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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1919)
i' ... THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 1I, 1919. No. 10 mmtit a II T" T IT1T1T I MANY FATHERS AND SONS ABE I'lUJSKNT AT BANQUET. Several loug tables In tho basement of the Presbyterian church were well filled Wednesday ovenlng wltli fath ers and sons who had assembled to attend tho banquet given as part of tho program for tho father and son week. Tho ladles served a very nice meal, and at Its conclusion J. J. Hal- llgan, as tonstmnstor Introduced the epeakors. These wero 0. E. Elder who spoko for tho fathers, Will Mau pin, who represented tho sons, Rev. Koch spoko on tho relation of the father and son to tho church and C. M. Trotter on general lines of father and son companionship, "and Supt. Tout on tho school and tho boy. All theso talks wero strong and Interest ing, tho nddross by Will Maupln be ing especially good. ::o:: L'EKSONAL PARAGRAPHS. SUBSCRIBE $1,200 FOR GOOD ROADS INTO THE CITY, WOUNDED LINCOLN CO. BOYS REUNITED AT HOSPITAL. Our prices aro tho very lowest on window glass. REXALL STORE. Mrs. Jung, who had been visiting relatives in tho city, returned to her homo in Palmer this morning. W. H. Quade, cas'hier of tho Far mers' Bank, at Stapleton, was a busi ness visitor in town Wednesday. Now Spring Styles in Millinery are now being shown at THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. Tho Methodist aid society served a splendid supper In tho church parlors .last evening which was largely at tended in spite of tho disagreeable weather . Another lot of outing flannell rem nants at a saving of 5c to 13c a yard on every yard you buy at the LEAD ER MERCANTILE CO. Special on Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon for Saturday. Swift's Premium Ham 38 cents per pound; Bacon 53 cents. Half or whole piece. LIBRK-SANDALL CO. Another lot of outing flannell rem nants at a saving of 5c to 13c a yard on every yard you buy at the LEAD ER MERCANTILE CO. Engineer Gus Norton, who came in on ono of tho section or train No. lu yesterday says he never run through a worso blizzard than that of yesterday morning . Wanted Competent girl for gener al housework. Wages ?8 a week. Phono 243. 9-3 Henry Hinkle, who stole articles from tho Cathers' homo, -ilead6d guilty beforp -Judge Grimes this week and was given an indeterminnto peni tence of from one to seven years in tho penitentiary. Men's and boys' macanaw coats are being sold at Just before padklng away prices. Bargain prices an all overshoes for men, women and chil dren at tho LEADER MER. CO. ' James Shoup, of Sutherland, start ed out yesterday with two cars of cattle for South Omaha, but when tho stock reached hero last evening Uio company notified him that on ac count of tho storm the risk of getting thorn through would not bo taken and tho cattle were returned to Suther land. If the wind storm broke any glass for you call up the REXALL STORE. Wo deliver glass. Any size. "Even if a now court house was not needed for the safety of our records, for the convenience of our officers and the public, and as a memorial hall for our soldier boys, our pride If we have any ought to make us want one," said Conductor "Billy" O'Con- noll yesterday. "I occasionally run into Sidney and Sterling and note the splendid and boa'ujtiful court houses they have there, and each of tlioso counties are small in compari son with Lincoln county, and the pop ulation and tho wealth correspon ingly lesB. Personally I would like vory much to see a now court house." Seo us about spring painting. Wo soil Sherwln-Willlam's Paints. REX ALL STORE. Moro than 100 business "men of tho city attonded tho good roads moot ing and banquet hold in tho Eplscopnl dining hall Tuesday evening and gave cvldenco of tholr desire to improve tho roads lending into ttio city by sub scribing $4,200 for that purpose This sum will bo pushed up to $5,000 or moro by subscriptions from men who wero not present at tho Tuesday eve ning meeting. It had been months ginco such an enthusiastic mooting of business men had gathered; enoh seemed fired with unusunl zeal to do his part without urging and the financial results of the meeting came with ease came vol untarily. After being sorved with a splendid supper by the Episcopal ladies, George N. Glbbs, as toastmastor, mado a J clever Introductory talk and first pre sented N. E. Buckley who gave a re port of the district good roads moot- !ing hold at Sidney. Mr. Buckley was followed by A. S. Mirick, connoctod with tho state engineors' office, who , told of tho plans for roadmaklng un I dor federal and state aid. S. E. Mc- Cnlman, engineer in charge of tho potash plant nt Suthorland, was In troduced and made a short talk, and L. C. Carroll, president of the Cham ber of Commerce, under tho auspices o which the meotng was held, out lined the plan under which it was hoped to improvo tho roads leading into North Platto. Briefly stated this plan called for the purchase of a tractor or truck and a blading ma chine and the employment of two men for a period of six months. . When not engaged in blading or dragging roads tho two men could haul gravel or dirt on section of roads where needed. Tho cost of thls( equipment, and the salaries of the men and the oporating expenses of the machines for a period of six months wns placed nt $5,000. This plan as outlined by Mr. Car roll was followed by a discussion In which quite a number took part, and this wns followed by a unanimous vote that the plan as outlined be ac cepted. Voluntary subscriptions for the fund wero then asked and three or four firms offered $200 each, more than a scoro offered $100 each, and n number of others $50 and $25 each, tho total reaching $4,200. A committee composed of Messrs. McDonald, Bielstickcr and Langford was appointed to seo posslblo sub scribers who wero not present at the meeting. There Ib no questton but tho neces sary. $5,000 will be subscribed. Presi dent Carroll will appoint a committee to investigate and purchase tho need ed machinery Jand employ two com Detent men to 'do tho work. : :o: : FIGHTING TO BE HENEWED IF ROCHES DEFY TEKMS. The following nrticlo concornlng Homer and John Rldonour, whosa homo Is nt Wnllnco, Is taken from tho soldlor's paper published at Camp Dodge; ' Months of fighting In Franco did not glvo Homer Rldonour as much n thrill as that which ho oxperloncod last Thursday aftornoon In Ward 30, linse Hospital, when his brothor, John also an ovorseas wounded man, whom he had not seen for two years, awoke htm from a long sleep and poorod In his faco. Homer wiped his oyes, blinked and pinched hlmsolf to make sure It was not all a drenm. Ho wns staring at his brother, who ho know had also been wounded but did not know he had returned to tho United States. Both boys wiped away tears as they tried to smilo. Tho brothors hnd been in civilian clothes nt their last meeting. Now they each had overseas sorvico nnd wound stripes. They both sailed for Franco ln, April, 1918, and fought at tho battle of Chateau Thierry, but neither knov tho othor was there. They were pntlonts nt Baso Hospitals at Bordeaux, Franco, nnd still did not seo each other. Neither know In which outfit the other wns and had no communication between each other while they wero in Frnnco. Homer reached tho local Baso Hos pital tho night of Jnnunry 29 at 10 o'clock and the following morning nt 10 o'clock, John arrived hero on hospital train. Ho was taken to Ward 27 with othors from his train. Cap tain McCrelght glanced at tho list of arrivals nnd saw the name of "Rldo nour." Ho hart seen tho snmo last nnmo the snmo morning. "It Is rather odd to havo two Rlde iiours together,'' said Crtptalh Mr- freight. John looked at the receiv ing desk, saw tho uamo of his brothor Ami their native state, Nebraska, and lie lost no time In hurrying to Ward 30. Part of tho bedshoet covered his brother's face, but ho pulled it hack, awoke lilm nnd tho recognition fol lowed. John wns wounded on October 31, 1018, whon a ploco of high explosive struck him at tho battle of Verdun, entering his right arm- Homer was shot through tho abdomen and hip in tho fighting of Chateau Thierry, July 22, 1918. A machine gun bullet put him out of action. Homer was taken to Base Hospital 22, at Bordeaux, while John became a patient nt Baso Hos pltal B, Bordeaux. Homer 'left Bordeaux on Christmas day for tho United StatOB, whllo John followed from Bordeaux on Jnnunry 6 John has been sent to tho convales cent center and expects to bo dis charged soon. Ho- will return to his Homo nt Wallace, Nob., whllo Homer will go to Mellon, Nob., whon he i1' musterod out of service. Another brothor was recently di- charced nt Cninn McArthur, Texas. John trained at Camp Cody, N. M nnd wns o "'ember of tho 102d Mn "hlnp Gun Battalion. 20th Division whllo Homer trained at Camn Fur stnn. and was in the 4th Infnntn 3rd Division. Non-execution by Germany of tho terms of tho urmistlco, ProBtdont Wilson Is understood to havo declared in conversation Wednosdny, would be an Incident of such a nature ns to Justify tho resumption of war, It Is said that tho president nsserted he would not hesitate in that case lo order the American army to take up aims ngnin. On tho other lmnd It was said that President Wilson regards resumption' of hoflttlitloB ns a gravo nvontuallty to which ho would ngroo only on the most absolutely essential considera tion and not for any socondary motive Tho supromo war council has decid ed that tho armlstlco with Germany will bo renewed on Feb. 17 for a brief brief porlod, with tho allies roscrving the right to suspend it nt any timo ln the event of Germany's falluro to carry out now clauses or thoso which have hitherto not boon executed . It is stated tho terms will provide that the Germans must cease hostilities against tho Poles and mnlntnin tholr forces within fixed limits. ::o:: Notice. Tho indebtedness of Mercantile Company, exceed $6,000. JULIUS PIKER, Prosldont. : :of: All sizes of WINDOW GLASS. REXALL STORE. uPraneIla MARGUERITE CLARK in Prim, Privacy nnd Prude three pre cise aunts, drove Prunella from her pretty gnrden into fame as a Parisian dancer. KEITH THEATRE M3NDAY AND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17-18 Tho Lender incorporated, CRYSTAL THEATRE SATURDAY and MONDAY Mabel Normand I N "PECK'S BAD GIRL" Adventure was everything in her young life she was a devil in her own town. Added Attraction for Saturday Bill Parson's comedy "PINK PAJAMAS" Tho best Valentine. Llggett's Choco lates. Exclusively at THE REXALL STORE. The Twentieth Century Club will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. F. Orr, 408 cast Fifth street. Mrs. Guy Popejoy will assist in en tertaining. Rev. Koch will address tho ladles. Special business will come up for consideration. A largo attend ance of the membership is desired. Foi onlcl; notion ann sntlsfactorj eule list your land with Thnelocbc tf From Orand Island east a real No- B"i from each one will rosult braskn. blizzard nrovalled Wednesday Lincoln county securing its quota. nitrht. which delayed traffic on the W- and Mrs. Perry Carson return TTnlnn Pnnifin. Train No. 19 duo here this morning from a visit In Don- at 0:35 yesterday several hours late. Tho Blue Triangle campaign ?ro-Psqinn: nicely over the ftnto and viu h-"'" liern oxt week. This cnni-l "ifn in for the nnrnoso of securing f'U'ds for work among clr'A. smnU special sale I OF Dove Undermuslins rail wtp mm hlvlif itoove ssf iQi I Saturday, Monday and Tuesday morning arrlvpd vor. Tho best Valentine. Llggett's Choco latcs. Exclusively ot THE REXALL STORE Tho Pacific Fruit Express Co. has been fortunato in securing suffilclont lco to fill its houses. It Is expected will bo filled to capacity, a total of North flatto teams. In a game plnvrd Our prices nro tlio vory lowest mi window glass. REXALL STORE. Now Spring Styles in Millinery nro now being shown nt THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. A game of baskot ball will bo plat ed this ovenlnc: at tho Frankin audi torium between tho Gothenburg and forty-five thousnnd tons, For Sale Ford touring car and a seven months old red poll bull calf. Phono 787F022 or call W. T. Lealco, Blrdwood ranch. 7-4 SUN THEATRE TO NIGHT! "THE CRAVING" A triumph of Photography, a Melo drama with a punch, featuring FRANCIS FORD And a Christie Comedy "A SMOKY LOVE AFFAIR" at Gothenburg' two weeks ngo North iPlatto was defeated by a scoro of twenty-two to fourteen. Tonight, how- over, tho North Platto boys aro con fident of roversing the score. Aching in tho small of tho back is an indication of kidney disease. Tho proper course In such cases is to bo- gin at onco tho uso of Prickly Ash Hittors. It Is an effoctivo kidney rem edy and systom regulator. Price $1 25 nor bottlo. GUMMERE-DENT DR' G CO., Special Agents. TO-NIGHT Jane and Katherine LEE In. Saturday ... LOUI8E GLAUM "SHACKLED" Not a vampire or a wronged girl story but the story of a noble woman. Also BILLY WEST in "Swat The FLY" A congenial comedy of patri otic pranks and American antics. Two-part Sunset Comedy "HER SCREEN IDOL" CRYSTAL February 15th, 17th and ISth. NEWEST STYLES The voiy latest and prettiest styles In lingerie aro always to be found in DOVE Under-muslins. We make our DOVE selec tions from more than 2,000 DOVE styles created new each season. Some are made in simple tailored effects; others are daintly trimmed with imported laces of every kind and embroideries of the best quality. Many have beautiful hand-embrodiered designs. You can find what you like best in DOVE.Undormuslins. GOOD MATERIALS Soft white nainsooks flesh-pink lustrous batis tessubstantial cambrics good muslins delightful "Witchery" and Plisse Crepes Crepe do Chine are the materials DOVE Undor-mus-lins are made of. CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP. Careful sewing, extra stitches, accurate fit, ample fullness, neat ironing all make DOVE Undermusllns look and wear better than ordinary under-garments. RE-INPORCED ARM-HOLES. Every DOVE garment which has an open arm-hole (like Corset Covers, Envelope Chemises, etc.) has an extra shield sewn at the arm-holes as a re-lnforcement This prevents wearing out at that point. It is an exclusive feature which you can get only In DOVE Under-muslins. "PRICES. You'll find it true economy to buy DOVE Under-muslins be cause of their good wearing qualities; and we sell them at surprisingly reasonable prices. DOVE Under-muslins consist of all styles of the following garments: rn Envelope Chemise $1.G3 to $3.29 Night Gowns $1.80 to $3.2!) Corset Covers 13c to $1.(13 Underskirts $1.G3 to $3.29 Illooniers 8c to $1.G Drawers 28c to $1.G3 Come to Under-muslins Headquarters now to see our beautiful assort ments. There will also be a full line of Children's Under-muslins Included. j.t it $ t.t j.t :.: J.t ).t :.t j; i.t :.: it J.t i.t J.t 1 it Mat. 2;30 Night 7:30 MERIT STORE 'THE MILLIONAIRE" "Nufi Sed" 0