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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1919)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take CASCARAE QUININE Standard cold remedy for JO year In tablet form ufe.ture, no opiates breaks up a cold In 24 hours relievea grip in 3 days. Money back if itfalU. The genuine box has Red top with Mr. HiU's picture. At All Drug Stores. RIDDC orticultol ! DAIRY BARN OR OPEN SHED? mm Chickens Sick or Not Doing Well? An Extraordinary Offer: TiZSifr2 kt (or chlclen ttoAMtt, roup. coMa, ctwltra, iwtUtJ t,,t Wwtl complaint, ealcken pox, easier, not dolni wa, non lerlnf. tie. Kow oor propciltlonj U no dtalcr tbtra ka4 rV 'itmo!"' " Tou W erree toiue It and par If aat UM. wa wM ate4roaa73e packale without a cent In nnco. No par It not aatlnaed. Can we do roortt Attl wi will send tna S poultry booklet. Writs today, toctl dealers handlist Gerroorone will do th seas. CEO. H. LEECO, Dept. G, OMAHA. NEB. t Mupy u man lms been robbed by his Mends while watching his enemies. INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH HURRYl JUST EAT ONE TABLET OF PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR INSTANT RELIEF. No waiting I When meals don't fit and you belch gas, acids and undigest ed food. When you feel Indigestion pnln, lumps of distress In stomnch, heartburn or benduche, llero Is Instant relief. Just ns soon ns you eat n tablet of Papo's Dlnpcpsln nil the dyspepsia, In digestion and stomach distress ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape's Dlapepsln always make sick, up let stomochs feel fine at once and they cost bo little at drug stores. Adv. The cipher Is an example of some thing for nothing. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, ""roughnesi or Itching, If any, with Cutlcura Oint ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on n little Cutlcura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragranco on skin. Everywhere 25c each. Adv. Put your shoulder to fortune's wheel and turn It to suit yourself. Weekly Health Talks A Word About the Kidneys BY DOCTOR WATSON. People are easily frightened when they think sotnething in the matter with their lungs or heart, and well they may be; but few people understand the dangers of dis eased kidneys. These organs have a duty of vital importance to perform, and if they are diseased, there is no telling how or where the symptoms may appear. The kidneys are filters, and when they are healthy they remove the poisons from the blood and purify it. When the kidneys are diseased, the poisons are spread every where, and one of these poisons is urio acid. The uric acid is carried all through the system and deposited in various places, in the form cf urate salts in the feet, ankles, wrists and back often forming bags under the eyes. Sometimes the result ing trouble is called rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and backache. Finally, come stone (n the bladder, diabetes and Bright's dis ease. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., in recent years, discovered that a certain combina tion of remedies would dissolve uric acid (urate salts) in the system. Ho found this combination to be harmless, so that he made it up in tablets, of double strength, and called them Anuric Tablets. They dissolve uric acid in the human system as hot coffee dissolves sugar. If you have nrio acid troubles, don't delay in taking Anuric Tablets, which can be secured in the drug stores. You can write Dr. Tierce, too, and he will tell you what to rat and how to live so that more uric acid will not form in your system. Dr. Pierce will not ehargo for this advice. SEMI-SOLID For Hog's and Poultry fey Sold direct from factory to consumer. If you want to r get the best results for the least money write or call on , Consolidated Products Co. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA or Harding Cream Company OMAHA, NEB. KANSAS CITY. MO. CHILBLAINS RELIEVED FOR 25c Many people suffer from Chilblains without realizing what It It. One application of Dei ton's One Nltflit Chilblain Remedy will relieve the most stubborn case. We guarantee it and will promptly refund the money if you fall to get relief. We have occupied the most promi nent Drug Corner in Omaha for twenty years, which means our guarantee is good. Sent by mall on receipt of 25o. H EATON UltUO CO. lath and Farnsrn Omaha, Nebraska W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. &-1919. ROAD WORK AWAITED PEACE Small Amount Money Expended Be. cause of Desire to Conserve Labor, Money and Transportation. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Although $U ,550,000 was nvnllnblo for expenditure on the post roads from the federal aid road act, only $-125,-415 was paid from federal funds In tho highway construction season of 1018 on all projects. The reason for this, according to the unnual report of tho secretary of agriculture, was tho steps taken to conserve money, labor, transportation and materials in high way work during the war, and nt the same time to facilitate really essential highway projects. In connection with tho federal nld road work, a letter was addressed to each state highway department ask ing that n program of federal aid coiv structlon be submitted at the earliest possible date. In which would bo In cluded only those projects which the state highway departments considered vitally necessary to the transportation facilities of the country. At the request of the capital Issues committee, engineers of tho depart ment were made available for Inspect ing and reporting upon proposed high way and Irrigation and dralnngo bond Issues. Inspections were made of 181 separate projects, Involving total bond Issues of $30,912,390. An arrange- J ment was made with the fuel admin- Istrntlon whereby highways of special Importance should receive enough bi tuminous material to provide for ade- l qunte maintenance, and, where ncces- i sary, to permit construction and recon structlon. From May 13, 1918, when the co-operation became actively effec- tlve, until the close of the fiscal year, . ! nnnllr-ntlnna nnlllm- fnr 7fi DTKY. 000 gallons of bituminous material..! were received from states, counties and , municipalities. Of this amount provol was given and permits were Is- sued for GS.OOO.OOO gallons. I In order to co-ordinate the activities I of vnrlous government agencies, so far . ns they relate to highways; better to conservo materials, trnnsnni-tntlnn , money nnd labor; to eliminate delays and uncertainties, nnd to provide posi- Truck Load of Hot Bituminous Con crete Being Dumped Ready to Be Placed on Surface. tlve nsslstir'-w In carrying on vltnlly effective highway work, the secretary requested each of the government de partments and administrations Inter ested to nnme u representative to serve on u council to deal with highway proj ects during the period of the war. As a result, the United States highways council, consisting of i. representative from tho department of agriculture, J tho war department, the railroad ad ministration, tho war Industries board and the fuel administration wns formed In June. During the first four months of its existence tho council passed upon about 5,000 applica tions, Involving nearly -1.0C0.000 bar- 1 rels of cement, 3,250,000 tons of stone, 1 1,110,000 tons of gravel, 1,207,000 tons I of sand, over 77.000,000 brick, nnd I nearly 20,000,000 pounds of steel, nnd j 1-10,000,000 gallons of bituminous ma ; terials. FAULTY CONDITION OF ROADS Often Due to Small Appropriations In Endeavor to Make Cheap Surface Endure. Too often faulty road conditions nre due to too small appropriations In the endeavor to moke a cheap "surface en dure under heavy tralllc. Where traf lie of tiny consequence exists, the chenpest road to build Is usually the most expensive In the end. Permanent Investment. Every dollar spent In good roads Is u permanent, paying Investment, peo plolzlng public highways and promot ing legitimate truillc and travel be tween communities. Good roads make near neighbors of once distant strangers. New Roads or Congestion. Automobile manufacturers tfhy there; Is an immediate market for u million new cars. We shall have to build soma new roads or there will be n universal congestion of trnfllc. I - 1 a i Much Mooted Question Among Fra ternity for Many Years Data Offered by Government. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of AKrteuKuro.) "Cows consumed somowhnt moro feed and produced slightly more milk when kept In open sheds than In closed barns, whllo their Increased production did not offset the cxtro( cost of feed," reports the United States depart ment of agriculture from the results of Investigations conducted at Heltsvlllc, Md. "Which : the open shed or closed bnPh for dairy cows?" has been a much mooted question among Interior of a Well-Arranged Dair Barn. the dairy fraternity for many years and tho data o.fered by the federal department Is Illuminative In cleur'ng u the problems. From present kiiowl edge, the open shed Is not thought to ' uu,,Htu lu " , ' !!?. SF i!ifl wing: Considering all operations, othei th"n milking and feeding, slightly ,noru labor wns required to euro lot cows un(ler 41,0 opeiwrtied system ut tr.ruiugetnent, while there was n lon- i i .1 a . i r i.i dency for "boss" cows to deprive tha weaker animals of feed, and the nor mal advantages of tho shed which re sulted in decreased production on thq part of the more timid cows. Thq iiinnutc wns apparently well pre served, until it could be hauled to the land, under the open-shed system and It was handled more economical than in tho closed bnru. Furthermore, cornstalks in the manure were sunV cleiitly decomposed to bu handled sue cessfully with the manure spreader. Under the open-shed system, 08 pel cent more bedding was required fot each cow, but tho cows were cleanei nnd more comfortable. There n l.'ttlo difference In the time required , to bed the nnimnls under the two sys tems, hut the rapid rotting of the corn stalks or other coarse material un (ley tho open-shed method makes then use for litter in the open shed pni' i tical. Despite other results to tli. contrary, tho results of this expeii ment showed that there was little ii I any difference in the frequency of in I juries to cows under either open-sin or closed-burn conditions. In general, little difference could In noted In the contentment of the cows tinder open-shod or closed-barn con ditions. Some of the animals up peared to be more contented in barn 'stalls; others moro at ease in the open shed, while still others appar ently had lib preference. However under open-shed conditions the cow hud more freedom, as they could li down and get up with ease and could select n clean place on which to lif whenever they chose. Furthermore they hud access to an abundant sup ply of fresh air. In many poorly ven tlluted dairy bnms the ulr supplv doubtless would be an Important fin tor In making the open shed more ! slrablo ns u source of cow comfort. Data collected by tho department of agriculture shows that In the in stance of 21 cows which wero kepi under the two systems, 15mlmals pro duced more milk and butterfut win kept In the open shed, while six cov s showed u higher production win u maintained in tho closed barn. Tin' total production while In the op a hed was tt-i.KlO.O pounds of milk con tnlnlng' pounds of butterf:n, and that in the closed burn was Hi -808.7 pounds of milk containing I pounds of butterfut. Accom'- ingly. under the opezi-shed system, there wns u total Increase for tl" period considered, about eighty dn -. pf 2.7J12.2 pounds of milk nnd i)7 . 1 pounds of butterfut, or an uveruge i"r each cow of 1:50.1 pounds of milk in I 4.05 pounds of butterfut. The tot l numner or months compared uin.' r each system was f7, and the avern " time was about eighty days. Calcu tlons from these figures Indicate tl t there was an average monthly m crease of -IS pounds of milk and 1 7 pounds of butterfut for each cw while stabled In the open shed. It Is largely a matter of preference for tho farmer to deter mine under which system, open tdn-d or closed dairy barn, It Is most pif Itable for him to maintain his dairy cows, PLAN OUTLINED FOR PRUNING In Working on Apple and Pear Trcei Begin Sawing on Underside Leave No Stubs. U'repuretl by tho United Status Depart ment of Agriculture.) Hegln pruning the apple and pear tii'. s by sawing on tin underside and :ut all diseased branches and all crowding brunches to open up the tor s the sunlight can get In next year to rolor the fruit. If large branches must be taken olY, begin sawing on tho underside nnd about one-third through f the branch; then saw from the top l meet the lower cut. In this way there will be no breaking or tearing il"wn of the sapwood und bark, as will be the case if the sawing Is nil done fmm the top. "ut oil" all brunches so short that no tul will he left nnd after a few days ..??- v.. : , !fa&U.,I,.rffgVi ....XSiz..:i&. Young Apple Tree In Need of Pruning cover the large wounds with white lend and raw linseed oil pulnt. Do not prune the stone fruit trees until spring. MULCH STRAWBERRY PLANTS Couple Inches of Straw or Waste Hay Should Be Spread for Winter Protection. (Prepared by tho United Stutos Depart ment ot Agriculture.) After the ground freezes cover tho strawberry plants with a mulch of a couple of Indies ot straw, waste buy cut before it ripened seed or coarse manure with the flue portion shuken out. Do not use vegetable rubbish containing weed seeds, because these seeds will grow next year and cause a lot of work to keep the weeds cleanedjiout. The mulch protects thu ground from sudden thnwing and freezing which "heaves out" plants not protected. BENEFITS OF COVER CROPS Hold Soil, From Washing, Prevent Burning Out Humus and Furn ish Pasture for Stock. Cover crops hold the orchard soil from washing, prevent burning out hu mus, furnish profitable pnsturo for hogs, calves, poultry and small stock, and furnish un excellent mulch and soil cover for the trees. If tho or chard is pastured with small stock it should not be pastured too close. Knough growtlt should be made by Hie cover crop for winter to furnish a good mulch that will catch nnd hold snow und leaves that would otherwise blow away. STRAWBERRIES TO DO WELL Soil Must Be Supplied With Humus If Manure Cannot Be Supplied, Use Some Crops. Strawberries to succeed well must be on soli that Is well supplied with humus, and If manure cannot be had he sure to turn under organic muttei of Mime other kind, such as a crop of eowpo'is, crnb grass, etc. In turning under this kind of organic material however, one should be careful to dr. U early enough for It to rot ns much i pnyolhln before the strawberries art I ll !'t. Ml Be The "ffl-sr i m in juouii ox Jiieirar vr?r war Ill I -M ! Land els off easy acre Many farms cattle, sheep encourages era. l'nrnis W. Truly Rated. "What do you think of n man who will constantly decelvo his wife?" "I think he's a wonder 1" Red Cross Boll Bluo is tho, flnewt product of Its kind in tho world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows tills statement to be true. It's what a woman doesn't know about a man that causes her to have a good opinion of him. 1 Mttxmst mv vtnn It-H GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES For centuries all over tho world GOLD M1CDAL Haarlem Oil has af forded relief In thousands upon thou sands of cases of lame back, lunmgo, sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, grav el and all other affections of tho kid neys, liver, stomach, bladder and al lied organs. It acts quickly. It docs tho work. It cleanses your kidneys nnd purllles the blood. It makes a new man, a new woman, of you. It frequently wncds on attacks of tho dread and fatal diseases of ,tho kid neys. It often completely cures tho distressing diseases of the organs of the body allied with tho bladder and kidneys. Woody or cloudy urine, sed iment, or "brlckdust" Indlcuto nn un healthy condition. Do not delay n minute If your back aches or you nre sore across tho loins or hnve dlfllculty when urinating. Go to your druggist at onco and get of Baby Colds rtnulro treatment with a remedy t Uins no opiates, risers is mini tut elec tive) pleasant to take. Ask, your druggist for PIS' Sure to Get 3 HE wax-wrapped sealed package with WRtGLEVS upon if Is a guar antee of quality. The largest chewrn& gum factories Id tfis world the largest selling gum In the world: that is what WRtGLEVS means. ' SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT 17 Flavor Lasts! 1 -u-b v 'as. Western Canada for veara has hel Dd to t eed the world the same responsi bility of production atili rests upon her. While blah prices for Grain, Cattle and Sheep ere sure to remain, price of land ia much below its value. capable of yielding 20 to 45 bualt- wheat to the acre can be had on terms at from $15 to $30 per good grazing land at much less. paid for from a sinule year's crop. Railing and liORS brings equal success. The Government tormina ana stock mining. Kauwov ana Land (onioamea oner unusual Inducements to Horns Seek mnv no stocked bv loans at moderate interest. Western Canada offers low taxation, Rood markets and ship ping; free schools, churches and healthful climate. e Far d articular! as to reduced railway rate, location of land. IDas- trsUU llUratore. ate., apply to Supt. of lmmla., Ottawa, Can., or V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bte Diuldkuj, OMAHA, Ntk. Canadian Government Agent Some men have a mat)la for doing nothing und do It assiduously. Take care of your health nnd wealth will tako care of you. Garlleld Tei promotes health. Adv. Wlso Is tho man who knows what not to say to a woman. j 1 Keep clean !: as well as outside bj (aktest a eentl laxative at least once a Week, such ai Doctor Pltrce's t'leassat I'olltts. A dr. There Is pleasure In sllenco. bos of Imported GOLD MEDAL Uaaf lem Oil Capsules. They are pleasant and easy to take. Each capsule con tains about ono dose of Ave drops, Tako them Just llko you would any pill. Tako a small swallow of water If you want to. They dissolve In the stomach, and tho kidneys sonk up th oil llko a sponge does water. Thoy thoroughly cleanse nnd wash out the bladder and kidneys and throw off the Inllammntlon which Is the cause of the trouble. They will quickly relieve those stiffened Joints, that backache, rheumatism, lumbago, so'ntica, gall atones, gravel, "brlckdust," etc. They aro an effective remedy for all die eases of the bladder, kidney, llver stomach and allied organs. Your druggist will cheerfully refund your money if you nre not sntisfled nfter e few dnys' use. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Tlnnrlem Oil Capsules. None other genuine. Ad. 1