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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1919)
i n, , fit a The Masterpiece of the Master All Critics ap;ree: Griffith has outdone even his world- wonder "The Birth of a Nation. ' V THE SUPREME TRIUMPH! Keith Theatre, North Platte, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 13, 14, 15. 18 Months in Making. HUMOR,. PATHOS, LOVE, HATE. Taken on the Battle Fields of France, these scenes will live in history and go down the path way of time into eternity. Wovon through all is the most Heart Grip ping Romance of modern times. "One would have to write columns to give any idea of the scenes and incidents.' New York Times. "More action, more beautiful scenes, more magnificent acting than you would get in a dozen so-called features." Boston Post. D. W. Griffith's You Laugh! You Cry! Shout With Joy! You Enchanting Music- Symphony Orchestra tSSBBBSSKSJSSXlSii Twice, Daily, 2:15 8:15 Twice Daily, 2:1 S 8:15 Sweetest Love Story of all Ages. See it. You will "then say "Thank' God" for our boys who went ov er to crush the greatest tyrant o! all ages Autocracy. , RESERVED SEATS ON SALE: PRICES SOc, 75c and $1,00. Twelve Hours of Entertainment Crowded into Three. Direct from the Large Cities. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Vaunita Hayes visited in Grand Island Sunday. C. M. Reynolds, of Omaha, was a visitor in town yesterday. SEE us for SERVICE. THE REX-j ALL STORE. Thurston Woodhurst spent Sunday visiting his aunt and brother in Kear ney. For Rent Furnished room. 204 oast Third street- 7-3 ' W. L. Carey, of Omaha, spent yes terday in town as the guest of C. T. Whelan. For quick action and fiotlsfactorj ale list yonr land with Thoclocke. tf Tlio Royal Neighbors wll meet in the K. P. hall Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. i Mrs. E. H. Gengo returned to Den ver yesterday after visiting friends in town for a week. Mike McFadden, of Paxton, spent Sunday with his family who aro guests at the John Herrod home. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. Frank Herrod, of Ogalalla, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. Rcgina Herrod of this city. Express your sentiments on Valen tino day with a box of Liggett's Choco lates. THE REXALL STORE. Wanted Contracts for plowing. Call at 075 No. Locust. Phone Red 5GG. 22 W. J. Ilolderness, lato with tho Art tiflcial Ico Co., is now electrician for tho potash company putting in a plant west of Sutherland. Dr. Morrill, Denttst. Offlco over Wilcox Department Store. Thomas Briggs, elevator operator at tho federal building, was called to Omaha Saturday afternoon by the death of his father. Chas. Hupfer, who was in tho school for naval ensigns at Chicago, receiv ed his discharge last week and arriv ed lmmo Friday afternoon. Tho' Harrington Mer. Co. will buy your Hay and Grain. Obtain our prices before you sell. tf Jack Stack, who has beon in train ing at tho Great Lakes for soveral months, is expected to return home about tlie 15th of this month. Sherwin-Williams nalnts anil vnr- nishes. Ono for every surface and pur pose, sola only at the REXALL DRUG Dr. H. C. Brock, Dentist. X-Rayi Diagnosds. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Mrs. Thomas Gorham and two chil dren of Grand Island, who were call-1 ed hero last week by tho death of a' relative, returned homo Saturday a-l ternoon. " At the Franklin auditorium Friday evening tho high school basket ball team defeated tho Ogalalla school; team by a score of twenty-two to eight. For Sale A Jersey bull, two years old this spring, eligible to registry. . Writo I. M. Abercomblo, Bignell, Ne-I braska. 9-3 ' Another light fall of snow Friday J evening added more moisture to moth er earth. The sun was right and warm Saturday and the streets became t slushy. For Sale Four room cottago at 404 So. Willow. Phono 784F2. . 8tf Real estate men report that they have sold many residence lots this winter and that all the purchasers hot with a view of erecting residences this year. Get your Dodge Brothers car order ed now, when wo can give you def inite delivery date. J. V. ROMIGH. Dealer. 7-8 1 S. R. Derryberry returned tho lat ter part of last week from Omaha whero ho spent several days attend ing tho convention of Nebraska hard waro dealers. Mrs. Walter Adams and son Chris tie, former residents of this city, are visiting at the Shilling homo while enrouto to Omaha from an extended stay in Los Angeles. A few deslrnltlo second-Iinnd Fords at tho right prices. Hciidy-Ogjor Aulo Company. Among tho special features at the Catholic Girls' Club danco this even ing will bo musical selections by megaphone by Messrs. Paul Harring ton and James Sliaeffer. s.t Br? ay! Stop, Listen, Read! Do you know what we seH? Just read over the list and if you need anything in our line, phone206 or call at the Lamb building on north Locuat street. WE HANDLE :.: :.: :.: j.t i.t i.t it i.t 5.J 5 :.: i.t i.t i.t i.t t.t i.t i.t :.; j.t :.: COAL OF ALL KINDS CARNATION FLOUR CORN MEAL GRAHAM FLOUR PAN CAKE FLOUR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR MIXED CHICKEN FEED CORN WHEAT SCREENINGS CORN CHOP BARLEY Sl'ELTZ EGG MASH FOR CHICKENS CALF MEAL OF ALL KINDS. ALFALFA MOLASSES FEED COTTON CAKE LINDSEED OIL MEAL TANKAGE LEYP0LDT & PENNINGTON, Lamb Building, North Locust St. Phone 206 The Artificial Ico Co. is remodeling its plant whereby the output will be considerably Increased. It Is hoped that with this Increased capacity tho trado can be fully supplied. Geo. S. Arnold, tho Rawlelgh man. Tel. Black 1013, Ros. C14 Garfield. All orders promptly delivered. 4-S Mrs. Victor VonGootz, Jr., of Port land, Ore., who was called to Garflold by tho illness and death of her father Frank P. Hoy, arrived in town Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends. The Ladies Aid Society of tho Meth odist church will meet at tho church parlor Thursday afternoon. A twenty flvo cent supper will bo served at six o'clock for tho ladies, their families nnd friends. - Old Trusty and Queen Incubators and Brooders nt Fuclory Prices. SIMON HRO. S-S Julius Pizer last week purchased 1G0 acres of tho Scott Reynolds ranch southeast of town for $10,000 cash. This land adjoins tho P. & II. ranch and gives a road outlet to a certain portion of the ranch land. Writing from Lembach, Germany, to a friend, Francis Sandall says: "Still on deck but not very keen on- bolng entertained by the kaiser. Wo aro a short distance from Coblenz and the Rhino. Expect to be on our way home boforo long maybe?" Private money to loan on Improved farm land. No delay, money sumo day you make your application. 0. II. THOELECKE. Switchman Harry Douggett, charg ed with stealing automobllo tires from a car in tho local yards, had a preliminary hearing In tho county court Friday and wns bound over to tho district court Hinder a bond of $1,000; which he furnished. Tho REXALL STORE delivers. Call No. 4. .HWiSS Harry Hinkle, who stole a watch and other jewelry and war savings stamps from Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cath ers and from his room mate, and was arrested at Suporlor, plended guilty boforo Judge Woodhurst Saturday and was bound over to tho district court.- All the property stolon with tho exception of a watch chain wns surrondored by Hinkle. DERRYBERRY & FORBES will have a mill line of Draperies, Laco Curtains ana W ton Ituus on ilisnlav nnn iinv only, AVodnesdny, February 12th. Wili no a treat to see them. Archio Hood, who enllBted In tho navy twelvo days after war was de clared was discharged last week and arrived homo Friday. During his ser vice ho was stationed on four dlfforent vessels and had soveral cruises to foreign ports. At tho timo of bin dts charge ho was chief yeoman on a transport, a position that was suf ficiently lueratlvo to hold had not Mr Hood n desire to completo an educa tion. Don't loso your noultrv with nnlitn n!n or roun. when vnu run rum it with Mo', Roup Remedy. You can get it at mo Norm sido Drug Store or or it. MCKarland. 2004 east 4th st. No Platto. Nob., box C2C. C-tf Federal labor managor Boolor say the percentage of tho unemployed li North Platto Is gradually growln larger throuchont tho North Ptntt district, which comprises twenty-three larger and tlio same is truo throughout mo .ortn nntio district, which com prises twenty-thrco counties. Hi bollovcH, however, that when sprini work opens on tho. fnrms nnd ir tho blllldlnc linos. ' a Inrtrn nor centago of this unemployed labor will no aoRornod. : :o: : Don't neglect signals of distress Ir tho kldnevs. Bnckaohn. dcrs, pnlo complexion dark rings anout mo eyos. moan kldnoy troublo. Begin promptly taking Prickly Ash wnors: it is a kidney remedy of th first cinss. Price Jl 2tr ner imiti, "JIM" CLINTON PREFERS GERMANY TO FRANCE. Writing from Rhinobrohe, Gormany, to the homo folks iundor dato of January 14th, "Jim" Clinton says In part: "At last I am bnck with my regi ment and enjoying life In Gormany. Wo wont from the convalescent enmp to Toul, whore wo recolved now equipment. Spent ono dny there and thon started on our trip, going thru Motz, Luxemburg and Coblenz. Wo changed trains and had a fourteon- hour lay over at Coblenz. Wo oxpoct to romnin at Rhlncbroho for some time. Wo are on tho bank of tho Rhino nnd all thoy say about tho beauty of tho Rhino is truo. This is indeed somo different from Franco. nnd Is tho nearest llko bolng In tho stntes of any country I know. Tho prices for commodities are reasonable. Wo aro short on soap, sugar and bread, but otherwise it soms things aro fine. Ono can Tinderstnnd why Fritz put up such a good fight when you spo tho railroad facilities hero and tho amount of shipping on tho Rhino. The rhango was notlceablo as soon ns wo crossed into Alsace-Lorraine, nnd as long ns I am abroad I am con tent to stay hero Instead of in Franco. I Core wo have electricity, riMinlng water, cleanliness and beauty. Tho people treat us lino nnd wo aro "sit ting on tho world." Mo aro Bleoplng in beds once again." : :o: : Big Crowd a( Reception. Tho reception tendered returned soldiers and sailors by tho Sammy Girls at tho Elks' home Friday even ing Attracted a big crowd notwith standing the stormy weather. Many of the returned boys were present, as wcro also relatives of tho boys, and them was a good turn out of citizens nt large. Tho program given in tho lodge room consisted of vocal solos by Mrs. Arthur Tramp, Miss Sadio Trovillo and Paul Harlngton, cornet olo W Earl Stomp, violin roIo bv Trevoivn Douoot nnd readings by miss wnitemnth nnd Miss Kelly. At tho conclusion of tho program tho lodge room wan cleared nnd dancing was indulged in until midnight. About eleven o clock a tralnload of sailors enrouto to New York arrived from the west, nnd about a hundred of them woro brought to tho hall by i nnfr n workers. Upon arrival It was announced thnt he fior would bo exclusively for tho uso of tho soldiers nnd sailors, nnd for nn hour tho only men on tho floor woro thoso wonring tho O. D. or tho blue. CaKo nnd coffoo wns served in tho iilnlnir hall, and my how thoso Jacklos did vt cake. A a whole tho reception wns very wof-smi and plonsant affair. : :o: : Fnther and Son Week. Today opens tho Father and Son week which will ho observed all over tho country. Under tho program out lined, tlio father and son will spend this evening nt homo with games and personal chats. Tomorrow evening a dlnm r will bo served In tho basement of Hie Presbyterian church with tonst" by both father and sons. Thurs day i onlng thoro will ho a conference meeting of fnthors nnd sons nt tho Franklin auditorium, when plnns will bo discussed for providing clean nmu'inont for tho young people of tho city. Friday will bo recroatton day and Sunday fnthors and sons will go to church together. : :o: : Tl county commissioners hnvo been engaged for a day or two In checking up tho books of tho county tron- irer, nnd transacting such other routum busInoBs, ns comos boforo them. : :o: FOR SALE. Having bo'' my shoo business I will for a shor no offor my modorn home at n In. W H. r " R, 820 East Gth stroot, Phoro Rr ' "). Pny Checks Reduced. Enforcement of tho eight hour schedulo haa been general on tho rnllronilft l tlin west with tho result Hint mniiv eninlovoes who woro nnld on an olght hour basis but who act ually worked a greater number of nours, havo una tno ngurcs on inoir pity checkB much roducod. In mnn mstnnco tho reduction has boon as muclv ns one-sixth of the tunount for merly drawn, and In a smallor amount of cases It has reached one-fourth of tho amount formerly drawn. FOR SALK. Thrco ncro farm Just outsldo of city limits; about an ncro and half in al falfa: four room house Possession lBt of March. Terms. Inquire 302 So. Chestnut. 8-3 : :o: : Col. Jim Whlto nnd D. B. White, of Sutherland, woro visitors In town yesterday. Mom Deadly Weapons. Boston, Fob. 9. Socrotnry of War Baker warned n lnrgo audlonco hero tonight that "uiiIohs tlio loaguo of na tions idea prevailed, scientists would invont, for nnothor war, weapons of destruction boyond tho comprehension ot thoso who fought in tho recent world contllct." Ho said ho know of an invention thnt was being porfectcd which would onablo mon to drop oloctrlcally con trolled bombs containing BOO pounds of explosives upon unprotected cities 150 miles distant. Thoso Implements, ho said, would kill thousands. ;:o::- Aching in tho small ot tho back Is an indication of kldnoy disease Tho proper courso In such, ensos Is to bo gin at onco tho uso of Prickly Aoh Bitters. It Is an offoctlvo kldnoy rem edy und systom regulator. Prlco $1.25 por bottlo. GUMMERE-DENT DRUG CO.. .Special Agonta. ALWAYS USE COW BRAND FLOUR : H0RTH PLATTE ;i! op m NORTH H.ATTE.NER L CW BRAHD J! IT MAKES BETTER BREAD PATRONIZE NORTH PLATTE INDUSTRIES SOW THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA North Platte Substation, Offers for sale at public auction at tho Substation Farm 60-DUROC JERSEY-SO Bred Gilts and Tried Sows One o'clock P. TUESDAY, FEB. 25, 1919. The breeding is Critic B, Grand Model, Deet's Illus trator 2nd, Pathfinder, Orion Cherry King, Kern's Sensation. These sows aro herd mates of tho barrows that won seven out of a possible nine ribboiiB at tho Deliver Show. Transportation from and to town will bo provided out of town bidders requesting same. Lunch at noon. W. P. SNYDER, Supt. Gummcrc-Dent Dr"r Co,, Special Agt