning to attend a meet ing culled for tho purpose of making arrangements for tho annual encamp ment of tho O. A. R., W. R. C, U. S. W. V., and other patriotic military orders which will bo held in that city this summer. Tho War Mothers' Club retjiuests the presence of nil soldiers, sailors, ma rines and visiting soldiers to attend ,tlio party to bo given at tho Masonic Tomplo at eight thirty Friday even ing. Bring your wife, sister or sweetheart with you. Wear your uni form and come pepared to havo a Jolly good time. Fathers you are ex pected to bo thoro too. : :o: : White LtQht Best. White light seems to be the most comfortable for the eye. In tests of the effects ofvynrlous lllumlnnnts' C. E. Ferree nnd J. Rand, as described to the American Illumlnntlng society, have used kerosene lamps and various Incandescent lamps and It appears from the results thnt the color of the light has a marked effect ,on eye fatigue. Willi the white light of the tungsten lamp there wns the least loss to the worker from need of resting the eyes. The fatigue was somewhnt greater with the yellow light of the carbon lamp or kerosene lamp, and greatest of all with the tungsteir lamp having n blue bulb. Tho REXALL STORE delivers Call No. 4. This company has every, dollar's worth of dollar has been invested k PUBLIC SALE Having sold our ranch 7 miles northwest of North Platte, on the north side of tho north rlver. we will sell on Tuesday, February 25th, 1919, Commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, tho following personal property: SEVENTY HEAD OF CATTLE, Consisting of 50 Angus cows, 10 good milch 'cows, 10 calves and ono Angus Bull, two years old. FIVE HEAD OF MULES Team of horse mules. 5 and 7 yeara old, weight 2600; brown horso mulo. 4 years old, weight 1000: team mnre muloa, 3 yonrs old weight 2200. ' . THIRTEEN HEAD OF HORSES Ten heavy young work mares, bred to Jack; brown saddle horse 7 years old, weight 900; registered Bay Porcheron stallion, welcht 1900; Mammoth Jack C .years old, weight 900; FARM MACHINERY , 2 Deerlng Rakes, 2 McCormlck Mowers, Dane Stacker, Mollne Two Row, Disc Cultivator, Emerson Cultivator. Disc, 3 Section Har row, Harrow Sulky, High Lift Sulky Plow, 2 Plows, Deoring Corn Binder, Solf Rake Harvesting Machine, 4 wagons, 2 Hay Racks 2 Balo Racks and Hooks, 3 Heavy Cream Cases, 1 No. 15 DoLaval Sen orator, Household Furniture, 8 Sota Work Harness, 2 Sots Single Harness, 8 Extra Collars, S Tons Alfalfa. 1C Poland Chlnn Gilts weight 250 each. 6 Dozen Chickens, 2 Dozen Pearl Guineas. . mK1ISsAU 6,1,1,8 S20'00 nml Cash, oibr Hint sum S months Unio nt 10 per cent Interest will bo given! Free Lunch 11 o'clock. W. B. & C. P. HOWARr . RAY C. LANGFORD, Clerk. For Sale " Indian motor cy6lo In good slinpo Almost new. Will sell cheap. Phono 251. 9-2 Notice of FJnnl .Report. , . Estate No. 144G of Claur Gruonnu, deceased, In tho Count Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska ,to all pcr hoiib Interested in said Estate 'tako notlco that tho Administratrix, with tho Will annoxod, has filed a flnl count and report of her administration and n petition for final sottlomont and discharge as such, which haa boon sjt for hearing boforo 'said court on March 7, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. in., when you may appear and conteat tho same. Dated February 10th, 1919. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, fl0-3w County Judgo. An'll)7 t,l lean w 'Electricity Now that tho usual Now Year's rcsolutlona are made and broken Jink ono worth One you'll keep! whlle Resolve right now that from this on, you'll make Electricity do all tho hard part of your housework. Mako it light your home next to sunlight. Make It wash, iron, cook, clean Hko no other servant can bo mado to do Hko .even you, yourself, can't do. Then you'll enjoy real house keepinggenuine home-making. There's a world of sug gestions in Our Shop. All of us are thorough Elec trical men ready to help you plan and select. 3Iako -the ResoluUon You'll keep It! NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POWER CO. no "watered stock." For stock or bonds issued a in the property. jwi ED. KIERIG Auctioneer. I 4 .